i v ¢ mine ¢ ’ J 6 v Jv Called Upon to Redeem Mutilated Currency. Washington. ~The amount of burned, rotted and mutilated money arriving at the ‘reasury for redemption has vaulted to its highest level since World war days. Treasury officials attribute the in- creased receipts of mutilated currency to the widespread and unusual hoard- Ing activities which followed last year's record number of bank failures, says the Chicago Tribune, Jeginning shortly after the bank failure rate reached a high peak last year, the amount of burned, rotted and mutilated currency reaching the treasury has Increased monthly until today employees in the currency re- demption department are forced to work overtime to take care of hoarded currency which came to grief. Failure of hoarders to remember that their life savings had been placed In the stove for safe-keeping until a fire had been built has proved respon- sible for much of the money Washington. In many money has been hoarded in chimneys to the great detriment of the currency when fall fires were built, In other in 1enhiine reaching cases in banks he believed to be insecure, The extremely delicate work of mak ing goed this mutilated money is done by several women clerks of long expe rience, whose word as to the authen. ticity of the claim is virtually infal- lible, The task of *ascertaining the valid ity of the ashes or pulp which Is sent In by hoarders as the remains of good money Is particularly exacting in the national bank redemption agency, whih redeems national and federal re serve bank notes. In this bureau not only must the remains be identified as genuine currency before it can be re deemed, but the expert must also as certain the member which Is- sued it, In the redemption of the treasurer's office, where notes of Unit. ed States Issue are redeemed, only the fact that the remains are those of real money Is necessary for redemption to be made. In both bureaus, of course, the experts must find out the exact denominations of the notes, The records of the claims han led by the experts read aln like fiction and most of thelr work seems all but incredible to the laymu Here i8 a case Not long ago a citizen of Ohi bank division destroyed ¥ i . * Ost in noint : 0 ap may be leaning roof doesn't leak. 5 « gy Erystore~Lvaer wnt 5 The walls " but nothing matters as long as the stances money became damaged after being placed In mattresses or other places for safe-keeping. Hoarding which results in currency mutilation causes losses for the gov- ernment and in some cases to the in dividual. About 75 per cent of the mu- tilated money Is redeemed. The gov- erunent loses because of the expense of financing a division for the purpose of redeeming money, In recent months, it was stated at the treasury, practically every claim in mutilated currency cases has been ac companied by a statement from the owner of the money telling how he hid his savings In some place he thought secure rather than deposit it For Spectator Sports 4 Checked ginghams, suede cloth and novelty woolens are the leading fab- rics for spring spectator sports wear. This frock bristles with fashion news, The empire line, the crossstrap treat- ment in the bodice, the gulmpe of light blue and white checked gingham op- posed to the darker blue of the sheer wool, the high neckline and the gleam- ing buttons. peared at the national bank redemp tion agency with a box securely bound with adhesive tape, in which he said there reposed the remains of $700. He had drawn the money from the bank, he said, put it In a baking powder ean which he put In a still larger metal can, and had hidden It In the soot at the base of a chimney. A fire in an upstairs fireplace caused the soot to get hot and the cans and the $700 were reduced to a mass of metal and ashes. This mass he wanted redeemed for real money, The sympathetic superintendent of the agency turned the case over to the experts and by noon next day they had Identified not £700 but £710, and had authorized payment of the money in full, Whereupon the money In full, Whereupon the citizen of Ohio admit ted he had expected to retrieve only about half his $700. In order to make this restitution the experts were faced with the problem of ascertaining, from hardly more than a handful of ashes, first whether the ashes were those of genuine currency ; second, the exaet denomination of each note; and third, which of some ten thousand member banks had Issued the notes, POTPOURRI Comefs Few comets are visible to the naked eye, although the tails of some are millions, of miles long, Some 800 comets have been re corded, but there are possibly hundfeds of others that the most powerful Instruments cannot de tect. Comets are usually visible for a short period of time and then disappear to return later, In dicating that they follow definite orbits, (D, 1932, Western Newspaper Union.) Mrs. Herbert Hoover In the dress she wore at a recent reception. The dress is a dimity with blue spring and t ed with ruffles of the same materia With it sh black vely on her hair a band of black around her th was the first time since the Civil that a cott a receplion. lowers © Wore and velvet has been been talking with Gor concerning the qualities of an intimate acquaint ance of ours has made the most outstanding 8 uc cess of the work he has undertak- en of any man In his line with whom I am familiar, We were trying, if pos- sible, to analyze the personal qual- ities in him which made this success possible. “1 used to think Ihave don just who Gordon sald to me, Corson’s keen intellect, racter of his mind n success, and I must “that it was the unusual cha which bro ught his admit he has these, but as [ | more i more closel int 1 believe it Is his ” ¢ ! minut Mas with utilize effective greatest “yw | od t! o “oy whit Wich v Job Costing $43,000,000 Is Nearly Finished. 5X0 feet beneath Steinway avenue in runs river, at the foot of what is aft OA, drillers are now iting the finishing their three years' task of 10 shafts and $43,000 00) by the board w SOTO Queens 1 ns si touches to excavating the of city tunn water conduit being bul of water supply. The last section of rock in the tunnel itself, between shafts 2A and 3A under the Bronx riv- er, wes “holed through™ recently. All that remains of the excavating phase of the work Is to round out the system of access tunnels and pumping cham- hers pe rmit drainage of the entire aqueduct from shaft OA, Since March, 1020, gangs of men have been working 24 hours a day, six days a week, linking up from iI View reservolr in Yonkers to Red ook in Brooklyn this rock tunnel, longer than any yet constructed by man. More than 1.300000 drill holes have been “shot” with approximately 7000000 pounds of dynamite to dis lodge the 1.50G,000 cubic yards of rocks that have been removed. Large enough to hold a subway car with a man standing on top of it. and az jong as the run from Van Court. landt park to Atlantic avenue, Brook. Iyn-in some places as far beneath the sidewalk as the Metropolitan tower Is above it, and In no place less than 520 feet under ground-—this mam- moth pressure tunnel Is destined to supply Brooklyn, Queens and a part 20 miles designed to ~~ slowly 0 000 gallon report that pr e cent with Patrick McGovern, Inc., wi one year ivance completed, Ops 4] : at the View reservoir ane i vith water easly in 1033, Drinks Spray to Find Out What It Is; Bend, Ind.—Evereft sixty-four, died after drinking tree spray to find out what it Teek met Steve Solnoky, the caretaker, at the J. M. Studebaker Jr., esiate, was mixing a preparatio poison for a spray. son.” said Steve in drink.” with a laugh. One sip and he collapsed. He died as he renched the hospit al. Dies South Leek, ? Was, “Well, said Leek Generally, every good anecdote yom hear of an adven ture has been great. ly embellished by didn't happen exactly jut don't we all admire the teller. It that way. art? B10 THEATRE —————— TALKING PICTURES WERE SHOWN IN NEW YORK CITY 30 YEARS AGO ONT BUTED BY MERED CPOEm ™ SHORTEST NAME IN THE MR. X ~0f Oakland, Cal. = THE GERMAN WORD FOR TANK 15 IN THE WOLVERINE Sue (micnican) his house a good deal and it 18 no now, You ney hails Vel to me 1 from Martin young fellow, Martin time. He lived In a and had to take an into the city. He alwavs h on the table astlly but deliberately. He three minutes to get to away. He always yaw 3 ¥ ¥ =" 3 ong eisurely witho when | never wa suburban Was a sted town early train ate with his wate beside *i Al - station a block walked he - “A gold digger is apt to strike oil in the timber region.” HOUSEHOLD HINTS To tightex in curtain rollers vith pincers Jake meringues on cream ples In a Let them cool in a warm place and out of a draft and is less liable to fall. » . . - slow os the mer ingue cut glass wash it In suds, pack It in sawdust. The an dust the moisture. Re move the sawdust with a soft brush, - * . To clean =OAD then ahsorbs cake itron, When making a containing nuts, raising and c¢ much labor may be saved by putting all these In. gredients into the chopper at one time, Outboard Champion William Crawford of New York, a Junior at the University of Miami, who won the American outboard champion. ship at the International regatta at Miama, Fla, Plowed Up Old Coin Forest Grove, Ore~~Farmer George Vanderzanden plowed. Up came a shiny object. It was a $20 gold piece, dated 1861, FRETFUL, RESTLESS? Look to this cause When your baby fusses, tosses and seems unable to sleep rests , look ne common ay ation. To get rid the accumulated wastes which restlessness and discomfort, cleansing dose of Cas you know, is made children’s delicate needs cause, vegetable preparation: harsh drugs, mild and gentle you can give young infant to relle as effective for older toria’s reg ive laxed com t and your baby. Keep Genuine Castoria CASTORIA CHILDREN CRY FOR no narcotd Record Swimming Pool ONSTIPATED ? Take FR RATURE'S REMEDY —tonight,. Your elimin organs will be fu ¢ erly by morning a tipation will en actionas free and ea ture at ber best—positiv pain, no griping. Try it Mild, safe, purely vegetable ot druggists—only 25¢ FEEL LIEE A MILLION 7 TAZE {for sour gtomac peartburi. Tums arc antec. Interesting Work Iry Girl—Why does “This is a crit “You said ft— my work ev ery Peterman’s Ant Food is sure death to ants. Sprinkle it about the floor, window sills, shelves, etc. Effective 24 hoursa day. Inespensive. Safe. Guar anteed. More than 1,000,000 cans sold last year. At your druggist's. PETERMAN’'S ANT FOOD Fair Enough Mike—Look here, you're cheating Pat—] am not. I had that ace long before the game began, If «a man hasn't the germ of up- rightness in him, praying for guild: ance gels no response, Do you get up in the moming with tired fouling ond drog yourself through the day? Nervous — jumpy = irritable It is the worning sign of constipation, Neglect may bring serious ailments. Toke 201 more of Dr. Morse's Indion Root Pills, They are a gentle, mild, ond obsolutely safe laxative. Mode of nature's pure herbs ond roots. Use them tonight and bring bock your pep of oll druggists. EPILEPTICS, Giadly teil how my dave ter was ‘quickly relieved st home I discovery Sthout he) use of ha hn tul irser Nothing Write MRE BUR DRAW n “ra "ARLINGTON. TE EXA