THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1828, THE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY. CENTR E HALL. PENNA. SMITH & BAILEY, S. W. SMITH, BAILLEY, Business Proprietors Editor Associate Editor and Manager, Sintered at the Post Office in Centre ii» A» second class mall matter, TERMS ~The toarms of subseription to f~ Beperter are $100 a year, in adva: ee re dn wp THE For ALFRED For JOS. T. RO For DEMOCRATIC TICKET, President of the U, SN MITH, f New YX Viee Fresident BINSON, of Arkanss Congress 0 Jel Legislature FHOMPSON Sunday Church Services LUTHERAN CHARGE Pastor) FENNS VALLEY (Bev, 8. F. Bpring JMils AL Tusse ¥yvili (L Centre Greenhoe, "We TRINITY (Bev. Delas =, Centre Hall— §:80—Sunday 7:80 Church Serv Bpring Mills #30 Sunday 20:80—Church Farmer ¥.00 30:00 REFORMED Keener, Pastor) School. WO, School. Services, s Mills— Church Sunday Service. School. EVANGELICAL (Rev. W. E, Smith, Pastor.) Lemont—10: 30 A. M. Tusseyville, 2:30 P. M Centre Hall—7:30 P. AL A METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Bev, C. E. Hazen, Pastor) 1 ee at $:30; public at 9:30; preach r from Welkert Camp. {from [rst page.) FOUN Was bad t taps Thu usual usual break t Miss Hut tions betts of ers #pected sib type Ome ful t Al and craft Pparchy pape ured « to make pleats 8 piechs were pasted together ! Thursday Ye I# we had a and marshmellow toast We we given a talk by Grace tional Camp. We had lighted from the candle ington, then taps and at 9:15. Friday Pine 6 then Snook on Na our candies from Wash. Hghts were out morning we arose at 7:00 washed. brushed our teeth: 7:30 set. ting up exercises, and 8, breakfast After breakfast every one helped to work. The house cleaning group tore up the cots and we packed and clean: ed up the cabins. At“ 12 we had our dinner and all the dishes were then packed. Around 1:30 we left for home It was a jolly bunch Yat yet a sod one, for our camping trip, whif we all enjoyed so much, was over, On our way home we sang all the songs we could think of. At Aarons. burg. Mr. Fullington treated us to fee cream cones. When 1 arrived at Belle fonte I was met by the home folks and was soon home. | DEATHS . * * . * . BURRIS, ~~ Mrs Cat maothet rrandmot hie Of great gil ——— i ——————— LOCAL AND PERSONAL. wind mad———— Begin Penn State, Yrviis Building at trustees of the cents on Is to He mde Wings at a Inte; i with itu equipment wil irri $350.000 from Niate ation and it fo next spring. Berkebil Brothers of Johnstown, two Penn State graduat oa, were awarded the contract A ——— A —————— Lancaster Congressman Wants William Allen White Rotfled Congressman W. W Griest, dean of the Penna. members of Congress and Republican leader of Lancaster COUN ty: on Friday sent a telegram to Dr Hubert Wark. Republican nation « chairman, oriticising Wilkam Allen White for his recent attack on Gove ernor Alferd BE. Smith The telegram follows HH possible, bottle up tight William Allen White and all other hot-air artists that ro: ay be Apo completed earls hovering around national headquarters, Please fry your utmost They are dis. tinct MabiMty.” REBERSBURG, twiler, fi Philadelpl York City |i | 1 home and MARRIAGE LICENSES. am Rote rt M, Darothy Rodes New Dyer Py their Bru Purebred Ram The Centre ( mts wo | s—— = we | 1 1nd alsed n ifr Iriends {him Growers’ A thelr n the CK 1 psvilio jut | etliy Pe | Al had unt, Miss Fiames Bop oy POTTERS MILLS. The Centitre Reporter, $1.50 a Tots a Horn... TGR RET JI | MIN J IR MODERN BANK AT Youd THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA. TINE RR TUES JO great artist sings, The whole nation hears. Radio! But back of the broadcast is a “radio network” of Bell lines—new era lines. Your voice, too, travels over the new era wires— When you telephone your out-of-town friends. JESSE H. CAUM, Manager on the Purchase of a SUNBEAM CABINET/ \HEATER Teall nal You save $10.00 in actual order your Sunbeam Cabinet Heater before August 21st. Here's the way—place your order now. Deposit only $5.00 and you will be given credit for $15.00. No further payments required until time when you want your heater in we fall! cash if you the stalled in tt Do you know of an ier way to save $10.00? And is there any better investment you can make Sunbeam Cabin Lot at takes the pls ¥ Cas thes i irchase of a heater ti Come in ey. Let us show home" heating plant and tell our 810.00 Saving Plan. you this “whole you more about W. H. MILLER Bellefonte Allegheny St. —— ro IY (PPE E PEPPER OSLO P Ie TAPE PPP PCPS PPEETOPOP USED CARS USED CARS Used Cars BARGAINS srs A Tne DECKER CHEVROLET COMPANY Bellefonte Corner Spring and High Sis EPEC OPIP POPE PPC ars have been completely overhaul Duco paint, guaranteed sat- Trade your old car as part GMAC pl Terms ian. Il the following ed, new tires where needed, isfaction or your money back. down-payment, balance by note or Models of All Kinds DODGE TOURING # 25.00 CHEYROLET TOURING £ HOOD FORD SEDAN4-DOOR £ S000 1923 OLDSMORILE TOURING—=S" CYLINDER _& 30.00 1927 CHEVROLET CABRIOLET ING 1926 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDANS EACH 390.00 1926 CHEVROLET COACHES LACH $200.00 1927 CHEYROLET COACH F000 1925 FORD Coupe £150.00 1926 STAR TOURING $160.00 1926 FORD ROA DSTERS, $145.00 Each 1925 FORD TOU RING £ 60.00 1924 FORD COU PE $120.00 1925 CHEVROLET TOURING seanvesnes sy 5100.00 1925 RICENBACKER Touring—4. wheel brakes £160.00 1925 STAR TOURING £185.00 FORD TOURING CARS (while they last) at. § S00 Each TRUCKS IN RUNNING CONDITION FORD TON TRUCKS—Steel Cab and Box 1924 INTERNATIONAL TON TRUCK 1927 CHEYROLET TON TRUCK with Stake Body... Completely overhauled . ._.... ... £390.00 OPEN DAY AND N1GHT DECKER CHEVROLED BELLEFONTE 1922 1924 1924 one With steel box GOon