The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 07, 1934, Image 3

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®. by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.
WNU Servica
OREWORD: This may, perhaps,
be called a drama. Beyond that
I leave definition to the reader.
What Is one man's belly-laugh
may so easily prove another man’s
pain in the neck.
We find ourselves in Hollywood, In
the private office of one L. Theodore
Giltz, associate producer for ABC Films
Inc.~albeit the privacy remains some
what theoretical.
M. Glitz is a man of many
and must subdue that natural yen for
seclusion which all picture people so
notably possess,
We discover him at the moment dis-
playing a fine brand of favorite
Director Leo Stevens wants L. Theo
dore to give him a five thousand dol.
lar budget on current
The producer hears him calmly and
denies him flatly.
This has been going on for quite a
while when we achieve our first earful,
extension his
v * *
the scenes I need this money for have
got to be in! the
show's big punch—the climax—every-
why don't you shooting them first then?
STEVENS: You d—n well 1
never work that way! Sequences get
taken in thelr proper order, and that’s
one of the main reasons every picture
I turned out much
better than
salary for last year?
STEVENS: (blankly):
but what—
what you
They represent
last year was 80
started, but we miss his words in
3 . 3 v The ¥
the sudden I e door
swung viole nd two des-
peéerate young men af
ly to
ter are (
bering In
we can pick it
my right, Mr. Glitz! Nobody
fresh with me or—
roy is a louse! He put his dirty
¥ » v
can get
Bert Le-
me and—
THIRD YOUNG MAN: If you don't
fire hic ight now, I'll raise a stink
(From out t welter
Leo Stevens, countenar
ce magenta,
flings about sav
Arms aw
O eal of language
this page to
the producer
arative quiet.
and one of the
at once)
that would «
record, Meanv
has evoked
That is, only he
girls are talking
GLITZ: Well, why don't you sock-
ing him in the puss?
FIRST GAL: (They're all dressed,
now notice, In nothing but large
facsimiles of liquor labels, done in
gauze and beads): 1 don't have to
hang around this crummy dump and
take insults from a rat like him. We
originated our specialty dance in this
Spirit of Repeal number, and we can
take it to some other studio,
GLITZ: Okay, little lady, 1 see
what you mean and I'll fixing It up
immediate. Now just run along and
take yourselves a vacation for today.
Tomorrow [ promise you everythiug is
jake and Leroy don't bother you no
(They murmur a bit longer, but
shortly he's purred them right out
of the office, Stevens rushes back,
but Glitz is busy with the phone)
GLITZ: Give me Sam Klein in the
legal department. Hello, Sam
~Theodore speaking. 1 want you
should right away copyright all the
steps and costumes In Leroy's new
dances—particular the Spirit of Re-
peal. You can get pictures from him.
And listen; tear up the contracts of
anyone who ain't on the set when you
go over there; see?
He hangs up and sits back, ut
terly placid)
STEVENS: (Introducing Just a
touch of wheedle): Now, L. T. just
authorize those few extra dollars, and
we can both get back to work.
GLITZ: This is my work. Aln't
f bullt a career arguing birds like you
STEVENS: (the lid’'s off again):
Yes, you short-sighted, haggling ime
becile—that's all you know how to do!
Here | throw my whole seul into cre-
ating a marvelous production, and
then have to wear myself out plead.
ing for a pittance, God, the mockery
of it!
(That door has burst open
again; this time It's # pair of odd-
ly assorted chaps in deshabille,
One is enormous and nearly bald;
the other slight, sleek-haired and
intense looking. The second hur.
ries over to seat himself at the
grand piano by the windows. The
huge one hovers over Herr Glitz)
LARGE GENT: (rapturously): L.
T., listen—sit still-—ho!d your breath!
Get ready for the biggest thing that's
ever happened In musie, even from us,
It's called “Sapphires In the Starlight.”
All right, Phil~go ahead,
(Phil obeys, tumbling over the
keys in a sort of berserk abandon,
while the other gives voice. It
really turns out to be a pretty nice
little song, at that, considering its
daring novelty: the sapphires are
“your eyes,” and starlight “the
light of love for me.” Soon it's
ended, and the two composers are
facing Glitz expectantly)
GLITZ: Boys, that's nice.
it—a rumble? |
PHIL (walling) : No, no—waltz, L. |
T.! Don't you get {t? Da-da-de-de- |
dum, dum-dum-de-de-da. See?—perfect |
three-four time. {
GLITZ: Oh, sure! All right, boys;
we'll find for it a spot in the next mu
sical, So long.
LARGE GENT: Wait a minute, L.
T. This Is more than Just another |
tune: it's a cinch hit. Couldn't we rate |
a better deal on royalties? i
GLITZ: Nix, nix; you
the contract reads on that,
PHIL: Well, then how about a lit. |
tle salary raise for this piece?
GLITZ: Stop it, boys. There ain't |
raises being passed out in
Now scram along, please,
(They take it with a shrug and
a sigh, Instantly the
director, who's been fretting him.
self real
the attack)
every petty
What is
know how |
no times
and depart,
up to a peak, resumes
interruption take
dence over this vital matter 1 want
gettled! Will you for the love of
heaven give me an order for that ad-
ditional five thousand?
GLITZ (precisely the
hour ago): Positively no, Leo. 1 ain't
tossing away no more geit on that
You gotta find some other way
to get by.
(That's all Stevens can stand, at
least for one session, He lets go
one purple oath, deliberately
knocks a row of books onto the
floor, and storms from the room.
Now for a moment 1. Theodore
Glitz is done—a paunchy
rather forlorn appearing
in that
I rings)
you let
same as an
¢ ot
yu a
Sure--of course |
it): Yeah?
nt what?
ar a hollow sound
box, and
screened then
the d;
Sam Klein 1 said
to break Bert
Leroy's contr
skunk didn't have
ree’s couch rea iy
today. And
Sheba up a salary
fifty per cent raise.
for her on
him to fix
agreement at
She can’t
to learn & dance for every pict
three thousand a
gets fifty thousand extra allowance to |
make me of Sheba. She |
says they give that punk that's playing |
opposite almost a third foot-
age as her!
See her director
thing yet:
re close-ups of
as much
* - .
It is, and profoundly
feel, time without more ado to |
ring down the
we suddenly
Airplanes Drop Poison
on Swarming Locusts |
A new method of attack is to be tried
against the swarms of locusts which
trouble Africa. An airplane, with its
wings spouting poison dust—finely
ground sodium arsenite—I1s to fly back
and forth In front of the advancing
army of insects, to lay a barrage of
death. The man who will spread the
poison Is H. H. King, formerly chief
entomologist of the Sudan government,
and his method will be tried in north-
ern Rhodesia,
The locusts have long. brought
wholesale destruction to crops on the
continent, writes a correspondent in
the New York Herald Tribune, their
damage In tropical and sub-tropleal
Africa being estimated at £1.500,000
annually. Their swarms have been
noted at sea 1200 miles from land,
and one cloud which crossed the Red
sea In 1880 was reported to be about
20,000 square miles in extent.
To date there has been no completely
successful method of locust annihila-
tion, The usual method of attack In
dealing with the desert locusts is to
kill them in the Immature (hopper)
stage by means of poisoned baits laid
on the ground. However, this does
not work well in the case of the migra
tory locusts, as the hoppers of this
species do not partake of the bait
Several groups in England have been
working to eliminate the locust plague.
The Royal Alreraft establishment, the
Imperial Institute of Entomology, and
the chemical research department of
the war office, all have aided the lo-
cust control committee of the eco-
nomic advisory council,
New Uses for Cotton Lint
Russian chemists have developed a
method of removing the short fibers,
or “linters” from cottonseed by the
use of gaseous hydrochloric acid, and
are now looking fer new rgses for the
lint, once a waste product of cotton
seed, They expect to produce about
85,000 tons a year from the cotton
crop of Middle Asia. Chemically,
linters are nearly pure cellulose.
Large quantities are used In this coun
try in the production of artificial silk,
cellophane and other cellulose prod-
ucts. ~Literary Digest,
vacation time, which
brings clothes-planning
time to hand for moth-
ers who would
children fashion
ably and appropriately,
Since camp life plays
part in
so important a
the modern child's life, It
well to consider
from that point of view,
ers of Juvenlie =;
there is an Increasing tendenc
the clothes
ture bright color in camp
apparel. Because m
and sturdy is no reason why they can-
not be gally and
So, the cotton broadcloths, the poplins,
the gabardines and the argentine cloth
which serve so admirably for children’s
recreation and everyday utilitarian
clothes out in unusually
cheerful hues this season.
and g
aterinls are strong
colorful attractive.
are coming
For youngsters who
woods and climb an
“gym” classes the Ide
inner bloomers that
high 80 as not t«
cated. The newest shorts are
at front and back
il wade and at
a os
y be visible
#0 as to
After play hours, wi
Why not a cunning
on the order of the clever three-plece
which the pretty little girl, to the left
in the picture, Is posing?
ble theme Is being
t then to wear?
tallored ensemble,
The ensem-
played up enthusi-
iren this season,
interchangeable with blouses
antee of a well
dressed appearance for most any child
In fact,
entire wardrobe in itself,
wears ob
Looks nice, too, with the coat removed,
for that button-up-the-front
blouse of blue fiat
this Ul
' N ¢
oi days
crepe 1s
who Is
The older girl in the picture,
uelping little sister don he
et, has on a sleeveless dress which
admits of interchangeable blouses, The
one she Is wearing while she poses for
her photograph is a Mexican-stripe
wash silk. Of course It would have to
be stripes, for they are smart for ev.
erybody, old and young, this season.
Style Interest In little girls’ dresses
is sald to center around necklines and
the newer models. Which
ounts for the wide pleated coliar
ch finishes neck of the wee
{f pale pinkish soft taffeta which
to the right in the group is
You will note also that the
are fancifully smocked. The
vogue for taffeta has extended into the
juvenile realm. If prefer pastel
crepes they are equally as good style
for tiny folks’ party frocks,
sleeves In
That sweet child in the foreground
looks adorable In her airyfalry frock
of embroidered organdie,
© by Western Newspaper Unlon.
jf {oo m—
A change in necklines is In progress,
High cut fronts are giving way to low
cut fronts after the order of the
charming neckline which graces the
gown pictured. This stunning cafe
dress is fashioned of a handsome chif-
fon of bemberg. Its beautifully mold.
ed-to-the-figure silhouette, together
with its Interesting low-front neckline,
make It outstanding In midsummer
costume collections. Slim, long
sleeves accented by three tiers of fine
pleated net ruffles and a soft satin
bow are intriguing detalis,
There Is much pleating in use now
and it Isn't all used for neckwear,
although It does seem as though
nothing fluffer than neckwear would
be found. Ruffles and frills galore are
lovely on some and so absurd on oth-
ers. Narrow side pleatings can, how.
which Is
not true of
in favor of brown. The season is so
clearly a blue one that women have
been Inclined to underestimate the
high style interest In brown. During
the first showings of the Imports for
midsummer brown was impressive and
something of a surprise for, by that
time, women Were so happy that it
was a blue year,
With the interesting brown and
white, brown and grege and brown and
beige prints, came lovely costumes in
which yellow and brown were pleas
antly associated,
Brown Still in Picture
as Nifty Summer Color
While it is true that navy and black
are leaders In spring fashions for day-
time, it becomes Increasingly apparent
that brown is to be reckoned with.
It is an important color by itself and
especially in prints, particularly print.
ed crepes,
The brown prints are featured in
separate frocks, In jacket costumes
and also In long coat ensembles and
redingotes, and it's interesting to ob-
serve the definite favor shown com
binations of plain and printed crepes,
featuring brown shades.
A favorite version is the jacket cos
tume with monotone skirt, worn with
printed jacket and bodice, and cos
tumes of this sort are attractive when
done In polka dots, dots In dime or
Guarter size. Brown with white is
then the favored combingtion,
Straw Cloth Appears
Straw cloth is a new material that
has all the ear-marks of novelty with
the more stable benefits of practica-
bility. It consists of cellophane woven
on artificial silk. :
S— T :
of Yours
Weak Stomach
YERHAPS you have a weak stomach
and have tried various medicines
without getting satisfactory results,
It is only natural when you have an
“ache” In the stomach, heartburn, a
of diarrhoea that
“stomach” medicines,
As a matter of fact, what is called
stomach may be due to a num-
tacks you should
{ with the stomach proper.
For Instance, any poisoning in the
from bad teeth or tonsils, In-
{| fected gall vladder or a sluggish in-
As you
i the
| ple who
majority of peo-
stomach trouble
brought on that
because of thelr mental
| make-up-—nervous, irritable, excitable,
Another cause of weak stomach is
incorrect diet; that {8s a diet not
quantity or quality to the
ability of the digestive tract.
#, Kraupl, Berlin, says that the
ries of symp of weak
up to the formation
leer, could often be
diet were
The thought then is that in all cases
of weak stomach, the ir
always right for the
get a complete exam! fon by dentist
and doctor and everything that may be
interfering with the work of the stom-
ach removed or corrected
This may mean rest periods before
ing. smaller meals, foods that the
nal disturbances before,
after meals,
. and establishment
*d that
n, the
wk because
the stomac!
Migraine or One-Sided
Dora all the efforts
titioners and research
cause of
of prac-
men, the
migraine or one-sided bead-
been discovered.
may remember that an insti
an endeavor to investigate
this al advertised for sufferers
to submit to treatment and were
forced to turn away many hundreds,
such is the number afflicted.
Drs. M. Critchley and F. R. Fer-
guson, London, that migraine
be due to the liver, the eye, the
food, and other causes. They belleve
that there two factors entering
into the ecause—something already ex-
body, and something
& body condition,
As you know this is also the thought
tution, in
we has not
which affects thi
not yet been discovered. In epllepsy
there is a body condition, and some
outside influence such as food is the
match that sets off the already pre
pared fire.
the liver, to the eye, or other part of
the natural method of treatment would
be to try to determine which one of
these may be giving the trouble in
Thus, to Investignte a case of mi
| followed, which would include:
1. A careful previous history of the
2. A physical and mental examina-
8. Careful testing for anything ab-
4 An X-ray examination of lower
floor of the skull, the sinuses, the gall
bladder, and the intestinal tract.
6. Full examination of the fluid In
the brain and spinal column, and the
pressure of this fluid
6. Examination of the blood sugar,
the urine, and the alkall reserve of the
blood and tissues,
7. Finding the rate at which the
body processes work, or the basal
metabolism as It is called
Doctors Critchley and Ferguson
state it is useless to fight off an at-
tack and recommend retirement to a
quiet darkened room as 800n as pos
sible and the use of a quieting drug.
Between attacks some patients are
helped by epsom salts, special diets,
and sometimes by mental treatment
or suggestion,
Sufferers with migraine might well
think about the above complete ex-
amination and the possibility of lo
cating the cause of their suffering.
(Copyright. y= WNU Service.
A Natural Compass
A beetle called the telephore Is de
geribed by a bugologist, of Paris, in
relating experiments with insects at
the Paris museum, This little beetle,
when suspended in the air, always
succeeds in turning its body until it
points directly north and south, No
matter bow much it may be turned it
always adjusts itself in this manner
by means of its antenna.~-Pathfinder
One of the last official acts of
President Hoover was to set aside
G0,000 neres on the slopes of Jhe
Santa Catalina mountaing, north-
east of Tucson, Ariz, as a perma-
nent home for the giant cactus, The
area was proclaimed a national mon-
ument, with the object of preserving
to posterity a representative stand
of the pecullar flora developed
through the ages by the arid, semi-
desert of that region,
to the other forms of
the tract contains a
or monument cactus, specimens of
In ad
large amount of the saguaro,
which reach a height of 50 to 60 feet,
The Banta Catalinas are the eastern
boundary of » area In whic
h giant
cactus are {1 =xclusively In the
‘Now—gently whiten
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are quickly expelled
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Wright's Pil Co., 100 St, N.X. Oty.
on New Constraction Work in U8
a tle: Write B. Feldman, 314
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Good Mall Order Business, Detter than job.
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