Located near State College in Pine Grove Mills——Edward C. Martz is deserving of your liberal support, This up-to-date establishment Is one of the leading concerns of this part of the state and enjoys a large and well satisfied patronage in this section of the state. It is a well known fact that there 1s no one institution in the commu- nity that has met with greater favor with the public than this well-known establishment. By reason of the fact that the management has had wide experience in every feature of this business and because of their com- prehensive knowledge of every branch of the trade, this establish- ment has continued to witness the increase in the number of their patrons. This company is known through- out this section as a prominent firm in the business. The prestige of their great volume of business and years as the prominent firm in this line, the practical knowledge . that has won for them the recognition of the country at large and the patron- age of thousands, all adds to the progress and prosperity of the com- munity in which their large and modern establishment Is located, This section is indeed fortunate to such a progressive firm to this line for it adds in no little way to the progress and prosperity of the community. If you want anything in this line telephone them or call at their es- tablishment, and when vou have de- cided what you need you can depend on it that this well known firm will see that you get it, Edward C. Martz is extremely cour- teons and efficient to a marked de- gree the management has sur- rounded themselves with employes thoroughly conversant with every feature of the business, and as a result work moves along in a most satisfactory manner, have serve It in General Located in State College at 1006 West College Avenue. Telephone 530 —they have trucks for all pur- poses, including dump trucks and moving vans. They can handle any transfer prob- lems for you, such as piano hoisting machinery moving, in fact, any kind of heavy hauling or trucking. This is one of the leading transfers of the community rendering an excel- lent and satisfactory service in all branches of the business, has pro- vided extensive equipment for all classes of moving and enjoy a large patronage under competent manage- ment. One of the greatest conveniences of modern life is the eflicint and careful transfer company. It has been demonstrated that the truck is the best way for handling moving problems and this firm is one that specializes in giving the best service to the many patrons it serves in this capacity Realizing the necessity of this type of service and knowing that the public was entitled to the best, there was to be had, large motor These Drayage trucks are modern in all respects and of large capacity. It is such conveniences that are provided by this firm that add to the attractiveness of the community and we wish to direct the attention of our readers to this firm when any- thing in the trucking line is contem- plated. They are interested in the ad- vancement of the community and Is ready and glad to give you any in- formation that you may desire re- garding any phase of this Important side of the modern life of today. The modern proven a great householder and business today. No longer need to worry about hiring carpenters to build crates then hunt a drayman to haul the goods to the depot. Now all that is needed is to call this firm and they will look after all the de- tails. This firm makes a specialty of the handling of planos and other heavy articles. You can rest as- sured that when you turn your mov- ing over to this firm, everything will be looked after as carefully as if you were doing it yourself. moving service has convenience {to the man of a pon Admirably located in State College rear of State College Hotel and Cathaum Theatre Bauilding—offers the people of this section “trail rid ing” through some of the most beau. tiful country in this section where one can ride for hours without see- ing an automobile. They give youn riding lessons by appointment under competent instructors with safe and gentle horses—also the best of care and feed for boarders. This is one of the concerns that adds much to a sport life in this section of the state, It promotes healthful exer- cises and a social favorite, Horse back riding has always bee a sport for man, woman and child. As in the days of old it has been the sport of kings, in war the horse Manager was always the favorite as well as in other amusements In the munities riding on the roads in the country and on the bridle paths or parks They have a fine stable of horses and men who thoroughly understand their care They will see that you learn correctly and suggest to what riding habit you desire, Just call their stable on the phone, State College 9799 for appointments and ride through the beautiful pic- turesque country that surrounds our community, In passing we would like to com- pliment this saddle school on their fine stables of horses and the ac- commodation and courtesy that makes their service when you call society can be seen es Home of Better This reliable concern is located at 200 East College Avenue in State College. They carry one of the largest lines of quality furniture to be found in this section of the country and here is represented all that is good In furniture craftsmanship since the renaissance, They are able to offer you com- plete service in the way of mapping out your furnishings to harmonize and can give your home the cast of any period you desire. The furni. ture is all well built, No matter whether it is a single plece you want, a room furnished or the whole house, you will find the service at this store intelligent, co- operative, but at the same time not obtrusive, It is hardly possible for us to give a concrete idea of the excellent stock that this firm carries for the accommodation of the public, or the high quality offered at reasonable Bullt Furnitue A visit to the store, however, will readily prove to you that it is the proper and most advantageous place to buy. This establishment and the men who direct its affairs are con- tributing in no little measure to the progress and divelopment of this section of the state, and especially several miles around. This com- munity is more progressive and more attractive by reason of their activities, and in review of our on- ward progress we wish not only to compliment them but to urge all our readers that they can do no better than to visit the store when in need of anything in the line. Their business policy is exemplary of the old maxim, that “Nothing Succeeds Like Success.” Taken all In all W. R. Gentzel is Just about one of the most important jnstitutions of this section, and aser- ves the people in a most efficient manner, REALLY SIMPLE A look of recognition came over the diner's face as the newcomer en tered the restaurant, THE CATCH Marjorie arrived home full of her own importance, “Why are you so pleased?” asked her sister. “Mr, Hanssum has just given me a great surprise,” sald Marjorie “What do you mean?” loguired her sister, “I'd no idea that he had such lofty ambitions and exalted ideas” sald Marjorie, “But how did you find it out?” the other persisted. “He's just proposed to me” came the reply. In State College at 900 West Col- Avenue-—their many loge limestone has been used In municipal pro- high- purchased jects and found to be of the est quality and can be at a very low rate The farmers have come to know that they can get from them the very best limestone on the market, therefore, they seek no other place to buy. They keep an experimental and sclentific department at work at all times making improvements and studying growing conditions in the state, Thelr plant has a large capacity and this enables them to deliver any quantity of any kind of limestone at any time. In anticipation of the great argi- cultural development in this particu- lar section of the state this company is making a special study of the soil conditions and is arranging to increase this service here as rapidly as development proceeds. The fact that they have establish- ed so near us this service and keep a full supply here at all times is reason enough why people of this section should use their products when they are made especially for the soil of this part of the country. They offer personal service which is quite a feature, You can drop in at their office and they will show you what you need and will be able to give you instant delivery on any quantity. They will send you this information If H is not convenient to stop here by the mere dropping of a card to them, The Neldigh Bros. Limestone Co. has always worked in the interest of the home community while secur- ing for themselves the well merited commercial success that the large volume of business at the establish- ment evidences, They are well and favorably known throughout this section and very highly esteemed and thus they are deserving of the prominent position which they hold in the commercial and Industrial life of the community Throughout all of {ta business operations you will find that they have carried out the policy of hand- ling the very best in quality and rendering the most metropolitan ser- vice, They have been one of the pioneers in the effort to make for a real live and progressive state and have merited the success that has been accorded to this well known firm, A eA PO RA SHA A Ae —————— REASSURING A lady was seated with her little girl In a rallway carriage when a frowsy-looking individual entered the compartment, A few minutes before the train started the lady, perceiving that she would have to travel with an unde sirable companion, thought of an ex- cuse to rid herself of him. Leaniog forward, she sald: *I ought to tell you, my little girl Is just getting over an attack of scarlet fever, and per haps" “Oh, don’t worry about me, madame,” interrupted the man, “I'm committing suicide at the first tunnel” Shy om Horses Her car had broken down on the road opposite a fleld where a farmer was plowing with a four-horse team The farmer came over and offered to pull the car to the nearest garage with his team. “l appreciate your kind offer more than | can tell you." the lady in dis tress told the farmer, “but, unfor tunately, you would need 12 more horses, You see, my car has a 16-horsepower motor.” -— Capper's Weekly. Removed Bodily Ke had gone 1uilo the managers office to Inquire If he could have the Saturday morning off for the purpose of digging up his garden “But my dear man” sald the man ager, "Smith told me only a day or two ago that you hadn't a garden” “Well, then,” was the reply, “some one must have taken it off the win dow sliL"—Nebelspaiter, Adjustment “Many believe we are due for a pe riod of adjustment,” sald the solemn adviser. “That Is the way politics has al ways been,” commented Senator Sorg- hum. “There has never been a time when one group of patriots wasn't try. ing to adjust another group out of of. fice and themselves In"-—Washington Star, Overheard by J. W. Falr Driver (at garage)—Do you charge batteries here? Proprietor—Yes, madam, F. D.—Then put a new one in this car and charge it to my husband Ready for Service Littls Boy—How many kinds of milk are there? Father—Why, there are condensed milk, evaporated milk, sweet milk, and sour milk, Why do you ask? Boy—I'm going to draw a cow, and 1 want to know how many spigots te put on. Proof in His Success The local reporter was interview. ing a prosperous soap manufacturer. “It Is a wellknown fact,” he sald, “that you made your fortume out of soap, Mr. Lather. Now, to what do you attribute your success? “To clean living, my friend-—to clean Uving,” was the reply. Pearson's Always Rising “So that distinguished looking gen- tleman in the tall hat is your leading citizen, eh? Has he received many degrees from the colleges ?™ We congratulated a lady on vor wedding anniversary for If yoars with the same man. “But be 1s not the same was when I first got hold of him,” replied. ~The Presbyterian Magazine “How 1s Morris getting on with his young wife?” “Well, a month after the wedding 8 belated telegram of congratulations arrived and they refused to take it In" TONING HIM UP The druggist had left his counter In charge of a youthful assistant. This young man being of a highly Ingenious turn of mind It was not without some inward trepidation that the druggist learned upon his return that the as sistant had been confronted In the in terval with the case of a man, who bad falled to get the better of an ar gument with a steam roller. “What on earth did you do? gasped the druggist. “Gave him nerve tonle” reply. “Nerve tonic? Why that, name of goodness? “Run down and depressed,” was the reply. was the in the Just Like Him They were on a farmhouse holliday, and after the frst night Smith rose early and in ® very bad temper, “I've had practically no sleep.” he complained to his wife. “Those beast. ly roosters have been crowing out there In the barn since dawn. Heaven knows why I” “Well, darling,” murmured his wife, sweetly, “once when you got up early, you crowed about it for at least a | week." Tire Talk Bobby and Mary had been playing in the yard with their little friends Suddenly they stopped playing and slowly and quietly came Into the house. Mother watched them with interest for awhile and as they did not return to thelr play asked why they had left “Aw,” sald Bobby, “they talk just like the men do when they change an automobile tire” The Reminder Judge—My man, you are a habitual offender, and I find It my duty to send you up for a third term. Prisoner--A third term, Your Honor? Haven't you ever heard of the Washington precedent? —Path finder Magazine, Moderna Youth Honey—That boy you were riding with has trouble with his vision Ruth—Yeah, he sees parking spots before his eyea Toe Mach for Him Nowthen—8o0 that famous elreus Juggler and tight-rope walker has gone crazy? Afterall—Yes, he tried te balatce the family budget. One, at Any Rate Blonde—Has any girl ever been able to make you stop petting and trying to kiss her? Schiey—Yes, one of them married me, Getting Back at Pa | Father—How do | know you are not marrying my daughter for my money? Bultor—Well, we're both taking a risk. How do I know you won't fall ia a year or so? Proved at Once Bertle—It Is midnight, the moment when miracles happen. Gertle—1 think Bertlie—There, didn’t | tell youl Desperate Determination “You are indulging in puns a great deal of late.” “I am trying te be personally merry,” answered Miss Cayenne, “to counteract the influence on wy own disposition of the melancholy news ar ticles 1 write” “But why should you become a so’ sister?” “It seemed the only way | could be sure of sobsistence™ Father's Part The very modern child was looking through his father's book of Worle war photographs, “Dad,” he sald presently, “wha! wer you in the war?" Father smiled proudly, “Why, my son, your father was » battery sergeant major,” he replied. Located in State College at 110 East Beaver Avenue, Mr. Smith op- erates a shop for men who know where good clothes are made. Only the highest grade of material and workmanship used, Observant men know the good appearauce, They are patterns strictly all wool materials first class trimmings. Suits and top coats, the fit strictly guaranteed. This shop solves the problem of good clothes, Whenever you see a group of men, there are aiways a few who seem to stand out from others. They are the men on whom your eyes unconscl- ously rest as you survey the group. They are the men you look at not once but two or three times Did you ever stop to analyze why these men are able to hold attention? It is not only because they wear cus- tom tallored clothes, but it 8 be cause men who are careful of their appearance almost invariably do wear custom tailored clothes, These men are usually leaders in thelr particular lines of endeavor. They # value showing cn Pontiac WW. BR . service Street in Pontiac Six, the Under the direc- experienced With sales and rear of 120 Pugh College—offer the Chief of the sixes tion of an man, in the State auntomohils The Pontiac Six very last word in auto engineering and is the result of the General Motors engineering in its entirety The Pontiac Six has everything that everyone desires in a low priced car All models are smart, low, racy and finished in Duco in the Pontiac Six you will find a stamina inherent in represents the body is Fisher built, which all models that superiority of coach work that has won recognition The attractive models of the Pon- lac Bix will please readily agree that the Pontiac Six is the Great Motor Value of the dav models com- inish The Pontiac Six bine striking beauty of design, and fitting with the and performance that have won the unqualified approval of the thousands of owners of other models of today's Pontiac Six and with operating economy that sels a new standard for cars of this type. do not wear custom tailored clothes simply for the name of wearing “tallor made” sults and clothes: they have far too that, They wenr clothes because they inestimable value of good ap pearance in business or professional life Men of this this popular other Few capable of judging what they can best wear Men of this community know that this tailor can be trusted to tel them what they can best and they know, too, that they will never leave this shop with a suit which is unbecoming to them if they his advice This publication takes pleasure in commending this shop to the men of They are indeed having a place where they know that geod clothes can al- Ways be much sense for custom made know the al. most community patronize tailoring shop for an- reason, men are Wear follow this community, fortunate in obtained at a figure within reach of all. It Is no wonder men from other lake advantage of i { i i r Car Co. Manager Pontia ie famous Pontla the Pontiac plant: RET t { 3emi-slee] celeration and with honed viinders o perfect finish world. Known to is One of the concerns In thls part which has of the Laken its essential fad commercial organiza of the community. This #2 one of the foremost auto part of the which has taken its one of the mobile concerns in this state place as essential factors in the commercial organizations of the com munity. The experienced and well management and known assistants in this men of high standing and prominent in the commercial life of the business community. They are boost of the community and in this edition iit eminently fitting and proper that we direct your attention Pontiac Motor LAr L0. a8 one ithe most impor tant features of the efficiency of The place for real meals in State East College Avenue. leading cafes in Coliege at 142 This is one of the this entire section of the state he management has made a special study of the business and is catering to a custom of refinement taste This establishment is the favorite eating place of both the local and traveling public. The management has made every arrangement for the public at large. After-theatre and evening parties will find this restaurant a most suitable place to complete the pleas- ure of the day. The interior of the establishment is attractively decorated and most pleasing to the eye. The general surroundings present an ideal home- like atmosphere which has re- ceived the commendation of many people from this vicinity, While the work {itself is done by reliable em- ployees whose special training pro- vides for the individual needs, de- sires and demands of the patrons in an eating house of this nature Many ladies express delight in din. ing at this cafe not only because they are relieved of the cares in serving the meal, but also because ood is prepared which is exactly home. il 8 manner fitting to their own The great popularity f this has been to tk largely due the un- ability of the whose wide experience and broad knowledge have well provided for the demands of a most discriminat- ing trade. Nothing has been left un- done to completely satisfy the most fastidious tastes of any exacting guest. For any socisl or business movement suggesting an entertain ment, meal or repast of a rich and abundant nature, a visit to this cafe will reveal an elaborate fare of delicious dishes which will treat the special occasion with gratifica- tion and delight. The fact that both the local and traveling public can obtain a distinct satisfaction in food, makes this place a most im- portant feature of the continuous expansion of the community. We take the opportunity in this edition to tell the readers that they possess an up-to-date restaurant which is unsurpassed in any city, and also point out the advantages of obtaining this service whenever they are in town, nena; management With modern establishment in State College at 204 South Allen Street— ia one of the weil known centers of its kind in this part of tne state and where the prices are cheapest in this section when buying the freshest of fruits and vegetables. Extensive wholesale dealers in all kinds of fruits and produce. Honest dealings with the dealer, coupled with years of service, are the re- sults of this successful concern, and enjoys an extensive patronage. When this well known firm start. ed in business they determined to handle fruit and produce of all kinds. They know these lines thoroughly and have arranged to offer the best there is, but they did not stop there, for they were indeed wise In their business and appreciat. ed the necessity of real magnani- mous service. They equipped them- scives to furnish service second to none, and the success of this enter. prise since they started in business in 1881 testifies to the wisdom of their course. Selentific selling must be born of “Hig or low tension, dad?” aske the boy. consult this house you receive this information without expense. Wholesale fruits and produce is their business and they know this line from the ground up. They are prepared to give you all information regarding them, and they consider it a part of their business to serve you in this man- ner. When you seek Information from them you do not get a curt reply. A courteous response with comprehensive knowledge is return ed to every request and you are not obligated in any way merely because you asked questions. This section is indeed fortunate to have such a progressive firm to serve it in the line of fruit and pro- duce, for it adds In no little way to the progress and prosperity of the entire surrounding territory. In making this review of the business interests we are glad to compliment Frank Sclortinoe and Bros. upon the policy which the busi. ness of this establishment is con- ducted and to say that this firm will greatly add to the develop went and expansion of this section scientific knowledge, 2nd when you| “me oP ap OS