5 1 Iran DAVY oo mR 1 1 1 The Alamo By ELMO SCOTT WATSON f F FULL century has passed since he, a typical “rough-and-ready” fron- tiersman, was being llonized In half a dozen eastern cities as the most-talked-of American of his day; it has been 08 years since he died magnificently, in a manner that was a fitting climax To Disguise the Taste of Milk Beverage May Quickly Be Flavored for Those Who Desire It. Milk, the natural nourishment for babies, continues to be an Important part of thelr diet for several years, and is used io one form or another during all the years of a life, Most children like to drink milk, but occa. slonally & child is found who actually dislikes the taste of it, that the child was forced to drink| it when his appetite was and ever after, the memory of that] time presents itself, when a glass of milk is set him. It may be that the flavor of milk given the child to drink | | It may be | satisfied, | before during and after weaning | isteful compared with moth- | There are adults wi act to milk, these a { and it is they Ee ¥ unfavorably re $8010 re isolat« ip are # not int 11tr ta ilk is a : bi Yerage tempt children, th like the more painial Memorials to Genius of American Builders According to leading architects polled by the Federal Architect, Jour- nal of the Assoclation of Federal Architects, the most beautiful Amer- ican bulidings are: Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D, C.; Empire State building, New York city: Nebraska State Capitol, Lincoln; Morgan 1i- brary, New York city; St, Thomas’ church, New York city; Beottish Rite temple, Washington, D, C,; Chicago Dally News building ; Columbia Uni- versity library, New York city ; Hark- ness Memorial bulldings, Yale uni. Folger Memorial library, D. C.: Pennsylvania station, York city building, Chicago, iL building, Washington, D. C.: Woolworth bullding, New New . ¥ nl 3 ile Palmolive : city : Freer g : ry. Wa Hbrary; ( New igton, D.C. 3 ity hall, New Telephone Yincent Ferrier cho York eity; York bullding : St. New York cit eounty ETAT WASHING At MACHINE /* # Ti) Coleman «