THURSDAY, SE ~ — f THE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED" WEEKLY, RII RRR Ee a CENTRE HALL, PENNA. mm pin SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors, WwW. SMITH, Editor. E. BAILEY, Associate Editor and Business Manager, sesm— 8, BOW, N Satered st the Fost OMice in Centre EBay #0 ssssnd clase mall matter, SREMS. The terms of subseription (vu he Reporter are $1.00 a year, in advance ADVERTISING RATES. — Legal potices fmealy cents per line for three insertious, Bnd ten cents per line for each additions) fBsertion Socal notices aceompsnying display ad: pertisements, five cents per Une for each fasertion; otherwise, elght cents per llne; gislmom charge, twenty-five cents. Display advertising rales made known #» application. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. —— THE 8. Xo For President of the U, ALFRED E. SMITH, of New For Vice President ROBINSON, of Arkansas. rk. JOB, T. For Congress T BE. COSTELLO, MeKean County. Legislature THOMPSON, psburg Sunday Church Services FENNS VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE (Bev, 85. ¥. Greenboe, Faster) For CURTIN Pil ANDREW Hall- Harve Services, Centre Rally: Day and Home A. Spring Mills, 2:30 P. M. Tussey ville, 7:30 P. M. 10:30 M. — TRINITY BEFORMED ~ (Bev. Delaa BRB, Keener, Pastor) Lentre Hall— #:80—S8unday School 7:30 Harvest Home Services. ing Mills— :30—Sunday School 2:3 Home 0— Harvest Services, Farmers Mills— $:30 Sunday School 10:3 Harvest Home Services. EVANGELICAL (Bev, W. E, Smith, Paster.) Lemont—10:30 A. AM. Tussey ville, {Har Home Centre Hall METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Bev, ©. E. Hazen, Pastor) At BANDEN HALL, (Mis¥ Sarah Ecroyd, Pastor.) = t Linden Hall Sunday Wes a E OF BRYAN. igs Bryan THE VOI im WIN sam ind every Protest » Church, tyr's blood of ts ong went A great to 1 million Klansmen The Jows not lution They have al F.lisha who the mountain greater than a Klans. The C the House of great charactors for respect for the #® not in vain Jew and Gentile, OC and Pro testant stand for God, on whom ail religion rests, and Protestant and Catholic stand for Chalet, It Is pos- gible that now, when Jesus—-the hope of the 1a needed thar helare—it at his in are to redigi you will with its legacy of rnd line of into ev with the testimony missionaries who ova ¢ is party lect from do need this reso Elijah. and they ew b have dr vealed upon invisible Ku Church have 80) wk curta and re the in n hast Kiux and their plead tops thousand ttholie Ismael tod YY m whose who pleading it Hokie LOT more vet s possible that this great land, warfare? time, have Are blaze that may yiid ing fo start a i o¢ nnumerablesiives { the =nitar of holieve it: sacrificed on prejudice? 1 God forbid: 1 eall e& name of our religiou Cann you hack in tl I call you back Bon of God and World. Christ let got ind save the world from materialism that robs jife of its spiritual values, Ban jh the “Hymns of Hate.” our song must be “Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love” party t hes he the stop fighting n name of of Saviour nns, together the un Democrats who profess to the principles of the dead Demo: jaration, as above quoted. Those who have not read it need the en- fightenment it conveys; those who | have need to be reminded of Its | undeniable truth. After ten years of hostility to the farmers, Herbert Hoover now proposes in ten weeks to convince them of his Ariendship. Potter died home of in Cen- living for cold later the POTTER. —Robert Henry Sunday morning at the w. Harry W, Potter, where he had been He Weeks an his nephe tre Hall a year on ra tha pneumon took a heavy and two. two BEO, which death the Consider $50 Saving BEFORE YOU BUY A WASHER HERE ARE SOME OF THI FEATURES: LEADING Smooth, pressed aluminum tub, Highly All-Metal rolls polished aluminum asgliator. Weringer with semi-balloon H. hearings P. El ang cirie Motor. High grade '; Self-olling COArs, Entirely enclosed mec] hes P heautiul cok anism. Double walls to Finished In for Come In and see this new remarkable washer the frst chance you gel. There's no obligation, “Ble 3” SPEED QUE Aluminum Washer. THE HOSTERMAN & STOVER CO. Electrical Equipment and Supplies MILLHEIM C. WM. BOOZER, Local Dealer Centre Hall ir Jorg 1/4 fy Miles, an © ny Tagg;