ae HAD TO WORK 700 HARD Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Gave Her Strength Mt. Carmel, Pa.—“After my second baby wos born I had to work too hard — and be on my feet too soon because my husband was ill. After his death I was in such a weakened and run. down condition that nothing scemed to help me, starting the Amphibious Spider Wa interesting ter-apider Is an animal which spins a sac water piant, which it uses ns diving bell, bles of air, spider a sort of ns bub Thus the the From this it obta one at n time is enabled to remais wlow rable time, surface a ecousid THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL. PA. HEN the imnouncement wis that denemination of made each Health, Strength and Flesh for what * me that congh and for } ths wis go wes had on the bed severn hil In fact [ errible Phe Milk : Haute, Ind. —Ady, Nature's Provision scientists say tha ire of various nn. These cok where birds Lorge, Generons Sample Old Time Remedy Sent Free to Every Reader of This Article RE rvs 4 n forty vears nea. onod F Ih HE of Pastor romed iy r te for Co., ilinols, cal paper. “The White Man's Burden” » ghthor—I | law, ile in a Shakesnea be supportes Mr him Will Cold Worry You This Winter? + men throw-oll a cold within a irs of contracting it. Anyone it with the nid of a simple com- d which comes In tablet form, and trouble to take or to always about you. Don't “dope™ your. hen you eatch cold; use Pape's Compound. Men and women swhere rely on this amazing little te=Adv, fear your son-in the road Will he on send #1 deal of the nolse at the tow- ¥ people “ex. £" the miracle. Why He Succeeded Honored politically and rofessionally, during his lifetime, Dr. k V. Pierce, whose picture a pears here, made a success few have equalled. His pure herbal reme- dies which have stood the test for hy years are still among the “best sellers.” Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery is a stomach alterative which makes the blood richer. It clears the skin, beautifies it; pimples and eruptions vanish quickly, This Discovery, or “G M D”, of Dr, Pierce's puts you in fine condition. All dealers have it in liquid or tablets, Send 10 cents for trial , of tablets to Dr. Pierce's Clinic, Buffalo, N, Y. and write for free medical advice. 5 new which sted currency Le fs uf this is to July wits te beur a on yeur i differ ent portrait of a dis tinguished Mares mn American, to wrole de very somm and going on ta ¢ and Ri While Virginia ested in the lands south of the Ohlo, fs a promi field i and here be purchased a neres, which he bought for a hundred pounds, in Virginia money he honed to make his bame, ie had definitely decided to become an Amer lean eitizen Soom after thiz land transnctiog he the partner French gentleman named Savary ’ ulon, and together, they warrants for 120000 of and in he became inter ging for speculation, thousand heeame acres Innd between the Great cannwha rivers Gallatin was to have the manage. ment of this land, and in 1784 he set out to nok It over He found the country north of Virginia Hoe mare desirable, and flanlly lecnted In Fayette county. Pennsylvania, where the — A ——————— = ars he had and declared his In citizen thr believed that wen fention to be a yours afterward. It is he was unseated oh ne of having been Inquisitive regarding the manner In which the finunces of the nation were being ad ministered. It proved fortunate for the country at large that Gallatin was In Fas county, and not In the ute, for it wins largely through Lis influence that the Whisky tion gult in war. through the a several in Pennayl vania and Virginia. The people were not only ready to fight, but hod a dag of their own ready to floht {rem thelr iHntin's the op count too ofte fey inaure did not re eaulon of western liberiy pole, management saved and order He has been criticised for living on FACIE day sense and for Inw ry rN he historian Hem gon of John Qui grandson of John of Galiatin™ says that, during the eight yonrs of the tre [ on's Presidency, and for was Pre ' “Life a8 secretary of four 3 ile Madison ident. Gallatin deserves equal recognition with Hamiiton as the founder of our inl system, theory of the the iiton’s was that country Fecrelary the A should of the policy ate with try. nnd that shonid in regi his will. Al bert Gallatin, while a member of con orig {rons COoneress pequicece tering grees, organized the vays and means roinmitiee for the purpose of holding the secretary of the treasury in chock New York recognized the high postition won hy Gallatin by giving bis name to one of He great banking Institutions: . Bodily Endurance Tests Endurance tests are the outerop- ping of an lmpulse ax ancient as i Is unneeountable. Long before the duys of purses or publicity, the same instinct found its vent in the old In dian sun dances, The Indian hraves would cut four slits in the skin of thelr ehests nnd run a narrow honed through the slits, Leather thongs streaming from the top of a sort of maypole were fastened to ench end of the board. Then the Indians would dance until they dropped unconsclons and the boards were torn loose from their skin What Price Mistakes? When a plumber makes an mistake he charges twice for it. When a low. yer makes a mistake, he hus a ehance to try the case again, When a car penter makes a mistake, it is Just what be expected, When a doctor wakes 0 mistake, he buries it. When a judge minkes 8 mistake, it becomes the law of the land. er makes a mistake, nobody knows the difference, ut when the editor makes a mistake-~good night tix change. When a preach. Painter's Line. The "8" tine Ih an painting Is sc called because It 1s made of un double curve like the letter “8” This 1g 1b lustrated in John Alexander's paint Ing, “Isabella and the Pot of Basil” The front outline of the figure of Isa bella Is an "8" line. . RADIOLA 18 ~amazing Jor ifs fine performance — (for alternating current, less Radiotrons) Most popular Radiola ever designed. Faithful reproduc- tion over a wide range. Inex- pensive operation from house current, Ask Dealer to demonstrate the ™ Jor you and well you echout the RCA Time Payment Plan, the rearest RCA Radiola yr grow ids lo RADEGLA Maxkens ol RCA "o “me oF Te feEADIOTRON Clinical Note true colle HE nurse never hesitates to give her patient the quick comfort of Bayer Aspirin. She has heard doctors declare it safe. She has seen it relieve so many kinds of suffering, and knows it to be dependable. These perfectly harmless tablets ease an aching head without penalty. Their increasing use year after year is proof that they do help and can’t harm. Take them for any headache; to avoid the pain peculiar to women; many have found them a marvelous aid at such times. The proven directions with every package of Bayer Aspirin tell how to treat colds, sore throat, neuralgia, neuritis, etc, All druggists. Aspirin fe tho trade mark of Bayer Manafactore SPIRIN