— ~ VOL. CII. 0, 1928, | PRESIDENT OF DAIRYMEN'S LEAGUE ON TARIFF FOR FARMER SEPTEMBER COURT JURORS. { | - * 55tl Annual Encampment and Fair Is Truly “Biggest Ever” { * Mr. New They Per to Tells 1.500 That What Increased th 16 Sexauner York * HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTERESY FROM ALL PARTS, Farmers Has Heen Whereas Is 65 . Protection PROGRAM~THURSDAY. Only Per Cent, . The official program for Thursday is as follows . om 10:00 A. M.—~Conecert hy Mileshurg Band. mers . 1:80 P. M.—Coneert by Mileshurg Band. . 2:00 P, M.—Address—Grange In Pennsylvanla—~HON, E, B. DORSETT, Master Pennsylvania State Grange. . 2:80 P. M.—Address—The Relation Rural Communities—W, HARRISON WALKER, 3:00 P. M.—Base Ball Game—Wlnners ners of Wednesday's 6:30 P. M.—Band Concert hy 8:00 P. M.—Auditorium-—Logan of Kiwanis and Serviee Clubs to HBallefonte, of Tuesday's Game vs, Win. Game, Mileshurg Band, Grange Players, 11 he A r ihrer Greg ased only 15 per « ¢ x ‘ vio lave cars to show to you John Mever an mother Mrs. De Leedsville, H. head of the Workman's In Fund, partimsd and Industry, ill P abor Abort Dewey, also be given and Ceont- “ef stay Mary 40 Pr / Rrate TRAVERSE JURORS for the first week 24th; laborer rles Neff and Adam is that | Charl Odenkirk, Mrs. Bamuel A. agree It and Falr all its Includ- having to do Everytl is clean- Eating Ve On one thing we all the Grange Ene on has never been equ fifty-five years ing the camp, evervthing with the is dolled er, and that is stands in the been improved so now entirely out o are no longer change forced untary duly it no for better mi now impment ntember iin of oy SON PRO, pentiemian “y y “ + in ard Agel Thomas illard nit eats 3 * Xgonm faring of € Nee, make reunion New Berlin and vivia Grenoble fair is Spyker, up. The prettier Niump, Floyd tie, Earl Jacob Kel faker saving two years h much that they f the old class and " Yisrepute This past ire : and Because Gt ent tad i BELLEFONTE is probably largely to Bi Harry Alte regulations rather move. The 4owly protected under a gil and 1 than weiner frame as Farmers have the 8s $4 » 8 and fruits § wr Jodon. N. 8. Jon J. 1. 3 Poorman, Mrs venders’ stands are farj, ; . Shuey, Edward s.zzles, candie ounging and The Appearance longer flies Rweetwood, friends yy. Mr. Cen eter of thelr ror in n some wholesome All have artistic, and ean and Inviting it them different Several from ward Rhone Harvey W. Fink . * » RAT nt * - I.ecoch's this ‘CENTRE HALL TO CONTINTE WINS: ELIGIBLE FURTHER PLAY. on wwoss of ely Eos ¢ ne will I ron nd Thursday cess—in clothing : LLHEDY r Ivde Boob olen § pro 0" ya 3 8 al fove Mm nlwill be g hetween bay's 1fte Recital at Pine Grove Mills rt # vir #3 i. . f yd the 3 Thi i # i i NUrsd the 3 Inesdas today | § . . : He he ing “lim bitor r ers as The exhibitin hogs ahifte inged, artis them event of tos {Wed nead a wil prog will ary pron ' a TE pons 19 ! J i d i ia q « % wi ¢ . § Pr rirviat $a i § 5 sheen 2a posl i a ; 3 - i IR I 34 : na Instrumental mus wet : npan yi IX EH Beatrice White d Mis E And 'RE HALL Pianists “ 3 » Feotterold of horses Jonger ut igh as ted to well ar Pel inv ati 1 sna asem the reIDON Emery. Martz, ¢ Crawford, Lutz, 1b H Oroas, Durst, 2% Raiiber, 3H Keller, If animals pear and act Aside inces axhibition ngrel thay on tO realize m l | Three-Day Insp ection Trip to Penn State Agricultaral School Farmer-banker.-county nm for a no part from automobiles ¢ Most na ht 0 bd OS ea jectri seom agent p communily of a ¢ Pennsylvania hool and week-end by committee a and | MoCLURE ea i Bdward i their "key agricoltural ad- | R Kline 3b the kitchen ald] prise « ROY Be Mrs Mar eh 1 { van Sifin. . Attending the omvention A Bele, If teil 1a hd ht of A n h : E GROVE MILLS Mrs Mary Moy-|Goires 1 Tate. ia Spring | from Centre county were N. #2. Robb.|E Goss. 1 raught with danger. Theret EAL Sec'y-Tregasurer Beliofote Trust Co D 0 a Yes if Bankers n ot Agr { L Ebright Albert rf P Honell 1{be de Edward Birnge, 2h f ! ) | Bellefonte he pure] iP. Duck farm in Brush Valley, on which i farm onve The price paid was $7.500 pes] CAVE ta located school house, and wrth of the State highway ym Centre Hal} to newspaper re- { ports are Ha contents considerable sum of vements Mrs Louis ~~ ung girl as Mise She here now and two Jovely and Helen The in Watseka. Iroquole abort eighty miles COOP - ag threes pi anpliances are and a tomatic egg « A dozen In a measjen v Fo 10 of sections of the State while from guard wtion ie of {h0- ont fo hifi equally uly se ire, Sure n against oN sucresstul COYor in SY) ¥% % "ol sw 4 fiture Xeynote pide of rs the wh other see antineds ins 8 | experiment tation last of State #13 bes qTVeY Harvey Frank 1 > of Shuey Stat Whitehi] sw ral - » dealers Totals electri refrigerators sha 4 ous perouialors discloses members the isenhath it ng uitural E Martin Stover wringers, machines lankers Assen al in on bankers toasters, heating pads ers, automatic rons, with multit: elactrik heater Niella ite ide o 5 a Boker, p ENNSYLVANIA Paterson, Mrs Bd nik PH water * Assy and oH Na banker” | member Penna aitural the Roker wu Honell, of FURNACE a Mra Mery nD Ruth dryer, tor house Hrils pumps. automatic milk "dairy. clipping shearing machines mounted farm exe cooker, drink mixer, lighting plants for the home. 4 Large Tent The largest tent list in the of the Grange Encampment and Fair fs given out by the association this week. When the number of tent hold- ers listed below is multiplied by five a falr average of occupants to a tent— some denn may be had of the number tenting on the park this week The camping feature contives to prove tHe most pleasing feature of the fair. and yearly the demand for tents grows. In many. instances where the home m Fghting afawe ciation L tions Committees First “key . json be Fra PORT Helen M Pri: Woodris SUNBURY Mra mick Mr © aoyd Palmer REBRERSBIURG J erly. 8 I. Gephart AARONSBIURG Mrs Charies Waife TYRONE Mrs ine Moora ALTOONA baffle, Mr Snyder MILEBSBURG — Mra ise Bessie Johnson ZION John Eby. John Hoe in HOWARD Mrs Minnie Hoy Samne! A M Waoomer NITTANY J of Hab vu G Centre county is to Haupt. of the Frank - cashier the ATILID» Ha oy % J | deen { LH Harry William Ebbs Mrs Miraha Mrs P B Ve A * 3 y oes ba % sani, {entire 1h a mond Peaches, start Centra The of sedentif the fact that county ow f far a { fo and motors milkers ge « bankers saw and lsarned enough agricuture bring proper feeding and ter breading can become the means turning a failing or indifferent farming community into a success The | State officials and banker ag- riculturists highly successful in { "meiling” Pennsylvania bankers on the | soundness of scientific methods urged i by agricultural colleges “1 have seen enough they do old of only {it at State College to convince me that Cantre he can get back to the the of the principles of i agriculture ia the way to bet Harrisburg ter farm conditions in this county, Mr, old BEbeight continued. He sald that y Poa king BEiberta rd. Peaches They any me Ww expect Monday lower to vic H B 8 Harro! J. B MoeKiane ¥ Me Mrs located, The the 5 how Sept to home Totals 4 4 7 2 the ia undevel Murray A will be in price this Tyost taken out of the Orchard Ha located of Middleburg BHAMBACH ASM AAI The Hon tioneering for a Year cn be near time aoiith county 1% — RALPH R W at Hackenberg Harter, Mrs V. Brungart Ww. J JM Bus for Transporting Paplis, the List. Bi Tig 3 ies to i rik wdin It Mr os | for 14 oontract > Pw 2 Morris Bohn secured for transporting school children to the new consolidated school to be opened fext month at Coburn, in Penn town ship. He will use a Chevriat truck with a body buflt especially thn York Body Company. The three seats running lengthwise give the bus a ¢ pacity forty. Entrance and exit will be from the front. The door is in cone trl of the by means of 12 lover. There is also an emergency door Istory .; Madisonbureg true, investing Lmoney for Impre College 0. D. Bbwerts, Kather wore mt Frank Herman WM { plates a Zeigler, Asher Stahl K Me Robert John Laird Holmes ls elec third that if he is succdesful term. belleving by 3 Sixteen aor 1 years ago here nn Wi Aonie Fdmiston Lloyd Rmith Mrs, Clyde Hockman, of how wr © eft Bertha MoCormick with her husband daughters, Dorothy family i= located county, IMinois in breaking up ys the custom two terms in p appifcation ol Miles Bartley, Mrs county woken tifiv Hoy, W, B® Corman Clarence Yeariek 8 Condo, Alta in operator Like the General | Assembly fas Yearick, | often as he fikea saying one management is unable to supply tenis, individuals bring their own, paying a ground rental Below we give a list of the holders and their home address: CENTRE HALL--I M. Arney, A Aller Y. A Aosman, © DD. Bartholomew, George Benner, Mrs, Id, 1. Bartges and Mrs. Della Reiber, Robert Bloom, Shan non Booger and William Bradford, Milton iradford, D. WW, Bradford, Paul Brad ford, Mrs, W. PF. Bradford, Grace Bmith and Mrs. Clyde Smith, J. © Brooks, Jowett Rrooks, Richard Brooks Cleve RN srongart, John Buarkbholder, Morris Burk. holder, Harry Burris and Ray Sharer, William Colyer, Mrs Harvey Dwvker, John Delaney, T. F. Delaney, Ralph Din. ges, Mrs. Alice Durst. Mrs John Durst and Mrs. Wm. MeClenahan, Mrs John Dutrow, Claude Dutrow and Daniel Colyer, Mrs. George Emerick, C F. Em. ery #3. A, Bungard, Mrs. Wm, Fetterolf, George Fetterolf, Mra Frank Fisher and Wm, ¥, Keller, Kryder Frank, Harry Fye, Roy Garbriek, Frank Geary, Frank Good hart, James Goodhart, Bamuosl Gross, tent- Ralph Wagan, George Heckman, John Hackman, Mre. Luey Henney and Wilbur Henney, Mrs. Henry Homan, Wm. H. Homan, Stella Hosterman, John Knodrr, | Mra. George Long, Mra Clement Luse, | BMrs. Milford Luse, Perry Luse, Harry! MeClenaban, Thomas Moore, Dr. Hugh | Morrow, Clarence Musser, Mrs. Mary Neft,' Peck Brothers MADISONBU ROG-Liloyd Wert, Mary Swarts MILROY Mee Morris Nale, Cora Ripka PHILLIPSBURG 0, 6 Fink, C FLEMING Howard Miles MISCELLANEOUS Mra H Closkey, Mackeyville: Dr Geog Mayview: Mra Carrie Hoe keg? Brownsville: Mre Verna varre, Oblo: Katherine K ton: Mrs I. W Alma Rickert Adams Renovo: Hall: Charles Vv, Willlamuport: BA Rev. Charles Cathe Frank Pecht, Yeag Riglerviile: Contre § ganization: P. O | Houser, Bollefonte: | Mark: Willlam Wa Heoexbandg, Fleming Miller, Charles Long, Adalene Vv. Pink, Me Fearick, TY, Wost =ighley, Na imerer Logan ook Haven: Mrs all: Mrs RW, Manck, Mill i: A L Bloom. onachy, Lewistown an, Gettysharg ; Mrs own; Warren Stull, ounty Republican Or. of A: Mrs Frank I. Wilson, Warriors fn, Runville: Elner The Homan Motor (% Hall. announces it has takh oy for the sale of the Bosch’ Jestic Radios and radio suppl io® ask prospective radio purchasers consult with them before making a contract, More definite announce: ments will appear later, ny the agen. Centre ROCs, ~it’s the third term that's the hardest ( PEEVE tree andohg Ls your hands for life. 5 A i I RA A Those religious zealots who are op- posing the lection of Alfred E. Smith because of his religion received no en: couragemnt in the acceptance speech of Herbert Hoover. He condemned ine toleranos of that kind in one of the strongest declarations of his whole ad dress. His Quaker ancestors were per: seciuted for their beliefs Hera they sought and found religious Hberty. The Puritans who settled Massachusetts, the Catholics who settled Maryiand, and the Quakers who founded Penn syivania, all came here for that pur pose. Our Constitution guarantees ev ery person the right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conmience, AA I A RO I. ohn L. Holmes ever aid n't been told third the number of hens in the United could be made. to produce the number now preduces if at is paid to breeding. In the me way. the number of cows could ¢meduced to fifty per cent, for some farmers pay as high as $50 a year in free board for the privilege of milking some low producing cows, he aid Sheep. swine and farm crops also need careful selection. “More than 100 bankers represent. ing every county in the State were at thig State College conference,” sald Mr. "We came away feelihg that ora is In wight for Pennsylvanh Iture. These bankers are plan- to call their fellow bankers to- in each county and tell them we saw and learned on this trip Collese is performing a wonder: Feervice not only for farmers bul nll people of the Commonwenith d by urging closer application of tho collage recommendations, our commun: ity agriculture oan be wonderfully im- proved.” OA The Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year. at the rear The truck 262 inches; length ovarall has a jength on sides and rear ventilat winss windows may be easily opened for sents a good appearance, The chassis was taken te York Company saesman, where: the was fitted to day. A ———————— Cows Sell High, A cartoad of twenty-gix head of m cows, offered by T. BE. Jodon, last figure of $166.00. The brought $207.50, and two “high” crowd present. and auctioneer Smith disposed of the Bad in order, C—O MS (Henn Rogers was in Centre Hall Thursday on business pertaining the public schools of in and ion hast {ich Pri tow lant to south of Chicago visit here since she js enjoying and equipped nois town Cintes where center of her life ing a bit of the rema canning factory grt. Andrew is at Bessemer, and fire children are fonts, Wore ways than band is a contra and family of = went to Camden, and from there Centre Hall hotel. This is her first and although her wel} home in the Tile her husband f= ene company, is the It will be interests inder of the Mo-Cor He is married and in Alabama, i a ovil engineesr, idolized by tho pase giving of children. Il. Her hose and builder Dot also for himself The Kiser family New Jersey, by rail came here as atte tor X