| The Fable of the Yesser and the War Eagle 8B By GEORGE ©. Bell Syndicate. ~WNU Service. NCE there was the kind of Ministering Angel who be- lieved that to make the World happy and scatter Rays of Sunshine and plant Flowers in the City Streets and encourage smiling Faces, the Bright plan was to avoid Argu- ments and agree with Everybody in the Interests of Good Cheer and Har- mony. When an Uplifter and Benefac- tor starts out to Yes the World, right in the Face of the Fact that nearly all Adults are wrong about Every- thing, he has to have a lot of Honey in his System to stay on the Job. We will speak of this optimistic Beamer as Mr, Ferver. It will be better not to tip off the real Handle, as he may be some one you know very well, possibly a Cousin, Now, Mr. Ferver was a Nice Man who had a Theory of Life which is backed up by 1.000 Slogans such as are printed in Old English Type on square Cards and set up on Desks. As a He-Pollyanna he was a walking Ad for all the Books dealing with Sweet- ness and Light, Whenever he got real warm he per- spired Maple Sirups. If he saw an In- dividual who seemed to be transport- ing a hidden Sorrow, he wanted to go right up and kiss Him, Her or It. The very Type of Good Soul who Is a Blessing to his Day and Generation, if you merely examine his Plans and Specifications, but and notwithstanding probably destined to be a Joke to some Folks and a Ner- vous Shock to Others, and send some Good Woman to the Foolis A Clear Title Beats a Clear Conscience, As usually happens, right across the Avenue from this Human Chocolate Drop there lived a Pirate Chief who was hard-boiled, sun-cured and tough- er than a Ten-Penny Spike, Once more we will conceal the Iden. tity of one of our Characters and merely refer to this Egg as Mr. Grumm. Always It sup- press the real Monicker. the Siberian are than a Cousin, self, There Grumm was talked that was because he was always sued, or suing S« i three Shark Lawyers to juggle i tract so that Mr. Grumm would about two-thirds of | Mansy f most hated have had th Articles of going to get party On account Paper that will hay Malls, it i down the Words the Gladiator, in express fon of Mr. the Pacit The latter often rubbed his and reg happi because he never had been snarled up in any Le Which is simply an- other Way of stating that he had been stung. hornswoggled, bluffed, euchred, swept up ried out, Once these two Neighbors were In- volved in a8 Deal which took in cer- tain Payments and Rates of Interest and long-term Leases. The Dove fol- lowed his usual Polley of accepting any kind of Compromise rather than go ‘to the Mat with his Fellow-Man. After it was all over, Mr. Ferver had a Clear Conscience and Mr, Grumm had a Clear Title, and the remarkable Part of it was that neither of them had any Trouble In sleeping soundly every Night, Helping Cupid Fire Love Darts. You take a sympathetic Soul who has a Heart which fairly drips with Heavenly Love and inevitably he will become a Weeping Post and a Bureau of Public Comfort. Those who were up against it went to Mr. Ferver for Consolation and later sought out Mr. Grumm to have a heated Run-In and then sign a Mort gage on the Dotted Line, They would go on the Outside and curse the hard- ened Shylock, at the same time freely admitting that his Words of Wisdom had not been sugar-coated. Mr. Grumm was to the Human Race what Calomel is to the Practice of Medicine, As might have been suspected, Mr. Ferver specialized in Affairs of the Heart. He was one of the Many who belleved that the most useful Service to be rendered a Young Person is to nag and encourage Him or Her into taking the stupendous Risk, It doesn't seem to make much difference Who gets married to Whom or why or what have you, 80 long as the usual num- ber of Victims are induced to sacri fice themselves and keep the Institu- tion of Matrimony In good Working Order, If young Arthur, with the unsuccess- ful Mustache and a rudimentary In- telligence and about £50 in the Bank, went to Mr. Ferver and asked him how about getting married to Doris, with the skinny Legs and the high Bob, then the Promoter wonid imme diately give an Imitation of Cupid and his Dart, “Yes, yes!” he would Mortle, “by all means! Yes, indeed! What a wonder. ful Idea! What a sweet and inter esting little Thing she is! Isn't she? And you, Arthur, are the One Man for her. Don’t stand there and deny it. ADE nevertheless h House, 8 1s better to In this Case Bloodhound of whom might be He might be You your- we speaking even nearer Mr. about so much, and wins one Reason w= ne Une, or two or Con get our and prosperou perators regard to mebody is the of the Ferver, rlatered ness | gal Controversy. double-crossed, and car- One would be almost tempted to make the Observation that, from the very beginning of Time, you Two were In. tended for Each Other.” May Be Wrong, but He's Interesting. The line of Talk is merely Propaganda for Installinent Houses, Rent Collec- tors and Baby Specialists. Those who harkened to the Ravings of Mr. Ferver would often get up in the Night, many Months later, to curse him and rue the Day on which he had kidded them into it. This never ruf- fled him. He was blissful In the Knowledge that he had helped to lay the Foundations of a Home and link two Mortals together and act as Ad- vance Agent for an assortment of Children, The mere Facts that the Home was not paid for, that the Couple got along like a couple of Panthers and that all of the Qutcome were cross-eyed and adenoidal cut no Percentage. Mr. Ferver belleved that it was better to marry Any One than remain Single and stand out as a Blot on Civiliza- tion, Candidates who went to the Coflin- Trimmer to get a few Pointers never received any such Goo. He sald that no Young Man should marry until he wis able to support a Girl in the man. ner to which she had been accus tomed, and he never had heard of such a Case, He said that when a Lad of Lim- ited Means fell desperately in love with some Modern Specimen of the Expen- sive Sex, the only sensible Thing for him to do was to take his Pinch of Change to the nearest Drug Store and purchase a Dose of Arsenic. Such a procedure would save him Thousands of Dollars and would Insure him Peace and Quiet for Years to come, whereas any rash Experiments would probably make a Bum of him he was 30 years old. It is sald that he DID favor a Wed ding once because he hated all of the Parents of both Contracting The Alliance turned out to be Success, proving Grumm had always contended, per cent of the Race reliable, and sort out and segre gnte and label the 10 per cent which should be permitted to live, It will be evident t handed out by Mr. Grumm were vail and be acted upon there would be no People left on Earth by a Prospect would be more ing to him, but it is not the Program Paolitieal Eco tarians, No the that Mr. Grumm fore Mr. Ferver of which before a great simply what Mr is absolutely un- no one has been able to io pre 1085. Such than pleas ine with advised by Statesmen, nomists and Conclusion t i more interesting MORAL Good Company “Utopia” Dream of Man Tiroughout ¢ the Ages ¢ The vision of a 18 at ions been 1 i as he ti i eved thes i and dissastisfaction there have it be difficult to ¢ content ever been. nor would defend them in forum of reason. If men could not live in them, they could at least imagine Utopias, as did Plato, Sir Thomas More, William Mor. ris and many others. There have been some who sought, and believed they had found their golden age in a re mote past when, it was assumed, life was simpler, and man uncorrupted. the times of “man’s Innocency,” the days of "the noble savage Such were, of course, mistaken—but they at least had a vision of peace, order, beauty and justice which cheered them though it was only a dream, a very beautiful one. record recites, and Omar reminds ns, had its snake, and was quite imper- manent. Nevertheless Jook, In the search for happiness, is natural, To old age youth as remembered seems glorious, and perhaps it was, though it no doubt had its drawbacks ~find trials. no less painful for being trivial, the world has always had an Ineseap- able charm. To them it seemed fresh and unspoiled, as, according to Arch- bishop Temple, to the early But In all such as It actually was that charms, but youth as remembered, and Imagina. tively glorified. Indianapolis News. Adopting African Babies The McBurney orphanage at Elat, Africa, recently reported 69 orphan bables under their care. There are also 60 childless families waiting for bables to adopt. They cannot just say “give me a baby”; they must pre sent a written application telling of thelr wish and Christian experience. Unless they are church members they eannot have a child, Their church session or one of the missionaries must algo recommend the couple, The foster mother must also spend two months at the orphanage caring for the child she wishes, under the super. vision of matron and nurses, She is nlso visited as frequently as possible after the child leaves to see that all is going weil. As far as possible the babies are returned to their own tribe and have been sent to the homes of masons, carpenters, chauffeurs, teach ers and evangeslists-the latter pre dominating. Never are the bables for. gotten in prayer when the nurses meet for morning worship.—Montreal Her ald, this we hes and swish of The whispering frou frou of sprightly silk will be heard on the avenues and boulevards, in smart taurants at during formal when evening 1 W HAT 8 rustie the alr, res tea-time dinner hour, ghts go on, will add benuty roomy tive scene. From ing is to be one of the SeASONS eral ds in their pictured is merely ¢ frocks for “pretty ifyed” younger set tied bows that all ornately, frocks wi plicity depending COns, As to the other big bow tied at the gingle party frov Ks for il be even to quite na styled w the x of upon “line . for ih utmost sim severity their sue gowns pictured, a waist at the back, also the fHoor-length of interest in model shown to group is an fullness, are major points regard to the formal the left Centered in the afternoon Vhile in one of the word It may be sald to be tal lored. en devine it oes, consider gown, sense introducing a modish Asts m in ne able vy slit g and subtle plen reserve mes nity femi of sheer net fin sleeves gro th a cape theme is for thelr portance } % chorus jacket with other 8 bolero worn with partieniar. ste chiffon or ¢ jacket is that it may be other gowns iy effective, as well being as it contra Ince. or some other sheer weave, # 1933 Western Newspaper Union MATCH FOOTWEAR By CHERIE NICHOLAS Fashion is more exacting than ever when It comes to selecting accessories with a view to matching or relating them to each other. This season, more than ever, footwear is made to en ter into relation with scarfs, belts gloves, hats and the blouse. The cos tume pictured answers to the eall of the wmode for color harmony among accessory details in that the blouse, the scarf! and the shoeg are all In an ideaticnl pale beige tone. A touch of red is added to the scarf and the dress Iteclf Is in navy blue. The handsome beige kid sandals are of newest design stressing, as they do, the very lates entout or perforated effect such as will oe made n major theme In footwear de sign for spring and summer, TUNIC SOLVES MANY A DRESS PROBLEM One suspects that the introduction, or rather the reentry of the tunic at this time is one of the Kindly ges tures fashion is making serve another year. The tunic is a direct answer to the often perplexing question of how to lengthen a skirt— especially since many of the really gmart tunics are quite as skirts used to be. Not, of course, that every dress Is a left-over by any means more that every dress with ing sleeves is one that has heen re modeled The current ruling on sleeves Is that they should either con trast or do something to attract atten. fon-—and most of them do, Fashion, being so completely con cerned in preserving the top-heavy silhouette, naturally has given up dec orating skirts and Is concentrating on above-the-belt trimmings. The excep any contrast. is likely as not, edge with fur, or with a ruche of some sort. Taffeta Vogue Spreads to Hats and Accessories The flair for taffeta is so insistent that milliners are creating some of their choicest hats of it. Nor does the favor for taffeta stop at that point, for all sorts of belts, girdles, scarfs, and even bandbags are being fashioned of it. Among smartest details there is none more definitely featured than the jaunty walstconts of checked or plaid taffeta which will be worn with the new spring suits, Often the jacket or threequarter cont of the sult Is lined with the silk, the revers and a sprightly tied scarf furnishing a» dash of color such ns the new style curriculum enlls for so insistently these days, The fact that there is such a wide variety of taffetas shown makes the vogue all the more interesting. The smartest new item is matelasse taf feta. This puffsurfaced silk looks best made up very simply. STIRS MEM ORY OF OLD SCHOOL DAYS Glimpsing through the State Reg- {ster for 1868 the other day we came across an item which recorded the adoption of the McGuffey Readers in the Springfield public schools, As we recall it, these famous readers were retained in the schools here until the late nineties and possibly a few years later. In any event, they are held In z2%gctionate mem- ory by whole generations of former school children, although the young- er element today knows almost noth- ing about them, due to the vast changes which have occurred in the system of the last Now, we read, Dr. William Holmes MeGuffey, the noted American edu eator who was the author of this famous series, is t2 have a monu- ment at Miami! university, where a number of the books were prepared Lorado Taft has been chosen as the sculptor of the proposed bust of Doe tor McGuffey, the includes a group of elementary education in quarter century. design for which children of the earlier period, read. ing from a book, at the foot of the supporting eolumn It is sald that a subscription for this statue has been in progress for some time, The first McGuffey Readers thelr appearance in 18306, six camna in made a series of few years revised being until a being published a later, They times, the last revision righted In 1901. Up years ago they in certain the but the main period of thel use extended from the tin Van Buren dore Roosevelt adminl that GO.year period they attained sales in this exceeded by the Bible, ne estima wa 150.000 O06) hae i were sections of country, down to the coun id since became sis are readers In school, McGufle they the far be ren to leasant fashion a charac obedience, TUINess, ind ter bu elating to plety ustry, kindness int rity, f ex- Through Hustrated deportment, the medium of stories, with woodcuts, the virtues of right thoughts and right living were fil- tered into the minds of the younger hopefuls, with a lasting influence for good, In the later readers, for older pu- pils, ithe moralizing was less evident, The object wus 10 good reading matter and to elevate read- ing as an art.—Illinols State Reg- ister, provide To keep clean and healthy take De, Pleree's Pleasant Pellets, They regulate liver, bowels and stomach Ady, Such Is Human Nature Fifty per cent of your affection dies at your friend's first rebuke, Bronchial Troubles Need Creomulsion Bronchial troubles may lead to some- thing serious, You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an spulsitind creosols that is pleasant 10 take, Creomulsionisa new medical discove ry wi th two-fold ac- tion: it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes ‘and inhibits germ growth, Of all known drugs, creosote is recog. nized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest heal WE agencies for per- sistent coughs and colds and other forms of throat troubles, Creomulsion contains, in addition to cre asote, other healing ele ments which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stop the irritation and in- flammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other forms of respiratory diseases, and is excellent for building up the Praen after colds or flu. Money refunded if an coughorcold, no matter of howlong wi) | ing. is not relieved after taking according todirections. Askyourdruggist. (Adv) PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Bemoves Dandruff Stops Hair Falling imparts Color and : Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair] Gr and $1.00 ot Droggiets 1 / 7A Hisoos Chem Wha. Patchogue NY connection with Parker's Hair Balsam Makes the hair soft and fully. 50 cents by mail or wt drog- gists. Hiscox Chemical Works, Psichogue, NX. Believes pot Ol Quickly Rheumatism, ne coughs © ¢ full sins f botile sa tiefs give agents wanted ; Red Oil Labs. Box 238, Latrobe, Pa. MAN is as old—or as young-- as his organs. At fifty, you can be in pour prime. Why go along with “fairly good health” when you ight be enjoying vigor you haven't felt for years? There's a simple little thing any- one can do to keep the vital organs stimulated, and feel fit all the time. People don’t reaiize how sluggish they've grown until they've tried it. The stimulant that will stir your system to new life is Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin. It will make a most amazing difference in many ways. ‘This famous doctor's prescription is a delicious syrup made with fresh herbs, active senna, and pure pep- sin. It starts its good work with first spoonful. That's all you need to drive away the dullness and headache of a bilious spell, and nd the system of that slow poison that saps your strength. It's better than a tonic for tired bowels, and unlike habit-forming laxatives you can take it freely or give it to any child. And it isn't expensive. Get some syrup pepsin today, and take a little’ tonight. Don’t wait until you're sick to give your system this wonderful help. You can avoid those spells of biliousness or consti- pation. A spoonful every now and then is better than constant worry about the condition of your bowels, or fear of auto-intoxication as you grow older. Dr. Caldwell's syru pepsin protects the system. A druggists keep this preparation. DON’T If you are one of the millions who must get Bp Several times a night, r trouk probably due to an itation of the bladder or excess acidity of the urine. Then just try GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES Du 237 his Snooldniepa, ation bas ied millions. Insist Reduce Body Fat With Tonke Tea Balls: delicious, pure, convenient; effective, ab- solutely safe; recommended by doctors; iarge oan 3 jontpas, 1403 Voster Ave, Brooklyn, Agents, enrn attractive Income selling pat. ented endorsed heneehold necessity. pro. tected territory: retails $1: start immedi. ately; write Tamor Distributors, 551 5th Ave, New Yorks WEAR) LS COMPOUND JAR BAILY & BON, Baltimore, Md.