- VOL. CV. . y ApPro entr Bellefont borough Benner Townshij Boges Burnside Haly Townsh Township Townsh Townshil Townshl Centre B lege rtin Ferguson Gregg Township Haines Township Half Moon Township Harris Township Howard lorough Howard Township Huston Township Liberty Township Marion Township Miles Township Milesburg Jorough Millheim Borough Patton ‘Township Penn Township Philipsburg Borough Potter Township . Rush Township Snow Borough Townshiy lipsburg Borough Pp Shoe Shoe Pi Townshi llege Borough Towns! "ownship Snow South Spring vp ta DrOCTAN more mada week §-H and Home representative. These clube workin oe organized dircestion of the nsion t club exhi hold th f ti got together of its & In also DUE FEBRUARY TWP. 82500, AUGUST Ist, Ist, ~~ CENTRE the trict olumn is I dis and st 3360 2742 1164 1500 2626 1200 2328 9480 2518 888% 1311 10170 1600 “820 1633 4335 dla 4350 11407 tive exhibitors ATTangements FIVE MORE STATE EMPLOYES ARE WITHOUT JOBS State employes. three Workmen's Friday, execytive ” of them insurance fund ment closed cus ANNOUNCe. the offices dis Hefonte a division at those dis from th in ce fund J Dauphin nissed og Wy Pincho ¥ m office who were let out Melick, Philips Miller, $1020. Anna Stiteler, which “ PHAR OT er It Others thant M of clerk at $1080, and M. H Middletown, adjuster Other dismissals were those of Hitchcock, Harrisburg, a department of health district advisor, at $2200, and E. D. Heinert, Philadelphia, assistant bank examiner at $1620. A, 1. Bpor kin. Philadelphia, named an aud- itor in the auditor general's depart ment at $1800 and three members of the domestic staff at the executive mansion were granted salary in- creases, lesignation of George T. Price, New Clmberland, as a department of agri oulfure veterinarian. at $2520, and of Jacob RB. Fretz Landsdale as a revs enue department bookkeeper at $1860, were also announced, a ——————— Pinchot and the Unemployed Well, Governor Pinchot has made his big move in behalf of the unem- ployed. He asked the Red Cross to food them. The request came while the Executive was taking another va cation at Block Island, Me, far rae moved from the army of the idie. ww (learfield Republican. C—O MP ASIII, There are fine prospects in all sec. tions of the county for a bumper corn crop. n were W of at clinlm Vas “MISDIRECTED Senator Heed, in “farm Farm reaching the Senator, "that PATERNALISM Pennsylvania. is President scheme Board. “1 am conclusion,” say of i emphatic Hoover's 1) Liha condemnation of relief” known as rapidly the the board is perl aps th ted hole “a mos parmicious example of midsire paternalis to be found Coveramenal structure. + m ¥ in It Cure for it is to wipe it our is probabl that the only \ ' And to this end he calls upon the wheat farmers of the country.’ sufferers its the chief from experiments” growing demand for its Reed withstanding the snator takes this stand not fact that he has been one of President Hoover's But realization relief policy was a disastrous blunder and the Pennsylvanian refuses to follow his party chief longer in the support of that blunder. He must wonder how the President reconciles his approval to the Farm Board's operations in putting the Gov- ernment in the wheat business with his own denunciation of that practices, before his appointment of the Farm Board, and his positive declaration that a Farm Board should not engage in such business, A —— Centre's Population, 46.294. The 1930 census shows Centre county to have a population of 46.204, Of this number 1.766 are of foreign birth and 420 are negroes, The population of nea are: Mifflin, 40.335; Snyder, Union. 17468; Clinton, 32.319; 139.840; Huntingdon, 39,021. MI MA —— Business and professional men in Mifflinburg are about to organize a chamber of commerce, most lova Supporters has that the he been foroed to Hoover the farm counties 18.536; Blair, LOST AND FOUND. had a evening Potters Mills Thursday residents hit of excitement wihien Mann th word was given out that John ng of itsburgh, + boarder at | Potters Mills tel, wi jost in the spending a in in Grour tour road returning thanked oa ted and cigars, a wll ————— FRANK REUNION, daughters of Dr. P respective the "Regular Mountains Dr Mrs, C Mrs W Ti anag t ie families helc Frank ia re inting camp. Those ‘otters Mills neir union at £' h Seven on Sunday. present Mr, Mr rank, Duck Lee Wat ve et wer = and and Lewistown ‘otters Mills; Tusseyville and Al McKinney and LL auretia, CENTRE (COUNTY STUDENTS GRADUATE FROM PENNSIATE 1 rs ———-— A ———— ATTEND (LOVER 10.000) FARM PIONIC. CENTRE - » - - » COUNTY HOSPITAL NOTES, - * ite “ot College irgical pa Violet Walker of foing surgical trea Oak Hall, tment, having admitted on Monday mrged on Sunday surgical A on treatment of Lemont, He Jonas Wns irged gical patient Fred mitted ment Mrs ship pital, havin Mrs Tuesday, WAS a sur- ’ O'Connor, of Hall surgi Mil e wis ad. for i it tre last Tuesday Harder is a town Harris.of Howard surgical patient Deen Waellingto: Laue of Union townst Inst Wednesday OTE 5 ——————— AM 5A IIIA During the mont for i ants operators” licenses and the Your ii fonte passed successfully, In months o ed for the State { this passed and 26.252 failed A ————— PENNSYLVANIA FARMERS, Pennsvivan 5 ia farmers have Mems ww all of them oar iI testily it there may x for them in the it sfmiation are i for th $1 ing whi efage, Crop reports sh 51 cents n New Jersey fay the highest exception #taten The national price for wheat was 58.0 cents, Pennsylvania benefits by the diver sity of its crops and the proximity to market. We have an immense popu- lation to feed and our farmers, produ cing their crops right in the sales area are able to command a comparatively #00d price because of their abllity to deliver a fresh product, in good conditi- on, and to get it to the consumer with a minimum of handling, carrying charges and other distribution expen #0. These advantages serve to make farming a profitable enterprise ard an important industry in Pennsylvania despite the competition from states which rank higher in the magnitude of their agricultural Industry. Another factor contributing to the relative prosperity of the Pennsylvania farmer is that he Is an enlightened farmer, ready to take advantage of improved farming methods which are placed at his disposa) by such agricultural re- search institutions as Pennsylvania State College and the state Depart: is better Department of that hel Agriculture | the average of Penns for per in paid mers the and wns the in of country several south average May 15 ment of Agriculture. Wey treatment months Boalshurg regatment Mrs surgical Orville Snare. of Pleasant Gap, patient here were patients in the hospi 41 ¢ tal the beginning of the week A MI A PAA SRT TWO SMALL CHILDREN STRUCK BY CAR Glenn Bos aged 7. and his sists Mr > and Mea were struck driven b ir home = dren were pl the highway and attempting to 1 the road thes of (RN ly « taken to ti where fre fre The tre taken of the little girl revealed a ture above wl t the Donne 1 ar. oe Cene- XTAY fra The boy reeeiv« head and body his home Bunday. of all hildren Counts were hospital an the ankle acerations of the Mr. Donnelly was exonerated AI A I —— WIELAND-QUIGLEY The marriage of Miss Winifred Wieland, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Al- fred PP, Wieland, State College, form- erly of Harrisburg, and Robert Quig- ley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry © Quigiey, of Harrisburg took piace Sat urday morning in the Grace Luther. an church, State College. The Rev. John Harkins, pastor of the church performed the ceremony. Miss Wieland is a graduas of Penn- sylvaria State College, and for the past three years has been a member of the faculty of the Hershey High School. She fa a member of the Kap: pa Kappa Kappa Sorority. Mr. Quigley is also a graduate of Pennsylvania State College where he is a member of Phi Delta Theta fra« ternity. He Is employed In the IR and H. Chemionl Branch of the du’ Pong corporation. Dr, to Inst, Moving 14th Thomas Thomas on of George Bunbury it known from 14th remove on the his offi Odd Fellow Leaders Will Visit Phil ipshurg Lodge, Members from heen ito invited meelng fraternal vo prominent Odd A——— SE ———— TENT MEETING AT OLD FORT. The U Brethren in hold tent Hat nited (Christ al August series of meetings av iran | Fort inning & $11 es each evening h three meetings IJERSEY SHORE SHOP MEN TRANSFERRED TO ALBANY #10.000 BELL LINE IMPROVE. kt 4 OF $ ¢ Newton Hamilton Camp, meeting x the Ham Method rishu gtodt. secrmsn of home mi niata Coll f t« mperan Don Tey All Na ard. or the New York World Peau ret A fons Perkina pred ¥ on. J MoSparran: 1 ot} 3 « ors DaleWertz wade and Pa Tuesday n of thy Miss The July 2 bhoen n nnouncement has H Gettysburg riage of ma Ralph Dale Rut Wert, at ceremony as 21 Nn the St by the Rev a resident w performed James Lathes OQ. J. Bowman Oak Hall a instructor in the Jellefonte school, He has held this since His graduation from the Pen: syvivania State College in 1527. Miss Wert Is a resident of Centre Hall RD, and a graduate of the Centre Hall High school from where she entered the Dana Music Institute at Warren, Ohlo. Later she did post graduate work at the Indiana State Teachers College. The couple have left on an extended tour of Canada and the New England States and wil] be at home lo their many friends at the old Dale homestead in Oak Hall after the coms pletion of their trip. A AIA — Large numbers of Starlings have been using shade trees in some sections of town for night lodging, and their chatter was not the least of the unde: sirable results, A successful offoct was made to dislodge them, by climbing in to the tree and scutching the limbs with a pole. One or two nights of this treatment discouraged the birds and induced them to seek lodging places elsewhere. During the day the star. lings fly to the fields or food. remain. Church Mr. Dale » pu ar High position ’ of in - ing until dusk. NO. 30, nosso TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. i" HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS 4 he the showing “Honeymoon Lane,” and Eddie Dowling Thursday and Pri- will lead “The These are pictures to last as day ton in Magy ific that you og Mr Gt Hall hers hy an Geary belrnw Mr. Lush merchans and West Penn UNCes new meters Mrs, Frank loft here the Pacific were having & rand tim hey ¥ e in Salt Lake nd witnesed the demons ling the “covered wag“ was trie point in Cal on They exw six weeks. ¢ be taken out. The sedan of onset they making good me and are zr Yell tone Park also versed Their objective Wilmingt ifornia Vas mapped a Ford the new st Miss Flora ie 1 time of it firat at was fove Hollidaysburg. this part Hall. Her this office type a8 day When Wiking her and n and carnings were made the case when she the in that hand composition for the news o©ole umns became obsolete, she advanced and took up machine composition, be. coming most proficient. She is now & guest in a Presbyterian home in Hole lidaysburg. but the smel] of ink to her is what the dust from the ring is to the retired showman--it reminds that there was more activity in life one day. In this fseue of the Reporter will be fouhd the announcement of the Oan-« didacy for county commissioner of Ou 8 Womer, of Rush township. the only Democratic candidate from the western section of Centre county. Mr. Womer is neither a newcomer of the party nor in the county. While he makes some claim for recognition because of location, it Is not to the axX« clusion of fitness. He was accompans fed to the valley on Thursday by Dr. F, W. White, who twentyfive yoars ago was elected county treasurer from Philipsburg, and again found pleasure in meeting Democrats who loyally supported him, a annual vacation at as heretofore spent a about Centre in clicked custom -