The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 10, 1932, Image 7

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    Copyright by Peter B. Kynd
WNU Bervice
CHAPTER IV—Continued
“That's his gringo alias, Mrs. Ganby,
The first Higuenes to be heard of in
Spaln was called James Michael Hig-
gins, But the Spaniards gave it a
Spanish twist. With the passage of
time James Michael Higgins, the big
Mick, developed into Jaime Miguel
Higuenes. When did that happen,
Don Jaime?"
“When the first J. M. married a red-
headed Spanish woman who insisted
on spelling the name as it was pro-
nounced. My ancestor was a good-
natured man; having taken on Spain
and the Spaniards, he did not object,
Anything for the sake of family peace.
So the tribe of Higuenes was born, The
family migrated to Mexico early in
the Nineteenth century, and my great-
grandfather married the daughter of
an Irishman who owned this rancho.
That brought the Celtic strain up a
little. My grandfather added to it by
marrying a girl who was half Irish,
and when he looked at his offspring
he was glad he'd done it. He noticed
the cross had increased the height,
breadth, genera) appearance, industry
and temper of the Higuenes tribe. We
looked much more like Black Irish
than Mexicans now, and were prob-
ably, a little more than half Celt. But
we had Spanish customs and a Span-
ish outlook on life and Spanish was
our mother tongue. Also had no
reason to be other than proud of our
Spanish blood, we never mixed fit
with Indian. When we moved to
Texas my grandfather fought under
the Stars and Bars. He sent my fa.
ther to the Virginia Military institute
and father married a Carrol of Vir-
ginia and begot me.”
“You have never been marr
nurse asked,
“Aren't you
“I fear not. The
coyote chorus on the
tate against it, Mrs,
“The right girl” sald Mrs. Ganby,
“wouldn't mind it in the least.
forth and search for her, Don Jaime”
“Impossible,” the master of Valle
Verde replied lazily, “1 have sheep on
my hands
“If 1 can credit
In Los Algodones,
er of those shee
Don Jaime
“Well, why
them, then?”
“The foreman,
lying and In
He's a bad man
old Antrim.
sheep off my range now,
they go? Why, to
range, of course, and then
trouble and we might lose Bill
“So you're putting up with
sheep on your range merely
this Antrim girl
“That's the
“Why, Is si friend of yours?
“No, I've never met her. But then
no Higuenes has ever quarreled with
a lady.”
“l fail to see how you are going to
escape a quarrel with her, Don Jaime,
You killed her uncle
Don Jaime winced,
will believe th
going to be?
loneliness here—the
all mili-
the LOSKID i
p trying to get
the own
rid of
don't you get rid of
and a better shot
if I get
Dingle, is
of those
deside Ss,
where will
somebody else's
there'd be
D ngle™
is her uncle's heir.”
i of vou a
ie A
“Perhaps she
at I had no alternative:
that, not until after I had killed him
did 1 know he was her uncle In
fact, I didn’t know I had killed any-
body until Ken rode down the draw
and informed me of my luck™
“Well, the fact that you are being
80 excessively nice to her since may
mitigate the affair, although one can
never predict the attit woman
will take, A woman is usually guided
by her heart, not her head. Don
Don Jaime appraised the old nurse
with kindly interest. “1 take it, Mrs.
Ganby, that you are old enough to be
guided by your head. You told me
you are a widow. Have you any chil
“One—a boy of fifteen. He has heen
quite crippled since his twelfth birth-
day. Infantile paralysis”
Don Jaime considered this. *“Sup-
pose you had a comfortable home
where you could be with your boy al
ways—no necessity to hustle hither
and yon nursing people? 1 should
have a hostess here. For some time 1
have felt that Flavio's wife is too
well, elemental, for the job. This
hacienda should know a gentlewom-
an's management--at nurse's wages.
There are always some puppies around
here, and the boy could play with
them, He could raise rabbits and
pigeons, 1 dare say, and if he ean sit
a horse I'll stake him to a pretty little
Sonora pony and a Mexican youth to
look after him. I suppose you could
carry on with his schooling—you know,
it does get lonesome here sometimes ™
“Oh, Don Jaime! You mean it!"
He nodded. “I'd like to be able to
invite nice people to visit me, Mrs.
Ganby., 1 should like to have my
friends from the surrounding country
come to dinner oftener, but I'm never
satisfied with the appearance of my
board, the menu or the service, I have
no time to train maids and. house
Keepers—and if 1 did I wouldn't know
how” ;*
“Yes, a man Is very helpless. 1
should be glad to come, Don Jaime”
ude a
ed Bill" because
Valle Verde, In
Jaime, unmarried and romantic,
the event
The young ranch
Roberta Antrim in
get Antrim’'s estate for Crooked Bill
who lives with her uncle,
receives a telegram
Antrim has
half Irish, is attracted
Tom Antrim killed, On his body
known as "Crook-
of the Rancho
of Glenn
William B. Latham,
death, At the advice
They shoot it out,
to notify Miss
was killed by Jim
Don Jaime,
are found Instructions
“You are very kind. Ken, you run
up to El Paso and get the boy. Mrs.
Ganby will arrange that detall with
you, Now clear out and let me sleep.”
Mrs. Ganby, with tears of happiness
in her middle-aged eyes, followed the
assistant general manager into the
ranch office.
“A long time.
long have you known Don
she asked Hobart.
Went to the state uni-
versity with him. My father and I
had a cow outfit down in the Big
tend country but we wept broke dur-
ing the post-war deflation period. Don
Jaime and I enlisted for the World
war—and spent two years guarding
the border. At that we dodged more
lead than some of those who went to
France. After bank in on
the Hobarts I joined the rangers; now
I've left them to work for Don Jaime”
“He i8 congenitally magnificent.”
Ken Hobart laughed. “Always
embers he's muy cal
Canby. He does things with
ish. It Isn't
always done It.
the closed
ymllero, Mrs,
a flour
pose His people have
His father died when
he was twenty. fle's twenty-eight
now. His mother died giving him
birth, go you see he's mar t
“Why you raged
me, Mr. Hobart? Do you t nk he sus-
pected he was doin
ful thing for my boy 1
“Yes, I think
through a ladder.
you, principall
wants the Ci
ning in civilized
luck holds and
honor of enterta
Antrim and her
“She'll not have
“Oh, . he
that Don
and formal.’
“Why 1s he
niece of this
to kill?
is a ro
He saw a ful
ture of her |
man, and pie
his ehildren.’
“Oh, dear, he's pite hope '
fully even w
do Suppo
can see
ie engaged
ean and s¢ and
thout man
photograph beaut]
red hale, freckles
also be m
fia green eyes,
ghe may fish
“In that
“she just
children. Do mn
Higuenes tribe
earth, but ys
them vanish rather than
thing fgnoble. Where will IT find this
boy of yours?" he demanded, to change
the conversation, “I'm starting for
El Paso now.”
Mrs. Ganhy wrote a note to the peo-
ple with whom she boarded her crip-
pled son and returned to her pa-
“What a charming man your Mr.
Hobart 1s, Don Jaime!” she began,
“He'll do in a pinch"—laconieally.
“He is very devoted to your in
Don Jaime
ath wg: she may be w
ther of
event.” sald Ken
won't be the me
1 Jain
would pref
e doesn't want
er to have
breed some
did not answer. His
glance was out through the arched
gateway, from which the road ran
straight down the valley. A mile
away a dust-cloud was gathering on
that road
“Somebody is coming In a hurry,”
he murmured. “When they hurry it's
always bad news.”
A solitary horseman galloped up
to the gate, threw himself off and hur.
ried up the steps,
“Well, my friend? Don Jaime
queried in Spanish. “What evil mes.
sage do you bring and from whom?”
“Thirty riders crossed the Rio
Grande at daylight, senor. They are
rounding up several hundred of the
senor's cattle, It is a raid.”
“My thanks are due yon, my friend.
They will not get far. Who sent you
“The American customs agent at
Los Algodones, Don Jaime, He bids
you send your riders to head them off
before they recross the river with your
“Return and tell him 1 have but
forty men available. The others are
attending a balle at the Rancho Ver
dugo. Forty men will be sufficient, 1
think. Return to the customs agent
with my gratitude for his timely warn-
ing and tell him my men will start In
ten minutes, perhaps less”
The man touched his hat, flung him-
self on his horse and galloped away.
Don Jaime lighted a cigar and smoked
contentedly, while Mrs. Ganby watched
him with alert curiosity,
Presently Ken Hobart, arrayed in
his “town” clothes, came to announce
his impending departure,
“Delay It until tomorrow, Ken," his
employer ordered casually, “I have
recounted the
by his recent visitor.
“Take forty men and ride for the
river. If this man's tale Is the truth
you will have work there. 1 think,
however, he lies. Have Caraveo arm
the other men available and instruct
him to have them remaln In the barns
with their horses until I send him
word that he Is not going to be
“A plant, eh?"
“I've been expecting reprisal, Ken,
I told this messenger 1 had but forty
men available but would send them im-
mediately, Go with them, Then we
shall see that which we shall see. 1
smell sheep”
Hobart departed to fulfill his orders,
and Don Jaime for
his siesta,
Suddenly he
turned to Mrs
Flavio to nssist me to enter my house,
a job for you.”
tale brought
And he
stretched himself
his and
“Please tell
opened eyes
“Impossible,” the Master
Verde Replied Lazily
Sheep on My Hands"
he said. "Ti
We shall
I think.”
laid hi
*You will
bolting that
ing feet on the
the iron-barred
on the veranda
standing about.
rap on the dor.
“Who's there? Don
lenged nm a ringing voice.
“Open the door,” a rough voice com-
manded. “We want you and we're go-
ing to have you"
“Ah, so It is my friend Bill Dingle.
I have been expecting you, William,
ever since you so thoughtfully sent
one of your men with a false ery of
raiders from below the Border. [I sent
forty men, Your lookout in the hills
saw them ride out, and when they had
passed you decided to come to my
hacienda, deserted save for the women
and children, and kill me in some un-
pleasant manner. Is It not so?
There was no answer to this and
Don Jaime's mocking laugh floated
through the window. “Now, Dingle,
my poor fellow, consider the situa-
pic ked
tod 2
the sound of hurry-
veranda, and through
tiny window that
Mra. Ganby saw
There came a smart
Jaime chal-
“Quien es?"
tion. A hundred armed men surround
this poor house of mine. Go yon,
Friend Dingle, the patio entrance
and look.”
A murmuring rose
arrivals and one
among the recent
of them ran to the
entrance of the patio. A volley of
good old Anglo-Saxon curses echoed
through the old-fashioned garden, then
the man came running back to join his
“Is seeing belleving, Senor Dingle?”
Don Jaime called pleasantly,
“You win, Higuenes,
“One by one you will go to the en-
trance and give up your
riding boss, It would be
resist. You shall not be
presently you shall all ret
mean sheep,
arms to my
madness to
killed and
urn to your
sheeps—1 Forward!
A moment's hesita
voleed colloquy, a
the retreat fo
menced. A few later Enrico
Caraveo, a litt marked Mexlean,
thrust a smiling, sardonic face up
the grille : ;
“1 has he hono o in
await his pleas
tion, low
ie pocl
or two, and
entrance com-
form Don
with terror,
ing rings
eat her
TS eves
x» after I in
once n thereir
*Don Jaime Hig
ed, "afte
tude on
are you
ved sud
» protested, *
: to the wide
and Harms the
» steps and opened
he door,
“Mr. Latham
ago, miss” he
must have happened In
day, He's worried
and down the drawing re
ing to himself. I'm a
about the master, misa™
“Thank you, Harms,
A foreboding of disaster brought
loberta flying into the living room.
Crooked Bill sat huddled in a reading
chair, his face in his hands, his at
titunde reminiscent of profound despair,
“Uncle Bill! What's happened?”
Crooked Bill's old hands merely
clagped his features tighter. He
wagged his head and moaned,
“I'm through. My brokers sold me
out this afternoon. Oh, Bobby, Bobby,
what a massacre! 1 stayed as long
as 1 dared, but when the last jump
came I realized that only a crazy man
came an hon
the city t
wom and (a
bit a ate
You're very
would continue in this crazy market.
One old writer tells us that: *“Cat-
tle are struck with such terror at the
approach of these insects (flies) that
they forsake the pastures and run, fu-
rious, In every direction, until exhaust.
ed by fatigne they sink down and ex.
pire. Even the elephant and rhinoceros,
though they cover their thick hides
with a coating of mud, are unable to
protect themselves from these trou
blesome persecutors. Their attacks
are not confined to the brute creation;
and when they sting a human being,
violent tumors are produced, and ev-
ery part of the body becomes as if
infected with leprosy.”
When to this graphic description of
the terrors excited by the advent of
such flies, are added the further well
known facts that in the East, some
make their way Into the nose, ears
and eyes to breed, others bore into and
deposit their eggs In the flesh, where
maggots are produced, frequent
causes of very painful and often dan.
gerous ulcers, we can readily under.
stand the awfulness of the plague
whereby Almighty God would drive
Pharaoh and the Egyptians to do his
will, before he should be compelled to
inflict greater troubles upon them.
Silver as Germ Killer
Although it was discovered In the
eighties that water kept in a silver
or copper vessel acquired certain germ.
killing properties, it was-only recently
that a scientist in Paris found a com
mercial adaptation for the phenome.
Silver chloride mixed with potter's
clay and baked at a high temperature
is employed as a filtering Medium, says
Popular Mechanics Magazine, and it
has been found that water passing
through such a filter has the property
of killing typhoid and other germs,
while itself containing no silver,
Previous researches had demon
strated that, if silver is to sterilize ef.
fectively, it must have enormous sur.
face, It was therefore converted into
minute bubbles, which make It pos
sible to kill all germs In 10/09/09 u-
ters of water,
1 declined to Invest another dollar—
for the reason that 1 didn't have it. |
I told my brokers I'd gone the limit
and to sell me out. I'm all washed
“Must we leave Hillcrest?” Roberta
queried In a strangled volce. {
“We must,” Crooked Bll replied |
heroleally. *1 have enough to pay off |
the servants and maintain us in re
spectabllity at gome modest hotel until
we can look around and see what the
future holds for us, but after that—"
“After that I'll take yon,
dear Uncle Bill." Roberta's voice was
tender, the touch of her lovely cheek
to Crooked Bill's wrinkled jowls was
very soothing that wretched
financier. “Sheep are up and so
Un Bill Don Prudencio
writes that Uncle Tom's
two hundred
and he has
pounds of
wool house in Bos.
care of
to wreck
of a
is wool,
Aly 80
thousand as they stand,
over a hundred thousand
wool In transit to a
ton. And good wool is quoted in to-
day's pag thi
Uncle Tom has a
Don Prudencio doesn’t think much of
it and says it Is not of ready s¢ bt
on In oy
are worth at
er at rity cents a pound
ranch of sorts also,
ile, b
we can live t
sheep business—"
“You has
you are
my boy"
eria comes down.
gave gone bust in the
been ge bhled
meet my
I'm supposes
up by my bankers
I'm down to a cou
In a word, h-
Glenn Hackett stared at the old gen.
tleman Crooked Bill con.
“I hope 1 do not have to assure you,
Glenn. that in so far as Bobhy is con
cerned I'm for you all the way”
“Thank you very much,” Hackett re.
plied. “1 have suspected as nuch for |
quite a while”
“That girl is
mighty to suit
tinued, sipping
tive pleasure,
schema to bring
{to notes,
de of thousand dol
lars, 1 pops generalls
too dog-gone high and
me,” Crooked Bill
his drink with medita-
- I've cooked up a
her finttering to the |
ground. Roberta's the light of my eye |
and the apple of my heart, but never
theless, ns a reasoning human being
I've got to admit she has her draw.
backs. She's got to be yanked out of
the clouds of romance to earthly prac.
ticalities, and in my feeble way I'm
attempting to do it. Al of her life
I've been busy spoiling Roberta by
granting every wish she expressed and
a heap she never thought of express.
ing. That's bad business, Now, then,
here's my plan. 1 came staggering in,
playacting all over the place, and
moaned aldud that 1 was out of the
market, that my brokers had sold me
ohit because | didn’t dare stay with the
game any longer. Well, as a matter |
of fact | am out of the market. My
brokers did sell me ont-—but on the
right side of the ledger, and as a
result ve cleaned up about ten mil
tions. I've arranged with a trusted
friend to pretend he’s bought Hillerest
from the bank to which 1 had given a
deed. Well, | did give the bank a
deed, as security for more money to
play this erazy market, but 1 could
afford to. 1 was miles ahead of the
hounds—playing on margin. [I've
jeased this place for July, August and
September--and Roberta is so sorry
for me she's going to sell out her
Uncle Tom's sheep and wool and take
care of me the remainder of my days.”
Beware the Couth or or
Cold that Hangs On
Persistent coughs and colds lead to
serious trouble, You can stop them now
with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote
that is pleasant to take, Creomulsion isa
new medical discovery with twofold ae.
tion; it soothes and heals the inflamed
membranes and inhibits germ growth.
Of all known drugs, creosote is recog-
nized by high medical authorities as one
of the greatest healing agencies for per-
sistent coughs and cold: and other forms
of throat troubles, Creomulsion contains,
in addition to creosote, other healing ele
ments which soothe and heal the infected
membranes and stop the irritation and in-
flammation, while the creosote goes on to
the stomach, is absorbed into the blood,
attacks the seat of the trouble and checks
the growth of the germs
Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory
in the treatment of persistent cough and
colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and
oth er fo rns of resg ratory di REAROS, and
is excellent for In silding up the Syme
after colds or flu. Money re funded if if any
coughore old, no matter of howlong stand.
ing, is not relieved after taking according
todirections. (Adv.)
Ask your druggist,
World's Largest Organ
plete fr
in the
sary, due t
ied bs
Her nr i
John’s Mother
Praises Doctor
ite Or energy
iine times out of
( See
that the rion bears the word “Call
used a yes
Joan of Are Flag Flies
'e (he ©
she end er
wher of her
gned her original
a reproduction of
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signer of
Joan's w
died at
who des ! ing.
has been
arc hbishop of
and Eng
The de
serving with
monk and
ends of France
became a
the was
. - - ———————
First Hand Knowledge
“Why h you pitched that
in your back yard?”
“Well, I've a large family and I'm
persuading them to take turns sleep
ing out-of the time 1 get
camping ‘= fJoston
ave tent
doors iy
wil want
Back Home
*Trying to mend your fences,
“Can't find any
Blessedness in Duty
situations there is a duty,
blessedness lies In
In all
and our highest
doing ReOariyle,
One-gided people don’t
know how to keep on the safe
At the fea spmpioms of &
v. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 45-1932,