THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. THE FEATHERHEADS .,.%.0%m. HOUSE FROCK ON THERE'S A MAN AT THE || SHE GAYS SHE | DON'T CARE (FE HE |S GIVING~ a] | TAILORED LINES POOR, SELLING SUMSILK {| REALLY DPOBRSN'T THEM AWAY / | WOULDN'T WEAR | EE STOCKINGS ~Do You WANT \}- WANT ANY TODAY- THOSE “THINGS | KNOW | "1 lo ANY © oe TELL HER THAT WHAT THEY ARE=— ANSWER. | | E =A ; THE PRICES ARE. THEYRE JUST ARNE TH ' N\ REDUCED FoR ys JUNK —ETC-ETC~ \ AVA = = = : WEEK AND S— TH ER - : No, = gH Sao = ¥ . — § LY )/ ] L A \ 4 > h — ¥ = 2 FINNEY OF THE FORCE 2; Tei Qlowehle, Ol HAD A FUNNY a Ol GOT SINT ouT T'TH’ = YEZ BE LATE J : : 2 JoB T'Po— OUT ' O' WAN GETTIN' HOME. |e YeAH, He ‘ME LOINE ZOO ON ‘COUNT OPAY— [egl| PROBABLY |! o I OF TH' BIG APES ESCAPED— < : WELL=- WHAT DID THEY WANT You To PO.2 TAKE ITS PLACE 2 By C. M. PAYNE rm— 5 MRS. \WARTILER " 1¥ s#e dap PoP: You |/ waar Did 15 Coming You mi bos! A VOICE £r Sol WUL MISTAKEN: | [2 il ~a dunt Pur ENTERTAIN HER [Le TET “Mt ST &, / Downcda eam (a “itt. 1] LET ode wil DING Sne ' 4 Her TALWiIN DRESSED ALL MBUSE Th og Sde’s doTra- AFTER NOON od, ry ¥ * (© The Dall Byndicate, Inc) A Wet Deal 42, 44 and Bares \o : = i . TH HOQSE 60T OUT IN Go NUM BECKON IF 1 THREW abric strated step-by-step sew. earn sore Jf : s__ [if oF Tee Ry e TW RANG AN HE ALLOWS REE [| a A UMBRELLA On TW ing instructions included, 1S PLums SORE i of, HORSE WU if ae TH PAST 13 ACCOMM OFF | DEA MIT WOULD MAKE a EAA NTS (15) 1 Rr Nh a FN AN TH NAG IS TURNIN AL. al he a mS fend FIFTEEN CENTS (15¢) In THINGS ALL RIGHT, HU, oins or stam] oins preferred) ( for this pattern Write plainly name, address and style number. BR SURE TO STATE SIZE Address orders to Bewing Circle t. 2483 West Seven a TT ep gry Che, A ———— ng, ON THE JOB Citizen—The legislature makes too many laws-—usecless laws, Literary Pastime Legislator (eagerly making a meme. orandum)--] will put through a law against that, but of course, it will THE. SOLES be quite useless, A OF MY SHHMOES BLOT - BLOTTER ATE. THIN MNT : 1S SUMPN TO THEY SOP US W X - PAN HUNT FOR WHILE In Time of Anxiety THE waTew WW LAY ae ' 3 THE rt Raa - "1 saw your pi.ture in the paper,” " said the admiring constituent. “Did sou like It? asked Senator Sorghum. “Yery much. It seemed as natural as life.” “Natural as life! I wondered why the artist was so careful to tell me to keep quiet and look unpleasant” Bargaining The Salesman--You can't find a better car than this for the money. I'll let you have it for $350 as It | stands. Mr. Spavin—I'll give you $300 for By GLUYAS WILLIAMS ft if youll throw in a hitching welght and a whip, © The Asociated Newspapers SUR Digestion