THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL. PA. If Back Hurts Flush Kidneys| Drink Plenty of Water and Take Glass of Salts Before Break- fast Occasionally You can get results—after a fashion—with any old dye but to do work you are proud of takes real anilines, That's why we put them in Diamond Dyes. They contain three to five times more than other dyes on Cost more to make? Surely, But you get same price as other dyes, the marl for them AVhen your kidneys hurt and your . io ¢ 3s \ 2 ‘ back feels sore, don't get scared and : A : . ee NT i 2 / Next time you want to dye, try them proceed to load your stomach with a : Y ¥ Vv BE A to use them, Then compare the res lot of drugs that excite the kidneys re-dyed look ; of streal and irritate the entire urinary tract, ‘ c Signe of the life Keep your kidneys clean like you {ie Solory Jeep fees ! keep your bowels clean, by flushing Diamond Dyes are better dyes them with a mild, harmless salts The white lage of Di ’ ; which helps to remove the body's ee Sone Jacke, o) hamond Dyes 18 urinous waste and stimulate them to purpo dye for any kind of mute Coe rilliance throug refund your mone) the and every dye or tint silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon ¢ thelr normal activity. of materials, The bl The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from {it 500 grains of acid and waste, 20 we can readily understand the vital! importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of good water—you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts, Take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for & few days and your kid. neys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon ju'ce, combined with lithia, and has been used for years to help clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in the system so they are no longer of Irritation, thus often bladder weakness, Jad Salts is inexpensive: jure; makes a lithia-water drink should take now cannot in. which and then to Try this; drinking, also keep up the and no doubt you will won- ble and backache. HOTEL MONTCIAIR | © Lexington Avenue New York City New York's Newest and Finest Hotel 800 Rooms 800 Baths 4 56 Radio in Every Room to 3 minutes’ walk from Grand Central, TimesSquare, Fifth Avenue Shops and most important commercial cen- tres, leading shops and the- atres. 10 minutes to Penn. Station. Room & Barh Tub aod Showe- $3045 per day For 2 Persons Grend Central Palace only 2 short President - Oscar W. Richards Manager Returnir Maul, on the loaded, Milford, kite de n but in tunate he the family heard the gun fl. broken out in the kitchen and Ing the gun, discharged it. The wf put out before It spread further. was The Very Best Time to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is now. This herbal alterative extract makes the blood redder — im- proves and repairs your system, rouses organs into healthy action and builds up needed flesh and strength. Read this: Mm B. N. Moreland of Okonoko, W Va, writes: “I can highly recommend Dr, Plerce's medicines. Some years ago my health failed—I became all run down and m0 weak 1 believe I would not have lived if I had not taken Dr. Pierce's medicines, 1 took the ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ and the ‘Favorite Prescription.’ and my health ret d and I became strong again That was 20 5 ago. I feel sure that these medicines will do as much for other sufferers # they will but give them a trial” Ask your nearest druggist for Dr. Pierce's Discovery, in tablets or liquid or send 10c for trial package of tab! ets to Dr. Pierce's Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y. Don’t Let That Cold Turn Into “Flu” That cold may turn into “Flu,” Grippe or, even worse, Pneumonia, unless you take care of it at once. Rub Musterole on the congested parts and see how quickly it brings relief as effectively as the messy o mustard plaster. Musterole, made from pure oil of mustard, cam » menthol and other gimple in ients, is a counter-irri- tant which stimulates circulation and gy break up the cold. ou will feel a warm tingle as it en- ters the pores, then a cooling sensa- tion that brings welcome relief, Jars & Tubes Better than a mustard plaster When have decided to get rid of worms, Shot,” Dr, Peery's Vermifuge, One dose will expel them, All druggists, fishing. hours and 4 minutes. NEWS REVIEW OF France Pays Sorrowful Homage at Bier of Its Great Marshal. the Me of France its great sorrow in loss of its distinguished soldier, shal Ferdinand Foch, ger all the aliied armies during the war, who dled Wednesday In Marshal Foch of age and three ares with the Mar- eralissimo of World world sh was seventy-eight 3 months. brought back has F ale 81 sl de the funeral In the funeral, by department, orders of the War the flag at every military nba td : stati at post and half mast and guns was fired during the President Ho learning of the gre dispatched a message to French government expressing the sorrow of the American people for the France over the loss of a great na- tional hero. Warm tribute to t} Itary genius and fine human quali of Marshal Foch paid by other high officials of the government. When Marshal Foch, with grasp, remarkable strategy, power of co-ordination, the allied effort which the German hosts, he of more men than anyone had led In the history of the world. Marshal Foch first attracted world attention at the first battie of the Marne, when he sent the laconic message to his chief, Marshal Joffre, “My left and right wings are shattered. 1 shall attack with my center He did and broke up the German offensive and forced a retreat. It was this success, with Its mani- festations of bulldog determination to win even In defeat, that singled him out as the man for supreme leadership when unified command of all the al- lied armies was decided upon in the spring of 1918, Bo It comes that almost om the eleventh anniversary of the greatest moment of his career, when to him passed command of a military ma- chine more vast than any the world had ever dreamed of, Foch, hero of the first Marne, has breathed his last. In 1021 Marshal Foch came to this country as a guest of the American Legion. He covered 20,000 miles and his journey led him through the East- ern states, the wheat flelds of the Middle West, the vast plains of Texas, and the plantations in the South. His trip was climaxed in the national con- vention of the Legion at Kansas City, Hundreds of thousands of Legion- naires and citizens turned out in all principal cities to see and hear Mar. shal Foch. His personal alde was Francis Drake, an officer of the A. E. F. and a Leglonnaire. A flotilla of destroyers met the French liner Paris, Abd as she steamed lu the Narrows on nty-one intervals day. wer, immediately on it mars| al's death, the people of we mil ties wore sure and rare wns directing finally broke was in command { View in Shenandoah Na- the endurance October 28. The by a 19 gun salute. New him one of its cept marshal was greeted York famous re gave typically ions, ihe Ered battle at Torreon failed to m when the rebels evacuated and started thelr ret At last accounts they Gen, Jesus M. Ag in Vera Catelld, following a many were Wis pror cuted ateriall the plac © northward still going. rebel leader reat were irre, Cruz, was caj killed on both sides. He nptiy cot al exe President Portes Gil ordered photographs taken of General Agulr: before and after execution ’ be used to irt-marti presi NT HOOVEI 1 to 3 t 3 nag iw i opportu in short distanc been placed at hi these Is i estate at Cato piace National park, tin, fishing selected HIE doah game lodge to be head waters of the the Blue Ridge mounts cupied by fishing trips ings will be oc- President during in that section the BORAH has tion to oppose announced hig determina Amer- fean entrance into the World court when the revised protocol Is sent to December. ENATOR the senate In In a statement Issued In Washing ton. Senator Borah attacked the World court as representing merely the legal department of the League of Nations and denounced its authority to issue advisory opinions In International dis- putes of the league. He predicted that the World court would never function as a really great interna- tional tribunal unless it discards the practice of issuing advisory opinions, The new Root formula, the senator contended, does not afford the United States protection against advisory opinions. FFICIAL inquiry has failed to fix the blame for the accident In which 14 passengers were killed when a giant tri-motored Ford Men get plane crashed at Newark, N. J. The accident, the worst In Ee . than- air aviation in this country, occurred when the plane, loaded with sight-see- ing passengers, fighting a gale with digabled engines, crashed into an Iron freight car and was cut in two, OV. HENRY 8. JOHNSTON has been removed from the office of governor of Oklahoma by the state genate court of Impeachment and that body found him gulity of a charge of general Incompetency, pre- ferred by the house of representatives. He was exonerated on nine other charges brought by the house. The senate vote came as a dramatic cll- max to more than two years of polit. {eal turbulence, which reached the ime peachment pitch In 1027, At that time, however, Johnston succeeded In dispersing hostile legisiators by court action after they had sought to cone | vena on thelr own eall necessary to trans for Treasury de- i partment of Jus tice, as recommended by Pre H wer In his Inaugural address, I EGISLATION 4 fer responsibility enforcement from prohibition the irtment to the Dens ident is In according to However, ulty as the he forth ress to that sub next reg cember, e+ nen arming land. r Quincy » to prop there has e. Many r sections have ghways have Sections of uffered heavily. are being Food an r supplies lisered vistors on schedule In sections where the waters have work of rehab ition has dents of the to thelr ARE, [re build abated the wed, Res already commer flooded towns were returni homes inoculated against dise pared to their ru ings restore ined reductions In penalties tions of the Ontario liquor control act were announced at To ronto when the government intro- duced surprise amendments to its liquor legislation. Fines and terms of Imprisonment mandatory upon con- viction are cut In half. To United States visitors the most Important change is prohibition of taking liquor purchased In Ontario outside the province, Visitors who legally pur- chase liquor there must consume ft before they leave Ontario If they wish to remain within the law of the prov- ince. A man canght on a train bound for the United States with liquor in his possession will be liable to a fine of £200 and two months In Jail for having liquor In an illegal place. It was explained that this was not a blow aimed at rum-running, but at hip-running. RASTIC for viola HE problem aroused by the seizure of a truck load of lignor con signed to the Siamese legation in Washington Is being solved by plans under course of formulation by the administration and police officials. Under the new system foreign officials enjoying diplomatic immunity from arrest will be permitted to transport liquor from Baltimore to Washington without disturbance from prohibition officers or the police If a duly accred- {ted embassy or legation official rides the truck with the wet cargo. Diplomats desiring to transport a furnished credentials informing all who may Inquire that the cargo Is diplomatic liquor and, as such, enjoys immunity from selzure. or wool only, work. 15 a special you can dye your valual al to the finest profes 4 f The white package will dye has both packages, Easy to use Another X- Ray Use and able & un Pp. T. KELLY PRODUCTS co. Station B Hldg CLEVELAND, Sampliner OHIO, ounces full-size biscuits 12 Easy to digest. remedy of tested and tried in gredients, safe, de pendable J0¢ ot all druggists For arbing teeth use Fike» Toothache Droge The Dear Departed I had thie $line I wor Y% have undoubtedly used Bayer Aspirin for headaches and know how promptly and completely these tablets relieve the pain. [hey are even more wonder- ful in the relief of such serious suffering as sciatica; lumbago: rheumatism and those aches and pains that are bone deep. They don't affect the heart, and they do dispel the pain. There is nothing quite like genuine Bayer Aspirin, but see that vou get the genuine. It has Bayer on the box and inside are proven directions for many important uses it is well to know. EUROS CRUISE June 29 se. “LANCASTRIA™ CUNARD LINE, 82 days, $80 ' to $1300 mn - Algiers, Italy. Riviera, fen, Norway, iinbt } Tros- sachs, Ber! y (Paris, London, Rt e, Hotels, d : i i Mediterranean Cruise, lan. 29, $600 ve Frank C. Clark, Times Bldg. N.Y. etc. ). Female Reticence The Usual