The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 10, 1931, Image 5

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LOCAL AND PERSONAL . 5 = . 0 PENNY-A-WORD COLUMN L — —— m— EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, [te the estate are requeste
————————— In the Estate of JAMES W. BECK... ot 1} RE to DR -
. . 256 i . . hi | J o 4 . lt the same to presen
, i NOTES, * ihe pays for nn four<line ad, In this WHI ! EW ASHING Inte of Gregg Township, Centres Coun~| thenticated for settlement.
Vota Auman for Sheriff, adv | column, These ljttle nds. nre wonder |
for ty. Pa. deceascd. H
i . . » . . » *lworkers in the way of resuits. Advers! Ve I. EBRIGHT
rs . “er i a : tise anything here, from a “Help Wanted” | of tia " “1s {6 PY he shove estat ’ f
Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Lee matared 101 qh. gollowing were admitted as sur- to o House and Lot for Sale.” | an i Bs tbe 3 Wau a hw RLate o4ta ’ Executor,
va ad ” AVIDE 4 auiy i ra) he I ersighneq,
Williamsport on Friday. gical patients at the Centre County | } 2 A duly gran un gn ag
Te Tae ey any . - . all persons knowing, themselves Indebled jo35 Centre Hall
Th, regular State highway “Stop” | Hospital during the past week: PROPERTY FOR BALE.-—Dwelling Dairy Barns a Specialty. f
sign at Old Fort has been removed i Miss Bessie Richards, of Bellefonte: |house, with all modern converdences; | mn - - - . -
from its post | Louise M. Reed, 8 years old, of State]price reasonable, Property located at | Modern and Efficient
ii . a 5 i swick ve,, State College, Ap- | <
: : : | College: Mrs. Joseph Corrage, of Pleas- 26 Hartswick Ave, State Colleg I uipme
Next Wednesday will be acold day; ant Gap: Miss? Anna Broderick, State ply of Charles H. Breon, Btate College, | Eq P ent. : H R HAPPEN
J ®
{ « or large umber Ff - { . n. a7 at | " " ‘ Te
at least for a large number of cand. |..." xrry Hazel M. Miller, of How-jF® elt] WORK GUARATEED,
dates who will find themselves out in|
{ard; Mrs. Ruth H, Dreibelbis, of State FOR BALE~N¢ wly made Glit-edge | EDWARD DURST un
it. { College: Lawrence Leon. of New York |
| apple butter~—~Ray J, Sharer, Centre| Pi : -
Rev. J. M. Rearick, of Mifflintown. | City; Wm. Confer, 2, of Spring Mills; | Hall, R2: phon, 182R12, 036 | "hong 2R7. } DIDNT
now retired, filled the pulpit in the | Fred O'Connor, of Mill Hall; Mrs. Hal- — ‘NTRE J s | WANT
Earheran churel in Mifflinburg for | He G. Kirk, of Bellefonte: Mrs. Mary COAL—Anthracite and bituminous, | CENTRE 3AL) 088,4t HERE 15 A NEW BASLOALL THAT POP. TAKE
his brother, Rev. W. M. Rearick, on |K. Packer, of State College; Mrs, Pearl |#0ld to you direct from the mines at] GLOVE AND A BAT AND A IT BACK AND
Sunday. | Margaret Houtz. of Bellefonte: Geo. |® faving—Paul Grove, Spring Mills; § f— - i BALL THAY PAPA BROUGHT Xt IF You CAN
t+ . ~n 2 ET hore 18RAS, 036 |
Thomas Kerstetter and family, of RR. Lucas, of Howard: Miss Mary Re- phore i : HOME FOR FRANKIE CHANGE. iT FOR
becea Reed, of State College; Miss Helen
llsburg od to on Sunday, TEAM OF HORSES, bays, weigh 2.» a “ ’
Dillsburg, wer in town on nda) | K. Glenn, of Bellefonte; Mrs. Sarahlsoeo 1 bay Kh | ; . SMITHS ARITHMETIC
stopping with the former's sister, Mrs lbs, for sale or will exchange for
J. M. Luse., Mr. Kerstetter Is conduct- | cows —Charleg A. Graham, Blue Spring |
: Conway, 2, of Westlawn: Carlton F i
> 3 fe Fire 3 1
ing a hotel in the York county town. . farm, Boalsburg, 2t |
b i | Bryant. of Pittsburgh; Mrs, Lilllan G { *
James Keller and family, who spent | Schock, of Philadelphia: Dale Schock,] FOR SALE--Large quantity of sweet oyment
a part of their vacation with his par- ig ‘ : ol of Philadelphia; Edwinicorn, cabbage and tomatoes; price g |
ents, Mr, and Mrs. D, K. Keller, went | Qohock, 20 months old son of Robert | reasonabl Ralph C, Tressler, on the | forSmokers
to their home In ‘enn We | Behock, of Philadelphia Miss Marga- McCoo) farm at Red Mill
Whete Mi Geller 1 mail PE er, of Tyrone i ‘ CHEAP LAND WANTED Three t« : of Pipe and.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H., McCormick
sin 3 ["% £ Es ‘oc : i wih or wiht buidine in on | Cigarettes
Conway, of Westlawn; Jean Lacille
sa TR PS pe ———
For Treasurer,
; I reas { Ti ! x
the Gr ision oO
at the Pri
Ta September 15, 1
wmber 15, 1831 THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED from Friday Evening, Sept. 11th, 6 P. M., until Mon- I
ROBERT F. HUNTER . 4 . ' y
For Sheriff. day Morning, Sept. 14th, account Jewish New Year.
We are authorized to announce the name
FUE 8 A candidate
croinigill School Days Are Here
I @ SC , , PP be heid wher th, If
We are authorized to announce tl At this time of year, school bells ring, bovs and girls heed its call, and mothers
Democratic Candidate for County Com. a a can 144 : t . ' 1 fon of think seriously of School Clothes. We have, as usual, a ready supply of every possible gar-
missioner. decision of the Democratic voters of n- ment for sturdy boys and active girls. Prices, this year, are more reasonable than ever.
For Sheriff,
BOYS’ {| GIRLS oes
have 4-plece Sults at all All coneelvable 5 and Sehool Oxfords, dressy
~=from £4.95, and higher, patterns, boty In sch gar. for sister, sturdy high she
] ments and In dressier 3 . Brother, and priced fro;
Youn ean buy them with two . ; !
Prices from 5&6e an hw " and higher, Serviceable,
' {8 . . Ta SHE 4 ;
short trousers, one long ard one All vat dyed, fade-proof ve appearing, reasonable Si
short, or two jong. ments, Every Boy and Girl
4 \ ] ki
County Commissioner, 1 ®
Bma Smith an SET Annis Smith, |
me 0 on 16 the convent an cier-1 REPUBLICAN PARTY
r, parr will g Enid, Oklahoma, | For Sheeiff
spend some ime w his futher, | or 3 Tis, 8
i 1 } We are anthorized to asnounce the name
aries Knarr, know t nany here, 5 thorized to announce the ns
3 Raat é many hes of IL. FRANK MAYES, of College town-
return home will be by a north ship, as a candidate for Sheriff of Cen.
msm PR ———
route to Detroit, inciuding un | tre county, subject to th es govern.
Can ar PB § eC Sn Rett in rid the Hopubiican Party ot Centre conn. GOODYEAR PATHFINDER GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER
a T..
his State, and
orium. Kansas,
. ty at the primary te be beid on Tuesday,
ng mada Mir. Emith Ar, ptember I 1931. go
§ made i ing tal Come to Shambach’s [September is, lv ”
wis Prooks, three years old. son | For Treasurer, ‘
nA 3 teow eooke. wWokt of / - e are amthorized to announce the name
:nd Mrs, Guy Brooks, west of| Orchard where you al w Borted >
is bron ht Kor fr m ti ! h k of OO, «GG. MORGAN, of Bellefonte Boro,
was brought hom, | he " “
) si 4% S.3 av id a candidate for Treasmrer of Centre
sity hospital, Philadelphia, the ways boug t good stoc county, subject to the rules governing
1 * the wpublican Party Centre counly
at reasonable prices. |at tne primary to be held on Tuesday,
September 15, 1031
May of 1330, drank water from; Bring containers along. Yor Treasurer,
abandoned Banner lye can, the re-
r part of last week by his father, |
Erooks accompanying im.. Lewis,
4.40.21 size
I hereby announce myeelf as a candle
ult being a stricture of the esophagus. ! date for the office of Treasurer of (ene
vit the middle of February of this | m tre County, subject to the rules governs
"a oA peel ged ir 5 . . a ac ing the Hepublican primaries to be held
an orange seed lodged in the | Tacsday. September 15, 1981
gtricture, necessitatirse tha hoy being | £ C. SHUEY.
taken to the hospital for its removal, |
. i For Treasurer,
and hehag been there since until last |
week, He has ry much improved PF. S,~0RCHARD SITUATED BE- We are authorized to announce the name { « Size y Size Each
ee i, eh very 1 4 . » ‘
3 aan he beh re . of PHILIP B. WOMELSDORF, of Phil 4.50.20 [(29x4.50) shes J 450-21 (30x4.50) ..covnnees 3 785
physically and there are bright hopes | TWEEN MIDDLEBURG AND ipsburg, as a candidate for Treasurer of 8.25.21 (31x5.25) 5.00.19 (295.00) 918
for his complete recovery. It will be | CENTREVILLE ALONG STATE Centre County, subject to the rules Rove ™) cess 0 { J isancansnase
necessary to take him to the hospital | , 8 mtn Hl ernin the o abliean Rrimaries to be 30x33; Reg. CL.............. 5.50.18 (28x5.50) ...... canes 11.50
at Intervals of about six weeks for | HIGHWAY, held Tuesday, "i on ae ’ 305 H.D. Truck cuniun : 600-20 (32x6.00) ..cvvvivees. 1350
observation, Reylater, ; All sizes Hy i equally ” ne
i We are authorized to announce the quai'y dam : 9 All sizes low ; of
Mr.and Mrs FF. M. Fisher, Bev, and | we es - «fname of HAROLD D, COWHER, of Belle. J L bh A
i BO 3 : rave | fonte, as a candidate for Register of . i Fes :
Mrs. R. E. Corman, last week, drove | Wills and Clark of the Orphans Court Te 7 Bh:
to Unionville. Chester county, and re- of Centre county, subject to the rules Ho,
mained for the night with Mr and | — hey Mg A oe hy Cpnare There IS hardly anything m the world that some one
: day, September 1Gth, 1031. . . eat
ny en - can’t make a little worse and sell a ttle cooper. We
RADIO don’t pretend that these are the lowest prices'in town,"
Mra. FF M, Fisher. Mrs. Lusk had jus 3 Eg : . 1
Feeived the sad rw hat her po a / Se but we can show you why they are the best bargains.
law, wife of Rev. Frank B Ulrich, § : 1 te! : : hig ‘
a Now Hollands Solin ®@hiidean ; ’ y Re ar Service Come and sce us! *
had died and left son three days old, | \ “
The auto party, While in Philadelphia, | ay Sresirey orm mpters ‘ ’
got Into an auto jam in the vicinity | - and efficient service on all makes HAGAN S GARA
of the Duffy home and experienced | - of Radio Sets, at Reasonable
much difficulty in making headway | \ PHONE 56
along the wide thoroughfare, the traf- | Pr f
Why depend on tinkering and
fic and city police being unable to .
cope With the large number of autos guess work. Give US a call ) by ( ‘entre Hall
and mass of people on the highway J
and on the private grounds of the SNYDER'S RADIO SHOPPE Eo
Duffy place, Mr. and Mrs, Corman, (1. 0. 0. F. Bullding.) CT ot
who have been here vacationing for a \ CENTRE MALL, PA. ’ TV ?
month, returned to Wilkinsburg ‘the
latter part of last week.
Mre. John Corman. and together the
#ix went on to Philadelphia siglitsee-
ing and visiting Mr, and Mrs. T. G.
Ask, nephew and niec, of Mr, and