WHUURDSDAY DECEMBER 6, 1929, MILLHEIM. (From The Journal.) Charles Sechrist, of Lewisburg, visitor In town, a guest of his brother law, Mr. and Mrs. George 8 and sisterdn. Securist, . The John D. Whitecar town Tuesday morming phia, where Thanksgiving was with Mrs. Whitecar's mother, M. Conrad. The Whitecars will turn Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Musser, accom: panied by Mr, and Mrs. Emory Breon and dau’ all Montgoms« family left Philadel spent Mrs re - for two of {+18 . Ary < ¥ Musser's parents, Mr Musser ey i thia (Wed Union Tis ronsburg, for Hanover, where they will Thanksgiving holiday Mr. and Mra J, VV. Kleffel F. E 1s and daughter, | Penn State student, are spending Thanksgiving va ation with Mr. and Mrs futelius at East Orange, N J They motored with Mr. and Mrs. Walter A Pifer, of Nittany Vallew, to the New Jersey | city on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. E panied by Mrs. St and Mrs J. W. K grandaughter, burn, and Mr R. E. Stover, of to Philadelphia last Fr week-end guests of Mi W. Stover in the Quaker returned Sunday. and Mrs, C. O KlefTel wv) sari ving Services home in| spend the i with his par i his parental nas, Mrs, Catherine, Gutelh Sylvester Stover, accom- | parents, Mr. | erstetter, and her | Louise Slack, all of Co- | Stover's mother, Mrs, | motored | and were Mrs. L Trey wor's Aaronsburg, ida and City. EE .,.olls - BOALSRURG ITEMS, Mra, Maud Johnsonhbaugh has re signed her position honsskeener for DD. W. Maver and spend the winter in Altoona. Calvin Riley, who has been il month, is able to walk about the vith assistance. Mr. Rey is a ous hunter, having shot more deer in Hs time, Wilhur Houtz and { into their newly along the St H WL ns expects to for a hotise fam- than firty have residence movs- extremely Saturday for t lay dah ocamnDs on the ssason Mo Misses Mary Re ora f dinner on Thar and Mra Paul Coxey, ¢ Sunday v Biv ee] ar, OF his WwW. J Miss ants at grandiuaren and Wagner Helen Lawck until Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A ter Jane spent Friday Rev ind Mra, WW tained Rev. Movers mother ne over T anksgiving leor her Haven tor - tl FARM CALENDAR Timely Reminders from The Pennsyl- vania State College, IMPROVE DAIRY HERD-Provide now for a better milk-producing in- herftance in your future Hrd Get a sire from a line of breeding better than your own. PREVENT DISEASE SPREAD -- Isolate all birds from the poultry flock won as they show symptoms of disease. Then decide what method of treatment to follow, ATTEND “HORT” WEEK —For | FH poe Decomber 8 to 11, the Pennsylvania Btate College will offer | annual Horticulture Week, wl be soparate programs on! vegostable gardening fruit growing. | for ii 4 namental hor- | frrlturel Thess afford for alert farn dave, aiviths hore na or MOT sit ie = 1 increas their n- mation and improve thelr PROVIDE ICE house ia a n to bulld such "rn the first avea'lable, F2ED DAIRY CALVES milk is not available for foe'ing, skimmilk powder fac ory substitute, Mix one pound of powder with nine pounds of wim water and feed exactly as skim mi'k, THEP PFPARM RECORDS Make yourself a Christmas present of a far + account book and in your New Yerr's resolution Include a plan to rur the farm on business principles, Ag your county agent how to start the bookkeeping. 'OMECT IMPLEMENTS Winter we her is hard on unhoused and un- pre acted farm machinery. The #ife of ‘ny machine can be prolonged If it » ands in a good shed when not in uRe 1¥ ROOSTERR NOW-Do not r purchasing male birds if new blr 1 fs needed in the breading flock. Ba few more than needed, wo If ro Aeaths oeour, there will He enough rn tires i SUPPLY A rmrm chink Plan | a house and Ai It of good lea fs afset, sua yr If skim- dairy calf is a sath ‘he de vO for use of Millhetm, 18 one sful growers of pork in that Three scale M. the suoCess wotion of | killed by {to fuese 620% OQ. Btover, of Bazaar and Bake Sale. i lodge of Ladies Temple, | hold a bake and | basement of the Penns building, Saturday after December 7th, Tie ited. local will in the bank anle Penns Valley. the welghts: 66%, 603% hogs him tipped beam viutious pounds, public is solk and {r MONEY-SAVING pecials --for-- FRIDAY & SATURDAY First Prize F lour or | Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodles - - 4 pkgs. for 25¢ 1 lb. Cans Cocoa - 20c 1 Ib. Jars Peanut Butter 25¢ Gold Medal Oats (large China) 35¢ Campbell's Soups . 10c Breakfast Coffee - 37c Sheffield Milk, tall can 10c Ritter Beans - 10¢ Peas, new pack 2 for 25¢ Corn - 2 for 25¢ Large Prunes, new crop 20c OLECMARGARINE : 3 Ib. Roll for . 1 Ib. First Prize, Nut - 25¢ 1 Ib. Top Notch, high grade 30c Always ways FRESH Hagerty Famous Cakes We carry a Full Line of BALL BAND Rubber Footwear JOHNSON'S STORE AT THE R Special 2416 Ih 98¢c 59c¢ R. STATION CENTRE HALL ARE YOU INSURED AGAINST ACCIDENTS. - During Slippery Winter ? Treads “as slippery as banana peels”—due olthyy to design or wear--are no insurance AGAINST accidents, Exchange them here for the good security of Goodyears—real, hom st-to-goodness Insurance AGAINST skids and cinshes. We'll demonstrate Goodyear superiority In tread-grip and car. cass endurance, the two main reasons why Goodyears far outsell any other make, Costs no more to buy—and less to ride on Good years. All sizes, types and prices—tubes and tires. RIMS CLEANED, STRAIGHTENED-OTHER TIRES SHIFTED--NEW TIRES EXPERTLY APPLIED FRER. HAGAN’S GARAGE Centre Hall MORE PEOPLE BUY GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ANY OTH. ER KIND. Gasie © C Commision 5 ooky for He avy Deer Slaughter R EPR ES INTATI Vv E WANTED An unusually toll of timated at and Financial instit or one m deer, os. 26,000 n few «day ago by the for the 1529 which opened Monday the last wvear that legally hot, 14.374. This iably ine heavy is betwen 004 vas forecast State Game Commisston deer In dewey bag of ution with ov- CASON, 1621, could ba : lion dollars cash mck § § opening local there was ve OF iv 2: number wi bes r. 4 Ld 11 Highly the a the " remuneri ren : basis Wittite self to win reased, In opinion of the commission, ing last year was to does and hex of the of the food supply. HW. PD. The commission asked sportsmen to becau shoot- full {pif ory confined infomation ARG scarcity Renat 1520 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. sacks of corn or other 1 6 woods to prevent starving ame over the winter Cards Tags P. P. Labels Seals SHIR fi K = CRAFT CHRIS CARDS for BOX CANDY EVERY ME) MBL q “ and all kinds of OF THE Hard Candies FAA iY and ior SWEETHEAR * NDS -.A SPECIAL.-- on a 5-LB. BOX Satin Finish HARD CANDY at 9Kc ATH Special for Sunday Schools and Public Schools Also SPECIAL WRAPPING PAPERS CLEVENST INE'S S STORE 26 S. Allegheny St. BELLEFONTE SAAC ow December Sale The first time in history that merchandise has been offered at such a sacrifice ! Ladies’ Up-to-date Sports & Winter Coats $69.00 - £5 $50.00 $37.50 Regular Price $79.00 - Sale Price $55.00 0.00 - $9.75 & 13.75 $3.95 Snappy Winter Silk Dresses Regular Price $6.50 - $10.75 - $15.00 $18.75 Sale Price $4.75 $7.65 $9.85 $15.00 Big Reduction on All Winter Hats LADIES’ RAIN COATS Regular Price $2.95 - $5.00 Sale Price $1.00 $2.95 Shop here for Xmas. Our Prices are the Lowest. THE LADIES’ SHOPPE, in. BELLEFONTE, PA. " RENT pid ‘Box YOU cannot concelve of anything more secure and convenlent as a keep ing place for your securities, Im- portant papers and other valuables than the burglar. and fire-proof vault of this bank. NOTHING can harm them. ALL WORRY a a past RENTALS Are Very Reasonable DISMISS from your MIND THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA. Lit din dindn ndindindy ioninds dp dp ddd didn RCH 11, at § riviles vest, of Tusseyville, on the Boal Adam FF. Smith win Farm stock and implements: a 1 i. M. Smith, AY, MARCH 13, at 9: what is 4 miles west of o'clock, Yi, fauct MM A. Foal Clesn- known an the Oia Fart: of farm stock and implement Trespler. EE. M. Bmith, auct MARCH 18th 16 A. maes east of Cs Baie 1% q MARCH the Rhone farm, 2 fall, J. C. Brooks and implements; Mayes, auct M. Bmith, auct. UESDAY, MARC North Potters A Farm stock & implements E M Smith, auct WIRING--1 am fled to do lighting and al “ai repair w Bell prepared wiring for Kinds of elec. OG. Fr Smith, 42R11 house ork. ank Insurance and Real Estate Want to Buy or Sell? SEE US FIRST Chas. DD. Bartholomew CENTRE MALL, PA, yd 1% ¥ & LT room light you need for a week Costs even less than a pair of shoe laces. WEST PENN POWER CO USE ELECTRICITY SALE : Cent Off of All Cash Purchases. YOUR FURNITURE. ——— I ———— My Stock consists of Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room snd Farnlture, Kitchen Rugs and Linoleum. ALL CLEAN STOCK. i MILLHEIM