SEPTEMBER 20, 1034. THURSDAY, —— THE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY. et HALL PENNA. Sissim— CENTRE HR evonn SMITH & BAILEY, Propsistors 8. W. SMITH, Editor, BDW, BE. BAILEY, Associate Editor and Business Manage, MERE 18 Botered s at the Post Office in Centre Hall ge second class matter, TERMS. The terms of subaseiption to ihe Beporter are _ a year, in advance “SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES PENNS VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE (Bev, 8, ¥. Gresnheo, Pastor.) Services the regudar Mr, fill the various appointments, —— OENTRE HALL REFORMED CHARGE (Bev, Deine RB, Kesoer, Faster) Centre Hall— #:00—Church Service, 10; 00—Church School. 6:30—Y. PP. Meeting—theme, of a Parable and Its Dramatization.” Leader, Prof, Russell Bohn Tusseyvilie— 9:30—C ch School. 10:30—Churcy Service. a the charge according to schedule, on Sunday. Rew. Romberger, of Philipsburg, will “Story PRESBYTERIAN (Bev, J. MM. Kirkpatrick, Fastor) #:30—Church Service. 10:30—8unday School $:830—Christian Endeavor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Rev, Seth Russell, Pastor) No preaching service 8 until Sept EVANGELICAL (Rev, J. W, Zang, Vastor) Bethesda Worship Service, 5:30 A. M. Sunday School, 10:30 A. M. Spring Mills— Bunday School, 9:30 A, M. Worship Service, 10:30 A, M. Lentre Hall— Bunday School, 9:30 A. Worship Service, 7:30 P mmm DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. M. AM. United States Senator JOSEPH FPF. GUFFEY, El Allegheny County, Governor GEORGE H. EARLE, Montgomery Co punty. Lieutenant Governor THOMAS KENNEDY, Luzerne County, Secretary of Internal Affairs THOMAS A. LOGWVE, Philadelphia County. Judge of the Superior Court CHESTER R. RHODES, Monroe County Representative In Congress DON GINGERY Clearfield County Senator In General Assembly EDW. JACKSON THOMPSON, Centre Lounty. Representative In General Assembly JOHN W. DECKER, Gregg ip. "Towns STATE LIVESTOCK TEAM STARTS JU DeIS ui tens ¥ tha a — FIRE PREVENTION Fire Pre ntion served from ive. Ti : to acquaint Bers of Ort of fire definitely and thoug people witl duce this least 75%. WEEN. PUT PULLETS IN HOUSES BEFORE LAYING STARTS Pulleta should be transferred to lav. ing quarters before lay. cool and comfortable as possible for the birds and precautions taken not to overcrowd the pens. Allow about 3 to 2% sguare feet of floor space for birds of the light breeds and about 4 square feet for tho heavies, County Agent RB. C. Blaney suggests. The large well-developed pullets should be housed first and the others as they mature. If ready-to