THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, — Mr THE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY. CENTRE HALL, PENNA, SMITH & BAILEY, 8. W. SMITH, MDW. E. BAILEY, Associate Editor and Business Manager, Proprietors, Editor. 4 Motered at the Post Office in Centre Hal 49 second clase mall matter, TERMS. The terms of subseription to Se "eporter are $1.00 a year, in advance Display advertising rates made knowd @» *oplieation. "Sunday Church Services LUTHERAN CHARGE Greenhoe, Pastor) FENNS VALLEY (Bev, 8B. F. Farmers Mills—10:30 A. M. Installation of church officers. Georges Valley, 2:30 P. AM. Centre Hall, 7:00 to 8:00 P. MM. — REFORMED CHARGE. Pastor) CENTRE HALL (Bev. Delas RK, Keener, Centre Hall— 1:80—Sunday School. 8:830—Church Euasey vilie— §:30—Sunday i9:30—Church Services. School. Services, EVANGELICAL (Bev, W. E, Smith, Paster.) Spring Mills—10:30 A. M. Bethesda— Locust Grove—7:30 P. M. Holy ment 2:30 P. M. Communion at each appoint ESLUYTERIAN PRE (Bev. J. M., Kirkpatrick, Fastor) Centre Hall, §:30 A. AL Lemont, 11:00 A. M Pine Grove Millis METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Bev. Harry W. Newman, Pastor.) Centre Hall-—-S. S. tom Hist Plied BLO tact iy the Ur fifty slogar the post of that day of the world V ite and every provinee in ( fepresented Hesidea that bers from the outside, bundred letters, fonte, making a pleong of mall was taken by BrEe num thirty-five Belle Ove were sent from total of nearly 8500 matter, all of which plane by Pilot J. H TAttle. As theses covers will be kept and widely distributed will be a standing advertisement decades to come of Bellefonte and help but be of great material and adver. tising benefit. At the Kiwanis lunch- eon on that day Earl Wadsworth, the superintendent of Air Malls from Wash - ington, D., C., was the principal speak- er, giving a history of th, air mail from the beginning, its growth and an estimate of the future, that was very Anteresting. This wag the outstanding feature of the year 1928 for th, Ki- wanis Club of Bellefonte and will stand as a record for community achievement for some years to come, they for cannot DEATHS. Votes from first pase) N\ ARNEY Mrs. of Benjaumin Arney, Tuesday of last Ningara Falls, wis Mary Arney, widow passed away on week at her home in New York, Interment that city beside the re- husband, the death. tieth year made Thursday ad had June first mains of her ternoon following She wttained her olg of sl year Mrs Amey was a } | Zedgler and she fter her marriage to daughter of Mi wis reared about Mr. vixi on a farm near in the Hor tanding a undoubtedly lived In it richer for Asks $6,000,000 for Twp, Highwafs A bill setting aside $6,000,000 for township highway payments during the the at Harrisburg, by Representa A. Btein, of York. This would be paid from motor Boense funds buliding next blennium was introduced in House tive J. money as an ald to townhips in roads, A MM AISI MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ernest Z. Pitchford Janet Belisle Leroy Murray Margaret Frantz Philipsburg Philipsburg «ov ov JFPOwelon Sandy Ridge EMERICK HEIRS FILE NEW SUIT Still Seek to Clalm Milllons Held by Astor Famlly——Quite a Number Re- side In Centre County. ling to have thelr « portion of the state « or sustained dn the descendants of Monthly Heport ——— 1s Entertain Academy Hoys omiplishy It afforded Me Hughes before the to bring ofestisonal men of the communes ome of the best types of the acs student body They made a fine hosta Walker called of the students to help fur impression on the President W. Harrison on severnl nish entertainment; they responded promptly and received Samuel M, the American Lime and Stone Com- made a brief address Yeaving the speexis of the evening to Arthur H. Bloop, head of the Bellefonte pub le schools, who very fittingly used the opportunity to out guide to the young academy students President Walker took oconsion to pay Mr. Landsay, the Brookernoff landlord, an earned compliment on the improvements recently made to the dining room and other portions of the popular hotel, hearty appiatise Shalleross, connected with pany, throw lines STATE EXECUTES 8 Among Those Paying Penalty. Charles Mallor, 22, of Philade phia, wns electrocuted at the Rockvie penitentiary on Monday for the of Max T. Harrison, assistant Theatre, Market of the Cross The Martha Yetter near Sixtiet youth also shot wounded old, of Philadelphia, during the theatre last spring. Preceding Mellor on the 1 A Atlee Odd Fellows to Ohserye Anniversary. Ee Auditing County Accounts, } PUBLIC SALE. a Insurance and state Real We Want to Buv or Sell? 5 FIRST SEE 1 Chas. DD. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL, PA, fastest anshosssasatass The Centre Reporter, $1.50 Wl pS eet —————— ———— — —— EET A A STREET address is good enough for the postman, but . , . Friends want to know your telephone address, It’s worth a lot just to have your name listed in the Directory—to say nothing of all the com- fort, convenience and BRE — happiness your tele- ; : phone brings. ENT CT RI I GR JC NE TT The New Model CEMENT INTER- LOCKING STAVE LO THE SILO YOU CAN DEPEND ON Storm and Fire-Proof ; No Painting ; No Hoops to Tighten No Guy Wires. praciieal demonstration of this silo sxf of Centre Hall, where GEORGE W. ne No, HARER, Agent $2. ENTRY 1ALlL., PLUMBING, HEATING, GAS FITTING, General Repair Work. I W. H. (Bill) SECKINGER STATE COLLEGE and CENTRE HALL Phone 4064J (r MILLHEIM