THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1931, THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. pr — m—— = THE CENTRE REPORTER * » LOCAL AND PERSONAL For Commi ’ ISSUED WEEKLY, DEATHS, S————— the name of Dogs may be tralped In wild game po mm * 5 2 a oo» i ahi Ban John 8, Spearly only between Hust fi and Fe CENTRE BALL. Fa wl BARTLEY —Nevin Howard Bartley,]~ Elk, deer and wild turkey are ex The RICH ELIEU cepted, SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors of Bellefonte, RB. D., died at the Centre Fai . I Continuos Shows—2:00 to 11:00 ’ " : ria ‘airs on this week are wedford, 8. W., SMITH, Editor. County hospital following a two weeks Bre 1 : « his £ 4 re a r EDW. E. BAILEY, Associate Editor and ; : bradford, Clearfield, Frankiin, Brook. Business Manager, fliness with pleura pneumonia. He Wasiyiile, Smethport, Newport, Cressona, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY pm - a - — {a gon of Charles W. and Ida May Bart-] Susquehanna, “HIGH STAKES” » ’ i ah Batered at the Post Office in Centre Halll joy and was born n Marion township, Sa we Clarver ‘ | “ tar. ey an 1s 1 rio i Misa Mary Garver, a Centre Halll powell Sherman and Ma, Murray, ~~ MAY WE SUGGEST TERMS. —The terms of subscription to this county, 21 years ago. He is sur-]High school graduate, entered the ivi; Y SUL MS ~1 he ie ; § . aining = for i i . "ow ' wr y Nap she Reporter are $1.00 a year, in advance, | vived by his parents, and these broth- training school for nurses at the Cen- why's stage smash THAT YOU SHOP AT YOUR HOME STORES FIRST AND COME TO A Prive ‘ Naive] ’ y | tre County Hospital, a bh \ VERE RPEYIMIAR BYE EIT MTTNICIE WOE SAE REIT “I Display advertising rates made kvownlers and sisters: C. L. Bartley, Paul F Fg ny 9] : Special ( omedy and News. BOOSTER STORES FOR THE THINGS YOUR HOME MERCHANTS on application. _ Mrs. John Harter and Mrs Arden Dovie Dunkle, aged 12, son of Wilbur CANNOT BUPPLY a Walters, all of Bellefonte, R, D., and Dunkle. of Nittany, fell from a tree Bn as EER = i . : SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES |r. iris. a nome Nl Baron the si Sivouny, Altoona Booster Stores Funeral services were held Saturday] just above the wrist, “CRACKED NUTS” PENNS VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE alternoo { his me harge . y ¥ ’ 3 y 1 (Bev, 8. F. Greenhoe, Pastor.) afternoon at his home, In charge of Mrs, C. W. Boozer, a few days ago, |with Bert Wheeler and Robt, Woolsey A FINE MU I AL PROGRAM the Rev. C. A. Metzgar. The deceased suddenly developed a gevere case of ‘AE .t Farmers Mills—9 to 10 A. M. y ag , "5 Md vou see them in “Half Shot ! was amember of the Weaver Metho- neuritis in one of her arms. While the a i o ) CE : : . ‘alley——10: 8 Sunrise? Well here they are In a big SPONS( “1 ALTOON J 1O0STE STORES Georges Valley—10:30 A. M, 1 unt « 3 Po JRED BY ALTOONA 1} TER I dist church and the Bellefonte P. O min at present Is not as severe as at Centre Hall—7:30 P. MM first, sh, Is suffering considerable WILL BE BROADCAST = ff A. ! -. : A farm 1 « Spring Mills, probably . g . » ~ “rg rg ¥ y ~ - —— Ste APINEr Near wp ! | a y Comely, and First Run News, OVER STA TION Ww. F. B! G. CENTRE HALL REFORMED CHARGE] |... oo oo nooo oa Ripka, was using a truck (Rev, Delas RB, Keener, Pastor) MbEadhb--Mrs Yermiia setlio Mes] ing of : week for g ’ TEC yr n - mer. wife of Juco Mesmer, dled nt herjre rs vw RAFEOWS Weta hed | MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AT 8 P. M., TUESDAY, SEPT. 15 1 Eastern Standard Tim A picture taken from one of Broad- ger, better and funnier picture. Rock- ing the world with brand-new madness Centre Hall— §:80—8Sunday School, home in State College at the age ofjto the truck, furnishing sufi DOW The screen's greatest lovers in thelr #0:30—Church Service, 17 years |} v¢ been in ill health forjer to do good and speedy work eason's greatest picture The Progra i a rendered the Bar t z O Sussey ville— th, past year uests of Mi Howard BE Butz onl|danet Gaynor and Charles Farrell in and Boosts Ae nts Invite You to e It : Gr (10 rvest ome Service, +4 4 IE her } 3 Py ' Tus i flernoon tL ths Jithernl ” §if0-jiarvest Hom She is survived by her husband andj © He" Sars ? “MERELY MARY ANN 10: 00—Sunday School. Mi — EVANGELICAL Bethesda—9:30 A. M. of 1 Chat : ing Mills—10:45 A. AL anc IL and by severteenlable gereag, will have been sown 10|uirring story. She neve zed , NFER Fa mn nt (goer En a on ato verty and ro BOOSTER STORES Li — : TRAMLEY mbrosgea sramley. of her and sol tons | y TA ; Flan : ™~7T ry & @ 1 METHODIST EPISCOPAL ~ |Rau town died at the Lock Haven wih Bei i Trepaeae an. i we ae : INV ITE Y Ol (Rev, H, A, Pruyn, Pastor.) hospital where he had been a paties ‘ ] Holy Communion will be administer-|since August 14. He was aged 68) ‘After a minor operation at the Hurs-| Best of Comedy and Flist Run News. I'o Attend Their ed by the » . Vé . $ Wis iy igdon nh pit ter : { ’ Mit : a ae ey, J. rederic of yeas B ¥ a 5 i . : 5 Yor - { at cra Oy 3 i : doin | my RAE Sw Smullton-—: ~ALL THIS WEEK. ~~ Spring Mi -7:30 P, al i ter a nt . a n the he mete ry the re. 2 re ; - r ae Winnle Lightner In— F Firat eM Ti a& 3 hi bet ' Fur " re on an Lu g trip GOLD DUST GERTIE” / beld at Sp 2 ills Friday. September Caan os . Au tur n 31. at 7.3¢ M. The new District COUNTY HOSPITAL REPORT. through Kent having left r, Of fore erent at in a aveat vi Superintandent, Allen C, Shue, will pre t the monthly meeting of the hoard ; os i ind expecting to retury el re 4 : ey . ‘i. : oe totit eld at the Centre Coun-|Vesinning of next week. Ong 0 I cd a pa. Starting Group Quarterly Confere will belly Hospital Tuesday evening. the fel yr and Mr. R. Allison New | Winnie Lightn . test hit of rT held at Sur r, Wednesday, Sept. 8.]'9W'PE por. wag Sulina oe nw y ; : neavhaw and ! FeAbact. |, : me ’ : : WwW 4 ( 1¢ a / Three meetd will be held—10 A, MA jProveda: : Yes TOpne mi res ‘ EWS COMEDY : ay v a 730 FP NM. Bishop BM Patient Misa Runkle r—— s - 2 P. M and 73 i AL bs hi Co athe ] ’ And Continuing Over Thursday, Friday & Saturday FARM SALI. Number ‘ward patients, 110; nun | A targe power ditching ino i WILL BE UNVEILED re rR Ses | rom pe i Soh 2 kr MF = TUESDAY EVENING AT Gr a TT Tr mer ies 4 ang Li Tciay dots iu aut detrer or Your Heath's || 6 O'CLOCK. Home storage of vesetabios fa an|Number deatha during monn 3s sed on fila to cut away cinder an Protection | oe nr SE TL use EE Dns a PASTEIRIZED may be ty agent doh : Fot num patient 4d 1945 |, rr 5 : 4 § ss , Feed Needy Helfers— : k ; has 3 i i : : i r % i ¥ eA DAIRY PRODUCTS Heifers p Id he wat : : : ! ’ ed carefully at this season. If feed Cash Receipts, | H ; You can get same from short extra amounts should be p Receipts tients $2761 ‘ : : MARKLE BROS,’ Delivery vided. This | pecially important in | Disbursements : : 099.05 | Years | at t t P Truck each Morning from the case of heifs fue to freshen this espectfully submit ers M 9 to 10, in Centre Hall. fall WAL. H. BROWN. Mg fmnt———————" dt OM Prune Pine Trees— MARRIAGE LICENSES, ’) It wil} pay t ine tl 1 1 1 3 an—— o8 Of Ww $ Of white and red pine {rts Wha Elenore 1. Sheffer -.........Belletonte | EVERY WEDNESDAY IS EEE wom ace | INSURANCE AD | ; and cut the limbs at ona, operation rT iu Bt SUBURBAN DAY IN of 17 rec. hove the ground, ich, wil Ln | Randal . Sool spring i REAL ESTATE ALTOONA BOOSTER STORES provide a : X and knots, 1 - y ola Sol . : Spr y Ag Belpet Seed 1a Pied - Géorge H. Faucher _...Downie. Cali WANT TO BUY Es will yieht mentor than tant yok “ Theodore W. Rydeburg.....Grass Flat OR SELL ? stalks w yisld better than . ; Ef alam hE . (8 Sons ho wages We ot ert Fie tan SEE US FIRST. the position {f th aur on he stalk & : Mildred : Penal . bt vlleg wes ees the size of os plant, and ditions of growth. 3 1. VICTOR DRUGANRT Mire. E / “k v a wa C. D. BARTHOLOMEW Tread Seed Wheat— Raymond Thompki hingtos To control stinking smut of wheat of Miles Township, Martha {lisbury “hn CENTRE HALL, PA. clean seed should be planted. If any | Demoeratie Candidate for Commission. vill yf At Are aT sé a ‘ ‘ traces of smut are found the seed er of Centr, County. should 1 treated with two and ene half ounces of copper carbonats dust per bushe; after the seed has been oldest and most substantial families, carefully cleaned. Resides on a farm. and knows from Don’t | ock the Barn experience what the ha ————————————————— farmer to . . contend with to gain a jivelihood, For Commissioner, mark an X “ the name of Acquired a good education in early After —— — — Ills and utilized it in teaching in the “Or BRrage After a serious accident it's too jate to insure your | John 8. Spearly X | {public schools of the county from 1901 automobile A ig 0 Sutied - to 1904. . Political adv. Farms Bureau Auto Insurance at a Selected Risk Rate places Has devoted congiderable time to community affairs, Comes from one of Centre county's THEI A IR NRRL JR Oe I SEL Or DOO TR rrr, STR the horses Is stolen it jsn't much Yee 10 lock the barn — . completes protection within casy road h of every oar owner on Vote for Thi for Supreme Court farmeg or in small cities and towns Judge. He is the only Democrat on the Democratic primary ballot. Drew is also a candidate, but he is a Repub- Is completing his sixth year as a lean, There ig ont a Democrat on th, member of the school board. Supreme Court bench. Vote for Uhl Took an active part in the planning C. N. KRYDER, Agent —————————— - — and erection of fi substantial new school building at Rebershurg. CENTRE HALL Hag served six years on the board of directors of the Centre County Mu- those J [reat Trance Co. orn. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Is the present Master of the Rehers- ER IBLE burg Grange. Is completing hig fourth year onthe ; : y Grange Entampment committed in CENTRE HALL, PA. charge of farm machinery and tractor S SINIE H HOY 4 ® Served several years as township auditor. Call ms for information--no obligation. display. Believes, and rightfully so, that this i (Now Deputy Sheriff) section of the county is entitled to a TE county commissioner, which repre- : & BELLEFON PA. gentation It h it had ] gentation 1 Bag not | Sad, fue some | For SHERIFF He Is a free agent, owing allegiance OF CENTRE COUNTY. Use regularly to no political faction, but to the Dem- id Je how's ocratic party only. ; Subject to the Rules governing the Has the abllity to carry out a con- i y Pemocratio Party. servative and business-like adminietra- Your Vote and Su ition in public office, and the strergth [EN es Sollefted, ay asncuny of character to discharge his duties In a —— : such a manner-as to insure a square deal to everybody. -