‘Sleep Well - * and Mrs. Goins says: “I HAD lost weight and could not enjoy agood night's Sheep or could not eat well— suffered intensely. I had nearly given my- self up.” (How many of us can sympa- si thise with Mrs. Goins!) ‘Started taking PE-RU-NA and after six bottles my ailment left me and life was worth living—have gained 40 pounds.” (This is the joyful experience of many-— PE-RU-NA restores strength end promotes Sppetite) “I wish I could personally tell all the members of the societies and churches I belong to what a wonderful tonic PE-RU-NA is.” (Signed : Mrs. Ada Goins, Indianapolis, Ind.) The friends of PE-RU-NA are always eager to pass on the good word to others. Get PE-RI “NA at any drug store todey—and begin taking it at once. For Galled Horses | Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh | Money back for first bottle if not suited. All dealers, | PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Removes Dandru Stops Halr Fallin Restores Color and Beawty to Gray and Faded - 0c. and §1.00 nt Drogpists 4 Hiseny Chen, W ka Patchogue N.Y, ESTON SHAMPOO-—-Idea! for nse in connection with Parker's Hair Baisam. Makes the hair soft and fin! 50 cents by mail or at A gists, Hiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N. . i No need toc spend restless, sleepless i nights. Irritation quickly relieved and i rest assured by using the remedy that has helped thousands of sufferers, 25 cents and $1.00 at druggists. i If unable to obtain, write direct to: ! NORTHROP & LYMAN CO., Inc, | Buffalo, New York Send for free sample. Opportunity, The Fair marry when the gol offers, won't you? The Caution ne—It will depend ~4 how much gold there is in the op- Petiunity, OUne—1 suppose you will opportunity fest uel Chivalrous Hubbies. i Men still are chival us. A lot of | well-trained husbands did even j ter, and so women prizes i in the dish the | household show, Times. n't en- won all the was] contest at Angeles ng Los Attend the Party In Spit iy Don't ii 1 ¢ i ar ¥ Te CATE ¢ Ld itiiga is 3d * a National Mottoes. The English translations of the mot- foes of Ge are Netherlands Germany God with us: The 1 will maintain : lelgium —Union makes strength. LAUNDRESS BENEFITED By Taking Lydia E. Pink. ham’s Vegetable Compound Nashville, Yoo much Tenn —~*T eannot say in favor of the medicine I was in a run. down condition, I worked in a laundry but my health got so bad that I had to give up work, I ob a bottle of ydia E. Pink. ham’s Vegetable Compound and began taking it and every time I - feel run-down I get another bottle, It is an excellent tonic and I am willing to tell others about it. People take me to be much ounger than I am.”—Mgs. Harny RNSTEIN, 406 Second Ave, South, Nashville, Tennessee, BILIOUSNESS RELIEVED ¥ By ELMO SCOTT WATSON HE eagle may be the nationa! bird of America for 304 days in the year, but there's one day when he isn't That day Is the last Thursday in November, and on that oc casion the “king temporarily dethre his place is taken by another. Americans” is he Is known ta or but the average American, terested in him for gastronomical er than ornithological reason 3 him simply ns leagris the which “the turkey." Thanksgiving day he is key.” The turkey is a true “native Amer. lean” and therefore it is appropriate that he should be one of the Symbols of this typically festival day. When the fir arrived on this continer wild turkeys in grea he was is proved by the fact that his In fossil deposits show that he is of origin. The I partially domesticated the what appears to places for domestic found attached to I dwellings in excavated ruins intold centuries of age. The turkey's Thanksgivi first one of the prehistoric i turkey, have been have been turkeys assoc] very Of that in 1621 in * Pligrims." ticipate } of thanksgiving ps William Bradford, land as follows: "Our harvest being foure men on that so we might after a manner rejoyce together, gathered in the fruit of our Iabours: they foure In one day killed as much fowle, as with a little help beside, served the company almost a week, at which time amongst other recren tions, we exercised Our Armes, many of the Indians coming amongst us. amongst the rest their greatest King Massasoyt, with some ninety men, whom for three days we enter tained and feasted, and they went out and killed five Deere, which they brought to the Plantation and he. ftowed on our Governor, and upon the Captaine (Standish) and others” There is no doubt that chief among the “fowle” at this feast was the na tive wild turkey. However, according to Mary Austin, writing In the New York Evening Post, “Our elevation of the turkey to the place of honor on the Thanksgiving dinner table Is not entirely owing to fits traditional im portance to the first American Thanks. giving day; It is a tribute to the home. making Instinct of the Puritan women who made the turkey brood a part ot that association of men and their wild brethren which is Inseparable from the human idea of home. The Indians domesticated the turkey chiefly for his feathers, which they prized. But § have no doubt that the English house. wife, arriving chickenless, got her first feeling of being at home from the gotten Governor sent more speciall — A ———" cluck door.” ; of the turkey hen her a curious paradox that this native merican bird should come to tables bearing a fore! wmme which gives the errone. Iggestion that be came from the Eure Yet Caine such is the case and here is hoy The Spaniards about, wild and domestic ated, in that cot They began ange birds from the ii and the Jewish were the leadin the str who nodities at “American Tuk Ing “American peacocks.” habit of strutting From time, i.” mean from thelr “tukki™ the and it fowl turkey” 8 common domesticated turkey ice the year wi For the orig England wild turkey (Melea na) is all but extinet In of the country where he his appears that festal board, The wilg (Mele cordir nEsgiving table this ve wild turkew, the first 108 on turkey of agres gallapavo silvestris), se thologists, Is found in from tod iy greatly reduced numbers and Ohio and west to Arkansas. here is a smaller variety, the | only Per nsylvani south to orida turkey, In th in southern at state; i2 another, the Rio Grande tur in the Rocky Mountain region, ’ All mod are the Mexican wild turkey (Melea Mexicana) of the him comes the exquisite pencil f the modern turkeys, Other variet 8, bred of this wild pro itor are the Narragansett. the Buff, Black, the Siate, the Bour bon Hed and the White Holland, ut whatever the variety of the tor key we eat on Thanksgiving, the truth of the matter is that he is san immi #0 far as ancestry is concerned. Wor he traces back to the Mexican torkey which was carried to Spain spread through other European coun. tries and then came back across the water to a new home farther north, In the range of the allied but distinet wild species which the Pilgrim and Puritan fathers hunted throngh the woods of Plymouth ang Massachusetts Bay colonles. Mo perhaps it is appro priate that a state which borders on Mexico, rather than a New England state, should now be the “turkey state of America.” And that is what the state of Texans is, It produces one- tenth of all the turkeys raised in the 48 states of the Union. Down in the “Heart of Texas” district, comprising 17 counties, the farmers have found that it is more profitable to raise tur. keys than it is to raise hogs. Bo they have gone into the turkey business on a large and co-operative scale. One year they shipped 200 ears of dressed turkey—4,000000 pounds of drum. sticks and wishbones and gizzards et al! These are shipped all over the United States and it is a curious Merriam’'s ty key ated turkeys derived earliest days domesticated oy . ut Eports tha Lae “coals-to-Newcastle” proposition thar England. It was in Texas, too, nated a unique "Texas turkey trot that there orig event--the » annus Caero, Tex: gaid to be the largest ship int for turkeys in credited with this ur 1 the world nerally being the thiplace of que ceremony. £ a turkey day aside t, 30 miles, the them to the central marke 1} ns Rix for flocks consisting of as fowl, turkeys 17 Sometimes 2 to many Thirty men } miles in two days, In a drive of this kind, a wagon is driven just in front of the turkeys and a little corn Is scattered to the leaders to keep them moving. that become lame or tired are placed in the wagon and hauled to town. At * to 10.000 drove Those stop 4 under a grove of trees wh keys may roost. ere the festival community Bn the harvest rolls this Texas pays mage to its most famous and prof- crop and celebrates the end of the son with appropriate The turkey reigns as un- ing of the festival, and a is held nilar core mony is held at Brady, important : weiter In the ribed last we ady as fol table Coro. y the Heyy ov anoiher ® Hpping New York ars “turkey OWS : The hour for the fourth annual rade ey¥ har arrived in selected by 8 serret cor i on her float. Th the chamber of about to come to life and the other eighteen floats are ready to swing into line. Fifteen hun dred live turkeys waddle, and gobble along the pavement, to die that the nation may live joyfully on Thanks. giving day In the line of march are turkeys for President Coolidge, Vice President Dawes, Speaker Longworth and Gove ernor Moody. And the paraders do not represent all the turkeys in the heart of Texan Five thousand are in buyers’ yards, not far away and 20.000 birds already have been shipped to northern markets. Only the plump are selected for the Thanksgiving sale, Many are still on the farms, being fattened for Christmas, when the prices will be higher than at present. The big birds recelve more considera. tion than those that took part in the Texas turkey trots before the World war. Then Tom and Jack drove their little herds to market, and buyers, as. sisted by four or five boys, drove a herd of 1.000 ten miles In a day. Re. cently the turkeys have been brought to town In trucks. However they travel, they are not In a good humor for their triumphal exit from life. For turkeys are given nothing to eat for fifteen hours before the execution, although they can have an abundance of water, The band blares. Floats move, Old gobblers, young gobblers, old hens and pullets advance in loose formation, Most of them are the bronze variety. Here and there In a White Holland, Occasionally oie sees a black bird with hazel eyes. A few are huff or slate in color. They gobble-—gobble, Even the eight of the yawning doors of four slaughter houses does not silence them They march inside and the doors close, In ten minutes they are dressed meat in a refrigeration plant, ready for ship. ment to New York, Milwaukee or Dallas, 4 on giant paper turkey - foes ms commerce float sirut It is always safe to give a Bayer tablet; there is not the slightest harm in genuine Aspirin. You have the doctor's assurance that it doesn’t affect the heart. And you probably know from experience that Bayer Aspirin does banish all sorts of pain in short order. Instant relief for headaches; neuralgia, Rhet too. hing like it for breaking up a cold, At all druggists, with proven directions enclosed. neuritis, matism, Aspirin 1s the trade mark of Bayer Munufecture of Movosceticacidester of 4 Balicylicaria SPIRIN Protect their Tender Skins and Nilky Fair with : 1 ° AL Cuticura =] 4 “EAC your children the ticurs hal . sp Ly » hair through 1: 7 2 p= Cae ¢ RU Boap 5c. OGintment 25e¢. 50a, Taleum 2o5¢. Sold crergerbore, Sample eat foee 4 “Caticura,” Dept Be Malden Te Ceotionrs Taleus is wewert by io dare Mass # snd Cooling hss — — World's HHliterates. A # Emulsion Saved Her Son’s Life I wrote Guard Against “Flu” With Musterole fluenza, Grippe and Pneumonia tart with a old. The mo- ment you get those warning aches rub on good old Musterole. A le relieves the congestion ates circulation. It has all lities of the old-fashioned er without the blister. ou feel a warm tingle as the ointment penetrates the jen a soothing, cooling sensa- Wd quick relief. Have Muster. ole handy for emergency use. It may prevent serious illness, To Mothers: Musterole is also made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask for Children’s Musterole. Tks | PS for | Lf 1318 COVE g A373 letter » You for if you | teful ! smulsion oid . A. BRADLEY. nue D, Apt. A. Birmingham Sold by all druggists under a antes to give satisfaction or refunded. The Milks Terre Haute, Ind —Ads for my 199714 sOn. Ave Ala” gan money Emulsion Co. Fusses Cause Divorces. Judge Dana used to gay the ma jority of divorce cases that eame before him were the result of hasty and unconsidered marriages. The par. ties had little conception of what a long contract it is and of the compro. mises, concessions and adjustments that it demands to be successful, They are in themselves mainly little things, but it ix a proverb that life cone sists In just one thing after another, and mostly little things. Huh! “Yes,” said she, “my husband is so much better I thought it weuld be all right to leave him long enough to come to the meeting” “I see,” smiled the hostess, “sou are leaving well enough alone, so to speak.” At Druggists or 272 Pear] St, N, Another Fuel Station. The story is told of a motorist en- tering a restaurant with his inamorata and saying absent-mindedly to the waiter, “Fill her up."—Boston Tran- script. Wag there ever a man who knew how to make money that his talent wasn't envied? The majority rules—when in accord with the boss, The Sacred Pumpkin “The pumpkin, or read in Peters’ “Genoral History of Connecticut,” published in 1781, “is one of the greatest blessings, and held sacred in New England, Of its meat are made beer, bread, custards, sauce, molasses, vinegar and, on thanksgly. Ing days, ples, ns a substitute for what the blue laws brand as anti-Christian minced ples, The same author explaing why New pompion,” we Englanders were called heads. As every male wns have his halr cut round by a cup, “when cups were not to be had, they substituted the hard shell of a pump- kin, which, being put on the head every Saturday, the hale is cut by the shell all around the head."—Gas Logie, pumpkin required to ————— Thanksgiving in Canada The people of lower Canada began observing days of thanksgiving as early as 1790. After the Dominion of Canada was formed in 1867 it was customary to have at least one day of Thanksgiving every year, although there were some Irregularities in that respect. Usually Thanksgiving day in Canada was on a Thursday in Octo. ber or November. Since 1021, how- ever, Thanksgiving day is set by parliamentary statute for the Monday of the week containing Armistice day, November 11.—The Pathfinder, a —————— Some acts are quicker than thoughts, BARE TO HAR If you want to grow on your bald head, save the hair you have, stop falling hair, dandruff, etc., » WH. FORST, Mfg.