“e ITEMS OF » JLOCAL INTEREST ® - ® - - - ® . Wilbur H. McClellan, in the insur ance business in Lock Haven, was in Centre Hall, his home town, on Tues- day. family or of Daniel in Bellefontis g being Mr, Grev: of friends thy during husband, death. Mrs osteopath, her back daughter felter, The seventh lication, mother for several montns ¢ ed since h last visit. Ralph Cummings, son of Mr. Mrs. Arthur G. Cummings of ersburg, spent a short time al parental home at Rebershurg young man is employed by the F. Woolworth Co., in Philadelphia. The Reformed church and Sunday echool at Boalsburg are preparing Washington's Birthday Party held Friday evening, February $:00 «'clcik. The proceeds een to pay f used in the Daniel stricken with monia AUDITORS’ STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDI- TURES OF CENTRE HALL BORO, FOR THE YE AR 1935. Borough & Poor Tax—O. D. Bartholo- mew, Collector. BOROUGH TAX BOROUGH Bal. due To additior Total on $47.49 treasurer 21, 193% SPECIAL WATER TAX DR. 3.85 T. screening Henney, bolts for door (2) Bubb, water analy Bartholomew, premiu wrpentery 4 . it ie invder, carpentry, 3% hrs. at L0c MoClenahan stable White, labor . 6 12 ne Emery, bor ; a5 TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE ye, abhor .......:::: 2 Sallie C. Ocker to C. H Gramley, 4 Rebersburg, tract in Miles township; —— 1220 $2604 20 Henry tush, ot al, to Isabell G a Storch, tract In Potter wp $250. Poor Accounts Pald. BE. BE. Royer, et ux, to Maize H. Light, medical ser Brouse and Charrie J Herper Est for Jesse long . } 00 tract In Fer FUBO twp $2039.12. tunkle, lod inten sms rsa fo A >» The (Centre Heporter, 51.50 a year wi Britcher's Auction SALE! The undersigned wil] expose to sale at his auction barn, 2 miles northeast MIFFLINTOWN, on VE DNESD: AY, FEB. 19 {at 10 o'clo A.M | Auction Every 2 Weeks on Wednesday and Expenditures HORSES & » MU LES a ad Borough Indebtedness i Al i t Any pers neging a cow must have test °4 chart Cheap John will Recapitulation, ine of merchandise, This sale will commence at 10 a, m. | sharp, as we must start early to dis pose of all this stock. Positively nohting removed away from barn until settled for. FLOYD A. BRITCHER. Sale all under roof. THOR I. MOORE JOHN WHITEMAN LETTIE BRUNGART. Auditors, By Telephone NOW COST THAN EVER! There are new Bargain Rates on out-of-town calls ALL DAY SUNDAY — the same low rates that start at 7 P. M. ever night. ake advantage of the re- duced rates to call up the folks back home. .. vour boy awav at college . . . brothers and sisters vou rarely see . . . friends in other towns, “Voice Visit” by 3 4 4 1&8 next best to seen ¥ ELEPHONE COMPANY ENNSYLVANIA FOR HAIR AND SCALP JAPANESE OIL The Antiseptic Scolp Medicine Different from ordinery Meir Tonics — $c & $1. FEEL IT WORK! At All Druggishs Write for FREE Beckie! “The Truth Abeet The Mair.” Raliens! Remedy Co. New York ‘and it’s the only complete car that sells at such low prices!” CO _ townshi The the The Centre Asgociation of recently entertained by the Jodgr t'nionvilie. After opening remarks President 3, B. Jackson, a most in teresting talk on Patriotism wae giv en by John H. Frizzell of Btate Col lege. It was decided to hold the an nual banquet at Unftonville. The date will be announced later, The next meeting will be held at State College, on March 2nd. All members are urg- od to be present, Prof. and Mrs. J. FF. Wetzel and children, Robert and Clara Lou, mo- tored to Beavertown, and on Sunday were with the former's mother, Mrs. Loulsa Wetzel, who on that day cel- ebrated her ninetieth birthday. Mrs, Wetzel was found to be in fine phys- fecal condition and wag able to fully enjoy the event, The Wetzel family wns the only one of the four able to reach the scene, El in a resident Hershey, Lester is located In Chi and Mrs. Ivan Bingman, a | Expenditures, | West Penn Power Co. electri i street service . West Penn Power Co, electri power service ea Mrs. Jennie Alexander inter ent on noles . Mrs. Busan Durst, 4 Interest on note -s Wallace N. llgen or wife, in terest on notes First National Bank, interest and redemption, note Mrs, Lacy Henney, Interest on Borough Bond ......... #8 Thos, 1. Moore, Auditor fee. . 2 John Whiteman, same ...... 2 Mrs. Lettie Brungart, same , 2 Centre Reporter, publishing Aud, statement, ete. ... Nn Bradford & Oo. coal, lumber, sand, and roofing ........ a“ Comm, of Pa, Dept Revenue tax on’soript and bond... 11 NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES the sofer! and smoother! ever developed SOLID STEEL one-piece TURRET TOP © crown of beouty, o fortress of safely HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE giving even better performonce with even less gos and bil the smoothest, safest ride of oll and vou will lerstand wh nl plete | tinderstand w ry compicte [ow pri ed oar, Hydraulic Brakes, driv ing safety which are essential to maximum The only low-priced car with the Gliding Knee- {ction Ride*, which brings you comfort and safety beyond compare — Turret Top, Genuine Fisher No Draft Ventilation, High- ing*—all of which are essential to complete motoring satisfaction. i Good judgment says, Buy a new 1936 Cherelle only complete low-priced car. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN nr G. M. A.C. TIME PAYMENT PLAN Compre Chwarviel'y luo delivered prices and low monthly payments. CENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION IN NEW TURRET TOP BODIES the most beautiful ord comborfoble bodies ever created for o low priced cor SHOCKPROOF STEERING* moking driving easier ond safer than ever before ALL THESE FEATURES AT CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES: AND ue. Rick J. H. Puff, service, Board of niece, who was reared In the Wets.] Health ,... ..coviiovoiane. 11 8 Some, and was regarded by Prof, WHititook Quaities 2.313 ten Wetzel more like a twin sister than 1 i "0 Cm—— a in : "800 Physictanw Centre Hall, Pa.