HILDREN'’S LISTORY THORNTON W. BURGESS REDDY'S SMOOTH TONGUE | FERRY MUSKRAT was old enough to know better than to stay around listening to Reddy Fox. But, « like most folks, Jerry likes to be praised and to hear nice things said of him and of his things, So when Reddy Fox sald that that new house was the finest he ever had seen, and that not even Paddy the Beaver could build such a house, Jerry just couldn't WHEN IT HURT “A friend of mine is the most ab sent-minded person you ever saw.” “Well, it doesn't hurt does it?” “It hurt him today when he swal- MOTION, NOT PROMOTION “Is your boy Josh night oil?’ “No,” replied Farmer Corntossel, “but he keeps the gasoline goln’ about 18 hours a day."-—-Washington Star, burning mid. Give Him Time “How old are you, sonny? asked | the Inquisitive old man of the little boy on the beach, “Six.” eame the brisk reply. “Six,” echoed the old man: “and { yet you are not so tall as my um- | brella i” i The boy drew himself up to his full | helght, “How old is your umbrella? he lowed a dime and gave & bus con- | gsked. —Stray Stories. ductor a pill for his fare.” —— take himself away. “As long as I am out here in the water I am In no danger,” though Jerry, “and Reddy Fox certainly does know & good thing when he sees It. It is a pleasure to listen to one who understands and appreciates good things.” Not So Unpleasant Stalled Traveler—1 dreamed night that 1 was lying my car. Silas—An unpleasant drean Oh, no: Regular Debate The conductor and a brakeman on a Montana railroad differ as to the proper pronunciation of the name | Eurelin, Passengers are often start. led upon arrival at this station to! hear the conductor yell: Stalled didn't So Jerry swam around in circles or NDIAN fishermen utilize a net at 84 ve a bit idly floated on the surface of the the end of a long pole to catch ; | Brooklyn Eagle ; 7 Smiling Pool while Reddy Fox talked, | Salmon as they make the run to jump nd ; - r “Yourea liar! Yet'vrea faryr |TV GTC OC the Celilo falls on the Columbia river “1% 0 " : Then from the brakeman at the other end comes the cry: | “You really are. Now, as of course you know, and Not a many of the little people of the Green | In Oregon. The Meadows and the Green Forest have | Very alert as it lakes great strength found out to their sorrow, Reddy Fox | &nd skill to hold a 30 to 50 pound —Hong-kong, South salmon when it hits the net going at ! : i. dy Post, full speed. : 1 iB ; wr ad m———— “ : Alas! In darkest Africa two nati watching a leopard chasing a fat man. “Can you spot the winner?” one, “The winner Is the other.—Montreal NOW IS THE TIME Maybe Not a Corge asked Indians have to be the “lave motor tourist tdin scenery, “Well, { dinner rier-Journal, you gorge? You really are” | oy rit} China Morning ita an fo moun- sir, we supply IVe-course for 70 centg."—Loulsville VOR were large There Isn't a doubt about it,” replied Reddy with great prompiness, “y should love to see the inside of it, but I really don't need to In order to ap- preciate what a perfectly splendid house It is. If I lived In the water I certainly should want you to bulld me a house. In fact I am not sure but 1 would like just such a house on land, J And yet not al I think I would If only 1 knew how s % & The earth's to go about bullding it. Deo you sup- g r Life now pose I could build one If I had some a E g nt little one to show me how to do it?» . A : ; fm Jerry Muskrat's with bios Nor pleasure at this praise of his house and his skill. For the time belng he forgot that Reddy Fox was an enemy for whom all his life long he had had ’ ’ 3 has a wonderfully smooth tongue. A | '° be on the watch, He swam In a s aati: Yr That 1 known smooth tongue, you know, is one that little nearer to the bank, ) 2 oul ahs, At times the weary day can say all manner of “Do you really mean that you would 3 go In delightful things, like a house like mine, only on land? Dea Z LT oh d Ia those who listen, he asked. Beams £0 1% 000 # : Nor Reddy grinned down at Jerry in the “I certainly do,” replied Reddy. “I friendliest way. “If I were in your can’t think of anything 1 would like place, Jerry Muskrat” sald he “I cer as weil.” tainly would be very proud of such a The ms nigs some of them. 3 WIN there was 8 : fellow who got his start passing the ’ 2 - plate in church.—Detroit News, asked OTHERS By DOUGLAS MALLOCH spotted,” replied Gazette, DO not always smile, Forever sing: » while spring. which not always rich, eyes shone are the fields, Ml—1 Will Be Glad to Tell You Just How to Build it,” Said Jerry. many weep have pleasant things to and sorrow ends: flatter m not a A Fr EVERYWHERE [rs io not Forever gain: For life has thistles In always win, | fishing with their husbands or male and think nothing of hav- license, She proposes that be or- Are Women Poor Sports? Game Ia Miss Na. | rel dine Strayer. of Baker, Ore, are be | ing wa according fo atives he no ihe women's “I—] will glad to tell you just fine house as that. I fear I should | POW to build It,” sald Jerry In rather be rather puffed up over it. You don't seem to be, but If you were, 1 for one would not you in the least, May I ask how many rooms you have in it? : “One. blame replied Jerry, over with delight at th skill. “That is, I have one above wa ter, but it is very and fortable. If you like the looks of my house from the o le you would, 1 Am sure, it better if you could see the Ins “There isn't a wriggling all 8 praise of his te ow iarge com like Jerry. a hesitating way. Reddy shook his head, “l am afraid that wouldn't do” he, “In fact, 1 know it never in the world eould being told I should gome one to show me. Oh, Jerry, if you would with and Just show me how to bulld such a house 1 would be the happlest Fox In all the World ™ olkedd ag If he meant every month wouldn't, do it from have to have comme me Great Reddy I word of it, as indeed he did. A tongue has Reddy Fox. A very smooth tongue, © 1931. by T. W. Burgess. - WNU Bervice “Times were never so bad” says disillusioned Dell, “that a woman couldn't collect on a broken heart” FOR THE CHILDREN ©. 1932. Bell Syndicate. —WNU Service. hard it ent the The only way begin with Food and feeding time will time If habits of correct early. child who bas had his own way in all things is going to make a difficult adult to live with or for other people to enjoy being with, It takes but lit. tle patience to train a baby, but often it Is dificult when the child has be- come willful, All foods given children should be simple, well cooked, easy to digest and attractively served. Tasting the food before being served is an impor. tant duty for the mother or nurse, to be sure it is palatable, for often dis likes have been formed that are hard Ly Eny mother knows how -+ ig to force children to food they should eat. te accomplish this is to the baby. be a happy eating are formed The of the stars by projecting thelr images on an overhead dome, The institution This is ane somest of the coats for the door sports. completed by beaver, season's hand- devotee of out it is of leopard and is collar and culls of dish of poor food The following are a few suggestions breakfast Orange Honey Crispy. Peel an orange and separate sections, removing the membrane. Al low six to eight section for each serving. Dip each section Into honey and turn over in rice or corn flakes, puffed wheat or any of the light cereals which have been warmed un. til erisp In the oven. Arrange on an attractive plate and serve Maple sirup may be used in place of honey for variety, into Breakfast Cocktail, One beaten egg yolk, a pinch of salt, a teaspoonful of honey and the Juice of two oranges. Beat well and serve cold. This supplies fron from the egg yolk and vitamins from the orange juice, This is a good drink to give as a mid-meal, The above recipes are equally good for the nursing mother who needs to take as much liquid as possible, For a child of six years the addi tion of the juice of half a lemon to a ginss of orange Juice Ig recommended to give Increased vitamin C and to prevent and cure tooth troubles, . —— Frosted Orange Juice. Into a large glass pour a cupful of orange Juice. Add a spoonful of va- nila ice cream and stir a moment, then serve, ©. 1932, Western Newspaper Union. OUIMET’S IRON PRACTICE Nj Ere practice hitting golf shots tends to become uninteresting unless some element of competition is Injected Into the picture to re lieve the monotony. Naturally a golfer to overcome weaknesses In cer fain shots must practice these shots painstakingly and regularly, a proe- " At the skies are wet, shadows tgias Maliooh - WNT Bervice After Queen Elizabeth had got safe ly across the puddie on which Ra- leigh had put his cloak she said, “1 am afraid 1 have soiled your Raleigh replied in French, “Mon Dien et Mon Droit,” which mcani “My God, you're right.” coat” BONERS are actual humorous tid-bits found in examination pa- pers, essays, etc, by teachers. of the leg of a grasshopper is decanter, . » . Part called the Boxer Indemnity Is a sum of set aside for the maintenance or disabled prizefighters, * * * The money of old Rilas Marner's life was full of blank and he filled up the blank with grief. - » - A man bleeding from a wound in his head should be stood on his head in the sawdust, * » » are happen, . * » going to met in American, ©. 1533. Dell Byndicate ~~ WNT Bervice ess that often calls for a able amount of will power, circumstances it is an ald {o make the practice as difficult as possible; making hazards lend a competitive tone to the play. ) For instance, Francis Oulmet as & youngster used to hit his practice fron shots to the green from behind a tree and In each attempt try to hit over the top. Not only was the ele- ment of height to be considered, but glso the length pf the shot in order to land it somewhere near the pin, In time the former amateur champion was nble to carey the tree tops In consistent fashion. This valuable practice made shots from the fair way a much simpler process and left a rather confident feeling that even should he land into trouble, he had an excellent chance of recovering with. out taking an extra stroke, ©. 1932, Dell Byndiente ~WNU Servis. consider. In such ing evaded every year by thousands of skirted anglers. She told the state game commission that “sportsmen's cl ganized to end such law evasion. Philadelphia Public Ledger. in Few Minutes IM AFRAID ILL HAVE TO MIS THE DANCE AT THE CLUB TONIGHT. 1D LOVE TO 60, BUT IVE preg AN AWFUL HEADACHE... UP! SEND OUT FOR A BOX OF | BAYER ASPIRUN \ TD | AND TAKE TWO! 2 3 J\TABLETS RIGHT AWAY. ILL PHONE IN 2 IN AN HOUR WELL, DID BAYER ASPIRIN STOP THAT LAND IN A PEW L | memanxases sur | FT 3) | OF HEADACHE LEFT. \& ~, WEADACHE ? i ITs 7a -, $ | fvE NOT ATRACE | 3% >/) COME [UIGHT ON J, [17 cormamiy 0iID-) NU Janes i OVER | C il is said, pet discovered. pain a few minutes after taking. work almost instantly. - 5 or Bayer Aspiriz’s quick always say “BAYER Aspirin.” WHY BAYER ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST Drop 2 Bayer Tablet in a glass of water, Note that BEFORE it touches bottom, it has started to dis integrate. What it does in this glass it does In your stomach. Hence its fast action. Does Not Harm the Heart » 1400 large rooms...each with bath {tub and shower) servidor and radio. Single from $2.50. Double from $3.50. FOUN T. wast, Menage Send for Booklet T tel | | * STAR HOTEL in New York * for Quist sweep... Our 32 sto- ries of fresh air and sunshine as sureyouquietcomfortatall hours, * for susiNgss...1 block from Times Square, 3 blocks from Sth Ave, Underground passageway to all subways. % for DINING... fine restaurants to choose from-coffee room, tavern grill, main dining room. Breakfast from 30¢ Luncheon from 63¢ Diner from 83¢ % for RECREATION....69 fine thes- NCOLN