ep m—— YOl. C1V. ANOTHER LETTER FROM MRS, FLORENCE (RHONE) BAYARD Finds Much Palag s. Hall German Former Centre Lady of Beauty in here are we Pa of the two days’ ride disembark tide rough All funny wns drained tled with arns, we came t beautiful, wth painted work. Many large? Pennsylvania German cutting turning and level and well cared or thatched white lattice similar to our structures. The splendid looking wheat, and most the fine looking, We horses, and “We folks i had ating 1 3 chke, We re mar TH for. houses, red farmers wer» barley of oats very green saw many cattle, sheep goats, hours ahead of the We have are probably the Tyrone Mr. Mas- Lanners We had are now six n Centre Hall lunch and it I the just our you bade boat. M'ss with, breakf good-bye Mrs. Henry friends ks on and fine to 1y int visits utschland nlens Prien 14 trevs | and Alc Te ixuriant, ex ser had at his own expenses mar H and he other ng the x Aas velous statues nzollern the Plan- We visited to the ex Kaise here, BE packed al denn the largest formerly or ne along t whih said in the vorid The reviewed his army irgEn wrport, is be Monday we wsnt to Had Havel beautiful } Potsdam Sy wonderful Along the mes of royalty Germans and We also 19 12 0) bus ride on and motorboat a river were now owned by persons wean Fr many ied deur paintings na : il The is a « inet of at les which Frederyok friends State. The on the ter finally grmn fine te nany ornaments it ¢ # jena in 106 china toile rtd shven to Volkale Grea they wns the It ft as Were owned by the grounds are terraced and races are planted beautiful flowers and trees, On the sides of the terraces, gmge vines are planted which are en- closed in glass like hot beds, set on end. A long stone stairway leads down through the grounds to the level and to the new palace in which the ex Kaiser made his summer home. The rooms in which we were permitted to enter were those in which receptions were held and It was here that Pres Ydent Roosevelt met the Kalser and It was in this palace that Mr, Roosevit was a guest for nine days. The pal: ace belongs to the State. The furni- ture was owned by the Kaiser and most of it was sent to him K ngs from all over the world sent gifts of furniture. tapestries, «to, Valuable shells and stones were among the gifts presented. It is a room we will not forget. The dining room had three wonderful paintings on the ceiling, repredinting morning, noon and night. The palace and grounds still show thelr magnificence, We leave tomor: vow for Dresden,” warm = now FOUR DAYS FOR GRANGE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Tam A Host Noted Leaders Park, Begin Wo k of Grange Instruct on Grange ning Tuesday of Next With {loge h 1d attending who have thi those deasure of shi yenrs ind gq Grange Leader Hall in nfemories thie p Conference at Cen Hngers | delight! tre past, Nes mn fratex ant ul ns and other BOO tions and of a f wash nal gathering. Tre informal with the roundings as it nestles serenly there, ow of the majestic makes for an ideal setting that is without Pennsylvania. While the conference ned solely the of training, mn structing and inspire Grange leaders, vet ample time is provided ation, sight seeing, and wll ean confidently look forward to a sojourn Hall that will be entertaining structive, restful and al rogram spirit equaled no Grange atmospherd, inspiring and the encampment grounds hh the shad Nittany Mountain, Grange parallel coupled cheerful sur of in {ov is Iz Te for purpose for recre rest. So that at Centre db light, healthful, at i 000 Once nomie detail matt Loysville Band Pralsed. The Wil hmsport concert given the T.oyvsville Sun in speaking of $ +} a by city recently in this in band, Closerd A LO by wet selections written was perhaps the of the program assembled nd changed another with of gy H ing OLE arbert mie The into a med part were easly f the tone rom COT Te and d'f wling TRE HALL. PA. I, L. Smith, enloined on County from proceeding, on Sat estate advertised Act of May 9. 1929, P, of real as the sale lons of t1 final determination of the pending a hearing and final clrenmstances may require. Sale Is adjourn d until o'clock A. M. 1 show he should he 1930, under cause why not urday, August 2nd, th, 1930, 1684, and restrain in the making making August provis- L. from sale the Treasurer was ordered and of this Issue and as often as 22nd, 1930 , at 10:00 L. L. SMITH, County Treasurer, VETERAN CRIMINAL FLEES FROM Martin, a third seven | “Hliam termer f. » to Years Prnitontiary away a three from re Rockview wilked tbhria | Rocky ri Of county Hn station on f a hunt any and Oo at Xi Ly night the by Misa Brownsville Cone ven “ conirsito Wm. Good, Mia Ver Brunsw pk soprano, State College. ar N. J. A ——————— (CRUMMEY-CTUMMINGS, A marriage Boense Hagerstown, Maryland, Crommey, Lewistown, and Freda Cummings, Centre Hall. Their were given twentythree and eigh respectively, fsaued to Harry wan ns teen, C—O SO. We're to Loewtislhinureg « mood CONTA attaining the in no mn Yn numbers | the | Popular ing The of red by Williamspo-t | indeats sree pt chyrches Was Spon Iattheran andl ¢ of vicinity The attendance desire for such at and the h peace its appreciation of the The loysville band will be in Cen tre Hall on Friday, August 15th. The band is made up of 36 members, rng. ing from 10 to 17 years old. It repre sents an orphanage with 156 boy guests and 133 girls. a ———— “LIFES LIMELIGHTS” In a feature column under the cap on of “Life's Limelights” in the Lew: isburg Saturday News, Brown Focht, assoc ite editor and author of "Life's Limelights,” appears the following: Automobile tourists who belleve In and practice the slogan, “See Pennsyl- vania First,” contfually argue concern- ing the most beautiful view in the State. There § no possible way of set: ting the discussion, for one human mind has a way of not fitting into a groove—of not reacting in the same way as another human mind, The view from Nittany near Centre Hal has much to be said in its favor. Many are quifte certain that there is no View in Pennsylvania fo exvded it. One certainly does see a rich valley the best in Centre county. And then, in the distance are the glo rious Seven Mountains, entes § * imment is the Kr of eng applause a of close was concert.” proof Mountain Penlentiary. Our own experience w our « prox¥mity to the State Rock view that the institution lability rather than an asset county. I + ut is to WHAT IS RECKLESS DRIVING? As Interpreted In Rules of Road of Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, unlawful and the follow driving is include Reckless is construed to ing: (a) Any vehicle upon a highway carelessly | and wilfully, ort wantonly disregard: | manner so as to endanger any per- I son or property. M.) If investigation into an acd: | dent’ arising from the use and op | erntion of a motor vehicle discloses | that the accident occurred due to the front seat of the motor vehicle | having been oocupled by more than | provigion shall not apply to a mo | tor vehicle, the front seat of which | has been constructed to accommo: date more than three persons, And | further provided, that there Is 16 | inches of seating capacity for each | passenger or oocoupant so KCCOMMO- | dated on said front seat, (cy). Any person who shall partic: fpate In any physiosl test, or any | with a motor vehicle on any high: | way. PLANING FOR NURSES Henry, { the the board and hme Penn-Belle Wednesday d HOME. Thompson of Hosp Ral, others board directors o Centre Coun met t at wrof Bellefonte, on where the subject discuss raise funds for the sex’ home, Department t il, oc" THEATRE NEWS, 1 Will Rogers at “The are all Richelien” We the briefly Rogers” second Fox Movietone, "So This which at the Riche! night midn Re tinues and Tuesday. Based UOC skin” win for trothers under the theme starring expresses of ploeture I« London” ou Sunday and ODOR with a Monday the decade show oon Cohan it spher mill the not eorge ago and ph riage the on of a shows wit Texan prejudiced Oklahoma in the rale of a cotton man English, Ameri against they mostly beau were cans BE « England English businesg nila him to with an to straight- arrives at Eng fine ventually his son falls in love girl and in Nn the trouble, a mutual 1] lish people trying Rogers understanding with frends and finde they after all | Irene Rich plays the feminine with Maureen O'Sullivan, Frank tL bertson, Lumsden Hare and Forbes chief in support “Jourty y's End” at “The State” What many have termed the best of all the war plays, “Journey's End” is the feature attraction at the State all next week. | Neither the rowdy nor the sens: tional side of war is charted in “Jour ney's End” Mr. Sherriff has merely set forth the human side, not only as he saw it. but as he himself felt ft while at the front. There is the whiskey guezling Capt. Stanhope, a great fellow and a braw leader of hie mer, who privately admits that he would be seared to death of it all he wasn't steeped in rum every time Re faced the enemy. And the kindly, und rstanding, ppe-smoking Lieuten: ant Osborne, a former schoolmaster, who reads “Alice in Wonderland” be: fore going on a raid. The kes and dislikes, the and the effect of this slimy at the front on the rves men make the tremendous “Journey's End” truly cannot afford to miss, out his are jead Al Mary emotions existence of these story of a pleture you 1930. INCENDIARY FIRES PERCIVAL ON THARP FARM Barn, Implement Shed and Hog Ground.—Attempt Pen to Falled.— One, Burned fo Destroy Has Dwelling House Susplelon On No Says Mr. Tharp. mplement si od Work and hog pen and feu fla nolete 4 ashes, horses perished mes An = An i wis mad ' ingle to bury dwelling house. method employed saturate and to falled the attic f the functbn together 0 uct ure, to barn wl brought numbers persons from all parts the val fire excitement Wiis of fire was Kitchen, shed it had § Some one wh Petty when a tongue loft of the and i 82 1 § rye # OXLINng ww tons of 1 grain to the The company d "OTe wuol gacretary of the Sugar Over the Valley after looking place, at cancelled th the Was token insurance regular rd forty The wore erected id Neose, § the My 1918 Once 1£ neurance OF grain | pol other was had « buildings for house Insurance 1! irregular, in that The The Farmers Mutual insurance mn th 1¢ made at both stated there was no other insurance ar on the Years buildings in the and Mrs improvement on 1880 Tharp 1881 bw farm Day They the ather of Tharp wen first The from "i he farm N eprae 8 place bought t Mrs David good condithn feet Hy 45 | AD chou Thy was barn structure #9 was and The condition, in a od in fair and exterior. in also interior house the very on that been Mr. Tharp informed the on the day of the fire he hauling manure, and with hfs daugh ter left the place between the hours of 7:00 and 8:00 o'clock for thelr nome at Penn Hall. From Penn Hall they went to Spring Mills to Long's store and then back home. When he got the first word of fire he was In bed: the message was that it was Yearick's barn a quarter mile distant from the Tharp buildings on fire. Mr. Tharp stated that a day or two aftty the fire several detectives had been at the place making inquiry. This Is the second fire loss the Tharps have had. Withh a year from the time the Fisher home in Penn Hall was purchased by them, the large barn on it burned It was covered by insurance. A much less pretentious barn was built to take its place I I Lis. Boalshurg Tavern In New Hands, The Boalsburg tavern is under new management, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kunes, of State College, having last week taken possession of this famous old hostelry. They will serve quik lunches, speidial dinners and banquets writer had and the delicious home made pastries they will serve are sure to prove most appetizing. NO. 3 I — AND COUNTY NEWS TOWN HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTERESY FROM ALL PARTS jeweler, in home for sev- er sister, suffering eral 1 MIS r from Mrs. 1a st Lucy week Henney 1 irned from a t ol home visit to law, T C. Wo weeks the home Henney, at The Peace her brother-in 8 Latrobe assochtion of of the hold a Ph#tips- Justices will Hotel in Centre county meeting Fytg righ UI, the of in Friday There are nine in Centre {tend [647 consolidated schools county and 1471 pupils at- them. In the State thers aFs such schools and 123260 pupils in Asis atl) attendance, | 1 Josie Lynn | of att, Piatt, her the he J.’ Clos dnughter of State Col COUSIN Mr. and Mra, a guest at und Mrs. MORE, ol held Park um ilies, reun- urnishings | Sevens inst week, fle and one of the F st im i a third mile north of Siglerville. Near of water, cold af of old ovement 1 he detour leading to fine spring imes, in The cated Bix near house lo in Seven Mio K eosport repainted on the handsome a decoration of inside time and marvelous ad Mountain olub the Garrity place Mountains, owned by sportsmen, has been exterior and now It EXPY 8 presents a appearance ws said ATR ¢ worked on the f of considerable in bringing length or a suceeded about reste A {s100N8 State inspet Valley Mountain, found a number of the investigution lumps of wild goosberry bushes infected. The gooseberry is a favorite bush for white pine blister propagation and Js eradie cation will Wkely be the first moasure taken to protect the pines, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin 8 Cowher, of Altoona, on their way to Central Oak Heights, near Milton, stopped in town on Saturday for a brief chat with Mpees Fay Bradford and Algle Dm ory, former chums of Mma Cowher. Mre. Cowher will be remembered By many readers when it is ment'oned that she is Beulah, daughter of Rev, J. F. Bingman, now living #l Logans ville Mr. Cowher is employed with the Shaffer 8t8re company In Altoona. Are you following the antics of Marty, his sweetheart Polly-Atne and Polly's Uncle Hank In the comic strip “Mile-a-M'nute Marty,” appearing in the Reporter weekly? You might ae well become familiar with these char acters from the start, for theyll be seein’ you every week for the next year and if you're the average person you'li got many a hearty laugh. You'll see that Marty is a specd hound and that he buys his used cars at the Decker Chevrolet headquarters, and is never left in the lurch. Its a clever Hite stp, so don'e miss it the N ptany blister on Further who visited n pine Ror nursery oO white young revealed « trees aleo