- THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 103 CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY, M————— THE A—— CENTRE SMITH & BAILEY, 8. W. SMITH, |DW, BE. BAILEY, Business Manager, HALL, PENNA. Proprietors, Editor. Associate Editor and Batered at the Post Office in Centre Hal #9 second clans mall matter, SHRM The terms eof subseription to Be Reporter are $1.00 a year, in advance Display advertising rates made known - i. 804ileation. “SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES FENNS VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE (Bev. 8, ¥. Greenhoe, Pastor.) Centre Hall-—Preaching, 8. 8, 10 to 11 A. M, Spring Mills—10:30 A. M. Tusseyville, 7:30 P. M. ey SENTRE HALL REFORMED CHARGE (Bev, Delas B, Keener, Pastor) Centre Hall— #:30—Sunday School. 7:80—Churdan Service, Spring Mills— §:30—Sunday School. 30:30—Holy Communion Friday at 7 Service, Farmers Mills— $:00 Church Bervices 20:00 Sunday School Stool AM Service. Preparatory evening +90, EVANGELICAL (Rev, W. E, Smith, Faster.) Semont—10:30 A. AM Tusseyville—2:30 P. M. Centre Hall—7:30 P. AM. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rev. H. A. Pruyn, Pastor. -— PRESBYTERIAN (Bev, J. M. Kirkpatrick, Fastor) — DEMOCRATIC For United Stat KISTLER, « For Governor : Chester Coun For Lieut Lancaster For Bec. of Internal Affairs: LUCY WINSTON, { beriaud County For Judge HENRY C. NILES, STATE senat TICKET. sates : SEDGWICK sf Ui nt JOouxN M. HEMPHILL, of Governor; GUY K. BARD, of D AARON E ud GEO. DEMOCRATIC DISTRICT TICKET, For Representative in "i WELL J. MOORE, of ) ean C For State Senator: DON Cleartield County For Representat in eneral JOHN G MILLE! rEuson iI-CENT AND COUNTY MAX aunty. GINGER} Assembly WHEAT; §12-CENT TARIFF The farn 1 we tf i 3 to saved t tarkfy A dut o cents a bushe The price boosted ped agalr if wheat in 16 cents a 1 The tariff i The farn the fa price purchased to 1.25 3 the price 009 bus Up over When to stand failed, The ture co on priv ing of policy {esses we lea pblican Becret be have ing the ing to could A A 5 a Many Following who pass ed in for dri ski, Glen L. ton; Ethe Alters ] Slate Colle College; Clara Bulloch Lock Haver Alexander Lottie Parker, . ford, Harold B Mrs. Johh Alten A. Owens, Harold Bu Smith, Robert Thal, Mrs. Clayton Jeg Young, Cyril Bellefonte. Applicants Granted vel wdford, Ckntre Hall; efor Milesburg Geo 8 #3 te, William Ma ghiman, Rider, Wn Moers ga I A — ROAD WORK IN CENTRE 45 PER CENT. COMPLETED The State road work ty under the Wheeler provided a grant State, is 45 per tre county's share $375,088.56, The Potters Mills Tusseyville and State College Waddle concrete roads are being built under the Wheeler Flynn bill provisions, ——————— A A————— Chevrolet from the Homan