Center for Figuring Longt | tude Since 1884. Washington, — Greenwick observa. tory, England, most widely known of the world's stations for observing the stars and marking out time, is to have a large new telescope that will put it more nearly on a par with its less famous but more efficient com- petitors, according to news dispalches from London, “Greenwich Is an borough patch of London,” says a bul- letin from the National Geographie society, “but it has world importance in spite of f{tself., On practically every map and globe that is pub- lished the longitude lines conspire to bring into prominence this community on the south bank of the Th two and a half miles below London bridge. Nearly every country in the world, and practically every ship that salls the seas tg position as so many degrees or west of unpretentions ames, describes | east Summer Training “Reb” all hitting Northwestern univer back, has been keeping in attending summer ¢ bags for his friends—gratia, Amerien hard- full- ape while oting golf Russell, 3 >i of course, Greenwich: for through the center of the dome of Greenwich observatory rung the world's generally accepted zero meridian, “Fronting the deep waters of the lower Thames, Greenwich has always had a nautical flavor. As early as 1011 an invading Danish fleet made its base at Grenevie, as the place was then called, Through the centuries it has become more and more associnted with British naval affairs, The town's outstanding building is the great Naval hospital Assigned hy Sir Christopher Wren, and considered one of the finest creations of that famous architect, It is no longer used ns a hospital, but serves now as‘ihe Royal Naval college where Dritain’s naval officers are trained. “Greenwich was once even more fa. mous than Westminster and Windsor are today as the home of British roy- alty, On parts of the of the Naval college and school was situated ‘Placentia,’ the favorite of British kings during the latter part of the Fifteenth centur the teenth, and half of the Seventeenth Greenwich observatory wn established In 1673 under Charles and placed in the old palace g now Greenwich park, “Greenwich observatory now come bines some of the functions of the American Naval oliser burean of standards, and weather bureau. It is respons for the of Brit ime, ach day one o'clock p. m. the time ball falis fr a staff on the and sig. nals are by and wireless, sites palace Six as II rounds, “The virtory, correction ish t nt om observatory, electric sent out telegraph world's the “Greenwleh has official marking meridian of longi ns Nn of the dian conference, vented heen the point for tude only since Was Since long Zero 1884 result numerous Z2er0 in in have heen tis ely Ptole ue, small areas in the Second * Was enous my t reckoned me center Paris the VAS expressed st of When the rebuilt Constitution w a i ——————_ PELE L POET EIESLEE POPE OP “Painless Extraction” Applied to Dentist New York.—Dending youthful patient and a tooth preparatory ing It, Dr, M. V, Sael himself looking doy of a revolver, the youth's assi zie Meanwhile tant “extracted” 21 in cash and 81350 in Jewelry ind dental gold from Doctor Sacharofl’s office, “Painless extraction, oh, the boys sald as they left, Doe?” wae reeves ee. rose R. 1. we of the most in- : Fries of Read- 77 as chief They are gunners, —-— ——————— A —— Grasshopper Mummies Found in Yellowstone Washington. — Mummies those of the Pharoa! in gre park, it wi tor Can than 18 are to be found near Yellowstone 18 revealed by Acting Diree. rer of the natior park Instead of being the romains kings, however, they are the bodies of swarms of thit were buried in the snow before the glaciers wore formed In that ree The in- sects, perfectly preserved, being found in great numbers, older iumbhers 114 Hi grasshopper ion ire A wretched man is a sgered thing , of Course! Trisects the Angle Very Rev. dent of D burgh, Pa. who he has succeedes gle by plane geometry the of matl and never before hs Joseph J. Callahan, presi- university, Pitts. announced that ecting an an- This is one of oldest itical prol i i be un solved, dems Washington 1 ter the transatlantic cables trical ! Greenwich the laying of Until sent Irom world It was gitude of Eu can points to noecuracy. as loge. be to the New to tie in point and impossible the lon rope Amer] gether Ww ashington ero meridian While American western It ary tah, and Oregon thsolute served were established, reason that the lines between Colorado and Ut het i will be state boun in his bound t Vyon ween seen fal HOMEMAKER HINTS The flavor of bacon can be Improved if the bottom of the pan is sprinkled Hghtly with sugar before the bacon is placed in it When nails or screws need to be driven into hardwood, rub them with soap or oll. They will in much more ensily and are likely to split the wood, go less When the inner svles of your favor- ite bedroom slippers become shabby, tear them out and replace with new ones which ean be quickly made from a discarded felt hat, them Hghtly, Glue in for salads tinctive and piquant an hour of 3 it eigh fen Sliced fruits Intended can be given a dis flavor by marinating them for or so a liquid ' in composed Julce, # tablespoonfuls lemon blespoonfuls spoonfuls oil, gir and one-half When re with dressi nade, ads A fi Yor table the ange ju be dot that til i Million Dollar Note to Bear Crawford’s Portrait. i Mack once more is the popular color. This smart dinner gown of vel- vet features the close fitted skirt line, and the demure Jacket carries the new widening sleeve, © Ml MKS. 10A GOLDBERG, Mew HOCRELLE & STiLL AB “ THREAD A Neco’ WITROUT GLASSE Al TAE AGE OF 07 DEadLY GERMS, SEALED iN TEST TUBE BY SIR WILLIAM SiMPsoN, OF LONDON, WERE sTiLL ALWVE AFTER 2b YEARS A GUINEA-PIG DIED WHEN INOCULATED WITA THEM The Mysterious By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dean of Men, University of Hlinois. “Most mysteries have commonplace explanations,” Masefield has Hillery say to Margaret, and yet there are few things which so fascinate us as the mysterious, 1 congratulate Davis on being eng to Marle, and looks at Hie amaze raged he in how 1 xv Know about did any- it? » have goul, you hing * = v'S 4s Ww 3 told a ana had lea that even our best Of ’ and won er in of stery OCS away ¥ simple, howey i Wout arm i% in ick up nt his been "JAMES SKELVIN AND PLAY ING TOGETAER, BOTH MADE A AOLE “ iN-ONE = ON TRE SAME HOLE —~ BERMUDA, 928 Ohio Lake Resort Boasts of Monster Canton, Ohio, sort near here, cl called “Amphiibio,” caplure eff Residents philbio” is an fle which at lily pads near seen swimming » ter of the lake. Several by fishermen, freed himself, Congress lake, a re tims a water monster nded has el Years which mans the lake ancient and monster tus times browses am and again in the cen ris for near By “Am ong the “3 Bs 54 tin the shore is igorousiy times he has been caught but each time he has Some have ventured that “Amphibio” weighs as much 100 pounds, He is said to have been in the little lake almost 150 years, 0s i and then knowing look on mouth. When there usually mystery about it at all Westra Newspaper Union) something, with a and a facts came out, got onto about his face the real any « iss) wend closed wasn't i ———— S GTC BL - A man may be «aid to have passed middie age when he longer cares to to a fire In his no go neighborhood. Two human loves make one divine, WELL, YANST HIN MORE OF ! 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Would-beDiner—“Yes, and #0 has Bunker HiNL® YOU have PIMPLES or SKIN BLEMISHES Cut Out This Ad | and Mail to CENTURY NATIOMAL CHEMICAL CO. Ward & Cross St, Paterson, MN. J. For a FREE Cake of GLENN'S SULPHUR Soap 331/3% Sulphur ni h | w. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 37-1931, dn i