The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 25, 1928, Image 2

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f SHE CENTRE REPORTER . 4 2.0 Small Game Not Plentiful BOALSBURG ITEMS, lenjamin Gentzel, Centre Hall; Nevin | JAMES Ww. SWABB
ISSUED WEEKLY, DEATHS Hunters who scoured the woods the Mrs. Harvey Searson, of Connells | Lutz, Fernon Hoover, Luther Kane, of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE
—_— ao _ . avs " aT a Tit » . sag oo . AT . A . ;
Ps > PEIN "se 0» » fiom thirde Qave of the season, repo Yile as Vuitas at tise Coxey-Ish-| pajefonte. Many useful gifts were re- | LINDEN HALL, PA.
A game y nmtiful, er home last week. ou
NYE ALL, PENNS. — 2 To date ut on hunter in this sec- | . Miss Marian Dale, of Ouk Hall, ac-]°iV#d. The evening mwas gpent In Legal business promptly attended te,
— - Ww CER. -Mr ols "hite) Walk- p tale SU one oe 8 Bo x a a Special attention given to sett at
BAILEY, P letors Was hii Fain ( W hit > 5 : on tion reported having killed a turkey. companied by Miss Anna Mary Hess Ce ¥ ng
SMITH & BAILEY, Froprie ef, wow uo ep t} ine mo . Har This was Willlam Walker. His son, drove to Philipsburg Friday for a week | refreduments were served, consisting of Deeds, Mortgages and Wills written
8B, W. SMITH, Editor, mormng al lhe home hh 2
amusements and games; nt & late hour
ats ata t Boalsburg. On Fred Walker, of Bellefonte, got one of énd visit with friends. fe, plokles ndwiches and ce cream. with eare
. . On d Walker, it Joalsbu 8 : same: Rock Dr. 1. C Rox : Mrs. Harry Musser, of :
ADW. E. BAILEY, Associate Editor and \"e day previous she was brought ” .
Business Manager, ? ' 5 Ohio. where she visited , also brought dow { ico COM Panis by Mrs, J. R. Irwi @ In
mm 3 " : ar Piet Clievinl baw] turkey on the opening day. Miss Cath Dale an Vr WwW. W Fo
gi _—" wer daughter, Mr Clair Grubb, b LE Si 1 Tat} . ,
Wrtered at the Post Office in Centre Hab |... Merrill Walker, of Farmers Mills. n Whiteman, J. L.} Whit ander
oe » x i i : ge Nearson. each got tor Wednesd
Ae ond clase mall matter, She had not been Ir od health for \ n ¥ y
1 f six Ere) Lait iO th BlOnRr convention
than a ) her condition a : BEE i EY y nvention
THEMS ~The terms of subseription to ir haan do . pening day corge Goodhart hurch, returning Friday evenl:
"oe ".perter are $1.00 a year, im advance Crd Slo : Su at. the lin Sharer and Ory Shaeffer eac dmer Houtz and
held at
rx home on Thursday forenoon, and bur-} ">" XD Agha aa Sunday with WTS, Maly
yHE DEMOCRATIC TICKET, ial made at Bll. Rev, J. WW.) ro ny day em Mr. and Mra on Ant
Wagner, her » will have charge A report coms from the it] {a | Mis : Mary and achel Segner wers
For President of the U, 8. nM vices. . at several turkeys were killed on among the xcursionists t hd i
Hid GLY 5
FRED B. SMITH, of New York Mrs alker was well known al u 3 sect hin, Saturday
For Vice Fresident sere, the family havin lived on a 1 t f t p t . i (rs, H
‘ o able to YLT ti Of pits hunters. i nd Mrs, Xi. O
juS. T. ROBINSON, of Arkansas. rete pene : ) r Monday ev
For Congress Prank. of Merrdl, Farmers Celebrated 66th Birthday. : being the gentlemen WwWuo as Four out of five tele-
8. COSTELLO, MeKean County. |arine tread. Boalsburg: Mabel. Mrs.l Wednesday ening of ‘last = week) sisted Mr. Hosterman with the instal phones in Pennsvlvania
For Legislature Mair Gr yw Akron, Ohio: and Kerney,|] the six 5 birthday ry i b ! rs Ov ] ; th )
ANDREW CURTIN THOMPSON, State College. Two sisters an vol Mrs. Anni ro (1 county. are now on e storme-
Philipsburg rothers alse Survive the Meceassd celebrated at her home in Centre Hs Wi A ietkey Ju sullaring “Train defying telephone high-
= nal ¥ 11 Annie otter, mm, All of her cidldren 1 grandchildrer on BR i Oke ta og a > y - ’ ways
farm west of town about fourteen
The surviving children are
. . hio: J Mary Walker
Sunday Church Services Wil de eat font Heavy cable on short
¥ «SNS VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE pe aa Secegaed Wes Veils Was. Dea glLY q and al coral da last week - wit the sturdy poles protects
and 1 days. 7
(Bev, 8B. ¥. Greenhoe, Pastor) dsspdai bln inhiios , Amb, ’ : NH a com - io "| daughter, M Lee Brook Wt Spring vour calls to your out-of-
Farmers Mills—10:30 A. M. The mothor was also presented with hhe dh . .
Georges Valley, 2:30 P. M. IECKER.—I I. Stroheck-|a number of pretty and use ts me———————— fown friends, ~/
. - Hail 7:36 P 2 er, 1 ther of Wm. H. Strohocker of Ihe jest wore M { i n Birthday Party.
Centre Hall, 7:30 P. M. Centre Hall. died at the hom of his! y ohn D . nA i : aes Dependable!
TRINITY REFORMED Haven, on Wednesday ening ast i ford and en: P nd Mrs W eq on y evenin t oa
\ on i i i { n lines of Q
(Bev. Delas B, Keener, Pastor) ged yen oe suffered al¥H. Re tres i y . JESSE H. CAUM
Ce Hal . wit x mont i 14 TO . § i : i Manager
ntre Hall— ve i I i d ‘
1:30—Sunday School
3:30—Church Services.
Busse yville—
$:.80—Sunday School
10:30—Church Services.
(Bev, W. E, Smith, Faster.)
Bethesda—9:30 A. MM.
Bpring Mills—10:45 A.
Locust Grove—T7:30 P. M.
Revival meeting at 7:30 P. M.
pust Grove.
(Bev. J. M, Kirkpatrick, FPastor)
Centre Hall, 3:30
Lemont, 11
Pine Grove Mills
(Miss Sarah Ecroyd, Fastor.)
A RETURNED SOLDIER sald the boys in tl} trenches called
coolies “Arithmetic” bugs, because they ‘added mi , subtracted ANNIVERSARY SALE
from pleasure, divided atiention, and multiplied
Those “Arithmetic Bugs™ evide
invite your deposits. £3 A mR Ga A NS
RII | * le
Don’t Fail to Take Advantage.
THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK jit = os eosere sesscesee
1st —To provide the best and most wanted mer-
chandise at its lowest possible cost.
Miss Fl
Walker Cohen
Patient in
Oct. 15th
Harry Gr
eal patient,
son, of
mitted Ok
Masts }
adimtted Oct.
Mrs. Mary
John Keil
patient. dim harged 2nd--To provide for exchange and adjustment on
ker of Mrs Harry Astin: of Mies) ous Lone Si. Bear oyun the most liberal basis of justice.
purg. surgical patient, discharged O Pasty. 1 a —
anh. Ct te sh Fee eu po OAL tie advanced. age of 3rd--To guarantee wholly satisfactory service and
Mire uniformly faithful dealing.
Bical patient, dischargs t h LO res it « POS WO
Miss Beulah vrnish, laughter of] Passed away at Bel ie, io, 8 .
sits fn in wea wes | It heats like a furnace No store can offer MORE! None of the thous-
Oat. 10th, fal; vmchurged | from by funeral director : ands of satisfied customers who have consistently
Bp oy os nx soul Pep hae vk] 1 Tes fuilt like a furnace wrayer Si vey vend ASKS ware |
tient. ¢ title . 14t discharged | ve, from where funeral services wer . . . . .
or ao bel This sale will renew their faith in us--strengthen
Mise Lois Young, daughter of Henry| The deceased wos a son of Johna : their complete confidence, recreate an admiration
and appreciation that is the highest satisfaction
Young, of Pleasant i 1 cal ? } mn and engaged rm :
tient, admitted 17th Mdacharged | NE. Hy in Valley nearly all : »
Oct. 20th it Jia fe, M4 Lang. wioge et requires any successful institution can experience !
Mrs. Dorothea Blaney and infant | P2me was Miss Sophia Muaser,
Wife and child of Ralph Blaney, of] ®bout three years ago, and after
Bellefonte, discharged Oct, 18th he aged man made his home PP | cog). ase.
Miss Sarah Simmonds, daughter of] M8 Harvey Royer, a daughter, it nm . - > I h ] t d f
, . 2 " Bey !
; : 3 ave just returne rom ew
James BE. Sin nde, of Bellefonte. ad.] Wose home he died Beside Mrs. Roy- .
mitted Oct : discharged Oct er the children surviving him are Mrs It remained for the largest makers
Mra. Boyd Corl, of Bellefonte. R George W. Long, Penns Cave, Clem EF / ’ of heating equipment a the wold Y k th t 1 t 1 f
surgical patient, admitted Oct h. ent Long, Ciyde, Ohio; and John Long, . ’ to produce such a superior Cabinet or wi a mos comp e e ine 0
Dorothy Smith, aged 7 vears daugh-] Jersey Shore, this State, A brother, Heater ans the Sunbeam. In ap-
; hr pearance a fine piece of furniture,
ter of Harvey J. Smith. of Snow Shoe | Samuel Long, of Fremont, Ohio, and - . . r : ’
i ' : t ’ o xeeresl ¢ at 1 g .
surgical patient, admitted Oct, 18th; | ®#5t grand. and eighteen great-grand- : xu Prix iad Cabinet H fue WOMEN S & CHI DREN’
Mischarged Oct, 15th children also survive him. 3 i nace, be Sunbeam Cabinet Heater { 4 S
: heats the 5 to 7 room home, yet re-
Ray (reid Tr of THs het) + His exact age was 90 vears. one ’
Nery Stat Mery on i ie ' y we, a ’ é: quires no basement. It can be com-
Olaaie 1 nt, admitte wt
teal , 18, month andl 37 days, A sletely installed in less than an hour.
furgical patient —————— ————————. A i a eplaces two or more stoves,
Master N les im Pifer, aged 7 years, | Contributions for West Indies and ; i the Sunbeam has a heating unit
of Howard, head injury, kicked by a 3 : of the furnace type, built entirely
_e . Florida Hurricane Sufferers, : i
Borse; surgical patient a HERE of heavy-weight .cast iron. The
f ysis} * 3 w The follow ! ntributie re ] r +3
O Mrs. Joseph a of Peasant n qo amt oe " nt on were 5 fire pot alone weighs #8 § pounds, It . . 4
ap. surgical patier Admitted Oct. | Me in Centre Hall toward the relisf ; i will last a lifetime and will retain
29th; a ries t. 20th : Lu West Indies and Florida haurri- its heating efficiency and handsome rices to u ver 8 urse.
Frederick 8mith, son of ¢. J. 8mith | ¢20e sufferers, by the ganizations { ; appearance, indefinitely. :
of Belisfonte, surgical patient, admitted | PAmed: Lid his year, Sunbeam Quality talks
Oct, 16th Reformed Church veer 31273 ; 2 Price. You can now obtain this
Jesse Smith, aged 10 years, son of Presbyterian Church 7.64 $Y anil We i superior heating device at no greater
Resline Smith, of Milesbure, surgica Methodist Church Cevs 14.00 BE hema ctl cost than that of an inferior heater.
patient, admitted Oct. 20th. Afferan Church ........... 34.00 Increased demand and volume pro-
Master Kenneth Rachau A Cut ( y : y duction make this possible. Call -
) lachau, aged 10 ib 6.00 Ve can install a Sunbeam
years. son of Wm. Rachau. of Pleas: — i —— Cabinat Healer in vour and get the whole Sunbeam story ou owe it to yourse
On the inside pages of this {anue I
will be found the election proclamation to ook Around Be-
ant Gap, surgical patient, admitted home, in less than an hour,
ae May Stiodk. wife of C. F.8hook | ns jesued by the high sheriff of the
© ” png ita surgical patient for|county, H. B. Dunlap. The form con-
Past Ivo Nevk Siuchnirged Oct. 20th. | forms closely to the ballot that will be fore You Bu
. oie, a medical patient given you to vote on November 6th y.
for the past three weeks, :
Oct. 20th. wherever a slove con
Oct. 20th discharged | Take time to study it closely: mark
: . it and 0) 5 <i . u _ - . »
Mrs. John O'Nefl of State College, take it with you Into the booth. ’ RE ;
surgical patient, discharged Oct. 20th | TG
Raph Capparella, of Bellefonte, sur (Continued from previous column.)
gical patient, admitted Oct, 20th; dis |“ patient, admitted Oct. 21st. PRICE $ 5 Wh P M ? ee y
charged Oct, 22nd. Mrs, Charles Hazel, of Pleasant Gap, ’ 9 .00. y ay ore _ s )
Sovhia Gamola. aged 6, daughter of surgionl patient, admitted Oct. 22nd A r am
Fred Gomola, of Olarende, surgical pa. Mrs, Pauline and husband are rejole- - |
gient, discharged Oct. 22nd. ing over the arrival of a baby girl, T K HOSTER N & R 0 .
Chas. Cushion, aged 14, of Bellefonte | Porn Oct. 22nd. . T
A. D.. step-son of George Drogan, med.] Harry Boyer, of Bellefonte, surgionl - R- in DEPA M N
fenl pationt, adimtted Oct. 21st. patient, admitted Got. 22nd. Reliable Hardwarefand Service ’
op Att Robert Bohn, aged 12, son}, Anna Tonalio, aged 12, of Pleasant
Charles Bohn, of State College, sur- | “oP, surgical patient, admitted Oct, 22, i i i
of Charles Bohn, of State Collewe; ip. mirgloal pi out, Smitiod Oot, 32 Heating, Plumbing and Electric Wiring
George Whoads, of Coleville, surgl-|¥ical patient. admitted Oot. 22nd. MILLHEIM
ov nn tee et Miss Iva Irvin, of Unionville, ad:
|, (Continued on mext column) mitted Oct. 23, as surgical patient,
Si —— — Ss — SR ——————