THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1634, WRITE es THE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY, reece CENTRE HALL, PENNA. —— SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors 8 WwW, SMITH, Editor, BDW, E. BAILEY, Associate Editor and Business Manager, Battered at the Post Office lu Centre Hall 88 second class malier, TERMS. —The terms of subscription to $e Beporter are $100 a year, lu advance. Legal advertising at the rate of ten pents per line each insertion. Display advertising rates wade known - Appheation, "SUNDAY CHURGH SERVICBS PENNS VALLEY LUTHERAN (CHARGE (Rev, 8, F. Gresnhee, Pastor.) CENTREE HALL REFORMED CHARGE (Bev, Delas BH, Keener, Paster) Centre Hall— #:0—8Bunday School, 10: 30—Holy Communion 00 5 Ser Service 3 ¥ Tussey vill #: 00--Churci 30: 0050 METHODIST EVISCOPAL {Bev, Seth Pastor) Centre Hall §:30—Morning Worshij 10:80-—81 wy oS Bprucetown— 40:00 Sunday School 11:00—Preaching. Ppring Mills 7:30—Evening Ruassell, PRESBYTERIAN (Rev, J. M. Kirkpatrick, §:30—S8undny School 8:30—Christian Endeavor. 7:30—Evening Worship. EVANGELICAL (Rev. J. W, Zang, Pastor) LOCAL AND PERSONAL. €r, has extreme! &E0 Lewistown structed chicks by Elam structors held in and are being 1 trymen why air able informatio young chicks Woodrow Brad Robert Dinges Bender, Lawrens Bradford forme spent n tT" Hex Ia Park from eleven Yt ¢ camp near the cottage owned H. Brown, which at that time wa Cupled hy My ind Mrs Bon-in-law and dnughter Mr. Brown the Part of an old and while own usually fine and gent ners Bender, and wean Brown, thei and this gave stint oment BAD PRECEDENT, After his barn had burned down, a Missouri farmer applied for the Insurance to cover the loss. The agent, after inspecting the ruins, told the farmer he would recommend that his company replace the structure, rather than pay the loss In cash as provided in the policy. "Say, if that's the way you do business,” the farmer replied. getting pretty mad, “you can Just cancel that life insurance policy you a0ld me on my wife. In dase she #hould die, you'd be coming out here offering to replace her with another one of the same kind and size, and I wouldr't stand for anything like been Pe STII ULBARGER SHIRES ed from Tune 30th Warren 8 man, well readers Mr= more tha town ney ia SE (113) FRED LUSE, x Manag: r HYAN DRY GINGER ALE 2 ofr LIME & LITHIA CENTRE HALL 28-02 bots 2 5c Plus bollle