THURSDAY, JULY 26, 192! THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. BOALSBURG ITEMS, ANNUAL AUDITORS REPORT Transfer of Real Estate, Batteries, Mrs. Wm RB ev recently enter lof the School District of Potter Town: | A new batisry for your car at $8.90, tt 4 . v | hit 4 § 1 { N fas # £44 4 § , i talned hex nenhiew Fdward shel I ship, ‘entra County, for the school Bo AF pt : {and up, sucluding your old battery. and w o iraddock, during then en nding July 2, 1008 rae ot iy Ta "u ; Anle CARS | Clyde A. Brith, "the Battery Man, week's ion, ey PR ay RECEIPTS {Goodman. trac y Haine ), $500 | Centre Hall, adv, ward and Penns Caves, hellelonie gl aiance of id Ju or 3 207.22 | wiv bart et al, to ¥ | State Colles no bh RAMAN : P 2540.00 xr oa ah a 2 RR Rw . § : Se on F ) IW. Dartwes ti i ' nd Penn ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE, -— : Mr, and Edward bonn, of vE= | State Appropriation . 1550.00 | pe s HOH Ws sh d d { 3 Toate nf ANCLINT INE WE AY JAMES Ww SW 3 coh ya Sit aN iste Approp; : 24524 | $9, ashe an | Int re Fs - # ANGEL IA ABB 3 ‘ \ aniel \ B RB tl TH. te of Harris vp. Centre OUT ~ driends in this viol this bein mp : os, 4 a JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Bohn ui git Ww 4 arents, 3 ceils en seees Bid Bmlann’ ai : : " Mr. @nd David Hoh EXPENDITURES. ‘oritrol (A) fr iyment, and those having Deeds, Mortgages and Wills written - . . witt fre fet minsmm— Service |elalms against the same to present them if dul t jeated omen Annual August Furnllure Sale, PIANOS Homan Motor Co. BIDS WANTED ..- |}. GRANDS -- UPRIGHTS CENTRE HALL, PA. TowAship, as follows: : oT PLAYERS Tuned - Adjusted - Repaired § Reasonable Terms Excellent Workmanship EO Ge Bue 1m [net reject any or a bs Electrical Contracting a baa 0 0 YI WRITE OR CALL. x SERN MILLS fames-} i : 5 : EDW E BAILEY Seer The undersigned Is prepared logy ‘ Gregg 'l } = bli rot rd Ray M. Bartges, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING | Q na 4 ro COBURN, PA Satutsdtlely Selita ion OF ALL KINDS ra. ¢ Phone 3.13 x, PA. . Bibs WANTED, Agencies (C)— : ) y tn farnin TE f y y § * oe > x r % f i Insurance and } Nt EXPENMES Real Estate ac. gL LIABIL sian , i Want to Buy or Sell ? Bell 32R11 CENTRE HALI EVERYB oDY 0 [vin Sir | INVITED to y Ev I Chas. D. Bartholomew We hereby certify that we have ex- . 5 CENTRE MALL, PA, WHERE 1S DONE ON SHORT the above accounts and find MUSSER ER sen ern wuss |] CENLTE County-Lock Haven | HG. oes | Te Contre Roporeor, $100 ores WO00D WORK, WAGON WORK | fs SEES y » fee ~ Motor Club Picnic! cet ( Ee FASE JUST PO ui BRING L Yael Jai] overes Sth Viniday of Cunt. Vir, | To Holders of Shey dn | At HECLA PARK a — Helfrecht Hardware Third Liberty Loan re, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15th BON DS PLUMBING General Sheet Metal THIRD LIBERTY LOAN BONDS AEE DUE FOR PAYMENT Work, and SEPTEMBER 15, 1995. Holders of such bonds are offers the | ROOFING [10 OF AMUSEMENTS nrivikg of exchanging their Bonds i al » o i : ose a ———— 1 R Quality Material and Quality — ey { weasury Bonds of 1940-48, ; ; FARM CALENDAR reas) * os | | —— 3 Workmanship, HOLDERS WHO DESIRE TO AVAIL THEMSELVES OF 3g v ever THIS PRIVILEGE CAN MARE THE EXCHANGE THROU ¢ H Timely Reminders from The FPennsyi. vania State College. THIS BANK. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA. i eS IS. 8 PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS TIER AUT PT FTE Ht ISAT Jr JRE] TI