THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1928. should be watched carefully and if the milk flow shows a marked decrease {or the cows begin to flesh, give | green feed or hay with grain Sunday Church Services PENNS VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE (Rev, 8. F. Greenhoe, Pastor) Centre Hall—10:30 A. M. Communion at 10:30 Sunday morning | Tose i in i i BIDS WANTED, Township School Directors ids for transporting gchool | will school chil term, o8 Georges Valley, 2:30 P. M. rom 3 OTIS to Mills, 7:30 P. M. ; il to bot Mountain to Potters — Tron 1} i . 3 Potters ters Mills; Mills; Hill 1 it b : ¢ in hands of Secretary REFORMED by 1 17. The Board re the Pastor) right to relee ARAL al , P. FIORAY, Soeret Wry Mills; Farmers wnberman to Centre SOTVOS ids TRINITY (Rev. Delas RR. Keener, Centre Hall— #:30—8Sunday 7:80 Tusseyville— 10:80 Holy Communion. : otis. conl farot p sharge Pienle | schoo rem ises : 1928, to be held Saturda) Secretary 10258 The ! ¢t any or ail 8 the fun and fellow- iy order Cantre Hall School DAVID K. KELLER, res., EDW. BE. BAILEY, Bee, School. . ‘ BIDS WANTED, Church Services, srsigned s bids fo gr-size an us not Grange Parl Centre Hall E i ¥ Hs I, is requested to ) i to rejo KON Come ship. Games and enjoy n tha af EVANGELICAL The Centre Reporter $1.60 a year (Rev. W. E, Smith, Pastor.) Spring Mills—10:45 A. M. Locust Grove—T7:30 P. M. Holy ment. Communion at each appoint: a can of FLIT today! METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Rev. O. E. Hazen, Pastor) FARM CALENDAR. Timely Reminders from The Pennsyl- vanla State College. | PREPARE early potatoes, canning peas, or and Canadian fle harvested early geedbed can 0 seeding of alfalfa leave preg the soll comparatively olean, | see and | moist Tee spring KILLS FLIES | MOSQUITOES Other Household Insects FOI ALFALFA-—Whery r 1 oats | are wllent | fairly tooth harrow to work up t Sow £0 pounds to the PICK consider vegetable GOOD i —— m——— oa, ® wr Feenamin ra The Laxative = You Chew Like Gum No Taste But the Mint At Druggists~—~18§¢c, 26¢ cadincamal USED CARS USED CARS Used Cars nn - BARGAINS - AT—— DECKER CHEVROLET COMPANY Corner Spring and High Sts, Bellefonte covers All the following ‘cars have been completely overhaul- ed, new tires where needed, Duco paint, guaranteed sat- isfaction or your money back. Trade your old car as part down-payment, balance by note or GMAC plan. Terms to suit. Models of All Kinds : DODGE TOURING CHEVROLET TOURING £ 50.00 FORD SEDAN—4-DOOR. .. Sia # 50.00 OLDSMOBILE TOURING—*S" CYLINDER #8 50.00 CHEVROLET CABRIOLET Canana #3%5.00 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDANS .. . EACH 2300.00 CHEYROLET COACHES......... EACH 200.00 CHEVROLET COACH £400.00 FORD COUPE £150.00 £160.00 $145.00 Ench 1922 1924 1924 1923 1927 1926 1926 1927 1925 1926 1028 1925 1924 1925 £ 25.00 FORD TOURING FORD COUPE .h CHEYROLET TOURING 1925 RICENBACKER Tourlng—4.wheel brakes... $180.00 1925 STAR TOURING FORD TOURING CARS (while they last) at.. #8 R00 Each TRUCKS IN GOOD RUNNING CONDITION FORD TON TRUCKS—Steel Cash and Box...... # 35.00 Each 1924 INTERNATIONAL TON TRUCK ......... 8176.00 1927 CHEVROLET TON TRUCK with Stake Body... . ~—{ompletely overhauled ve vwn une BB0.00 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT DECKER GHEVROLET (0. THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. Boalshurg Bch Linden Hall Bhingletown B¢ Bids should wpe 3 bid for each grade, The Directors reserve Jeet any and all ‘ a,050 ANNUAL AUDITORS’ REPORT of the School District of Potter Town ship, Centre County, for the school Year Ending July 2. 1928 i ————— by tt} RECEIPTS, Total ays $ 1207.22 R40.80 Number of puplls, about 30, $5500 06 J to arrive at Boalsburg property at 24524500 A.M a hut SEALED BIDS WANTED, TRANSPORTATION: Sealed bids for the transportation of fromm Walnut Grove School District + Boalsburg School will be Mrectors up to August 1 wisportation, received | the right to period of te 150 , BMITH, oA ares SALE i 1193 Potters gaiow type of Balance Taxes .... : dah State Appropriations Other Receipts OT Henry BE Mills, house on hand July 1927.. and is ———=1 otal distance ® each trip, about 434 situated. The property bas lately SIM273.08 . and £ in is right Hah t-clnss H L.E remodeled protect ¢i.,y a C EXPENDITURES, .. En terms weather” And be come | Hon. Price ‘ . Argent Centre ( = t , A) a : 0 es the right to reject retary's salary § 150.001,.,¢ 1 bid vy . rs salary ; . M2M0imosy : oarataby ACETYLENE 10 00 | “2 BOretary. ing Collee or » ‘ . 170 2% 15.00 . ® Total Recelpts Gener Control Treasure ttorney done on A ruAaranteed and terms reasonable { ! i i + We use it when { PRINTING 2 GOOD JOBS Instruction (B) > 1 po Ralaries of § 7160.00 — 18.40 ME —— PALM BEACH SUITS Cool Light Summery Dresses Se to and 86.95. Comfortable, from All JUST WEATHER. In Prices serviceable, $6.95 and higher Cool and Com- RIGHT Bargains fortable, for TOTAL EXPENSES THIS Capital Outin CURRENT {FL} For equipment ’ gE = : TOTAL ALL PAYMENTS $14302 38 RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES POOF EP POPO POOPIE O OPP Resources— Taxes ete. doe . cars irne® Value school pr HIN OD SAL OD —————— Bn 8 HAC 60 19 AF unpaid 8 120.00 ex- find that we have accounts and We hereby certify above amined the MILLHEIM them correct. i F. MUSSER Cool Summer Wear- STRAW HATS Every Lot In HALF PRICE 69c and higher i Y. I FREASTER JOHN BE BUEB 15 Choice of Nation for19 Acclaimed by jhundreds of thousands everywhere as the world’s most luxurious low-priced car, the Bigger and Bétter Chevrolet has enjoyed such preference on the part of buyers that today it stands first choice of the nation for 1928! Over 750,000 new Chevrolets delivered to owners since January 1st! The largest number of automobiles sold this year by any single manufacturer! Never has Chevrolet enjoyed such overwhelming public en- dorsement—for never has any low-priced car com» bined such impressive performance, such delightful comfort, and such distinctive style. Comc in and inspect the St hat has won n such Apectads ular nationwide approva ou’ nd quality you never thought possible in a low-priced automobile | TheTourina$ 405 The COACH Iuinewi!715 i905 % iitiey Touch En '585 Convertibl . Gti Tock $520 "3695 High Delis} 1375 Al fob Check Chevrelet Dellvered Prices They inclode the lowest handling and Goancing charges available HOMAN MOTOR CO. AT Q Ula LIT... LOW »