The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 22, 1934, Image 3

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    ALE is the February sky,
And brief the midday's sunny hours;
The windswept forest seems to sigh
For the sweet time of leaves and flowers.
Yet has no month a prouder day,
Not even when the summer broods
O'er meadows in their fresh array,
Or autumn tints the glowing woods,
For this chill season now again
Brings, in its annual round, the mora
When, greatest of the sons of men,
Our glorious Washington was born,
Lo, where beneath an icy shield,
Calmly the mighty Hudson flows!
By snowclad fell and frozen field,
Broadening, the lordly river goes.
The wildest storm that sweeps through space
And rends the oak with sudden force,
Can raise no ripple on his face,
Or slacken his majestic course.
Thus, ‘mid the wreck of thrones shall live
Unmarred, undimmed, our hero's fame,
And years succeading years shall give
Increase of honors to his name.
Williams Cullen Bryant.
and grand, the wonderful
erected In Washington, D.
C, by a grateful nation in recognl-
tion of the services of Gen. George
Washington, attracts thousands of vis-
ftors who annually throng the Na-
tion's Capital. The monument is of
white marble, 555 feet,
height, and. 55 feet, 114 Inches square
at the base. The cornerstone was laid
July 4, 1848. The United States gov-
ernment, under an act of congress,
took over the monument in 1876. An
elevator accommodates 35 passengers
}, ora:
Washington, Adams Both
Late for Inauguration
Washington was Inaugu-
rated the old Federal hall was
the Capitol of the United States. At
that time
Capital of the nation, notes the Wash-
ington Star,
The first President was inducted In-
to office on April 30, rather than March
gress had set the first Wednesday In
March, which fell on the fourth of the
month, as the date for “commencing
the proceedings under the sald Constl-
tution,” but when March 4 came neith-
er the senate nor the house could mus
ter a quorum and so could not orga-
nize. Only 13 members of the house
answered to thelr names,
Two summons were sent out to mem-
bers, but it was not until April 1 that
the house finally managed to count a
quorum. The senate obtained a quor-
um April 6, more than a month after
the appointed day. On the same day a
Joint session of the two houses was
held in the senate chamber. When
the electoral votes were opened and
counted, it was found Washington
was elected President, and John Ad
ams Vice President.
Washington and Adams were for
mally notified and this, together with
their journey to New York, delayed
the Inauguration until the thirtieth.
George Washington One of
Signers of Constitution
I¥ MAY, 1787, a constitutional con-
vention met at Philadelphia, then
the National Capital, George Wash-
ington was president of the conven
tion, which was attended by 55 dele
gates from the states, A constitution
was drawn up after about four months
and was adopted by 30 of the dele
gates on September 17, 1787: 18 de
¢lined or falled to sign. Ten dele
gates appointed by the states did not
attend the convention, Some of the
best known names among the signers
were George Washington, Benjamin
Franklin, James Madison, Alexander
Hamilton, Robert Morris, Roger Sher:
man, Charles C. Pinckney, James Wil
son. Delaware was the first stote to
ratify, followed In order by Pennsyl-
vania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecti
cut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South
Carolina, New Hampshire Virginia,
New York, North Carolina, Rhode Is
land, It was declared to be In effect
in March, 1780,
Right Plates or
Dishes for Soup
Fashion’s Decrees Will Be
Observed by Wise
With the return to style of soup
plates it is important for the home-
maker to be acquainted with the dif-
ferent kinds of soups best sulted to
being served in them, and in bouillon
cups, also called soup cups, The
very name, bouillon, Indicstes the
kind of soup originaly intended to
be served In these cups. The word
is French for a clear soup or a beef
broth. Fashion decreed for some
time that all varieties of soup should
be served in these bouillon cups, but
now there is a return to the more
proper method, of suiting the soup
to the dishes.
The chief distinction in sultabllity
of soups to serve in cups or in plates
is their density. Clear soups, even
though they may not be strained as
is bouillon or consomme, but have
gome solid pleces of ingredients In
them, are the sort to be served In
cups. Cream soups and heavy soups
such as chowders, oyster and other
stew soups, etc., should be served
in soup plates. When soup is in
cups, there is the inference that they
may be sipped as well as taken with
spoons. Heavy soups cannot be %o
sipped, and there should be no hint
in the way it Is served that such an
inconsistency is considered.
a {aux pas.
when glass plates
Clear soup showed off the beauty of
the glass most advantageously,
was served in it. Therefore
young homemaker need not
both cups and soup plates, but
with propriety,
all soups. The
any longer of boul
Clear soups must be of sufficl
strength to make the
full flavored. Meat Is the recog
essence to be imparted, Chic
lamb, and beef broth
and delicious
is covered with water
boil and then all
the water hag hecome
use soup plates fo
game cannot be sal
lon cups,
are del
when proper iy
fresh ment, of whiche
owed to 8m
rich In flavor
from the meat juices. Salt and pen
per are
an onion in the
particles should remain in
Also all
is enoked water
the soup
when served. fat should
skimmed off,
Consomme from
combination of men Hh as chick
en and a ham bone, Kn kie of veal
and beef soup meat, ote, With the
enn he made
ta sud
meat are balled an mmered vege
tables, such as celery, carrnts, tar
nip: and the condiments of salt and
igmented with a
one hiade
pepper may be at
very little mace and elo
of mace or teaspnoninl
and four
for four
ments and
he clarified
©. Dell Syndicate —WNU Sorc!
are sufficient
fo six cloves
pounds of
four quarts o
is strained and mas
f eonld wa
© y —r +%
by straining through a
Ancient “Hoarders™
All sorts of anc
resemble an eye,
of old cities of
treasured by
jent beads eut to
found on the sites
Mesopotamia, are
modern natives of the
riet as charms against every sick-
ness and evil spell, It is difficult to
obtain these charms, even at consid.
able price, says a returned traveler,
Banded, precious such
as agate and sardonyx, are prized as
the most powerful. Natives of this
region have been antique
since ancient times,
semi stones,
To keep clean and healthy take Dr.
Pleree's Pleasant Pellets, They regulate
liver, bowels and stomach.—Adv.
In His Line
“How'd she happen to cateh that
baseball pitcher?”
“Oh, 1 suppose he
N Te
Mind Works Hard
in Split Second
Right Perspective May Be
Developed in Face
of Death.
Four employees of a large bullding
in New York recently dropped in a
defective elevator from the four
teenth floor to the basement, They
were fortunate enough to come
through alive,
That was an experience
learning something about. So the
newspapers sent reporters to ask
these people how it felt to take such
a drop, to know you were dropping,
and not be able to do anything but
walt for the inevitable crash and
probable mutilation or death,
“The whole thing seemed to take
only a split second,” sald one of the
survivors. “And,” he added confiden-
tially, *it was funny, but a lot of
things seemed to shoot through my
We can Imagine what those things
were that shot through this man’s
mind In just a split second of time.
Perhaps he had left home that morn
ing without kissing his wife good-by.
He might have been harsh with his
boy. Or perhaps it was the word of
appreciation that was well
but which a perverse (Impulse pre
vented his giving that ran through
his mind in that split second.
There can be no doubt that his ex
perience In the elevator sent that |
man home a better husband and fa |
ther—for un while, anyway, It raised |
him for a moment, a split moment to
be sure, out of the treadmill of daily |
rotitine which shuts off our
from all but the road we are trying
to “cover.” It gave him for that split
second perspective and a sense of
values, the realization. that what
counts most in life Is what Is be-
tween us and those we love, and that
the most precious moments are those
in which we give something of our
selves to their happiness.
Lucky the person who could have
that “split second” of revelation—
and live to snct on It.
© Bell Syndicate. ~WNU Service.
Insect Conversation
Ferret out your insect pests with
a radio microphone! It can be done,
according to an Oslo (Norway) pro
fessor, who has devised a special
microphone that will make Insect
noises audible to the human ear by
amplification through a loud speaker.
Insects “converse” In potes so high
that the human ear cannot
them, but the super-sensitive elec.
troni¢ tube can do so and
them to audibility,
in some quarters that bees actually
“broadcast” to one another on short
waves even beyond the ultras, thus
for the fact that recon
bees are shortly followed
ling” toward a
source of
honey by
far out of sight of ordinary hearing
When you go to buy aspirin,
just remember this: Every
tablet of real aspirin of
Bayer manufacture is
stamped with this cross. No
tablet without this cross is
GENUINE Bayer Aspirin.
Remember this for your own
protection. Tell your friends
about it for their
Demand and &)
get Genuine
Many a man has son ing worth
Precious Volume
i A cook book
i balmed records of endless del
“Kept after school!” And it isn’t
the child's fault, or the teacher's.
His mother is to blame. How can a
boy get his lessons when his senses
are dulled day after day by dosing
with sickening purgatives? When
a child's bowels are stagnant they
need help, of course Bul not some
drastic drug to upset the stomach,
perhaps weaken the entire system;
or form the laxative habit. On
the right, parents will find a
happy solution of this problem:
Here's a boy who gets good marks,
has time and energy for play Helis
never ill, hardly ever Bas so much
as a cold When he does show any
symptoms of being sluggish, his
mother knows just what to do. She
gives him a little California Syrup
of Figs—and that is all It's a
natural, fruity laxative that is
agreeable to take, and its gentle
laxative action comes from senna
Parents are urged to use jus!
ure California Syrup of Figs
sure bottle says California’.
a few cents
On the
New Zeal
banks of the Wada river,
ind, 18 being constructed
of the strangest craft ever mnde
to ply the sen, It is the Gospel ship
Ysabel, and is bullt by L. Beavis,
who plans to sall it personally, He
has measured everything by span of
the fingers, and has kept a Bible
handy while working, writing or cut.
tinz a text from the gospel on every
timber of the vessel, The figurehead
represents an angel holding an open
Bible. The Ysabel 1s 41 feet long
and rigged as a barquentine,. The
timbers were cut and shaped with an
ax, saw and plane and a chisel made
out of an old file. Auxiliary power
will be supplied by a hand-driven
propelling device invented by Beavis,
Wrong Size
Sultor—Sweetheart, 1 offer you my
hand and my fortune,
Lady—8o0 sorry 1 can't accept.
former 18 too large and the
latter too
health, which
read on . .
and your cheeks, too, without
Do they possess the natural glow of
comes from a sufficiency of rich, red
hey don’t
. poor appetite,
tion suggests
1{ your condi-
a blood tonic of this kind, try 8.8.8,
. your color and skin
assed strength.
sizes . , . the
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Many folks from below the
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Single. $2 10 $3.90 Double, $3 to $3
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