» 1931. rem— ——l —— - A ——————— THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, Fm - ? a THE CENTRE REPORTER WEEKLY, THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. Tr COBURN-MILLHEIM TAKES 2nd GAME IN FIRST-PLACE CONTESI Lo * ® * . *- » * » r ISSUED . DEATHS. . — ” EE. - vv ® . » CI * I'he CENTRE HALL, PENNA. ship BR a SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors 8. W, SMITH, Editor. EDW, E, BAILEY, Associate Business Manager, CLUBS, n.) STANDING OF THE Half of the Won Beas Lost Clifford 1 23 | Koll econd Hoos Laotsino second ge oa of the champion Bellefont« ran ' Hall ®, ..... 2 Pleasant ; series was wo by the Millheim Centre Morri ORVIS.~Mrs, Mary f Judge Ells lL. Orvis Allegheny street, morning at 7 aggregation. 8 Lo 3 Paul the local ace, had considerable in finding the plate In the first [Coburn innings, Millhelm s¢ complication of diseases was born four on Hr ked - > in Centre county sixty-seven years ago. iwith two hits at the start of the game. y 7 Onk ER ; EI Sef ! eT : wtved wid EE ) i i 5 a ak > we in Ce + Hall Besides her husband she is survived Martz was effective then until thy last] ey aia . 4 Eytered ut the Post Office in Centre Hall SCHEDULE OF GAMES IN as second class matter. by one daughter, Mrs, Arnold Driscoll linning when they scored three TERMS. —The terms home, and two Miss Annalruns on several bases on balls and two CENTRE COUNTY B, B, LEAGUE Pleasant Gap the Reporter are $1.00 a year, in advance, Miss Rebecca Lyon, of Coatesville | hits. Display advertising known also leaves two grandchildren and Centre Coburn Martz trouble Lyon Orvis, wife died at her wellefonte, with a onsite Gap Ada Robert C, Quigley Winifred Wiel ome € h on Saturday o'clock and sixth ored four | Hebersbhurg She Editor and ; ou and runs on bases balls, Hall A AS more LI ® FARM CALENDAR of subscription tojat sisters, and Thursday. August 6 She a at Centre Hall; Coburn at Bellefonte at Hall BCOra had plenty of opportun- during the the crowded when needed, rates made Lamar; TIMELY REMINDERS FROM FENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Hall at SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE Bellefonte : ho 0. 2 5 0 + » gameg as Rebersburg, : twice The punch Paul Martz were Saturday, August S3~Ceéentre was jacking Col oburn at Rebersbhurg on application. one great-grandchild. Funeral services|ity to Re were held at her home Monday after-]hases SUNDAY noon at 2 o'clock in charge of the Rev, g——— w— - — FENNS VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE (Rev, 8, F. Greenhoe, Pastor.) | Centre Hall—8:00 A, M,, Spring Mills, 10:30 A. M. Tusseyville, 7:30 P. M, — PENTRE HALL REFORMED CHARGE (Rev, Delas R., Keener, Pastor) EVANGELICAL (Rev W, E. Smith, FPastor) METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Bev, HM, A, Fruyn, Pastor.) Centre Hall— §:30—Sunday School, PBprucetown— #:80—S8Sunday School. 1:80—Evening Worship, $mullton— §:00—Sunday School. 10: 00~—Morning Worsl a] PRESBYTERIAN (Bev. J. M, Kirkpatrick, Pastor) AR ——— Polities In Highways Letters coming and other counti the State highway into loca} \politics and being shifted al missed turbing. It is hoped that t! fccurate or from dissol public fact thas press.on ciency de the publ wil] be the good roads Pennsyl a system them is vility mainter bosses 1 men ment of thy bere.---H exaggerated i Wm. C. Thompson. pastor of the Pres- byterian church Interment was in the Urion cemetery, sn LAUVER. ~William World War veteran with distinguished services died at home in Millhelm on Sunday after an Interment was made Wednesday. He was aged 43 years, 3 and 24 days «{ was son of Daniel { Ful and nmarried. Hi H. lauver, a over seas, his fliness of several at Millheim on years months decease M HELD fo —— FOR KILLING, Howard Man Rolard J a resident electrocuted Calne In electric was down found the the to a crisp The deceased is two sc : tw Fleetrocuted, body of ns ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Rev. and Mrs, R Greensburg, are are spending the parents, Mr. and Mrs now r t Corman. here rr vacation and time wit} he latter's Fisher, Ox 1irsving Sry UPYIng Sunse The regular monthly meeting of directors of the Centre County Moto Chub wil] be held ut the Nittany Lidn hotel, Stats College, on Friday, August 7. 1931, at 6:15 P M P. A. Frost, Mrs, Charlotte Wighman, township placed under Bunday. charged with having dweling house in which she jived National Underwriters terested in the prosecution, Se of Taylor arrest on fired the The is in- was oard of September term of convenes the second Monday of September, be ing the 14th. The grand jury is called to meet a week prior. according to the court proclamation appearing in this issue, court I Ps A rr PP The Reporter acquired an office cat, bug not on a gasoline deal, and pus. sey does not choose to write, PUBLIC SALE REGISTER SATURDAY, AUGUST 8 at 1:00 o'clock, Mrs. Emma Hazel wil] sel] at late homes of W. O, Gramley in Spring Mills, lot of household goods: radio: also, some antiques. BE. Hubler, auct. BATURDAY, AUGUST 16th, at one nd Patricia, all 1 eral services were | adelphia and interment mac Mr, Whitecar liv VEE ed for a number of and conducted the during cently con f isthurg Officers Chat that section his stay tl v He was re nected : revenue ment. b g am investigator tax depart. and Fad until months bee re the which him Hiness Caused his death came upon and retirement. caused his A ——— I ttl ————— EPUBLICANS NOMINATE BOROUGH TICKET Republicans In the borough. on Tues day evening held their caucus placed in nomination the f« ticket : School Directors Clayton H., Homan. Councilmen’, E er: Harry Fye, OC. B Asggesor—-W, F. MacMorran, Auditor—-Mrs. J, F. McClellan Judge of Election—Mrs, Durst, Inspector-Mrs, W,. H. SN School Board Meets, At the last meeting of the Doroungh school board, Monday evening. the sal ary of the treasurer was mised from $25.00 to $76.00, Another item of business was to award the contract for furnishing 50 tons of coal. The contract was given to Bradford & Co. although George H, Stover, a competitor, bid ten cents less per ton, IA or ASS Centre county farmers are caring for and lowing WwW. WwW Kerlin and Flink, Jacob 8har- Reber Edward Potter, o'clock P, M.. % mile east of Spring Mills, Mrs. Margaret Weise and Mrs, Kathryn Hagan, heirs of Samuel Wels (dec'd), estate, will sell personal property and real estate of said deced- 3.710 sheep at this ime, 250 more sheep than were found on the farms in the county in 1027. During fhe same peri. od the sheep throughout the State in. creased from 400,000 to 481.000, ont. Bee posters, 5 hit a home run in the fourth inning in right field with the bases empty. That mighty wallop would made a big change In the score If hit in the and or 6th innings. The third final ries will be played at Monday night at 5:15 will be all gromed to The box Hall R have and game of the se- Hela Park Both home the next teams bring bacon, (Futre Frank SCOT if ii Coburn-Milthelm al —————— WHY NOT PLAY AT MILLHEIM OR CENTRE HALL! et Lamar at Neasant Gap. srow Christmas Trees —————— A PAA BOALSBURG ITEMS, Mrs, W. 8, enroute to State Bender spent time in town friends Bender, who Penn with a party of visited Mi sumimes Mr agent started Trouble ’ Pape worm Worms N OW Popples i 1 i Pp heep Home Accounts f FLT Mey TC Clean Up Pastures— The peach crop is ready! Have you found your market? TELEPHONE before you pick — Make sure! $4 The modern farm home has a Telephone ness. Rh Drivers of sixes are six-cylinder Step on the Twenty beautiful models, at prices ranging from . . . AEH to ‘CdD All peices f. 0. b. Flint, Michigan, special eguipment extra. Low delivered prices and easy GC. M. A. C. terms. The Great American Value engine. They have a minimum. They know a six is better in every way and they would never be satis fied with Jess! See your dealer below