THURSDAY. AUGUST 2, 1928 THE i REPORTER, CENTRE BALL, PA. ————————————————————————— - ——————————————————— wir—————————————— A ——————— AHS —— REBERSBURG CONTINUES AUDITORS REPORT Batteries, Spearly, tract in Bellefonte: $1 Annual August Furniture Sale, JAMES Ww SWABB - ¢ 4 LRTii . 2 a tb Bh IB. 13. WINNING STREAK] For Harris Township School District, for A new battery for your car at $8.90, Helen Haz, et bay 0 Willis Grove, Twenty ver cent. discount 1 wit delledonte i } t ri : the year ending July 2, 1928, and up, including your old battery | 'r4ct in He bar, fo the bor-]purchases of Furniture. Rugs. and JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Fax: nition: Hh 0 a Ho i ! 4 ah “Yan & We attery : ' f (Cont al f 136i 4 yer bre 1 w C an Not exes ' . : taxable arian] CIT9¢ A. Smith, the Battery Man. | ugh of Centre Hall, | } Cent eums, Kitchen ot i LINDEN HALL, PA. Centre Hall, adv. | tial y g { how AZINI } ' iT a 212 3 q AATiriay i : ihe promptly attended te. AGAZINES Our Hne of VA $ Hone oi : o* York #haks Briecin! attention fm : ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, tha whole = Be 3 —a . i ition given to settling os { ie whol i £ } £0, ¥ In the Estite of ANGELINE WEAV BOLE nvention, ot “IW ive your - ; boris Morten n Wille Given HH ER tte of Hamis Twp, Centre Coun favorite magazin i}. | a t ; " News Stand, Centre 1 ty, Pa., deceased Stand, ent Ha 1 g pont wo Letters of administration on above estate . — a : £7267 08 having been duly granted the undersign- | TT Sigre = "i ed, all persons knowing themselves in- i debited to the ewtute are requested to make i t were LW : Tin lan I pa 3s ge hol a; 2 ving tum $ i OLRer Sources WL OS Hmmediate payment, and those baving . . otal - J 15542 Tol elaime againet the same to present them A | y . y . ' a Current Expenses duly autbpeticated for settlement. i d Reoelpts: A —— bh July (pre wd wenernl Control (A) sel JAMES W. SWABB, Admr.. ” 00 Ww, Harrhon Walker gq Aden Hall Washed and i INV ! TED to 3 Transfer of Meal Estate, Polished. Stover, exec, to (, H. Mowery acs Watkin: ot tl) Day and Night | ( y t rly, tract in Miles twp.: $283.75 3 i en I'é oln — 0C dven her A. Neidigh to Danlel 1. Wag | tract in Ferguson 4wp.; $569 ~ r= bok al od tk Sk et = Harvey J. Markle, et ux, to Shar SXpanwes . wi Td Markle, tract in Pleasant Gap: i * ’ | Libraries 13 00 3 ’ i | 5 5 TLR Na Rivet of i I nie dame ot If “Homan-Motoer Co. Defeat Loganton o we ts { : - tal Hem © 92} 25 met in Heite By ig CENTRE HALL, PA. | ri SB At HECLA PARK goes prsseses } : tom Insurance and | ; =f WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15th | Real Estate © blectrical Contracting i i The undersigned Is prepared to do ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ron } EAE LOTS OF AMUSEMENTS b Want to Buy or Sell ? (H ) oo All work guaranteed to down REBE RSBU RG Comming s with regulations laid Underwriter's Association pass State inspectior HAROLD DURST, Musser Pan CENTRE MALL, PA, Pp Weay Per CENTRE HALI | Ee EES ANNOUNCING i To Holders of OPENING OF || AUTO REPAIR SHOP Third Liberty Loan [ mee | | B 2 1 14 3 i sid -— : Ntan Bierly, 1b 2 FG] { Total Item H . $£ 55170 Mallory a f o i ea hae . Summary: RE 10.34 i Chas. D. Bartholomew A nH LHEIM PERSONALS. Journal.) THI BOOM LINN TRE IR Bae MACHINE SHOP ACETYLENE WELDING ; | Nl 8 | A : CENTRE HALL, PA. BONDS THIRD LIBERTY LOAN BONDS ARE DUE FOR PAYMENT SEPTEMBER 15, 198%. Holders of such bonds are offered the ! privilkge of exchanging thelr Bonds for United State i 8% per POPP LPECIOOPO IIOP PLE PP PPO | H- AVING OPENED A SHGP | to the Rear of the Boozer Accessory & Fil lling Station [ am prey aredqd to do all Kinds Work at all times. WOOD WORK, WAGON WORK sr fp w. A. HENNE Y E HALL cent. Treasury Bonds of 1940-48, HOLDERS WHO DESIRE TO AVAIL THEMSELVES OF THIS PRIVILEGE CAN MAKE THE EXCHANGH THROUGH aan tai te ya. THIS BA NK. ~ PIANOS GRANDS -- UPRIGHTS | PLAYERS Tuned - Adjusted - Repaired | I } : il i ds : i Ave had arge © x1 Wo rie (*¢ and car IaAsS8es of Ca Also, Washing and Polishing Cars SATISFACTORY WORK GUARANTEED. revere GEORGE RIMMEY SA CH ————————— Reasonable Terms Excellent Workmanship WRITE OR CALL. Ray M. Bartges, Phone re I FOURS SIXES $o0i 412 $195—31550 55th ANNUAL | SET oo | ENCAMPMENT || S28 and FAIR | Pr Of the Patrons of Husbandry of Central. Pennsylvafla SECONDS GRANGE PARK, CENTRE HALL, PA, (On Lewistown and Bellefonte Highway) % | 8 PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS A — ad Ey 3 re re . . Ninety seconds is the average. If you've grown skeptical about But most Gut-of-tovs sills up AUGUST 25th=31st, 1028 | Motor Car Value, just try to forty or fifty miles away, go Encampment Opens August 25th a Model “G5” through instantly —just like Exhibition Opens August 27th | local calls. You don’t even hang up your receiver. The largest and best falr in Central Pennsylvania; by farmers and for ! . farmers. Grounds Imereased to seventy acres. Beautifully joeated. Shade . Even on calls to the most distant and pure water. Electric light. Telephones. ll points it’s very seldom that you A large display of Farm Stock and Poultry, Farm Implements, Fruits, .’ wait as long as four or five Cereals, and every product of farm and garden. minutes, sossssviolioeene — YES, just try a Durant “65”! You Speed—that's important will experience some of the things oftown an in on our LIBERAL P REMIUMS you have looked for and not found . before. Great surges of smooth obe- Free Attractions and Amusements dient power, alertness, positive COME AN brake action, finger tip control, ee- E D HAVE ONE BIG TIME! omy of all, Riding Quality Surette. Yor por ey Durant *'65.” Admission (lor the Entire Week) 50¢ Rr FETTEROLF'S GARAGE JOHN 8S. DALE, Chairman BPs CENTRE HALL