be EEA — oa LL ts THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA, - — a . fe ————— LOCAL AND PERSONAL 8 Baney, of Spring Mills, pur-] FARM PRICE TREND MARRIAGE LICENSES. Land Mrs chased a new Dodge Standard-8 through - a res bk . —— i - ; ~ . . » i pp AL i the Hagan agency, Centra Hall DENY G. 0. 1} APP} Frederick W. Rider Mrs. A. J. Shook and niece, Miss T ’ Frida Tom" E. Jodon — Orifia KE. Baley, i.. Bellefonte | Mr. and Catharine Hosterman Spring Mills, omulrow (1385) n Bz eek Mire, BE were business callers at this office on } Saturd: Hoomdg Bellefonte | Bellefonte Producers, Denled Surplus Control, See Wm, E. Mensch Barah A Luck will hold another cow ale at his Pleas- Bunbury | Jack Smith Is the f Selinsgrove | Freanora af Halifnx at the Kuhn h » {jenrge Wr a ‘ Cr ir Hepublican appeals fog the farm 1eOrE ¥y Bauder ere Fleming { while returne 1 Virginia Moore Julian | vale on the strength of large crop { . i Usual Blow In Large Crops. autionear Mra Lucy Henney has from the city with a nice selection of Miss Hattle Hogkman, of Philadel phia. who dr ove. here ten days (go, took with her her sister, Mrs, B. Gard- Akron. Ohio .. Howard | ‘ ; Clarence 1. are sinking in out bevond the Mig-| chve . Far ' Virginia Weber . , fall millinery, moderately irvdced, which | are not ner Orove, and after entertaining her f MAN ae } : . : y see before] Sissippd, and especially in the north % she asks you to come in the city for, a week brought her back to Centre Hall on : - . . from that section of the country who ey . tb M1 ind Mrs. ( A. Bauer and ifttle . ‘ . A number of ring-neck pheasants . og are dropping in at National Democratic hav been placed in son. of Wilkinsburg, came here for a nave een LUO i *§ owesst territory, according to visitor Howard Marion making your purchases elsewherd, Bhlegre ... “sais York Hartsock Bellefonte | ort Andrew. G. Knatlck .. Bellefonte | nme eens — PE Busanna TT. Letisco .. «Bellefonte | reer ors The Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year PIANOS ie Do A 2 Electrical Contracting The wvndersigned Is prepared to do ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING OF ALL KINDS # headquarters, Thes« visitors re vief stay with Mrs, Bauer's parents . 1 . . uy Fees o . . that with wheat bringing from 70 he . ay . . \ They brought with them Margaret] .. hy :. .. cattte —— Lu species near Bellefonte by wards , . \ i had iO cents at country elevators with ” 8 HC #. Bauer's sister, who h : ens. They had been tush J Bradiord, Mis, auer A miter, Who na BOALSBURG ITEMS, ’ i ia been with the Bauers since the close . : a : township game refuge fo 4 limite 0g anak ofits. the farmers are again facing the Mildred and Ernest Davideon, of Mil of he public schools as spring i ’ time. ] effects of a situation that they have roy, spent part of last week ft i Rev, and Mrs Ww. OC Dunlap, of { been trying to correct though the en- Snyder-Rishel home : On Wednpsdiy GRANDS -_ UPRIGHTS Reading. have bx PLAYERS Tuned - Adjosted - Repaired Reasonable Terms Prepared to furnish all kinds of aooom Mal Excellent Workmanship en Work guaran ‘ y COniorm WRITE OR CALL. with “egulations laid down by the confronted by any other industry. No-| ~° RSL nt 2 Tim " Underwriter's Association and U Ray M. Bartges, COBURN, PA. Phone 34-R-13 POPOL I EPPO P POOL IESPIIPP Seer SOCIIIes about Philipsburg and ff prospects for bl-cent corn and ZX-cent ¥ The committe on Grange exhi from Progress $40 TL ATE POQUESTS n imping mn | nctment of legislation during the last!they enjoved a motor trip to Alloona > > > Grange Park since hursdagy if jast] seven years, Members Oo Ww exhibits . 3 : . than Mon week and will remal there until after One of the arguments of the corn the close of the f Mrs. Wm. Meyer recently visited at the Charles Stover home in Miitheim § { Dunlap] belt farm organizations in favor of George Homan return was seeking a real rest for volce, mind [surplus crop control legislation has and body place for it, crops quite often bring to the farmed Mise Miriam Wise, of Wildwood, N Guest tert 1} M I uch less in the v v yo ' yuests entertained by Mrs zzie J.;: 8 N. Wise, of Shippensburg, Mr, 3 . and Mrs. Irvin Spr 1 reed Jacobs include her two grandchildren, ‘S21 SLES Vil . Me 14 1a HENniel y Ci ) Elizabeth nd Guy, It . Mary Elizabeth, of Harris! . | M 3 i table among the examples tddren oy vi n ne IV facohs guests over the week end at th Al If. ahh A ‘verse effect of favorab : veste tri Friday te ind concluded this an ideal] been based on the fact that bumper mn ), Fi J committee ria iRregats that small crops, a situation that \ pags State inspection HAROLD DURST, heran parsonag rith Ren Cr theran parsonage wi R CENTRE HALI 8. F. Greenhoe. and Mrs. 8. H. Deltzel are spending the ui his children his Ohio home HR YE hid unions 8 " — ———— ; . the home Durst : = sk EE iF ws = i SELES PICNIC WEEK is almost here Now is the time to buy the Clothes and furnishings for this big event. Real Bargain Prices on all Sumyner Merchandise. GREEN TRADING STAMPS with Every Purchase SUITS FOR MEN | PICNIC DRESSES [SHOES - SHOES Beginning at #1000, and higher, A lot of late arrivals regular. ) i q =r ' hed 4 for in Centre county. A fremen ¥ pg i a — y Bi.ea, ANg marked down 0 A very Specigl line—All wool dous supply of styles, colors and | $1.95, and higher J NDE A Pienle specially. 2 Pants, $22.50, p 4 Buy that Suit NOW. Real Values, $6.95 SPE CEOPPPP OPE PCPPOPIePP An Explanation. i Come in and See the New Fall Dresses Arriving Daily PPPS POPE vw > NIEMANS DEPARTMENT STORE MILLHEIM WHERE THE DOLLAR GOES THE FARTHEST EE PN Fd i AAA AAAS, a —— ee ————— ® gas range with Pyrofax Gas & alf a century of ex- perience, plus research, inven. tion, study, and development, have made possible the wonder- ful ease with which you can talk to your out-of-town friends. You can hear perfectly— whether the distance be three miles or three thousand miles. JESSE H. CAUM, Manager a Rll hl i it iii hhh hi A A A BINNS A REAL gas range and real gas for cook Think of the convenience it will bring to your kitchen! ing in any home anywhere! Pyrofax Gas is used by thousands of country and suburban homes with all the satisfaction of city gas service, for Pyro- fax is a genuine gas. _ Pyrofax Gas is derived from natural gas and distributed in steel cylinders by a prompt, dependable service. It brings all the convenience and satisfaction of successful gas cooking to your kitchen even though you live miles from a gas main. Because Pyrofax is real gas it burns with a hot, blue, sootless flame, ready instantly whenever you want it. There are no delays or inconveniences in using Pyrofax. It is not gasoline, kerosene or carbide, but genuine gas. We can furnish you with this perfect cooking service without trouble or delay, Cost of equipment, completely installed including gas range, $135 and up, de. pending on the equipment selected. De- cide now to have a modern, efficient kitchen with a real gas range in your home. Let us give you full information, No obligation.