VOL. Cl1I. CENTRE HALL. PA. THURSDAY, JULY 2%, 1929. 7 TNO. HIGHWAY WORKERS DESTROY MEYER-CAMPBELL. | LOM AL EVANGELICALS y BAKERY BOYS NO MATCH | | RIGHWAY. BEAUTY. ; the 1uthaan ENJOY OUTING AT PARK . CENTRE ut bb HOSPITAL ‘I oon 0) HALL; SCORE 11 .| TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS i ) ’ | : ! : to Hit} : : rons ie befent— | HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS 3 | | | 1 Q to] |p Fag) 3 cot telief Not So Speedy. EE ecks Store In Revs nee, Apply for State Ald, county ki ! Key Banker re | ' ATE rem n 1 Vv Tr on os sii Farmer Tossed by Bull; Rescued hy | Rishel Brothers, i, Suess { Helen B ‘ven Bitner win | infuriates { wh Alona axing < i o ts the snahin aluo mong whe re Mr. and Mrs [I~ Bitner, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Kath-|iho man's life pientify ” \nd as th ym H. E and Mr. and Mre Paul — _ \ copperhead snake h tre Mae |arine Bender. Tsabel Bradfosd ho are entertaining the little visitors ¥ ial ) and Mra {1 { Belleville, while picking ber. A —— are generous folks, they will got plone H 3 rankenberg Mr. ana Mrs near her home. The snake struck “Pennsylvania Highways” Lusk-Ulrieh, ty of something else that is probably [John FP. Breo of State College. and on the thumb Ste received first ™ . . i ha £2 Announcements were received here of not as all plentiful in thelr tenant|Mr and Mrs William Ott. of Bellefonte. the State College hotel this week will | aia treatment from Dr H. BE The Reporter PaO ved from the State the marriage of Thomas Gilros Laiek | houses good, wholesome food Mre. Shepperd is a daughter of the late Department of Highways fifty coples|,.q Miss Lola Mirtam Ulric both of R. P. Breon, of Horschead. Mr. Shope of "The 1829 Edition of the OMdallphiagsiohia. on Thursday, in Philadel 4 perd is employed in fie offices of the Tourist Guide of Pennsylvania” pub-] pe py groom 18 a stranger here Ladies of Golden Eagle to Plenle. |p. Telephone Company. Hehed by the Department under the He is an electrician and for more than Tha Ladies of the Golden Eagle of ™ . , ai ‘ direction of James L. Stuart, secretary], dozen years has been employed by |Centre Hall and Spring Mills, and ther id a _Pepartment of Agriculture is , and Samuel Eckels, chief engineer. The}, North American Lace Company at] families, will hold a picnic on Grange making an ators > hibrce the dog completed, under contracts let hy the The Rishel-Heckman family reunion | guide is 12x% inches In size, contains tlwir plant in the Germantown district Park, Thursday, August let. This pile. aw In the State with the view of les local company, triple the original ca- [will be held Saturday. August 3, at|62 pages and fs replete with photo- The bride niece of Mr. and Mrs, nic is to celebrate the anniversaries of | YDINE the destruction of domestic ane pacity of the hotel and provide an|Halry John's Park, in Penns Valley graphs of Pennsylvania's scenic beauty M Piaher A well KROWR hore She ig | both lodges. The ladies of the Golden mals and poultry. Last year 16.268 unique arrangement in soda grills and INarrows and contains much information on thej, daughter of T Benton Ulric A who Eagle of Bellefonte and Millhelm have] Worthless dogs were disposed of and college taverns I a a SR State's system of highways for many years lived in Indiana but|also bean invited to attend the gat. | 2908 during the first six months of The general architectural sheme. A Btate highway patrolman peloted You may have a copy. while they ROW Tobated at Betagrove the hat oring tis year. A total of 450.000 dogs are Mr. Fell stated, represents the court tie Rossman funeral cortege from |last, by calling at this office. of hitk Youth : : . Contests and races will be held InPow licensed. Damages paid last Year yard of an English tavern with old lellefonte to Farmers Mills cemetery lil ——— 0 couple will be at home rt the afternoon and a very Interesting hy the State on account of doge ame English booths. The walls are finigied where the body was interred ¥ . Sent ¢ am 3 or ke for the ronit ounted to $71.386, compared to $210.774 : Mra. John Sager, 70. of Lumber City, [9®Pt let. in the Germantown (Phila: program fs planned f the evening, to appear like the exterior of such a Bes x in New oYrk State which has about —————— ? . delphi consistin of short plays, tableaux, tavern service being in the court yard, was cut on the head and face when phia) district " x ¥ the same number of sheap as this The Cottswold influence in English The early risers on Saturday morne | of a walked in front of the Kishacoe —————— A ————— Se axha Sniertatnment in the rh State. To June 1st. 2.76% dogs Were architecture is carled out ing report a frost In sections in Penns quillas Valley Raflroad train Belleville Dr. P. H. Dale. one of the leading will be held in the range auditorium foensed In Centre county, compared Valley. No apparent arm was done bound at the Lumber City orossing, physicians at State College. has been - 8 o'clock, and to this the phibite a to 3114 on June 1} 1928, and 3.580 pul to vegetation, however, but ft dad near Recllsville, She is deaf and her 1 for severnl weeks, His condition cordially invited. A full program will for the whole of 193% The Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year make goose flesh show up. eyesight is not good. of Inte has been improving pubilatied . next. wel, oy Improving State College Hotel, Completion of a $30.000 addition to ler, of ba the third improvement in facilities | Belleville, who took her to the Tawis. at that place, wi h has been made town Hospital, where she was given a by Charles W. Full company, local arch. | Shake serum. Recovering by noon. she itects, in three years WAS permitted to return to her home The alterations that are now being ————— =