THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. ANNUAL AUDITORS REPORT 1633, POTTER TWP, BCHOOL DIB- | (4 ICT, for Schobl Year ending July 1935. - LOCALS, ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST 1932 tax od Returns post trist « for TR A bank Linden Hall, it 9:30 fat Sunday School tod Fishar, on (fr meeting every Wednesday Yening { very plea TAXATION. friends at} Mr Florein Strol hihi i net dA muon « IMPROVE Your Prope PAINT le. rty a RECEIVYS LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ORPHAXNKN COURT SALE. ot RRENT EXPENSES { i LA) 1 annus the Woodward will be held vel "EDWARD DURST CENTRE HALL Or DOFUBSISHAL JUNRBAINT Cr J AbUBInUNY TERTRGIIENY POURRA, ITIL so i 10y Shafer iwWo « RNG and tw i ind Mrs, Barret i Mr Earl erect- jf childrer Epaulding tw $1,000 IN COLD CASH NINETEEN years old last week and this boy hardly man—has $1,000 in bank. Years ago he began with small savings account, By working during odd hours he managed to build up a substantial account, ingalow Twe E. Zettle, 1 of the section near his present | Three Lemont residents recently | are Don and Mrs in a bk. burned his | Street railroad tation of town nort} wve suffered injuries. They i 1 gon My fell and William "Whit ] cas} i broken while he {the day of sale and the balance upon| Total Taint ] Fixed tate a 8 in the south jald Ki of pleted so far as win, who a is concerned. t of jet of scalding water and will add SRANCe Charges (F)-— Retirement Board 179 4 * (Items i , | pearance of the sho treet. ) oft In was and Mrs. place themse] baseball last Saturday Mra, Christ 2 AND altogether apart from the money value is the char- acter value attached to this account. For knowledge of what a boy can do with money is the foundation for bank- ing credit for the man. Houtz, Mrs J« F. Mac) shin Expenses inclusive) Total Current A} #I342 SUMMARY Heeelpts SHERIFF'S SALE. 10 of a writ Levari fre Court of © Faclas The, FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA. Total Total Payments— Balance on hand (fo able for school year f134n2 27 134%2 f ommon ty. 10 me directed, — i wil be GYhOs rivphal ie snle at the HOSPITAL NOTES, he avall. 85-88 ABERTS ind sit 00 on ankle wh Dr. Altoona, or Galbrait exar made, a Le, TEI INR, CO JEON JERI SR JOR LI TORT ym FRR PRIS USN TUDO PRR URI GARIN J DION WR te Fer DRE The Reporter received DEMOCRATS TO PICNIC ON ROLLING GREEN PK. ATG. who gave out YOUR MONEY'S WORTH when you buy a low-priced car Milroy, cased, Mr. twenty On their sary. to daughter, employed raine lady same Is for the = time, John H. Bitner, spection of the paint job writer on a has been on ten The color and work one could old car pleasing Eagles D. Keller. | Sale lock § i M i I" | Sheriffs Office, “1! Bellefonte, Pa. roadster that | Democrati homination or the Bu 1635 0 ¢ of said Terms Cash JOHN M. BOOB, Sheriff. x33 Milroy, invite Fo done Carysler Tt 5, RES ERE LER LEE fal] Augus / BODY BY FISHER wilh Se RO DRAFT VERTILATION ‘& Ter Co RRS E FT the road for more tha dove BIDS WANTED, Township School bide on 40 gra years. is Board ad- tons of anthm. {more or be delivered in hands On or tha Tu wil ad. l Potter 2 | tion we Superior will ad-| {dress ” ivertises fog | speak RE No. 1 on delivery. Coal 20-8Sept., 10. Bide to be secretary by August 16, 12 M. G. H. McOORMICK, Sec'y. Spring Mills, Pa the ig as near perfection wish, and shows how can transformed appearanog when hands of an artist like Mr. i who, by the way, is Snative of Pot-| ter township. cite odd 1a erected over i COnl, joan) Carry from a nl fo a irom a 9 the the |iU8 their py . be Cash | Aug of . 3 will a park. snd voices thruout 1 Other distinguished persons ited for the assemilly Include Warren Van! Dyke Ralph — | mathe. Secretary of Labor. Mrs Ed- Potter Township School Board ad- % ith Dewitt, Deputy Secretary of Wel-ivertises for bide o 0 ollow Jean and Robert, high school pupils |fave: Roy Brownmillefy Deputy Secre.| routes: Red “a, an and a nephew, Hénry 6. Rumber tary of Highways, and oth- | house to Potters Mills school: Spruce- of Kansas City, Kas. on pass ng | town Route, from F. W. Dex ker farm through Centre Hall, qn Saturday | Several lo E. J. Treaster farm, to Potters morning, odlled off Me and Mra, 8. have Mills school: Dauberman Route, from W. Smith. Mr. RirmMergér i= a rep-{ or Frazier farm Centre Hill school resentative of the Metropolitan Life! Board reserves right to accept or Insurance dmpahy., and & few dave reject all bids. Bide to be in hands ago sold a policy, With & 38000 premi- secretary by Aug. 16, 12 M. um. It wag a I0-yeur ' ehdowrent GG. H. MoOORMICK, Sec'y, policy. the be on which were! Spring Mills, Pa. all paid in advapee. : : s : t i - WANTED in lake Bitner, Tees inv x32 Secretary of Highways: D. R. Rumberger, of Harrisburg, ae empanied by his daughter and son school (BEL AIRF gE iE RET LATE 1° PE JRE ta TE numerous TET IRE EE Th era dslegations | bring bands DEALER ADVERTISEMENT ealued THAT ARE FOUND ONLY IN CHEVROLET The most finely balanced low-priced car ever built Get all of these vitally 4 Hw important features when of ; the coumty indicated “they will musicians with them. The band will start 2:30 and Te after #peec hen until to Concerts jeontingued twilight! at the . of ci a 63rd BAZAAR SALE PT TT Frank 8. Leister, Lewistown, R. D 3, had his dwelling house repainted | in white with green trimmings, the Blue-Flame Valvein-Head Engine and Weatherproof Cable-Controlled Brakes. work having been done by Edward] Durst, using a power paint spraying | outfit. The property is one close to] Mr. leister's farm and is occupied | by him. Mr. Leister i8 a dealer in | the full senss of the word, and hand- | les anything in the stock line from | a nanny goat wp, He no doult ine | A 4 WELL DRILLING More than 80 years Experience I. A. BROWN at Belleville 'WEDNESD’Y, AUG. 14 Livestock of All Kinds you buy your new motor cat. You can get them at lowest prices in the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet—the most finely balanced low-priced car ever built! The Master De Luxe Chevrolet is the only car in its price range that brings you a Solid Steel Turret-Top Body And your own eyes and your own tests will prove to you that these features are absolutely essential to the greater beauty and safety, the greater comfort and roadability, and the greater combi. nation of performance and economy which only Chevrdlet provides. Visit Cows —Shoats— Horses EVERYTHING AS USUAL. Calle ~{'LEVE Phone 1214 herited the trait from his father the | late Phillp Leister, who fived nt Pot | ters Mills, where he bought and traded, but on a less scale than his son referred to above, by Fisher . . . Knee-Action Ride . .. your nearest Chevrolet dealer today. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and vary CM AC. terms. A General Movers Value CAHlaster De Live Bazaar Sale Every Two Weeks father of the boy, went. west from! .. Jue ocien CANNOT SUPPLY YOU WRITE LER MOTOR CO. Centre Hal J. U. PEACHEY'S SALE STABLE, Mm i L E . Cen H of near Madisonburg, and is engaged at] eaLOWIN LABORATORIES, Io. BaaERTOWN, FA, Belleville, : t In growing fruit. COFYRIGHT ING © 1 1 BALOWIN LABORATORIES, ely | wooo m——— " v “ ; . fiad H. EUNGARD- Lot of Good Hantingdon County and Ennon Valley Cows, These Cows were bought direct from the farmers. Bring your Tuberculin Test Bheet and get a better price for your cattle. Bring in anything you have to sell We will sell it for wou. 60c commission on all Dogs before sold. Come and help us and we will help you. A square deal for all This will be a Cash Sale. moved until settled for. Everything will be assigned to J. HL Glick. Everything will be settidd for day of sale, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Homan, who are staying with their son, Fred Ho- man, in town, received word a few days ago that a nephew, Harold Wise, son of Mr. and Mre. Charles Wise, wis killed opposite his home near Clyde, Ohio, on crossing a highway on a bicycle. On seeing a large truck approach, the lad, wio was twelve years old, alighted from his machine on the side of the road, and while standing there a touring car coming in the opposite direction struck him enuffing out his life. Mr. Wise, the WHAT'S THE NAME OF THAT PLEASANT SMELLING FLY KILLER-MARY ? DWIN = IT KILLS INSECTS IN HOUSE AND GARDEN AND DOESN'T STAIN Nothing