THE WHAT HAVE You BEEN DOING, By Charles Sughroe KIDS 77 ES SIR! LONDON ER s PGE “Mounties” Spectacular Man Hunt Comes to End. Winnipeg. — The Royal Canadian mounted police came to the two months trail in the frozen wastes of the northwest territory when killed Albert Johnson, mad man of the Arctic. The end to most spectacular man a battle in which the per and miner fell In ¢ from nearly a dozen rifles, But the groggy dropped, steadied a wavering hand and seriously wounded Staff Sergs Hersey, his third “mountie” The posse of twelve which ha tracking Johnson for Arctic snow and through temperatures ranging fron degrees below doubling He from the trail when he Hersey's and Noel Very Hiding behind ut fighting. Twelve Rifles Blaze. end of a they one of Canada's hunts } } Johnson, zero back. BON And i sey In ia to the Aklavik spalred of hi Johnson, struggling desp tely with cold and hunger, least a temporary When the mountis their vow to “get thelr man Por. valley, abo 1 niles fi Aklavik, In It was fall that Johnson came the northwesters Is’ gold with only hoes and was heading for at Alaska, in the cupine om srritory last into two autom ports are that he ma Outboard Quecn 8 | LIVES IN A WATER CASH @ WN Sreimager Lene GOLDSMITH MAID GREATEST MONEY WINNER OF ALL TIME ($36,035 MORE THN GALLANT FOX) WAS A FARM \ ANIMAL FOR 6 YEARS \_ RAN HER FIRST J) PACE AT 8... AND WON . HER LAST AT 20 / For the first time In seventeen years Cleveland, ©Ohlo, has a Democratie mayor, the recent election resulting in victory for Ray T. Miller, seen ebove, Mr. Miller was once a star football player on the same team with Rockne, N—— f5% SED /INDMILL SED AS A -AT VELTENHOF GERMANY All Around [X Ze House Bury an yeast cake in salt and it will keep for sometime, * * * Leftover can he com bined and served as an escalloped food or they can can be used in soups. » . . vegetables Turnips and beets are Improved by adding ene or two tablespoonfuls of sugar when cooking. CI If the bottom layer of ple crust lg covered with eracker crumbs the juice from fruit fillings will not ooze out, » * - The secret of preparing cereal foods Is long, slow cooking, to render the cellflose content more digestible, Ce. real Jellies are Just strained gruel, served cold with eream, - - - A plece of « heese the wal nut added to onion gives it a nice creamy taste, * * » Fish will fry a rich brown If lightly brushed with salad oil before being rolled In cracker crumbs or meal, size of n potato or soup and that If he had been able he would have to retain hig su returned a rich nity, man, Hunted for Weeks. Johnson was a hunted man since the day eight weeks ago when he wounded Constable A, E King, who had tried to arrest | } iim ns a trap thief, Three weeks ago he Killed Con :. Mil len, were dealing with the cunning il redoubled an CAsy fought a 1 vo i i ft it WHEN COMPANY COMES By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Emeritus Dean of Men, University of Illinois. Were best table lin Mrs, and all ale * q ite on Mr. lady a is right for- guesis goats the good deal of flourish and Wien they Mrs, Jackson may step or fall air at the table as much as she pleases, I'm not finding fault with all I'm just wondering If It might make life a trifle less dull and un- interesting if we should not wait al- ways for company to come before we put on our nicest clothes and served the most tempting meals, Why should we have to wait until company comes before we get out our prettiest china, put on our attractive clothes, and show our finest manners? Aren't the home folks after all just as good as company? with a mality. alone mre into her cl il this, not (D. 1932, Western Newapaper Union.) Biblical Plays Halleck, In his “English Literature,” gnye that “a miracle play is the dra. matie representation of the life of a gaint and of the miracles connected with him, A mystery play deals with Gospel events which are concerned with any phase of the life of Christ, or with any Biblical event that re motely foreshadows Christ or Indicates the necessity of a redecmer,” Mecca for Tourists. France a Dp i is here seen b+ Military and Civilian A NC AAA SAAN Although the fetching evening dress of opaque crepe, shown at the left, is conventionally civilian in its theme, the jaunty evening jacket at the right is definitely military in trend, owing, perhaps to the hostilities in China, The jacket is of blue rubizon and is trimmed with brass buttons, It isn't altogether romantie, but though a man marries for the sake of the dim ple, it may be the frying pan that more securely anchors him, afterward, OME A LAKE OR A 4 Living Grandparents hia \ George Morgan ot a. “If you're inclined toward worry it's good exercise to bend in the opposite direction” AB ea John’s Mother Praises Doctor There Isn't a moth. | er living who won't agree that no half gick child should be the subject experiment medicines tain your child is billous, headachy, half-slic) { less, with coated tong no appet] for a1 wit] uncer When of merit, » Or energy) stomach ar And when you over fifty years ledc have endorsed one pr » Califor ich, fruity clears the little stom gently, harmless] regi the bowels strength to then and helps t strength, ene sands of W Mrs. Joseph Ave, Omaha, never to give Fig help when fered ates gince, boy.’ Ingist on the g that the carton bes fornia” Over f used a year Innocents Abroad a uickest Way to Darken Gray Hair Naturally Don'tdye hair. Science has disce Poms Tele lair healthy. get rid of gray | testify. Try it. Pay « ris for a bottle of WYETH? SULPHUR and follow easy di Results will deligh t Polynesians Were Travelers America in ancient times was not completely undiscovere : it is sOMelimes p In diane of the South had contacts with isk far off Polynesia, according 1s B. Dixon, of H rd universit Amer ony found it Columbiar y plant stated natives length § coun mentary He 1: which would Amer An C4 A Second Courin : 1 n.” =ald the ttle boy. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong. No alcohol. 8 d by druggists in tablets or liquid. -Adv, Ask the average man where he got his umbrella and he will hesitate be fore replying. Stiff, Aching, Sore! Get quick relief » this simple way Here's the way to re lieve painful lumbago , without blistering or buming. Rub on good old St. Jacobs Oil Quickly it draws out inflammation and pain. Wonderful relief comes 2 i ina minute! 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