BRISBANE THIS WEEK Six Babies in Three Days World's Greatest Terror ,, Another Mild Bad Man How to Avoid Thought ¥ very on the shore of Lake Nleca- poor woman By EDWARD W. PICKARD birth to seven ba- bles.” The mother, Mrs. The births stretched May 3, 4 and 6&5. The bables’ names are, or were, Jesus, Ramon del Carmen, Maria del Arthur Brisbane 4.) Carmen, Maria de Jesus and Juana Ramona. The seventh name was not tele- graphed, for there was no seventh, as it was expected there would be. Five of the sextuplets are already dead. Only one, a girl, lives, What would population of the earth be If such births were the rule and all lived? At the opening of the Catholle press exhibition in Vatican City, Pope Plus, for the second time within two days, cautioned the world against commu. nism, which he called “the great terror which threatens all the world.” For the comfort of those that live in dread of final Communist world conquest, it may be sald that thus far nothing opposed to human nature has ever succeeded. By the arrest in California of Thom- as H. Robinson, Jr., kidnaper of Mrs. Stoll, Mr. Hoover and his G-men brought Into the shadow of the electric chair the last of the group of danger- ous criminals that have recently been wandering about the country. This “bad man,” like others recently gathered in, shook with fright when he found the gun pointed at him, made no effort to fight. When the guns are pointed the wrong way, “bad men” oft- en change to good, meek and scared men, Stamp collectors have held a celebra- tion, grateful to Doctor Eckener for a new kind of stamp. How many ways man finds to keep busy and at the same time avold thinking! Collecting queer things stamps or tear jugs; playing bridge, working cross-word puzzles, playing solitaire, rushing to the far corners of the world to spend money-—usually not earned; going to Africa to kill big game ani- mals. Those are some substitutes for thinking and working constructively, the only occupation worthy of a hu. wan being. airs. James C. Canipe of Clovis, New Mexico, as a girl was not able to finish high school, but that did not discour- age her. She waited some years, Then ehe joined the senior high school class with her son and daughter-in-law, and will graduate with them this month, among the most brilliant scholars, Chancellor Hitler, who was never mar ried, nevertheless thinks marriage a good idea. Young Nazis, in the public employ, have been told that unless they marry by the time they are twen- ty-six years old there Is something the matter with their “courage and will power.” A syndicate Is formed to seek the “buried gold bags of ‘Alexander the Great,” containing at least $300,000,000 in yellow wealth, Alexander the Great's ghost might be surprised to hear about that. Alex. S ENATOR WILLIAM BORAH banked heavily on success in the Ohlo Presidential preference primary, but the Republicans of that state turned him down decisively in favor of thelr “fa- vorite son,” Robert A. Taft, son of the late President Taft. Of the 52 delegates to the Cleveland convention, Borah captured only five, the others, In- cluding the delegates at large, being Taft men. The winning del- egation will be. virtu- ally unpledged, be. Senator Borah | cause it will vote for Taft only on the first ballot. Mr. Borah did not take this defeat calmly. He gave out a state- | ment In Washington accusing the Re- publican organization leaders of ma- nipulating the votes of colored citizens | against him by promising the passage of federal anti-lynching legislation which he has opposed as unconstitu. tional. The Idaho senator added: “The Republican party will go Into the campaign laying great stress upon Constitutional Integrity and the pres- ervation of state rights. “The men who are in control of the party, and who will likely be in con- trol of the convention, will write its platform and name its candidate, have already demonstrated that they care nothing about Constitutional Integrity or the preservation of state rights, that their talk on this subject ia hypocritical and intellectually dishonest.” Ohlo Democrats polled about 500.000 votes In the primary, nearly 100,000 more than the Republicans, and they expressed thelr preference for Mr, Roosevelt over Col. Henry BErecken- ridge to the tune of 16 to 1. They also renominated Gov. Martin L. Davey, who will be opposed by John W, Brick- er, Republican, in November, West Virginia also held primaries and there Borah and Roosevelt won easily over nominal opposition. The state's Republican delegation, however, will go to the convention uninstructed. It is Interesting to note that one of Ohlo's delegates at Cleveland will be Alice Roosevelt Longworth, daughter of “T. R” and a spectator at many previous conventions, E ARE not going to have any currency Inflation, at least be. fore next session of congress. The Frazier-Lemke farm mortgage refinanc- ing bill, dragged out of committee by a petition signed by 218 house mem- bers, and then hotly debated for a day, was defeated by the decisive vote of 235 to 142. The bill called for the print. ing of three billion dollars for its financing. The petition signers included 150 Democrats, and before the vote every one of them was told by Pat Boland of Pennsylvania, the party whip, that the President didn't want the measure passed at this time and that If the member voted for the bill it would be | Just too bad for him. Besides this po- tent argument the Democratic leaders induced President Willlam Green of the American “ederation of Labor to intervene and he called together the federation’s executive council and had it write a letter saying It was opposed to the bill because of the Inflation fea. ture, This was read to the house by Speaker Byrns and undoubtedly af. fected the vote, though some members resented being told what to do by Mr, Green, There was relief In the White House when It was announced the President would not have to veto such a measure in an election year. not the kind of man to bury it in a hole. Encouraged by her father, a sixteen year-old high school girl walked onto the wing of a small plane, prepared for a first parachute jump, at 1,500 feet. The pilot perceived that the parachute cord had been pulled prema. turely; pulled her back into the cock- pit in time to save her from death, Without requiring encouragement, Mrs, Harriet O, Hague, eighty-six years old, flew the ocean on the Hindenburg return trip. Tell that to your friend who used to oppose female suffrage “because women are not brave lke men.” small gircraft, and some day this coun try’s automobile men will turn to alr plane bullding; then, those already past sixty may live to see in the alr 25000000 flying machines, one for every automobile on the ground, The Italian flag files over Halle Selassie’s palace. He will never see that palace again, but he has boxes of gold bars with him and has moved to a safer, better climate, The civilized world, whatever its at. titude toward the slave-dealing alleged descendants of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, must rejoice In Mus. solini’s proclamation abolishing slavery throughout Ethiopia, where slaves have been the chief cash-producing product. © King Features Byndicste, Ina, I ve RESIDENT ROOSEVELT was sup- i posed to have abandoned for the | present the Florida ship canal and | Passamaquoddy tidal power projects | for which the house refused to appro- | priate further funds. But Senator | Robinson of Arkansas was called to | the White House for a conference and | returned to the house to introduce a | resolution authorizing the President to | appoint engineering boards of review for the two schemes, The boards would present their find. ings by June 20, and, if favorable, the President would have authoriza. {tion to set aside $10,000,000 for the | canal and $0,000,000 for Passamaquod- | 97 out of available relief money, EWTON D. BAKER and Dean Acheson, counsel, for five power companies that are trying to block the government's municipal power pro- gram, met with defeat In the District of Columbia Supreme court when thay sought to subpoena correspondence be tween President Roosevelt and Secree tary Ickes. Jerome Frank, a New Deal attorney, stated that the President had directed that his “privilege” of testi. monial Immunity be asserted In the case, and Chief Justice Wheat refused to issue the subpoena, JF, THE house concurs in senate ne tion, the title of Harold L. Ickes will be changed from secretary of the in- terior to secretary of conservation. A bill making the change was passed by the senate at the Instance of Senator Lewis of 1llinols. Two years ago, when Mr. Ickes was at the height of his power, he wanted the title altered to “secretary of conservation and works” and hoped that many of the agencies of the Department of Agriculture would be transferred to his department. But Secretary Wallace objected strenuous- ly, and lately so much has been taken out of Mr, Ickes’ hands that Senator Lewis cut his bill to the one paragraph, making the change of title and leaving off “and works.” V}/ ORES PROGRESS ADMINIS. TRATOR HARRY HOPKINS is- sued an order to state WPA directors instructing them pot to employ armed guards, not to spy on workers and not to blacklist workers who organize, The order was issued following a conference with Victor F. Ridder, New York city WPA administrator, who em- ployed a detachment of guards to pro tect his office agalost antl WPA dem. onstrations which Mr, Ridder asserts were stirred up by Communists, {rrosrioN in the senate finance committee to the corporate profits tax In the administration's $808.000,000 revenue bill was so strong that both Democrats and Republicans sought for some compromise. Treasury officials were heard In favor of the measure as passed by the house, but former treas ury officials and various business and Industrial leaders speaking in opposi- tion were seemingly more persuasive. Senator Tom Connally of Texas put forward a plan be thought all might agree upon. It would retain the 15 per cént corporation Income tax and re peal only the capital stock and excess profits taxes, Instead of repealing all corporation taxes as proposed in the house bill. In addition It would super impose a graduated tax on undistrib vied earnings, exempting the first 2 per cent on the amount retained. The house blll reaches a maximum of 42% per cent of the total income If none is distributed, Senator Byrd of Virginia, another of the Democrats opposed to the house bill, showed, In a letter to Secretary Morgenthau, that 11 of the largest corporations In the country would pay no taxes under the Roosevelt bIIL ESPONDING to a senate resolo- tion, Rexford Tugwell made a re port on the activities of the resettle ment administration of which he is the head, He shoyed that it has 15804 em ployees on the admin- istration pay roll and has been allotted 2T0.540.044 to spend Of this amount, the report stated, 808. 347005 has been spent and a total of $173. : 001.823 obligated, leav. b a ing $102458,112 unin- A — cumbered, R. G.. Tugwell Up to April 15, ae cording to the report, the resettlement administration had taken options on 9.070,000 acres of land, of which op tions on 8.460000 acres, costing $36. 344,000, had become legal commitments. As of May 1, the report sald, 50.521 persons, Including 3581 on the COCO pay roll, were employed In connection with the land acquisition program, The report stated that a recent sur vey Indicated that “the purchase of approximately 24,000,000 acres of land would be needed to block in and round out” the existing projects and to es tablish a minimum number of pew projects, Of 33 subsistence homestead pro). ects, construction has been completed on 18, Is In progress on 11 and final plans have been drafted for 4. The re port lists four suburban housing pro} ects, financed from a $31,000,000 allo cation for this purpose. They are In Berwyn, Md., Bound Brook, N. J, Mi} waukee, and Cincinnati, On rural rehabllitation, the report says the RA has cared for more than 800,000 families, For its rehabilitation advances to Individual “clients.” the administration will expend $106,000,000 through June 30, There were more than 71,000 work. ers employed on projects financed by the organization during April, the re port states, adding that the peak Is ex. pected to be reached during the sum. mer with 100,000 workers, BECAUSE the League of Nations council would not immediately rec ognize Italy's aonexation of Ethiopia and the creation of the new Roman em- pire, Premier Mussolini recalled his rep- resentatives from Geneva, and before long Italy may quit the league entirely, At present it Is merely “not partic) pating” in its activities. The council had adopted a new resolution virtually condemning again Italy's aggression in East Africa and then adjourned until June 15. Previously Baron Pompe! Alois! chief of the Italian delegation, had walked out of a session of the council because Wolde Mariam, Ethiopian representa. tive, was permitted to take a seat and present a plea from Emperor Halle Se- ! » (CHANCELLOR KURT SCHUSCH- its reconstruction ter. Von Starhemberg had antagonized pathles, ANUEL AZANA was advanced from the premiership to the presi. dency of Spain by almost unanimous vote of the 874 electors gathered in the Crystal palace at Madrid. He succeeds Niceto Alcala Zamora who was removed from office ona charge of malfeasance after the Leftist victory in the recent elections. Azana, fifty-six years old, is a lawyer, ora tor and playwright and is regarded as the most astute politician in Spain. To the noti- fication committee he sald: “Spain may rest assured that I will be loyal to the principles of democracy and that the welfare of the nation will be my constant concern.” Azana INDENBURG, the immense dirigl- bie, carrying 107 persons, mail and freight, made the flight from Fried. richshafen to Lakehurst, N. J. in 61 hours and minutes and was wel comed by thousands of Americans, in- cluding R. Walton Moore of the State department who brought the greetings and congratulations of President Roose velt. Three days later the airship started back to her new base at Frank- furt-on-Main. The dirigible was In the command of Capt. Ernst Lehmann, but he received far less attention here than did Dr. Hugo Eckener, the veteran skip- per of Zeppelins. Eckener, in bad with the Nazis at home, was permitted to be aboard the ship as an “adviser,” He and Captain Lehmann went to Wash. ington together, while the ship was be- ing groomed for the return flight, to call on President Roosevelt and other officials and return their greetings. On the return flight the Hindenburg traveled swiftly, reaching Frankfurt-on- Main 48 hours and 18 minutes after the departure from Lakehurst The Hindenburg Is to make ten com- mercial trans-Atlantic trips this sum- mer. ~ 57 ARK TRAMMELL, veteran United States senator from Florida and a staunch supporter of sll New Deal measures, died In Washington of a cerebral hemorrhage which followed an attack of Influenza, Though (Il, he tried to remain on the senate floor long enough to vote for a proposal to Include $12,000,000 in the War depart. ment appropriation bill for continua tion of the Florida ship canal This effort probably cost him his life. OME two thousand delegates were present when the annual conven tion of the American Red Cross was opened in Chicago by Admiral Cary T. Grayson, the national chairman. Speak- ers at early sessions Included Mayor Ed Kelly, and Raiph Christian, school boy of Birmingham, Ala, representing the Junior ReC Cross. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Vaughan, a purse of St. Louls, was awarded the Florence Nightingale med- al for her long record of nursing sery- ice, Dr. Thomas Parran, Jr, the new sur. geon general of the United States pub lic health service, was present and made a speech, and talks were delly. ered by Robert E. Bondy, director of national disaster relief, and others who directed activities in the flood and storm areas, ECRETARY ICKES supporters were easily defeated by the Harry whether the Public Works administra. tion should share In the handling of next year's relief funda. But it was understood the feud would be revived in the senate under the leadership of Senator Hayden of Arizona, Demo tions committee, to the wishes of the administration on the relief bill, which is a $2.304,220.712 measure carrying $1.425000000 to finance the Works Progress adminis tration after July 1, the social security program, $39,900,000 and various new and deficiency amounts mitted to be added to the bill in PWA personnel in Washington throughout the country, This alfects 2,000 persons, USTAPHA NAHAS PASHA, er of the Wald SONG AND DANCE The weary theatrical agent sat back at least twenty young women who was tired, Then came a timid knock on the door, and a rather faded young woman entered. “Excuse me, sir,” she sald, “but—" “All right,” he sald, resigned. “Sing something.” “But—" “No volce? Can you dance?” “No, 1 blooming well can't” she snapped. “But if you'll stop being fun- ny I'll start scrubbing the floor. That's what I came in for.” DISAPPOINTED S8he—You sald if 1 married you, | should want for nothing. He—With your dad's wealth I pever dreamed either of us would, Going Jimmy One Better Brown was taking his boy through the zoo, When they came to the gorilla, the youngster asked, “What is that, dad- dy ™ “That's one of boy." “Gee! I wish I could show that to Jimmy Peabody who's always blowin’ about his that came over in the May- flower,"—Boston Transcript. our ancestors, my Quite a Jump A sailor dropped out of the rigging of a ship of war some fifteen or twenty feet and fell plump on the head of the first lieutenant, “Stupid I” sald the officer, after he bad gathered himself up: “where did you come from?" “Sure, I came from Ireland, sir.” No Pleasant Dream “Is a retirement that will permit you to read and rest one of the pleasant dreams of your life? “It's no pleasant dream.” answered Senator Sorghum. “It's a nightmare” Paying Guest He—May I have some stationery? Clerk—(baughtily)—Are you a guest of the house? He-—Heck, no. I'm paying $20 a day. -Royal Arcanum Bulletin, Unhindered Imagination “1 suppose you are well acquainted with the star of your company 7” “Never met him" replied the press agent. “A successful press agent must be an idealist, not a realist” BEFORE AND AFTER “That woman has driven her hus agance.” he married her.” Natural Mistake | i ects."Cinsinnati Enquirer, Difficult Advice “Can you laugh at misfortune, as “Perhaps 1 might learn” answered Senator Sorghum, “But why delibera- wtely cultivate a bad sense of humor?” Reversing a Rule *A woman always has the last word,” remarked the eynleal citizen, “Not In our house,” replied Mr. Meek- ton. “I make It a point to see that Henrietta has the first word so that I can agree as intelligently as possible.” impractical “In my opinion,” sald Farmer Corn tossel, “that hired man o' mine is a very remarkable invention.” “Why do you call him that? “Because s0 many Inventions are things that ought to work and don't” Habits Live MIEL, the philosopher, was never wiser than when he sald: “Habits count for more than maxims, because habit is a living maxim, become flesh and instinct, To reform one's maxims Is nothing; it is but to change the title of the book. To learn new habits is everything for it Is to reach the substance of iife, Life 1s but a tissue of habits” Each good habit we weave in our teens means a better and hap pler life to its very end. Mercy is that disposition of the mind which prompts us to pity those In trouble.~Ann Flaxman. Chairman Jones Quite Likely Pushed Hard on the Reins Ground for a monument at the San Jacinto battlefield in Houston, Texas, i8 broken and so is the plow that broke it. They turned the handles o° an ancient wooden plow over to Jesse H. Jones, 225-pound chairman of the Reconstruction Finance corporation, He shouted “let's go” to the oxen and the plow point went far into the ground, shattering the relic. Jones had falled to use his weight on the handles, Here are? Baking Results/ SCog ARE me, CARD This actual scaring card proves how cakes, baked with CLABBER GIRL, show ect stores where aking Powder comnts AITITRA ELSE Idol Al fe 0 £24 ; — SE be be DAISY FLY KILLER Incomparable Eve had the best husband in the world—at that time. Increase W Guality of Hose. Treas ight palr silvered in U, 8. Money mek Fuarantes. Agents wanted Bupply Ceo., Box 2858, Glendale, Oalif, 2%e for FIRST AID in Relievin Common Skin Ailment or Injuries R always rely on Physicia Milnesia Wafers Jike wafers are i solid form— js ik : ; i 2 i if 5 2 & 1 i