SPH a * ITTLE MELLY was walking up the hill and Grandma was watching her from her window, Grandma often sat of her downstairs watched little Melly, Grandma's bedroom room In the whole house. Back of Grandma's great big old wooden bed wis a big space befote the wall came, in that space little Melly kept many of her toys. She called it her street, lived there a deal of Number 4 Worthington Lane, called it. Grandma's last name Worthington, and so Melly thought she should call her street after Grand when Grandma really lived on the 100, used to walk ulong back of bed as though long, long distance to get to where her toys were. That was not the randma’s bedroom was window and by the bedroom was the nicest nnd she tima, she and the good was ma, street, Melly the it were a the space the end why of only reason the nicest Melly chair mirror to and ner time used rocking the sum i big red wna would git before her beautiful, what lovely Often Melly loved to run S011 would her hands over it £0 very, very soft, and Grand soft, too, Melly loved to feel on a Grandma fore and in the cheery wis so How Somet Melly the ‘ 1 mes COO would sit with be little open time the room nice warm stove, Now and again they Grandma's stove. That And in the would ndma’'s sli; the for Grandma wiater with a fire, was so made cocon on was nice, alwavs winter Melly pers would went go that they be stove her wh she en person, and they w opr. OT we The Sell SpwSeens owt “Diamonds may be carbon ™ Reno Ritzo, “but you can’t kid a girl along by giving her an old piston ring.” (Copyright) SOC OTOH And tables netics for ves HAT green s are better than cost complexion? That a salad a day keeps the doctor hit to your well ns an and is youth as away for apple a good food hs; or age? That cabbage has more value raw than cooked and ire digested ? That lettuce wilts in warn dry air? It should be washed and kept near ice to keep fresh and crisp. That adding oil and vinegar to let tnee wilts it, draws its moisture and destroys Its food value ns well as Its attractiveness? So it should be added just before serving. This Is true of other vegetables as well as fruits, and Is the reason that a thick mayonnaise will become watery after standing an hour or more on any fruit or succulent vegetable, That you may make a very accept able chill sance of catsup at any sea- son with a can of tomatoes, spices and condiments? That a juicy ple may be saved from boiling ever if the edge of the crust Is wrapped round with a two-inch strip of wet muslin before golng Into the oven? Remove the cloth at once when the ple is taken from the oven. That a small 10-cent brush makes a fine utensil to clean the grater when fit is soiled from use? All utensils should be put at once into the sink and covered with water, to save la bor in washing. That any egg dishes should be sonked In cold water, otherwise the egg cooks on and the washing process Is harder? That starching the wash rugs saves iabor, ns they Keep clean longer, wash easier und lay flat without wrinkling? That having Tuesday for wash day makes the work easier for some house holds? form eaten ensily Is me ont Grandma never seemed to think you were naughty, and somehow you never were when you were with Grandma. Grandma never seemed to think yout wis loud. And you you were talking too felt volee when Somejow, most She Was Walking Up the Hill Grandma Was Watching. and you would remembe: nd you woul any i one about §t. saving wu is VINS d to tell her, She She SO Int You were g kind listen to you and of Course tittle gir. le girl, one was {0 a Grandma was really Interested, All of these things little Melly thought many and many a time, Now wns walking up the hill and Grandma was watching her. Grandma was watching her as she pulled up her sled, She remembered, and smiled at the thought of the time early In the summer when little Melly had taken an apple which wasn't quite and had held it behind her back as she walked up the hill—just as though no one could see whnt was be. hind her dear little back as she walked up the hill, Grandma smiled at the thought. She was thinking of the days when she was little, and then her legs were very short and how high and steep that hill had seemed. And not only of the days when she was little—she remem- bered just how she felt when she was little, She could put herself In litle Iy's She had she ripe she thought Mel pince now, back littie could day-dream and make-believe she was a more. And the make-believe real as all the make-belleves bot hat was Wis very should the Chicago F air AIT iT ' ML (A NE EE] 8 0 71 AE $1000 Ane ’ i BE ES] (ENR EEE RAEREE) 153) A EE IEEE ET Hs 01 LW es BY BT (TET LT] 11 BSE ey Bh Ro Rg | ee Et tet TR ———— won $1,500 0000000000 | | | U0 LUCK NG KING safaris insiniain in SNe inin amin nin nine iRise isisininie IATsinininiainin inn inia nin nin inininiR Winin nse “HOSE constantly in { who of tune ith gongs of life. never can but a medi are the grand, attain anything re in the world who place You in not understand those w barmony. You ot comprehend that all nature is perfectly attuned to cer aws, which, If broken, tain Is distressing results are living discord can ho dwell fu Cann produce man bs in devised by Inws, the No system can be to elrcumvent an all wise Creator for terest of His children. these made best MAXWELL! That Monday nu the clothes looked over for EDOLR, ay be used in getting put done to to soak tra and any extrs day? stewed, work ghten wush That prunes, stuffed with crea make a fine lettuce =» gioned or cottage Or served dressing, and m dessert? bit of cheese on ith a 11? Western Newspaper Un! they ag sal 192s serve Lf on) The historie old Bruton churen, where John Ib. Rockefeller, Jr.. number of the SOOO OOOOO0 By F. A. WALKER of opportun the ity fo be in tune with universe To rail agai fate ike th first dis ie and direct at font | ‘oc make the best 1184 { is nst is to str the ordant no fon to your useless self keeps you happ py ln worths nakes for a tune and a Whatever effort t existence, “heerfulness nance, Good stull oltre cheer and amiabiNty compose out of which this of manufactures its best of men and women. Take the measure of persons with whom yon may be scquainted make your own deductions You will find the truth of this stick NE out at every corner, staring at your incredulous guze, Those who grumble, spend thelr time in indolence, shirk dutious obligations. to their elders, are morning and given to fanit far from being about them. not on solid are a whole teh, world brands old speak insolently ate In the finding are with the things Thelr feet nd their helow normal pi nre ground volceos told making about the for them would not syll Even If they were i discord tl ey are and others, thes he understand a selves ble to single ahle They bave no ear for the music , the colonial town ge. This church was built in 1710. from worship {reo inherit ¢ { of i sini nin simian winnie in in evan: World | sisimisinia isin ine CO OO OC oO arr. of beauties OOH creative i for the To keep In tune, ack charity with love, | with and simple, chile pack it ution With these splendid things as voor guiding stars, there will be no fal or no regrets In the bald days of wir ter—nanght but a soul filled | flowing with gladsome music. ! (2 by MeClure Nowspm per Byndieste y | are | fo over Prize Poster LEE et § REET 8 5 tA id Rd a - BERRA DE C E ME ER ROSES a thougl men remem ber: The nd the When spring done, Who knightliest bhusha is is past, when summer's In Decomber och ) brings her roses 1 11: Douglas Mall Is a very real | i free crave some YRIDE of incentive all to secure ownership in What is is enjoyed by none. We special privilege, adds to a man's self own things {ife, to ROMs It Can recognition if he Wealth, beyond one's needs, the purpose of satisfying the hoard inet. The extreme illustration that of the miser who hoards his | respect sOrves ing inst is oney and gets pleasure 3 m 2 spendit action not from plaving with it it really belong pleasure from seei is not the only thing We hoard a great hings, fur niture, books, stam old ras Almost everything is Bont led by some body. Manes hoarded Some of the animals are also hoard The squirrels gather nuts and bury them in the ground. They hide them away from other squirrels against the day of need. The commen dog also has the habit of hoarding bones. After he has eaten all he can, he buries the rest. The bee is a busy hoarder. The bees store more they can use in a season. The human animal will store away more wealth than he can possibly use. Here is a case of a precaution in nature for the preservation of the species that has gone beyond the point of necessity. It mey be that only those who were expert hoarders survived. The pres. ent generations are descendents of those who had this instinct to an ab normal degree. We hoard because we are born with a hoarding instinct that is widespread in the animal kingdom. The instinct itself doubtless developed ag a means of protecting life and in aiding the Individual in his struggle for survival and supremacy. (@® by MeClure Newspaper Eyndicate.) — A AN Best for Pulpwood. Pulpwood for making paper can be grown In from 20 to 30 years or more gays the American Tree association of Washington. Some very profitable plantations of Norway spruce, white spruce and red spruce have been grown for puipwood in this length of time. Spruce makes the best kind of wood for paper pulp, * honey than The race is to the swift . . to sturdy youngsters who thrive on wholesome meals of delicious Monarch Cocoa and Teenie Weel e Peanut Butter sandwiches. MONA QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS MONARCH CANNED VEGETABLE S, evely vegetable that grows . .. and the cream of the crop . , . MONARCH CANNED FRUITS, the “prime pick” of the world's finest orchards . MONARCH COFFEE, TEA AND COC OA, i you paid a dollar a pound, you coulda’ buy finer quality . . . MONARCH PICKLES, sweet @her. kins, dills, sweet mixed pickles, chows and relishes « MONARCH CATSUP AND CHILI SAUC E, made from Monarch tomatoes grown from Monarch seed | andthe famous Monarch Teenie Weenie Specialties. REID, MURDOCH & CO. (Established 1833) General Offices, Chicago, IL Color Films for All fretful. No sooner taken than the little one is at ease, If restless, a few drops soon bring contentment. No harm done, for Castoria is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you have the doctors’ word for that! It is a vegetable pro- duct and you could use it every day. But it's In an emergency that Castoria means most, Some night when consti. pation must be relleved—or colic pains ~or other suffering. Never be without it; some mothers keep an extra bottle, anopened, to make sure there will al- ways be Castoria In the house. It is effective for older children, too; read the book that comes with it. CASTORIA Garfield Tea Was Your Grandmother's Remedy For every stomach and Intestinal HW, This good old-fash- toned herb home remedy for consti- pation, stomach ills and other derange- ments of the sys tem so prevalent these days is in even greater favor as a family medicine in 3 8 Fy 5