The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 27, 1928, Image 3

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y Woman (Can
Look Stylish
Most stylish-looking women are just
“good managers.” They know simple
ways to make last season's things con.
form to this season's styles,
Thousands. of them have learned
how easily they can transform a dress,
or blouse, or coat by the quick magle
of home tinting or dyeing. Anyone can
do this successfully with true, fadeless
Diamond Dyes, The “know-how” Is in
the dyes. They don’t streak or spot
like inferior dyes. New, fashionable
tints appear like magie right over the
out-of-style or faded colors. Only Dia-
mond Dyes proddce perfect results,
Insist on them and save disappoint-
My new 64-page
“Color Craft,” gives hundreds of
money-saving hints for renewing
clothes and draperies. It's Free. Write
illustrated book,
Plamend Dyes, Burfinton Yermont,
Take Your Choice
Mrs. Belle de Rivera, whe founded
the City Federation of Women's clubs,
sald In New York the other day:
*Pro-administration papers give our
unemployment figures as very small,
Anti-administration papers on the
other hand run them up Into mil
“It reminds me of the two Ger
mans lunching on bran and near
beer in a Berlin restaurant during the
World war.
= 1 see you're reading that Social.
ist sheet, Vorwaerts, said the older
German. ‘I always read the Imperial-
istic Tageszeitung myself. It gives
ever so many more victories.’ "—De-
troit Free Press,
Not So Bad
Mr. Huggins—I consider the use of
a lipstick a display of bad taste.
Miss Peachblow-—But the kind I use
is Ravored with white rose. Try It.
sot the standard. If you paid
MEN, WOMEN--100% mert in your
attractiveness, charm henult Suis -
teed, imple sclentifie method, based
ern I "Frau, fy Plain anvelo
7. BANM, Box 3 TR i
HEREFORD STOCKERS, calves, yparlings,
fow twos Well bred, each bunch’ uniform
in size, Anxious to sell before October 1 8B,
Sell a Household and OfMce necessity.
eo profits and easy seller. Repeats. Write
The Willard Co, 73 73 Cornhii, Boston, Mass,
10 a tracts,
Stocks mer mer
easy terms
Poultry Farms,
or will trade for
aa value. Writs
WwW. Ashley at, Jac vi fog
Fajee thai, w,
ant (3 Mail +4 high as $10
Frias Toa ie dors, 92 WESTERN
com, Cx Is Guaranteed to remove
i, Chiou, WARTS, or
Hr Fry Avenue, Now York City,
AT HOME HOME, ana wom:
or nen and #
on on arin 1 money under
name at
for full particular Nh cont 8,8 ones
pO-124 Peart treet - NY
i — ————
WwW. NU, BALTIMORE, NO. 33-1028.
Frocks Taking on
Two Waistlines
New Fall Fashions Change
to Conform With Na-
ture’s Silhouette.
A few years ago we tried to be boy-
Ish. Now, as each new season ap-
proaches, there is proof that girls,
after all, must be girls. Soft-textured
materials, collars, draperies and even
softer hair cuts indicate that the fall
styles will be more appealingly femi-
nine than ever, says Jane Warren
Wells in the Farm and Fireside.
For some time walstlines have been
trying to tighten—not to the wasp
waist but to conform with nature's
silhouette. Frocks, In order to make
the change gracefully, are taking on
two walstlines—one at the point where
we were accustomed to seeing it, and
another slightly higher. Bolero frocks
and tiered walistifnes both help us to
necept the new waistline without feel-
ing a radical change.
The smart basque lines for evening
admits a more slender walstiine, This
combined with the irregular hemline
gives a dress resembling the fashions
of long ago. Some of the new sleeve
less party frocks are made to wear
for afternoon as well, They have a
long-sleeved jacket of matching mate
Blouse Effect Affords Attractive Fea-
ture in Fall Frock,
rial to be worn with them for less
formal occasions,
Many of the sports dresses achieve a
slender effect by fitting quite snag at
the top of the hips. Two snap fasten
ers at each side are sometimes used
to pull the dress more closely. This
produces the slightest suggestion of
a blouse effect, just enough to express
a new fashion subtlety.
Spea‘ting of sleeves, fashion is mere
exacting than ever that they should fit
perfectly. The shoulder line is shorter
and the top of the sleeve 115° the
shoulder curve with precise grace,
For several seasons past too many
have depended upon a woecklace or
strand of pearls to make severe neck-
lines becoming, These will continue in
favor, but fashion has relented some
what in regard to collars and encour
ages soft folds of fabric Im Ivory or
flesh color for the neckline. These
not only make the dress more becom:
ing but give a trig fresh look.
Moire Is Being Shown
for New Evening Wraps
Moire is being shown by both
French and American modistes in ev.
ery type of evening wrap. One
brought from the Paris ateller of Mag.
daleine des Hayes is of the dolman
shape. It has a wide girdle, placed
very low, to lift the wrap into a
bloused effect In an upward move
ment toward the front. To this Is
attached a circular flounce, dipping
sharply at the back, rippling all
around and ending with a large chon
of the - moire placed at the opening
in front.
Transparent velvet in violet mauve
is made in a coat dolman, which also
has a flaring bottom and a scarf
about the neck,
The bolero jacket, with and with
out sleeves and covered solidly with
polished sequins, which Cheruit In-
troduced a year ago, is much in vogue
for wear with tulle dance frocks, and
is being shown in vivid colors, gold
and black,
Collars Framing Head
Appear in Fall Mode
Paris openings Indicate a preference
for such furs as broadtail, mink, seal
and karakul in entire coats, and for
gheared lamb, karakul! and nutria,
when used for trimming.
The Thebaut fur group emphasizes
broadiail in various shades. The feel
ing for color variation appenrs also In
seal, where the golden brown tone Is
favored. Collars frame the head,
standing upright in a fashion sugges
tive of the Medici lines.
Jane Regny approves the fur-ined
coat, employing muskrat to line beige
tweed on a coat finished with man.
nish collar and lapels of beaver. This
couturiere Indorses flat furs for coat
Contrasting Plaits Add
an Interesting Feature
In designing the trim street frock
above the Woman's Home Companion
fashion expert took a hint from Paris
where many of the dresses show a
group of plaits extending from the left
shoulder to below the skirt hem. This
detail has been used as a means of
introducing a contrasting color or per.
haps two tones of one-color and this
has Its practical side for you may
choose the most flattering tone in that
section of the dress coming nearer
your face.
excellent choice for this frock al.
though the design lends itself admira.
bly to silk or poplin or a combination
of materials such as rep and satin,
On Rearing Children
w * v
Compiled by the Editors of "CHILDREN,
The Magasine for PARENTS”
can learn te let certain things alone,
and should do so, but there should be
many things within reach that
does not need to let alone,
Happy, well-directed activity is the
secret of pood behavior both in
school and In the home.
lemember that your adolescent me
quires self responsibility as well
fellowship. Some parents force them.
selves on their children and defend a
mischievous, distrastful
calling it fellowship.
The modern youngster is
from every hearing of su
ghosts or bogey-men,
po terrors for him. From the day of
his birth he has been put to sleep,
quietly and alone, in the comfortable,
soothing dark. No one has ever hint
ed to him that he might feel other
wise home in the dark,
suggested that it holds mysterious ter
rors. And low in. behold,
up without ever once displaying this
“instinctive” and “hereditary” fear!
From thelr early years encourage
your children to talk freely about the
things that happen to them. This will
help you understand them and will
save them from unnecessary suffering
due to hesitancy in bringing you their
In assigning work at home to the
children, each Individuals tempera-
ment and natural inclinations should
be taken into mnccount. There are
sedentary jobs and active jobs, jobs
that require concentration and jobs
that require speed. An older child
with sensitive nerves should be ex-
empt from the trying care and disch
pline of smaller and noisier chlidren.
Cooking comes under creative work.
The oldest son may discover that
“eooking Is just like chemistry, only
you eat it." Toast-making requires
concentration and should be assigned
to a stable member of the family.
Occasionally a mother Is so unwise
as to tell a child that the teacher will
get even with him for all his sins
“You needn't think you can behave
this way when you get to school,” she
says, “the teacher won't stand for it.”
She may even go further and describe
the dire things the teacher will be apt
to do. Such a mother is usually
amazed If you point out to her that
her child's unsuccessful start in school
~<his reluctance to go, and the dim.
culty he catsed after he got there—
was the direct outcome of her own
way of presenting school to him, She
probably did not expect to be taken
seriously, but the child who is enter:
ing 4n unknown realm has no way of
discounting what is told him about it.
It is just as possible to present
school to a child +8 a place where
learning will be a Joy and life will be
full of | terest and enthusiasm, whe e
the teacher will be a new and helpful
adult friend, and the children delight.
ful playmates, The child who enters
school in this spirit has at least a fair
show of finding what he Is looking for.
Indeed, unconsciously he helps to cre
ute the school atmosphere he has
been led to expect.
(©. 1928, by Children, the Magarine for Parents)
Hotel Men Very Much
Law Unto Themselves
The queerest hotel in Britain Is now
closed, It was In a viliage near Bury
St. Edmunds, and though it was fully
licensed no traveler could quench his
thirst there. Nor could he get food or
auy kind of accommodation, The own-
er was a rabid teetotaller who adopted
this method of asserting his principles,
In the end the justices refused to re-
new the license. They came to the
conclusion that the public had no need
of an inn which never opened its
At a small Devonshire inn the food
and accommodation are good, but the
landlord refuses to allow his clients
more than three drinks a day. He
declares that three drinks are enough
for anyone, and his plan seems to
work very well,
Gamblers Found Firm
Believers in Jinxes
Friday is widely a day of rest ainong
the city’s gamblers, It is a “bad-luck
day” and many who live by thelr wits
will not bet a nickel on the color of
their garters. It Is also near the end
of the week and many are broke.”
Gamblers shun “Friday money,”
chase black cats, and give generously
to street beggars—particularly the
blind. Among followers of “the
luck to lend pencils
and racing forms. Card men some-
times refuse to sit down if their fa-
vorite seat is occupied.
Several of the city's hustlers carry
a rabbit's foot and most of them own
“lucky coins.” They have faith in the
luck-bringing virtues of rings and
other Jewelry. One refuses to touch
a card unless he is wearing a favorite
shirt. —Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,
Into Milk of Bossy
If Bossie’'s milk hasn't any iodine
in it this important substance may be
put into her milk by feeding her a
ration that contains lodine, according
to experiments carried out at the agri-
cultural experiment station at Wooster,
Theoretically, milk contains
Practically, it does not always. Potas
sium lodine, calcium lodide and a sea-
weed were féd to cows in the experi
ment, cows had produced milk
jodine, but the addition of
in any of the above forms
the appearance of this sub
In sections where the feeds are rich
fodine the milk contains small
in sections where the feed Is poor in
the milk
fed supplementally.~Kansas
A woman laughs In her sleeve every
his hat.
Keep to the right and you'll never
Keep Cool this Summer
Keeps mother out of the kitchen ™™
11s up hungry children,
Pleases everyone- Good for all,
TRISCUIT- The between meal wheat wafer
If you want to grow hair
on your bald head, save
the hair you have, stop
falling hair, dandruff, etc.,
write for literature and
W. H. FORST, Mfg.
Scottdale, Penna.
One of the sadde st “disiilusionme nis | In charity the re is 1 no excess, neither
is to go back and find your homesick can angel of man come in danger by
ness wasn't worth while. it.—Bacon,
Cuticura Does Much
For Hair And Skin
For promoting and maintaining beauty
of skin and hair Cuticura Soap and
Ointment are uncxcelled. The Soap is
pure and cleansing, ideal for every- ~-day
use, while the Ointment is soothing
and healing to irritations which, i
neglected, might become serious.
Bosp We. Ointment 2 and She, Talewm He Sold
everywhere. fampls each free “Orliows
Address |
DE Citrus Shaving Stick 25.
Blazing the Trail
In his forthcoming aerial expedi-
tion to the Sot pole, Captain Wik
kins will make of flame-throwers,
were em ployed during the
war, to melt the masses of Ice.
In this way he will make a tract
from which the airplane can rise, thus
overcoming of he greatest diff
ar flig
Circus Gossip
ket What's the excite
ment over in the sideshow?
Tent Man—The fat woman Is lost,
Want American Ideas
An association of German architects,
promoting an exhibition under the
name of “The New Kitchen” has
asked American producers of kiteh-
enettes to use the exhibition to show
Germany some of the latest American
ideas of household efficiency.
such as
< rt Be Done
“1 tell my girl | her with all
my heart.”
“Well? Tie
“Aw, tells me love is purely
cerebral.” —Loulsville Courier-Journal.
culties of Pol
we? SIX
1043, Sedan $1003 kl
rE a =
O00 Randerar
Experienced motorists are
quick to appreciate
the world’s lowest priced
Six, with T-bearing
[iesds W770