LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Det Bellefont en coened fo The concrete road and Milesuig has way traffic. Today child n tre Hall The vumni of the foi Ills Academy will he aturday, July 26th. Mr. toona veoen (Thursday) the Fresh A will arrive for and State College A Ss Mrs gists and Jeff Shacffer were 4 Mr Lansor Lewisburg holding a Chau place, the dates 4-7 Mra Vilkam Mary and Bettie, spent FW | i Clara Is Miss Edith Boozer 3s hers parents from Mt ben an from the ring th Alry School where instructor institution seve since ral vears ago } Benton I wh telephone se Tate. rvice since tired hy tha Bell Tek He is well and sections ried heen 15881 phone Com 0 had n fave in unmail visit he W. and LIN Oe Hall William ¢ the Ashley, latter's In Mr. harged where from he was niowing : | bedng hort hope « of Project uring in the employement Joulder Dam "1 ¥ Clearf Don ocratic nominee the 34th Harry B, wis in town of his candidacy. Gingery, © the Dem- in against candidate, intercst eld, for State Senator district i Senatorial Republican Scott, last week in the He expects to put up a real fight aminast Scott, and ia confident 4 will be a winning fight, He is popular in Clearfield county and has been honored at the polls here tofore. Mr. Gingery served as a mem- ber of the lowe? house of the Btate Legislature when Mr, Scott represent. ed Contre county in that body, and is fully acquainted with his present po litical opponent's political record-—past and present-—and will give It to the public. Wilh Clarence A. Keiser, an ind pendent Republican candidate of na’ mean cabber, a8 was attested by tha Clearfield vote at the primary elec: tion in May, Mr. Scott will not have a walkover by any means in Novem- ber. THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, sans LOCAL AND PERSONAL. e he Borucetown M. EE. ehurch gth, sphew In Bh il AM rothes P m-l Mr and Pittsbhur; H Phila and M Heading, daughters of Leonard Rhone, are on an Burope tour They York Thursday morning of last week, and were due to artive in Berlin, Germany, on Tues day. Other important citfes they will visit Prague, Coeko-8S8lovakia: Vi enna, Austria; Zurich, B8wlzerland; Heidelberg, Germany; Brussels, Bel glum, expecting to reach London Eng land August 17th, and leave for home six days later, left New are The funeral of Willlam McWilliams wha attended by the following friends and from wu distance: J, HH MceWilt hms, Louisville, Ky.: J. B. Me: Willams, Laquin, Pa.; W. E. McWill- W. H. McWilliams and wife, Johnstown; Mrs, J. M. McWilliathe and #on Joe, Mrs. Artie Miller and son, Mrs, Black and Mrs. Bilder, Tyrone; Dr. Frank Balley, Milton; J, S8imimton. Mra, Wilson Ebbs Altoona; Mrs. Cloyd Cummings and son MoAlevysfort : Mr, and Mrs. Warren Dalley, Saxon: Fred Haas, Sunbury. relatives amas, ul LW h i - PA. i ma L:. & T. EMPLOYEES “BUMP” FOR PRESERVATION The abolishing of Hall and other po an clerk em (FI I» itor Contre of at reduction avees nt NIEMAN’S NIEMAN'’S CLEARANCE SALE STILL IN FORCE caus som the employ duction 11 « since ft remov anned th ©e6H BARGAINS GALORE - -- PAIGE No OBIKT Remember, every article in our large stock has been sharply and radically marked down for this sale. Walk-Over Shoes -- Enna Jettick Shoes -- Styleplus Clothes at lower prices marked down at lower prices NIEMAN'S DEPART GREEN SAVINGS STAMPS EVERY PURCHASE ENT STORE WITH ests eo ———— LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Fi e from “WHERE YOUR DOLLARS GO FARTHEST” MILLHEIM C. D. CASEBEER, REGISTERED Eyes OPTOMETRIST, Examined — Glasses Fitted The leporter id ¢ . $1.0 INSURANCE axp REAL ESTATE WANT TO BUY OR SELL ? SEE US FIRST. weeeeey C. D. BARTHOLOMEW CENTRE HALL, PA. Centre OR several months, dogs had been chasig sheep. Farmers over a wide area were at a Ine, to check the marauders. One moonlight nighg the owner of a valuable flock saw a strange dog running. Immediately he telephoned his neigh- bors and slipped out of the house to protect his own animals, Within half an hour he heard a distant volley of shots. Shortly his telephone rang to inform him that the killer had been caught red-handed. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . /7 The Modern Farm Home Has a TELEPHONE National Headquar CLEVELAND, OHIO. o/ inatis care for you wants Why You Should Patronize Clover Farm : BECAUSE OF THE QUALITY MERCHANDISE THEY SELL. BECAUSE OF THE LOW PRICES ESTABLISHED. BECAUSE THESE STORES ARE HOME- OWNED, AND MUCH OF THE MONEY YOU SPEND STAYS RIGHT IN YOUR HOME COMMUNITY. YOUR CLOVER FARM STORE CORDIALLY INVITES your suggestions and constroct've eritlelsms towards en abling it fo belter serve yom, We want the CLOVER FARM STORE to be YOUR STORE and to servé youn wiih econ. omy, efficiency and courtesy. fon tiny it 3 TR Inte erchandise at “ 11 nnt r i, - . TN I'HEIR OBJECT : hod » Fad Ra 4A * The purvose of this organization fe to an grade merchandls with the ulmost eonn sired Stores to modern meth ind] standards, est regard fo : Their Attitude to You, the Consumer : THE CLOVER FARM STORES advantages in volume buying and modern ure for our and sani these merchandising Pass on tn you The members of the Clover Farm Stores take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage and to INVITE YOU to join them in their PICNIC, JULY 17th, at Bland’s Park, Tipton. We guaran- tee you many surprises and much pleasure. Don’t fail to attend. See Our Windows fr Real Value Food Specials . | QE THERE IS A CLOVER FARM STORE NEAR YOU.