' HIE The Reflections of a Young Married Woman nct pleasant if is delicate, run- or over- worked. She feels “played -out.” Her smiles and good spirits have taken flight. It worries her husband as well as herself. ; One woman says: *'I was a physical wreck, Sired, weak as 8 child, and nervous would fly to pieces at the least thing. I was unable to do my housework, had no energy snd was completely discouraged. had tried many different remedies and had given ap all hope of ever fesling well again, wrote my sister and she sent me some of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ‘Tablets. f have taken one bottle (100 tablets) and Ball of another, and I wish all women whe suffer as I did would try the ‘Favorite Pre. scription." 1 feel so happy, I esnnot thank Dr. Pierce enough.'’-——Mrs. Essie Mallory, RR. F.D 1, Box 78, Somerset, Va. org Write Dr. Plerce, Buffalo, N. you desire free medical advice, Nears Beauty are she down, . Culture ut Home> rench Beauty Culture taught by Correspondence Bara while you learn, Write Causby Parisian Scheel, 114% O Ht, NW, W ashington, D, GC Sommer Amasement Resort-——Cen tral York. Equipped restaurant, Dance hall, station E Xi than ge for chicken farm ercamp-Th) ¢ Markast St Chis ster. ROLLERS SAL RHEUMATIC Burel the cause ri A 1d { rou ty sm, Beiatica and Roller’s German Malt Drops Ar he hest tasting drops | and Iror 5, expect . Trial 1 mand 804 Just the 3 [Or 8IMOoKe EMIL ROL. L ER L ABOR ATORIES, INC, i828 Amsterdam Ave, New York, N, Y. AGENTS WANTED Hav- Pa ives from th real Gout, SEND NO MONEY! fine cabbs ants salt >. 000, ren ay 343, Tifton, Ga, Extra OO. D, mall or $1.00; 5.000, $4 ‘went million Quanity Plant Farms, Box CONTRACTORS | Mfrs. Children's Dresses and Aprons @ Manufacturer ¢ an supply large of cut worl 3 fac tories d to make child: on Steady supply t » to DAVID NOV AK AVENUE, NEW YORK ¢ Why Not Put a De Luxe Name Plate or House Number on Your Home! “They are an essential part'of a building, can