THURSDAY, JULY 17, 19830. THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. POCKET TRANSMITTER IS NOVEL ‘3Y-PRODUGT ‘OF BELL SCIENTISTS This and Other New Devices Demonstrated in Penna. by Sergius P. Grace Scientists in the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Ine, New York, where virtually every invention aflecting the art of telephony is originated and developed, have perfceted two new de- vices that seem destined to play im- portant parts in the future of the communications industry. These new developments are a min- iture transmitter and an automatic telephone call announcer. Both de- vices have been exhibited and demon- strated before large audiences in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia by Ser- gius P. Grace, assistant vice president of the Laboratories, whose addresses in both cities were heard by thousands of persons anxious to obtain first hand knowledge on the development of the telephone industry. During the last year, Mr. Grace also presented demonstrations and lectures in Bethlehem and Harrisburg, and in each instance he was greeted by en- thusiastic audiences, who were amazed by the scientific demonstrations he performed with equipment that is in use daily throughout the Bell System. The miniature transmitter, which was designed for use in connection with public address amplification sys- tems and for radio broadcasting, is so small that it can be placed in a man’s vest pocket. During the lectures, Mr. Grace had the device attached to large loud speakers, which carried his voice clearly to every part of the audito- riums. The tiny transmitter amplifier is go sensitive that it picks up in proper balance, vibrations from the chest of the speaker and acoustic vibrations in the air, which results in speech being reproduced with great natural ness. The automatic call announcer is one of the Laboratories’ most amazing in- ventions. This device is for use in central offices in the large cities, where thousands of telephone calls must pass through two exchanges. In operation, it functions this way a subscriber dials a te dep hone num- ber and the device, located in a cen- tral office, translates the electrical impulses into the proper numbers and actually says the numbers to the dis- tant operator, who completes the call. The staff at the Laboratories num- bers about 5500 men and women, more than half of whom are scien- tists. Their sole aim is to make more perfect the art of communication. Most of their work is of direct benefit to the communications industry and the public that utilizes s these facilities, although frequently their incidental discoveries are of pronounced humani- tarian value. In this connection, they invented the artificial larynx, which enables persons who have lost their power of speech through operations to regain their vocal powers. Bell scien- tists also perfected the electrical stethoscope for recording heart beats. This device has won the commendation of leading medical men throughout the country. Do you take dishes from your kitchen cupboard by touch? « «+. The right kind of kitchen lighting saves you endless fumbling and per- haps cracked dishes. WEST PENN POWER CO OF THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF CENTRE HALL BORO BCHOOL DISTRICT, FOR YEAR ENDING JULY 1, 1930, Whole number of schools Number of teschers employed Averago salaries of males per month Average salaries females per month Number of mills levied for school purposes | Amount of tax levied Tor "sohool § purposes suses snes nana ———— TREASURER'S ACCOUNT, MONEY"RECEIVED, Balance on hand from last year, Received from State appropriations From Tex Collector From tuition--Potter SowmBlp 4 and individuals From all other sources. . er f3482 H725 an 8459 7 4086 7 276 Total TeCeipla’. ......... cvs » $1809] MONEY PAID OUT. $5800 00 For rent, nase 86 00 For text books and’ apparatus | For supplies other than text books, For fuel . . Foes of tax collector Treasurer's salary Racretary’s salary and For nrinting and audi For janitor's service ny supplies To Btate Behool Employees’ Retire- ment Roard Teachers attending ‘Institute’ Repairing | sets Interest and tax on Bonds ....... Bonds paid For all other purposes and sundry B51 48 848 31 565 02 170 2 26 00 52 88 47 80 454 4 709 87 160 00 Hl NZ 00 500 00 28 Nn Total money paid out $4488 25 RESOURCES. Cash On Band, ...........coxs0niie $4524 W0 LIABILITIES, Debt of District $12,000 00 We hereby certify that we have examined the above and find it correct, LETTIE BRUNGART, JOHN WHITEMAN, Auditors, Witness our hands this 7th day of July, 1930. JOHN G, DAUBERMAN, Pres, EDW, E, BAILEY, Bec'y. CHARTER NO, 121%: In the State of Pennsylvania, business on June 30, 190, RESOURCES Loans and discounts $236 441 M2 Overdrafts U.S. ( sovernment OWN ‘ Other bon As. stocks, securi ties, etc, owned Banking House, $14.449.72; furniture and fixtures, $5. $10 OF 22 860 68 Lawful resefve With Federal Reserve Bank Cash and due from Outside checks cash items Redemption fund with U. 8 Tres asurer and due from U S. Treasurer ‘ securities 42 511.19 12.634 31 banks 11,0328 and other 1.250 Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund. U ded profits 15.000 00 5264.76 net utstanding Undiv Circulating notes ¢ Due to banks Demand deposits Time deposits 36.20 110. 9%2 9 172.004 74 Total State of Pennsylvania) 748. County of Centre ) I. XH. Leigh Et named bank, d¢ right solemly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief H LEIGH EBRIGHT, Cashier Subscribed and day of July, 190 sworn D. A. BOOZER, My commission expires Notary Publi Feb. 15, 1981, Seal Correct Attest J. L. DECKER, R. M. SMITH DANIEL DAUP, CHARTER NO, REPORT OF THE CONDITION The First National Bank, at Spring Mills 11213 In the State of Pennaylvani a, business on June 30, 1950 RESOURCES Loans and discounts, iaciud- ing rediscounts .... U. 8, Government securities cwned Other bonds, stocks, ities, owned . Banking House, $18100 00, “tur niture and fixtures, $5800 56 Real estate owned other than banking house. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ..... ii Cash and due from banks Redemption fund with U. §. Treasurer and dus from U. S. Treasurer. Other assets. .......... secur Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ..... Surpins fund .. aa Undivided profits —net Shupa Circulating notes outstanting Due to banks ...... ‘ Demand deposits. . Time deposits .... Bills payable and rediscounts 388 B|.5s Bun 52238 | 33238388 58 State of Pennsylvania - County of Centre bank, do solemly swear ‘hat the above state ment is true. to the best of my knowledge and belief H. F. ERDLEY, Cashier day of July, 1 LONG, My commission expires March 7, 1983, (SEAL) Correct— Attest J. H. RISHEL, ARTHUR B. LEE, Directors. INSURANCE Automobile Workmen's Compen- sation and Fire. J. ROY SCHAEFFER, CENTRE HALL, PA. 41R8 Bell uu SOMETHING FUNNY FOR FLL SAY IT’S FUNNY/ DECKE CHEVROLET ARTY" = DONT MISS ONE You Are Capable of Carrying Out a Plan Put the power of purpose behind your plans. Success will follow you after you have opened the way. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA. A a aS ———— THE REPORTER is well equipped to do the Best Kind of Job Printing. $50,000 MILLET HOSIERY MILLS, INC. 6 Per Ct. First Mortgage Bonds Dated July 1st, 1930 1st, Due July 1960 Free of Pennsylvania State Tax INTEREST PAYABLE JANUARY IST and JULY IST Redeemable as a whole or in part on any interst period after July 1st, 1933, at par. Coupon bonds in denomination of $600.00, Secured by First Mortgage on the entire plant and equipment, in favor of Farmers National Bank & Trust Co, Millheim, as trustee for bondholders, VALUE OF PLANT AND EQUIPMENT OVER $200,000. Under the terms of the identure, no dividends can be paid to stockholders in any year unless the net earnings are at least three times the annual interest requirements of all outstanding bonds, PRICE—PAR AND ACCRUED INTEREST. —————_— ww It interested inquire at The Millhetm Hosiery Mills Office or at The Farmers National Bank & Trust Co, Millheim, Pa. | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR BALE containing abou ings and and Greater Values | than Ever Before! RUBBER IS CHEAP. Goodyear is building a larger share than ever of all tires sold — MILLIONS MORE than any other company. Result : Still higher quality at history’s lowest prices. Come in and see the new Heavy Duty Goodyear All-Weathers— super protection at ordinary 6-ply tire prices. WE CLEAN AND STRAIGHTEN YOUR RIMS, shift the other tires, carefully mount new tires, and watch your rubber the year around «a Service that IS Ser- vice. Uv aAa009 oo» D Centre a” « MORE PEOPLE BUY GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ANY OTH. ER KIND.