The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 07, 1934, Image 5

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———— S—————— A 1S - —— —— s—— — — —— — nt - —
. eo . 0 LOCAL AND PERSONAL. LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN TS. 14243-1538 O'Brian Michae) te] Uunlon Township
- 243°158 O'Brian Michael. . Robt Kells 50 Denl, Ann 5 ££ A Mitehe
. JTEMS OF = COMMISSION RS' SALE OF SEAT- id O'Brian, Michael HBS Tayvlo Acres-Per, Warrantee Sup, Own'’r When thinking of holding
LOCAL INTERES? Miss Isabel Goodhart, of Altoona, af ED AND UNSEATED LANDS, 283-153 Pettit, Cha HS Tay} Ast [52 Fisher, W P Dora E. Fishe PUBLIC SALM,—
LC; ‘ N <RES1 ter visiting her n mother, Mrs, Salinas t A , 158 Pettit. Chas ob't K lle 100 Fisher WP ) Fists
i i by Virtue [ the several Acts of As oe $Ibm Hi ’ a :
. » =» * ® Goodhart, In ®illheim, stopped with ! v rtue of the : ul A 18 bis } 3 Bteawrt Chas, .H 8 Taylor Ag Walker Township
Al and M P Vv ao thart n he sembly relative to the sale of Beated
EF. Aang MIR . . OO Nart o i
y ' and n¥ent sands the County of
Kviertdbwn is no longer a oath ihe ined 1 ited Land in th 3 415 ‘Tallhelm Sarah .
on. the. Unit Afr Li way home, Centre, for the taxes due and unpaid, |? A iheimaaral Ru John J, Spearly,
) ie HT il “Anes, + » . 3 \ ’
: Mr, F. V, Goodhart has at herjthe Commissioners of Centre County Curtin Township Howard E. Holtzworth,
Albert Emery, rural mail carrier and!home again Hunter, nine months, and will offer at public sale at the Court]200-120 Carscadden, D. } Beam J. Yietor Brungsri, EF M N
ardent fisherman. as a in trout jIsabel, four vears, children of her si House in Bellefonte, in, MONDAY, | 292 Irwin, Robert . Head Alito Commissioners of . .
to his credit ter, Mrs. Musser, living at Mili Hall, JJUNE 25, 19384, at 10:00 A. M. a i . a, Po : : loyd. C. Vonad €nlre Loun Hat
" ) i ‘ ' 400 OnE 3 J 3} Beam ig LEA
Mrs. De . nd 3 : and is caring for them, a service she}lands previously advertised to be sold ! H NE,» : ot : RB 4 . Fe Pree
Mrs. David ah and } alc 8rd renders with del ht pril 17, 1633 300 Leech, Martha + ean STATE COLLEGE, PA.
daughter of wart, visiting rela brad i lv virtue of ths sam 4 ¢ As-1158-93 Jacker, Job W Foy beck
. a +3 er . Oy her wav to *anad: * 3 oy 1 LI Ld ' 4 : Y 15 2 .
tives in Millheim, guests the In: R her way | n be da, Miss Mary | Co biv the Commisioners o ‘entre Ferguson Township Phone 1082
Loulse Goheen will be a guest Mi 4 7 il oy {s tio y 1. Hent EE ED .
reigned. and re.
14 438-163 Htewart. Chas Rob't Kelle, 112 Mi Samuel I LL. Zi
ph A Emith
and Mrs, FV hart. She Fact ’ a viously advertise he fol-ll fcks, Abraham |
daughter Rev, Jo .. Goheen, allowing ts on the same day and date 1373 Fi Chas EE El
Mmissionas Vv, now on his field in j Indi Thi le will he adjourned from tim Gregg Tewnship I nt i ! 669 $i ——
: 16 Younas uly i 3 ior ' ster ito tir intil aly the ts havel n: asd ley, Bernard Ji : irs — . : : . ee 3! S760 5 PATO fe
vniversitly, oster, 110, 11 urn, Wiliam Jar Furst y Pe=Penn Slate 1 a i
i i EP rcansn a Halnes Township PEE And CAN OWS 1 hs
Hartman J ' i Feinberg | 44 TO ! » i
3 Aaron IK &) u nyd NYT ATOR . cooking)
Half Moon Township
I, Henry TyroneMi
Seated Lands to Be Said at Commbs-| 7 ag. 1 2 Bitehend 13 PB . #0 nel 2 1 ; : he
sloners’ Sale, June 25, 1984 ; fa ee fining a [fir | f : ‘ ne y , ncoate
Phillpshurg Boro Harrls Township | roon 1 3-3
Description supposed Own'r i Y, Joh Wihitme \ i e Ix " yiitie
Lig Via rin, John. Whitmer Steels and Cooks light white and flaky
of { p a 1 [24 i he Csnire Hepeortar $1.60 a year
Liberty Fownship
Marion Township
Snow Shoe Bore
Spring Township i i
tush Township
Rush Township er.)
Snow Shoe Towaship
Taylor Township
Snow Shoe Township .
Worth Township
Usseated Lands to Be Soll at Com.
missioners’ Sale, June 95. 1934
Buarnside Township
Aeres-Per. Warran tee Sup. Owa'r
§ 3 Fads a $1 1 & cou -
A group of additional new models . $
for the 1934 Chevrolet line—fopr
( : | il full-size cars—100% Chevrolet in
1 § nrices and psey ©
dS ana O 1 quality and reliability i Ah
Ce Full Line Accessories Hk He es LL ATT
gon hela EE Hn Sis n “A Chevrolet for wheelbase car identical in quality with
A win Complete BATTERY Service . Ey That's the world’s all 1934 Chevrolets. A cushion-balanced
MA durkholder : : h
4 oh fg wers of thi i Washi d Polishi price for a six-cylinder car. The lowest SIX of surprising smoothness, power, snap
VO ywotato roe ¥ iin goo {oO i r
wir rtunate enough 10 secure ten using an oiishing price, also, for a car of this size, wheel. and dash. The most economical full size
bushels of Certified Dooley seed pota- Modern Greasin E ui i : base and power! And afi ro } : : car'thatm vcanbuy. Ande
toes from Panty Pool, On jarle No 8 q p cn even more impressive after you find out model has a Body by Fisher. See this
ada, The two farmers asked be \ H : . ;
Denniston, potato specialist at Penn what it buys: A great big, fullsize, long- newast Chevrolet without delay, today.
Btate College, to locate certified Dool- CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICIHGAN
eyes for them, but he found no seed of is
this variety was available In the Unit
ed States, consequently the importa-
tion The potatoes were labeled grade y X a . . Sy
extra No. 1 and from their appearance Modern REST ROOMS conveniently located.
they were as much, Mr Delaney
planted seven acres to potatoes, while
Mr. Burkholder planted twelve, Dr, Si ans :
E. L. Nixon and Mr, Denniston visited LINE of HARNESS HARPWARE.
the Burkhelder farm to sge just what
the imported seed looked ike, and were
given a two-bushel bag te plant In the J. S. BOOZER, Proprietor
potato test plots conducted by the Ex.
itm Aapon sed ooton-of Ae Lr samt wn . _ MILLER MOTOR. CO. :