The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 07, 1934, Image 2

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News Review
of Current
IFTEEN of twenty members of the
house committee on judiciary voted
for impeachment action against Fed-
eral Juage Charles BE. Woodward of
Chicago, and it was
announced that for-
mal charges against
him would be drawn
up and presented on
the floor of the house
within a few days.
The house must then
decide the matter of
impeachment and if it
finds the charges sub-
stantiated the Jurist
will be tried at the
bar of the senate, Ac-
cording to reports in
Washington, flagrant nepotism was to
be the major charge against Judge
Woodward, this being based on evi
dence showing he appointed the law
firm of Loucks, Eckert & Peterson to
many lucrative attorneyships in bank-
ruptcy and equity receivership cases;
that his son, Harold, was employed by
this firm, and that Harold's compensa.
tion was raised from about $2,000 to
$13,000 a year soon after Judge Wood-
ward began making those appoint-
The vote in the committee was none
partisan, Three members were absent,
Eleven Democrats and four Republi-
cans voted for impeachment. Of the
five casting their ballots against im-
peachment four were Republicans, one
was a Democrat.
It may be the Woodward case will
eet a precedent in impeachment trials
To avoid a summer session of the
senate, Senator Ashurst of Arizona
has offered a resolution providing that
an impeachment case may be rst
heard by 12 senators instead of by th
entire senate, These twelve would hots
the testimony and present it in a certi-
fled report to the senate at the next
Judge C. E.
ABOR troubles became so serious
that state troops were mobilized
in Minneapolis and in Toledo, Ohio,
nd despite the presence of soldiers
there was a great deal of rioting and
violence. In Minneapolis the striking
teamsters and building tradesmen re-
jected an order of the regional labor
board to end the strike Immediately
and insisted on fighting to a finish,
The employers had accepted the labor
board's terms, Governor had
brought 3,700 men of the National
Guard to the city. In the midst of the
disorder on the streets, Congressman
Francis H. Shoemaker was arrested
for inciting and ind
guilty, being given the choice of ten
days’ confinement in the workhou
& $50 fine,
Toledo's battle centered
plant of the Electric Auto-Lite come
pany in which 1,800 non-striking em-
ployees had been besieged for fifteen
hours by a great mob of riotous strik
ers and frequently fired upon by
nipers on the roofs of nearby build-
ings. The windows of the pla were
all broken by stones, and Ne
thrown through them started many
fires, The police used tear gas bombs
but were roughly handied by the mobs,
80 six companies of state troops were
called out and they, marching with
fixed bayonets, scattered the strikers
and released the Imprisoned employ-
Later the strikers and their friends
gathered again and fought furiously
with the troops, showering them with
bricks and paving stones. Dozens of
soldiers were Injured and finally the
exasperated guardsmen fired on the
mobs, two rioters being killed and
many wounded. Tear gas and the
more powerful “knockout” gas were
freely used by both sides,
Charles P. Taft, son of the late
President, was sent from Washington
to Toledo as special mediator for the
national labor board of the NRA.
violence was fou
Se or
about the
leader, beard rumors that some
senators were planning a filibuster for
the purpose of killing the administra:
tion's tariff bargain.
ing bill, He said he
was ready to squelch
any such scheme by
prolonging the dally
sessions of the sen
ate. “If that is the
intention we will
meet at 10 a. m, and
stay until 8 p. mm."
he sald “And, ff
that doesn't work,
we'll come here at §
a. m. and stay till the 5¢™ Robinson
same hour in the evening”
The house, after two days of work,
passed the administration's industry
loan bill and sent it back to the senate,
The senate had approved a bill fixing
the maximum total RFC fiveyear
loans at $250,000.000 and limiting the
amount the twelve federal reserve
banks could advance to $250,000, L000
But the house disearded the senate
provisions and inserted its own, which
increase the RFC total to $300.000.000
and cut the reserve bank maximum to
2140000000, The differences were to
edjusted In conference,
| (CLARENCE DARROW'S report on
the NRA, submitted some time ago
to President Roosevelt, has been made
publie, and in the malin it was
what was expected from the Chicago
lawyer and his colleagues. It analyzed
eight of the more Important codes and
found that seven of them foster
monopolies, help big business and do
a lot toward putting small concerns
out of business, These seven codes
are: Electrical manufacturing, foot-
wear division, rubber manufacturing,
motion pictures, retail solid fuel, steel,
fce, and bituminous coal. The report
found no monopolistic features in the
cleaners and dyers’ code.
Administrator Johnson and his chief
counsel, Donald R, Richberg, had been
given the report previously for the
purpose of composing a reply to IL
This they did, to the extent of 50,000
vigorous words They answered all
the Darrow charges and asserted the
report was “superficial,” “intemperate,”
“inaccurate,” “prejudiced,” “one sided,”
“Inconsistent,” “nonsensical,” “Insup-
portable,” “false,” and “anarchistic.”
Darrow came back with a caustic
answer that drew further violent lan
guage from the NRA chiefs, and the
battle then became general. Senator
Gerald P. Nye, Republican, of North
Dakota, a supporter of Darrow's views,
spoke for hours In the senate, demand-
the existing “abuses” are correcte
Next came a bitter attack from or-
ganized labor, asserting that the Dar
row board's report was “a disservice
to the nation and
of great econon
A row broke out in
group that left several
on speaking terms with
William O, Thompson, a
the board, accused Lowell
board's counsel, of tamper!
records, and Mason's or
tion with the Insull
brought up,
Darrow and Johnson,
strang enough, took a social ride
to Mount Vernon in the administra.
tor’s car, but seemingly all they talked
about was history and religion.
its citizens in a time
ie stress ™
one another,
member of
Mason, the
with the
16-1! Ne CoOnnecs
interests was
. former secretary of
appeared before the senate
service committee in a war!
and angrily demanded that
there a full exami.
mtion of
patronage plot hatched
by Republicans at his
home in Vir He
declared that it should
be determined whether
the Department
Justice is out to sn
all m
tion or whether A. V.
assistant attorney
who the charges, is “ht
irresponsible falsifier
bers of the
Patrick J.
the special
eral made
an arge of
the wooden pistol section of the De
partment of Justice”
Mr. Dalrymple read to the commit.
tee letters from CC W. Broom and
Lee Shannon, who told the
departmen assistant that
whom they declined to name had in-
formed them of the meeting at Hur.
ley’s home, where prominent Repub
licans were alleged to have planned
how they could hold on to patronage
Jobs despite the change in administra.
tion, Dalrymple denied that he had
made the charges himself,
in od
il Ch
HICAGO'S exposition, A Century
of Progress, was reopened for an-
other summer with a big military
parade and much ceremony. The fair
bas been reconstructed and redecor-
ated and Is a bigger and better expo-
sition this year than the one that called
forth so much enthusiastic praise In
1033. The best of the former ex-
hibits and features have been retained,
but many new ones have been added
and everything has been brought up
to date. There are 12 new foreign
villages for the edification and amuse-
ment of visitors; the Chicago and De
troit symphony orchestras will give
long series of fine concerts; the scien
tific and manufacturers’ exhibits have
been vastly improved and enlarged;
the “Midway,” bettered In various
ways, has been moved to the lake
front of the Island; and the entire ex-
position Is resplendent with new
colors and new lighting.
gress what kind of silver bill he
was willing to accept-—the compro-
mise explained in this column recently
-and such a measure was promptly
introduced by Senator Key Pittman,
Some members of the sliver bloc were
far from satisfied with the bill, but
there was every Indieation that it
would be passed before the end of the
session, the senators from the silver
states accepting it In leu of anything
better from thelr point of view, If
they sought to defeat it the probable
result would be a long fight and no
silver bill whatever. The bill really
leaves to the discretion of the Presi.
dent the making of silver a part of
the monetary system and the stabilize.
i tion of its price,
[r REPORTS from Pelping are trae,
the Japanese have perpetrated an
other outrage on the helpless Chinese
in Manchukuo, The story Is that
Chinese - farmers in the southeastern
part of the puppet state refused to
give up their arms on demand of the
Japanese troops and that as a result
army planes bombed twenty farm vil
lages, killing a thousand persons, in-
Juring hundreds of others and destroy-
ing all the An explanation
from Tokyo, claiming the farmers were
really bandits or re may be ex
pected soon.
{CONSTITUTIONAL government has
been discarded by another Euro
pean nation, In a bloodless coup d'etat
the Bulgarian control of
under a
Boris either
army took
that country
sponsored move.
ment or q yield-
ed to it. He promptly
signed about thirty
decrees that were pre
pared in advance, dis.
solving the parliament
and putting the new
government in power,
with Kimon Guero-
guleff as premier,
Members of the former government
and several other persons were ar
rested. Not only In Sofia, the capital,
but throughout the country the mili
tary leaders were in control.
The program of the new govern
ment was set forth in a long mani
festo calling for the creation of a dis
ciplined, orderly state. The principal
alterations in the struet ire of the gov-
ernment include a sharply reduced
membership in the legislature, which
is to be under firn
administration, a reduction In num-
ber of the political sub-
divisions, a general weeding out of
municipal and provincial authorities,
and an Intensification of atte
upon the Interests of villag
re glon ®,
King Boris
control of the
countrys 's
joris, the
be relegated to a
¢ unimportance,
ns was th
and his
} AS a good
i in keep hin
the head of his people In fact
\ YHILE the Paraguayans and ti
Bolivians were engaged in the big
el ween
battle in the
G0.000 and
gest and most imp
war, with
50.000 men on both
council at
two mtions,
the League
of Nations Geneva y
cables to 31
they put
taken after ti
resolution favori
at the
would arms embargo on
em! 0
ng such an
possible Du i
message gl the
world by President
State departmen
earliest n
accord the
congress and the
loosevelt, The
Washington was
tions with Peru, Chile,
gentina in tl!
with ven
Rio de Jan
iched a peaceful set-
§ ”
presentatives of
Orences tween
id which bas
erica for twenty m
oR more than th
ical La
have been operating
and under that
often with success,
for control of the
state. Now this is to
be changed. With the
aid of delegates from
labor and farm or-
ganizations, the fol-
lowers of Senator La
Follette, assembled
in convention In Fond
du Lae, formed a new
party and named It
the Progressive party.
No statement of prin.
ciples was made, all
attempts to bring
Senator La Follette kept in the back-
Wiscons n
as Repu
have competed,
F' olletieltes
La Follette
tion were settled. With
name decided,
the picture with a prepared speech.
distress and suffering of the American
people that followed were raade pos-
sible by the’ betrayal of the people's
trust by men In both parties, con-
trolled through their party organiza.
tions by privileged interests.”
A few hours later a state central
committee was formed, with former
Gov. Philip La Follette as its chair-
man, and in Milwaukee it began map-
ping out the campaign for the autumn
congressional and state elections,
PPROXIMATELY $8,000,000 dam-
age was done by a conflagration
in Chicago that was described as the
worst that city had experienced since
the great fire of 1871. It started in
the Union Stock Yards, familiar to
all visitors to the city, and within a
few hours had swept over an area
equivalent to about eight city blocks,
The flames also leaped across Halsted
street, destroying many shops and res.
fdences. Happily only one human life
was lost, though the injured, mostly
firemen, numbered some 1.100, As the
stock pens were comparatively empty
over the weekend, the loss of live
stock was restricted, '
Washington.—President Roosevelt's
determination to advise congress as it
leaves for home after
the current
of some of the things
that he wishes to
present for its consideration next Jan-
uary has injected a new factor into
the forthcoming political campalgns,
Most of the ul observers here
think his maneuver politically
smart. They take the that he
actually has presented to the country
and the voters the general outline of
his future leg program in order
that he can have something of a man-
date given the representatives and sen-
ators who are fall's
I haven't seen any
will indicate how the
and other anti-Roosevelt
attempt to meet this new factor,
but it is quite apparent they will
force debate upon many of the projects
of the New Deal that hb already
been enacted into law, as the
embryo plans contained in his late
INessages, leading hinkers
around have sug
that Mr, Roosevelt is taking advantage
of the natural that
promoted by the opposition in order to
ascertain for himself whether he has
gone far enough with his social reform
movements, It seen
doubt that he will be in a pos
the temper of
chosen in this
signs yet
ns well
Washington gested
attacks will be
here can be
ive | New
Deal ite
the ad
and several others, one can
we conclusion that onls
know wn
as I see the i
it ©
his New Des
ome 8
hat the President
if the Dem
i wit?
any rate,
from fall
like their present
gress that n
be tractable,
present one, Anyone can see the Pres.
{dent would be unable to put over his
New Deal without an obedient con-
gress, hence he that need,
too, by aqvance,
the election
woeots In
ns or more =o, than the
is staking
plans in
* . -
It is not too much to say that there
has been a tremendous stiffening of
backbone in con
Trouble gress in the last
Brewing several weeks, It
has been more pro-
I believe, than at any time
Roosevelt took over the
reins. So there might possibly be
some trouble brewing on Capitol HiL
did not urge enactment
posals at this session,
There has been no secret about the
fact, around here, that Mr. Roosevelt
wanted to get congress out of town at
the earliest possible date. 1 have
heard it suggested even that he had
hoped he could get the leaders to bring
about an adjournment before the sil-
ver question got out of hand. But that
desire was lost, If he entertained such
hope. He has had to swallow some
gilver legislation which, it is quite
apparent, he does not like. Political
expediency made it necessary.
No one here has been able to ex-
plain just why the silverites have been
able to muster so much strength,
There are only seven silver states, and
from the political standpoint, it is to
be assumed that they cannot wield
the power that Is inherent In legisla.
tion affecting the more populous
areas, But the sliver bloc has per
sisted In its efforts, has been recal
citrant in many ways, and it never
was licked completely, As far as 1
am concerned, I cannot see where it
fs going to be of any particular help,
But the silver advocates tell me I am
wrong, and, whatever else may he
said, their views forced Mr. Roosevelt
into a corner where he had to take
a small dose of silver medicine.
It was easy to see a week or so ago
that if the President had been able to
stall off the silverites a little longer,
of his pro
he would have succeeded In getting an
adjournment before he was compelled
that the country's money
backed by 25 per cent of
coin or bullion. Financial
assure me that actually the
silver will do nothing
rilse the price temporarily
who have sliver to
» » “
to agree
should be
more than
to those
yreak on
proposal for
Senator Borah's
the Presi
to negotiate
is typ
the the
tration In a session where ad
I8 too long d« slaved. Ne
though a Republican
of the minority in
strong following in
cal Ee
a adminis
snator Borah,
and a member
has a
When he
and chal-
throughout country.
country to return
ernment . and
alongside of
lenges administration, urges
to constitutional gov.
there Is “a niche
Washington and Lincoln”
for a brave leader to
government — when
makes that cha
persons are go
p reserve a
Henge, a good many
iither are
are warthy
we rend
i .
inability of
to carry
given them by Presi.
“Ding” Hits dent Roosevelt, as
Snag a result of
OMe gove
authority or
others under
the com we present gov
ernmental setup, has begun to attract
attention, There are numerous in-
stances that can be cited, but lately I
encountered one that appears to me to
be typical.
Mr. Roosevelt brought J. N. Dar
ling, who is probably one of the great.
est cartoonists of our day, to Washing.
ton as chief of the biological survey.
Mr. Darling, whose signature “Ding”
is known far and wide, is a zealot In
his desire to restore game birds and
animals to the numbers of earlier years,
The biological survey is a unit of the
Department of Agriculture, Funds
with which Mr, Darling was to acquire
waste land, timber, swamps and swall,
were to come from the vast appropria-
tion managed by Secretary Ickes of
the Department of the Interior. There
was to have been $25,000,000, and Mr.
Darling said when he came to Wash.
ington that he believed a splendid job
could be done with that sum. He pro-
ceeded upon recommendations of a
Presidential commission to make plans
for acquisition of the necessary lands
and was moving at a steady pace
when, lo! he learned that Mr. Ickes
had declined to make the funds avall-
able as planned.
Numerous conferences followed. Sec
retary Wallace, of the Department of
Agriculture, and Mr. Darling were said
to have figuratively wept on each
other's shoulder. They tried to find
some way to get the money trans.
ferred so that the work could go on
and, I understand, did get £1.500,000
made available from somewhere in the
various alphabetical organizations,
In the meantime, I am told, Secre-
tary Ickes was determined to have his
own Inspection made of lands pro.
posed to be acquired, notwithstanding
the fact that Mr. Roosevelt had named
a commission for the specific purpose
of locating the sites, ete. Also, In the
meantime, it has been disclosed that
the original $25,000,000 has been “ear
marked” for several other proposi-
© ty Western Newspaper Union,
ping of
assumption of power hy
plexities of t
| Alfalfa Seeding
Will Exceed 1¢
letired Land in Illinois Is to
Be Used for Starting
New Mea dows.
i By J. C Hack leman,
« Un
A new all-time
growing Is expecte
nois this year in &p
the 1033
record in itself,
1,806 200
crop of
acres of
will be retired fron
| production under
ment programs will
ideal place for
mweadow while
taining some ome from
the form of benefit rental
Alfalfa may be
out 8 nurse croj
Use of cont
and other cr
cular, “How Use
{| which the college
fon to interests
one indication of
i Illinois
{ farms,
lgpeven”s "ne
ges nE-un
insects ar
ne time arn y
sf 1 @ » .
Alfalfa ma
after re
Y ww
seed bed, BY,
§ » $ 4
unger control 1o
ready for
contracted wheat
must be repl
| tracted acreag
use as
A dozen different
are common, savs the New York State
of Agri t These
in body wm, weight, age at
{ which they mature, type of
| hardiness, and in other ways. A breed
| that is best sulted to individual fancy,
{ to the land, and to market demand can
| be easily selected.
After a suitable breed has been chos-
{ en, it is better to use this breed than
to change from one to another every
| Year or two. Also important in the
| breeding program are simple yet ade
| quate records that aid farmers to cull
| their flocks intelligently and to select
replacements of their own breeding.
breeds of sheep
Potatoes Under Straw
Growing potatoes under straw is not
practiced as much now as it formerly
was. By this method of growing, the
straw or some similar material is scat
tered over the ground, usually direct-
Iy after planting, to the depth of five
or six Inches. Such a covering pre
vents evaporation and keeps the weeds
from growing. The practice is more
desirable on very light than on very
heavy soils. On solls which are af.
fected by drought, straw can be used
to great advantage not only to increase
the crop but to improve the soil by in
creasing the source of humus. The
potatoes come up through the straw
and, of course, no cultivation is need.
ed. At harvest time the straw is
raked off and usually the potatoes
have formed on or near the surface of
the ground.~Indiana Farmer's Guide.
Seed Heat Sterilized
Experiments carried on last year
have proven the feasibility of sterilis-
ing seed by a hot-water treatment
which kills many of the disease germs
of the plant yet leaves the seed unaf-