THURSDAY, APRIL 13, AM ner THE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY, CENTRE HALL. PENNA. AR : o SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors 8. W. SMITH, Editer, SOW, BE. BAILEY, Associate Editor and Business Manager, ee a Batered at the Post Oilice ln Centre Hall 8 second cluss matter, TERMS.— The terms of subscription to he Beporter are $LO0 a year, in advance. “SUNDAY GHURGH SERVICES FENNS VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE (Bev, 5. F, Gresnlive, Pastor.) Centre Hall—8Sunrise Services 6:00 to 1: A. M. Preparatory ices Friday evening, Reception of members and baptisms, 1B Communion at 7:30 P, M, Spring Mills—3§ to 10 A. M. Tusseyville Communion at 10:30 A. AM. from uv sie I'y~- ial, Easter Reception of members, -— PENTRE HALL REFORMED CHARGE (Bev, Delas EB, Keener, Paster) Centre Hall— ¥:30—Sunday School, 1:30—Church Service. pring Mills— §:30—Sunday School, A0:30—Hely Communion Service Farmers Mills— §:00—Church 10; 00—Sunday Service, School. METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Bev, M, A, Pruyn, Paster.) QOentre Hall-— W:00—sunday School. 1:30—Evening Worship. Smuliton— §:00—51 PRESBYTERIAN J. MM, Kirkpatrick, Pastor) (Bey, $:00—Mornl 30: 00— Sund EVANGELICAL (Rev. J. W. Zang, Pastor) wantre Hall— 7 A, I Xa ?.00—aunday School Tuasey ville— o. s0—Sunday School 1 iv PARTS FESTIVAI COUNTY GIRLS IN Blt FARKD SPRING Lilli Kathry: fllust thic Cali of t prograx elemen extra-« education Comp: tit sport clog d costume of the fest elaborate “Worsl Entire students same time events, charge and mm es Maolis« ton of the Will Rogers Picks A Story For This Spot By WILL ROGERS E Worst Joke 1 heard today was told in England by one of the natives, It is a little illus tration of English tact. A lady was engaging a new Butler, and she impressed on each applicant the importance of tact. “The great question is, have you tact? It needs great tact to han- dle my house. We have all kinds of guests.” y, I am noted for my tact,” replied the applicant, “Well, will you give me any il- fustration of some of your tact?” “Well, Madam, in my last place i was among various duties sup- posed to clean the nickleware on the bathroom faucets. One day on entering a bathroom, there, right before my very eyes, was a Lady standing just ready to enter the tub, n t gia 1 do, Mam? Just said, your pardon, ' and withdrew.” American News Features, Ine, a, DEATHS, . . « » . HAINES Melville Claude Haines, prominent in the educauonal, DUS INeSS, religious and socla] circles in Brush | and Penns Valleys, died at his in Rebersburg, Monday morning at 3:00 iliness from home following an an. gina pectoris since the Wednesday pre- vious. Funeral will be held from the home and conducted by Rev. J. J. Weaver, of the Lutheran church, this (Thursday) in- terment ag Rebersburg. Mr. Haines was a son of and Emma J. Burkett Haines, born near Idbersburg. He Is ed by a wife, Almah, an only daugh- of Prof. Mrs, C. lL. son, Hains High =~ Mrs. i. The Haines ved together since r. and Mra Haines. profession o'clock, services pastor forenoon, B. and was LOTS AUrviv- and Gramnley ; $5, a member fac Kenneth Haven hool Elizabeth and of { nineteen years death, OUCH - DOORMAN aged 72 Dovman, of Port- thient t resident county. n 1 He Wing henrt cupation ther of St " Nittany He is sur and on, danghter fv nd one sister al wer slay) Funer Martinsburg a ——— WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIEYY, CONFERENCE, MAY 5. 3 eighth annual meeting ot of the Sorthern Conference of the Susqguetans na synod of Central rennsyivania, the United Lutperan Church in America, | will meet in St. John's Lutheran | church, Buffalo charge, ev. B. BE. Bot | linger, pastor, Wednesday, May 3rd, | at 9:00 A. M. i The address of welcome wil be by | Mrs. T. T. Ritter, West Milton, | Mra Harry Mider, Mitflinburg, respond, At 1:30 P. thie Woman s Missionary so fety and will i M., Miss Cora Jeffcoat | wily spak on “Our Work at Watauga.” | The flow of beer In Centre Hall { since last Friday morning was ex- { tremely moderate, and there have been no visible signs that three-point-two ls In any way intoxicating. The legal brew was sold bug at one place within the corporate limits of the rwn-—in ~s JOHN J. ARNEY PASSES TO BEYOND IN 95TH YEAR Prominent Potter Township Farmer Dead In School in Centre Drops Home, Sunday. Hall Be- Incorporation. Was Taught fore Bora's First Master of Progress Grange, A gure prominent in Poiter town- ship for sixty-five years passed out of uf AB this life In the death John J hig cus. he porch unday evening. wi 8 tom, although practically blind, went from his room to a back stream of water ho where £14 in a continuous wing re wished his am a pipe, preparatory to the evening and on entering 1 to t hi the Kitchen doo He had beer sual, so far s fel floor, dead. in health about meber of the family knew, wr! services on Wednesday the local held Were FARM HOUSE BURNED. rday evenis iarge ed by ’ = Hedwere. Ly fire flames were » Waller « spread overt the Farm LICENSES, Olean, N. Y CPellefonte . Btate Nels MARRIAGE Hand Orville E. By CENE CARR BB Grove Charles EE. Noss Mary Buchenhorst Nelle College Mills Norwood | Bellefonte | MIN Hall fonte, RB, D (i. Rumberger Hartgock John Helen Cirieh Hoy George B Belle CloverFarm Store SPECIALS for FRIDAY & SAT. April 14 & 15 Low, (Wer, a a a RE i a... THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA. WE WILL HAYE A FRESH SUPPLY OF CANDY EASTER EGGS. Full Line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables sss J ———— T. A. HOSTERHAN § 1 i a a i a a i i i eee ™~ / = CeO 07224 00s old Wns” ~~ eeqge 7 LF leis # ’ dare Sr tp ~OUR SECOND At CENTRE HALL SALE BARN, Tuesday, April 25 LIVESTOCK of HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, HOGS, HUNTINGDON-CENTRE (COWS SHOATS, CHICKENS, Ete. ALSO, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Consisting Farmers are Invited to bring any. thing they wish to dispose of at this public auction, a small com. mission charge of 5% being made, CHEAP JOHN will be there. Our fire! sale wag a success, Let's make this a bigger and better one. Bmith & Peachy, Aucts. H L. Ebright clerk. CHARLES WITMER. the Mitterling restaurant; there Were no excesses priwt--d there, ECONOMY Here is a new standard This new Frigidaire intro- of economy. A genuine Frigidaire that operates on as little electric current as duces a distinctive style in cabinet design, with a finish of white Dulux and hand. some chromium hardware. COSTS ONLY a DEES) 14 MORE FOOD SPACE A highly efficient, space-saving insu. lation gives the cabinet smaller out. side dimensions, but much greater food storage capacity. See the new Frigidaires at our showroom, one ordinary lamp bulb. CONVENIENCE Automatic defrosting—ice trays that slip out of the freezer at a touch of the finger—extra room for tall containers—and a compart« ment for frozen storage. QUALITY With porcelain interior, every detail reflects that quality which has made Frigidaire the choice of a mil- lion more buyers than any other electric refrigerator. THE SUPER FRIGIDAIRE LINE INCLUDES SIX NEW DELUXE ALL.PORCELAIN MODELS WITH MANY EXCLUSIVE FEATURES—THE FINEST FRIGIDAIRES EVER BUILT The new WrerparRE A GENERAL MOTORS VALUER Nothing else like it... Don’t miss our Demonstration ...Come in Today WEST PENN " ELECTRIC SHOPS “Look for the shores that display this emblen” 11 VIER TERRI] | HN