— PERSONAL. LOCAL AND The Spring Nittany | EINANC IAL REPORT FOUR QUESTIONS OF THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF HALL BORO SCHOOL DISTRICT, YEAR ENDING JULY 24, FOR Your life nay be saved by heeding ese four ques tions ve you a ing on? Are you Whole number of schools Number of teachers employed month cough that Average salaries of weight [AY Number o purposes Have you a tired feeling {Amount of x levied nearly all the time? purposs Fourth: Have you ’ loss of appetite? Ineies Dor erage salaries females ner mont! losing ff mills levied for school for school indigestion or FTREASURER'E ACCOUNT, MONEY RECEIVED Balance on band (rom last year Received from State appropristions From Tax Collector From tuition—Potter towuship and individuals From all other sources to any of a warning or to a clinic for soon as possible, indicate If you can answer “yes” these questions, consider it to go to your doctor ation as S¢ symptloms may Total recelpts MONEY PAID OUT tenchers’ wages yr rent, r text books and r supplies other than Apparatus text bool actor JUST KIDS— "Tween Meals!” By Ad Carter Alton Juriata gs # Of A ‘ und f + home of M A. Eider They Hev Euests at Phill ida where had been community estabfished for istersX Rov. Foster is a 1 minister a farm east of town up from Flo ving in the wed min- mer Pres born and owned by Chas Ha graduated State, and later from a seminary Among his wan the local Pros Creek charge, will visit friends here in the very CRIN 1 UTR they byteriay who was reared on A: Krape, from Penn Presbyterian first charges served byterian, the Sinking Rev. and Mrs, Foster and relatives about near future, now A] 1k eel] 7 // uk = HAVE BEEN SIR WALTER | iD RUTHER BEEN NLET QUEEN GEORGE WASHING TON~ : ITHER WASHINGTON OR ESSE JAMES FER UNE AINT PAR NCLAR »- | Fr A \ 3 Probation ibn abhi, of Evan ¥ ARERR MARL SRMRRI AE RL L} Poe Brute Shadad rb mh 4 i i i a. i fi : Fie “1 HEH y Wr INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CO. For all other purposes and EX Po Dses sundry Tota! money paid Cash on hand LIABILITIES i District We hereby certify that we have examined the bove and find it correct JOHN H THOS, 1. M( LETTIE BRI KNARR WIRE NGART Auditors Witness our bands this 2nd day of July, 192%, DAVID K, KELLER, Pres EDW. E. BAILEY. Bec'y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, tiie i al reese - eo - USED CARS USED CARS Used Cars BARGAINS tl —y— A A155 SH tie AT en DECKER CHEVROLET COMPANY Corner Spring and High Sts, Bellefonte EOP OPOOPPOPOP PIPPI ve been completely overhaul- Duco paint, guaranteed sat- Trade your old car as part plan. Terms All the following cars ha ed, new tires where needed, isfaction or your money back. down-payment, balance by note or GMAC to suit. Models of All Kinds TOURING . B TOURING # -DOOR TOL RING Sag i i 3 » CABRIOLET Rin DOOR SEDANS } #49 (COACHES # 200.00 {OAH £400.00 1922 25.00 1924 1924 1923 1927 cs 1928 } 1926 1927 1925 1926 1926 1925 1924 1025 DODGE (HEYROLET FORD SEDAN- OLDSMOBILY {fHEVYROLE] {tHEVROLET (HEYROLET CHEYHOLET FORD cot pi STAR TOURING FORD ROADSTERS, FORD TOURING FORD (OU PE CHEVROLET 1985 RICENBACKER 1925 STAR TOURING FORD TOURING CARS ol S50.00 HL0 000 #1 IN) g15000 gi60.00 145.00 Ey * 60.00 one With steel box £120.00 #i180.00 g160.00 £135.00 at ££ Siw TOURING Toaring4.whee! brakes (while they last) TRUCKS IN GOOD RUNNING CONDITION £ 356.00 ®175.00 Bod ¥ £390.00 FORD TON TRUCKS