ACQUIRED i “YES MOM” AND “NO MOM” i AERC ENCES EN NNN (©) by D. J. Walsh " », See XX ., » Sass 8.3 r » HE doctor's ear had just driven away from Peker Chip ranch. This pleturesque name had seen bestowed by its young pur- chasers chiefly with an eye to the sen- sation it would create as a letterhead in eastern correspondence back home, Charlotte Bowman, unprofessional nurse, looked at her six feet one-half inch of patient and sighed. There was distinctly wrong with a fine, upstanding young with bright, gold-flecked green and a correspondingly bright drove tractors on wheat ranches, mom,” and “neo, mom,” and “have saw” and played fast-and-loose with a knife at their meals. His manners save for a few peccadilloes at the dinner table great- ly outclassed his grammar, which Mrs, Maddox, her hostess and ex-roommate at college, assured her common In western men. Three weeks ago Mrs. Maddox, who was a and new to ranch life, had rushed into her guest's room with visible excitement to announce: “We have a Greek god with eves for a new harvest hand.” The Greek god promptly dubbed “Red” by the men—not as Mrs. Maddox had remarked, because his hair was really red-—only coppery. And now, a few ago, poor Red had brought in from the field with a temperature of 1033. “Typhoid, it - as he took a drop of blood from something world men eyes where smile said “you “yes, Wis wis bride green has been hours been y 1. looks like,” the doctor said, for analysis, The sick man from room in having had removed the bankhouse to the only spare the ranch the most speaking acquaintance clinical thermometer, had as nurse; a hand had from the fleld to administer sponges prescribed by the physician, Thg patient was sleeping, Charlotte rose and tiptoed out of her room for paper, pencil and watch, She was to keep a chart of temperature and pulse, The heavy silver toilet articles and embroidered silk kimono flung over foot of the bed were conspicuous touches of metropolitan elegance in the plain ranch house. As she lifted the lid of the jewel box on the dresser conceits at which the ~the strains of the been house : ( and ti with a as leisure only rel n volunteered laid off the cold been softly the one of those Swiss are so adept “Miserere” floated out faint and fairy- like in tinkling melody. For two days the man’s temperature mounted and upon third Then out successive sick the reached he went nproved led upor first name, Though confidential, tion thes had I week #4 the bs After the evening meal in the e¢onok situated at this were car, which was in a field quarter of a mile house, a neighbor dropped in te call, and as his conversation turned persistently upon diseases Charlotte had slipped out unnoticed, as she thought, to return to the and read a book. During the hour spent in the car it rained and cleared. They dined during harvest at Poker Chip ranch, and when Charlotte emerged the stars were struggling with the clouds. As she was brought to a sudden halt by a puddle some eight feet long completely filling the gateway, she was debating the possi- bility of scaling she fence in her nar- row skirt wben suddenly from the shadows there loomed up a stalwart sithouetta, “No, Indeed firmly. Before the protest was well out of her mouth she was lifted up and half across the little pond. “Thank you, Red,” she with dignity tinctured scension, “You're quite welcome,” he replied composediy. “Walt a minute, Miss Bowman. You ought not fo walk about alone after dark. You're wear- ing quite valuable rings and a nlati- num wrist watch, That skinny Mexi- can, they call ‘String Bean.’ I wouldn't trust that greaser very far, Last night 1 noticed you walking quite a distance down the road-—alone. Mr. Maddox or I will be glad to escort you anywhere you want to go.” Charlotte thanked him with in- creased dignity for his advice and passed on, Nevertheless she heeded the warning, especially since It was repeated the following morning by ber host. Before the report was back from the city the patient was on the mend. The afternoon it came Charlotte, sit- ting beside her sleeping patient, saw the doctor's car coming up the road; she arose softly with a warning finger on her lips. Silent, he held out a tele. gram for her to read. The analysis showed a typhoid reaction. The physician was a bachelor past forty, far gone to embonpoint, with a ‘sentimental pale-blue eye: and as he showed her the report a plump hand #tole up and rested upon Charlotte's ‘where it held the dispatch, they cutt about a ing from the equine house cook had late returned Charlotte murmured with conde- hold a girl's hand do it openly and above board like a man and not un- der cover of handing her something!” Both whirled about. fluttered to the floor, The sick was sitting upright in bed and flecks of gold In his green eyes had become pinpoints of flame, “You young upstart!” snorted medical man, outraged and crimson, crossing over and ‘trying to subdue Red with his pale-blue eye; “if you weren't sick I would knock you down,” “You old pudding, you couldn't knock a man down! If it wasn't for the presence of Miss Bowman I would get up and pound up to an even softer Jelly than you already are!" “Doctor!” interposed Charlotte, pushing him away, “Remember he is sick Red, 1 ean take care of my- self.” “I was Red, chest man afraid of that,” remarked vielding to the hand upon ha and sinking back upon his pll- low with a grin, dottor,” you must said Charlotte, try to go to “Good by, “Now, Red, sleep.’ “Yes, mom,” answered Red, and closed his eyes, > the obedient Three days later the invalid was sit- ting ap for the first time. That night the whole house was aroused at mid- night by a terror-stricken scream. It came from Charlotte's room, but not from Charlotte's throat. Mr. Maddox, had distant ranch morning to had that on an his machine he would have to remain overnight, Red, who was the only man in the house, leaped from his bed at the cry and ran to Charlotte's door, “Are he called. the i The nothing, drivbn to a buy ace who that telephoned accident to horses, count of you hart?" if you can holt was shot for it night: but he could the “Miserere” the blackness of the ni ig pen door could starless, back. He sep whs a moonless hear and ght. of another wniment, ns i weird elfin in Liztening, he became aware sound-—a muffled accom it were, of “Can Red in a ealti see gnything to hit” A match flared in the dar by flickering light he Charlotte wrapped in a blanket, pale and plucky, shielding the flame cupped palms, On t floor hy dressing table was a whose chattering teeth castanets, strike a match?” inquired can't you wus whisper, “I and Re kness, its could with the head he huddled were in ng the castanet oblfeato “So it's you, String Bean! If you move I'll brain you,” Hawkins, threatening the cower ficure with a stick of ood had snatched from we Kk woodbox as he ran But the panicstricken, at t hat thant 80. Red ing stovew he through. superstitions Mexican, he unearthly welody greeted him when he lifted Jewel box’s lid, made no eff or nd the reed] off by tied up in the unti! morning, when he would be handed over to the law, ac- two of bunkhouse companied by the mistress of the e tying was t house to see that th cifully “A very neat burglar alarm!” com- mented Red, picking up the still per- forming box with one hand with other he drew more done, music while the form the counterpane he had snatched from the bed when the lamp had been lit. “They ought ic be in- stalled all over the country. We've got one on this order at home, only it's a chair and discourses sweet music when sat upon: we got it in—" He broke off abruptly and colored. “Oh, go on" prompted Charlotte, “I've suspected for some time you were not what you seemed. In your delirium yon babbled not wisely but too well, Your grammar improved immensely. You got it, as you were saying, one winter abroad when you were traveling with your father, the duke of Connaught, and skiing with the prince of Wales.” “No. indeed,” responded the young man, Jaughing. “But we did get it one summer in Geneva, Senator Robert Caswell Hawkins, and his prodigal son, Robert, ete, II, on graduating from Princeton, was so irked by buckling down to work in a law office that he went gallivanting all over the Wild West seeking adven- ture and supporting himself any way that eame to hand.” “And you don't really say ‘ves mom’ and ‘no mom’ and eat with your knife, “No, mom, only when dining with the Romans, But,” declared Robert Caswell Hawking, Jr, determination in his tone though his teeth were chat- tering In the frigid night air. “I'm going back home and settle down to work like a beaver. | am going to become a substantial citizen and mar. ried man, Don't you believe, my beau- tiful angelic nurse, that I will?" he nsked, directing a look more earnest that his words into Charlotte's eyes, “You might,” was the noncommittal answer. “Go on back to bed! Your teeth are beginning to chatter. Weak as you are from the fever, you might catch your death of cold in this ley air.” ’ Stogping suddenly, and vanished, “Yes, mom,” called back the docile Red. . he kissed her Essential Points in Locating House Line Following the signing of the con- The the lot must determined, Otherwise the builder mizht construct the house near the lot lines, or even the neighboring property. A surve or cor. ners of the property and murked them with wood stakes or markers. Working from these established points, the the house now he temporarily As soon a. the stakes at the would be disturbed, so the lines of the are permanently marked by boards set several feet back from the hous The cords which the . mason , plumbs for nre stretched between these batter boards Trees and shrubs are very and the house should be so placed as us possible, too on has established the stone corners of and can marked by excavation 1s corners stakes started actual house from work lines his valuable Trees which are close to the work will he In the hark during delivery of material and handling of same, Therefore, all trees should be adequately boxed to prevent danger of damage to 1 damage which might cause harn | 9% « change, of Advertising Must Be Recog HNEeSS man of Force nized use ud vertising wi fis reat town bus found th t is iness mat successful semi-annual or Why shoul ful daring Modern will help solve n holds “hi auction. iv as hel the business farm prol the san year? adern Advertising used with same fait! Nd and «oi cretion and standin towns in advertising Ness goods, could be made of inestim value to has the Idea and give it farm sel the rural business men courage 1o move farm production meth vastly in the [ast decade” is the i 1 good ronds und farm automobile Late sales guick. All that livery or and the message to (ind.) Republi convey - Rushville Planting the Front Yard Generally speaking, where the Tron rout Tall 13 and at the corners or ander wind The tall mock-ordnge or found efore sult soa catalogue material which will be height when mature, and will bloom at the same time. spireas, nonspreading forsythia suitable. plantis wole the and all not Color Aids Construction Color in architecture stimulate construction and is responsible for the large building in the past few years, in tha parily dent of the North American Society The abandonment of the drab not2 in building, for the more cheers ful hues, is but one phase of a wide demand for colo. which has swept America and affected scores of industries, says Major Laurence, Keep Trees Straight planted are kept straight, It may be necessary to stake them or use guy wires, Such wires should be attached to the trees by screw eyes or circling the free with a plece of rubber hose, Wire or rope should never be drawn tight around the bark as this cuts off the flow of sap and kills the tree. Excellent Initiative A bill providing that each city of more than 10000 inhabitants shall organize a general plan for the growth and improvement of every city in the state, has been introduced In the legis lature of the state of Sao Paulo, Bras zi One of His Specialties The man who does more talking than anybody else In this neighbor hood about the duties of good citizen. ship succeeded In lying out of jury service yesterday.~Ohio State Journal, New Window Adjusters New adjusters for dasement wine dows pass ander inside screens, so that the inconvenience of opening screens In order to get at the windows is eliminated, Suitable for Day and Evening Wear Three Tiers of Accordion Plaiting an Attractive Feature of Outfit. This charming frock is the answer to a woman's age-old question, “What ghall I wear today?’ It is one of the few gowns that can be worn on near- ly all Myrna Loy, fea- tured found out when she left hurriedly on a week- end trip, neglecting to take many things with her, Miss Loy can be wearing this very frock in a forthcoming picture called, oceaslons, ns “movie” actress, seen ire State Sadie The mide of silver gray can skirt, crepe, has three tiers of accor- i attached im lace effect The not be w with tiny sleeves, ton with and very may or may arn outfit, A milan straw hat kid shoes complete this ensemble, . To on nearly that a all Ray gown OCs is what most ns dress has really that attribute. With the jacket and the milan hat it is dis- tinctly a dress, In teas. If you sports hat and low- the lovely afternoon the most formal small felt wear a heeled shoes with there Is no sports reason why It sh t fic dross Lf HR HB would the dress. In say sports proper shoes, In the evening It ean ns a dinner { a and worn remoy- Jacket and Milan Hat Are Additions to Ensemble home inexpensively may be replaced by that contrasts well skirt and jacket, Inasmi ££) dress has no trimming, the Fall and Winter Card the fall and approaching fall KOAKONSE, for are veivels During winter which preparations now being made, Again transparent velvels high note. Surface colors, portraying example of the printing in flowers, Is Field one designs, appear in a variety of soft tones with blues, browns, greens, dull reds and olives in the front rank, Gold in pin stripes and in bayadere formations are presented and are often seen In connection with black, since the black and gold cembination has an appeal in luxurious fabrics. Nevertheless, chiffon velvets are con- fidently offered in unobtrusive pat. terns, Chenille effects are featured. Brocades, too, are presented, especial. Field flowers In outline only, searce- ly noticeable, are shown in black on colored grounds, unobtrusively dark, and stems with leaves in outiine only again show the scope of designs mane rich women, Pin-head checks In retiring colors are expected to gain in popularity, Belts Important Item in This Season’s Dress Belts are an important jtem in this season's dress, They are made of guede, lacquered leather, reptile skin, metal, Hibbon and dress goods. Most of them are narrow, some but an inch wide, and those for sports sults have buckles of leather or metal. The belts of stitched cloth or silk or ribbon are worn with fine jeweled buckles, Crys. tal, ename! and all of the odd buckles of antique and artistic value are very much in vogue, Serpentine belts of silver and gilt are worn with soft gowns, and some flexible gilt chains, very fine and delicate, are shown with a jewelstudded ball on each end to be fastened with one loop, Practical Summer Play Pantalettes and Ship Ahoy are prac. tical summer play suits, according to the Woman's Home Companion. Each suit is made In two pieces and the blouse is a pull.over to which the trousers are buttoned. The patch pocket of Pantalettes overflows with luscious embroidered strawberries and blossoms while Ship Ahoy wears on his a most practical brigantine. Pan- talettes also wears a cunning little shade hat made of her dress material. Long trousers invest chubby legs with quaint charm and also protect little often follow tumbles. Pantalettes would be picturesque in lemon.yeliow cotton bound with white and em. broidered in pink and green. Ship Ahoy might be blue denim with the simulated sailor collar in white stitch. ing and the brigantine could be ro. mantically colorful or white, New Color Card Guide Board, as Name Indicates he Ter of fashi laid or card is a guide Hosiery will if on blended f the cornerstones ons The board, has been andes thou silks this wi will art will aking so im house decor sheets, pil towels, na, even pro fee boxe Ln ing are ing duced it ivi lor r now that the gowns, slippe dainty accessories is occupying =o prominent a place in fashion, a as that Is our is really of the greatest the consumer the manufacturer,” Mrs, “No house wife riot of color—that Is, if we have an abundance of colored objects, draperies and clothes we want the various tints to harmo nize, “The colors are grouped in distinet color families, all of which are ar ranged in harmonious relationship. Some of these families contain as many as eight tints and shades of one hue, Seventy-four colors from past season cards have been incorporated in the standard card because, by thelr popularity, they have now taken thelr place in the rank of staples.” color mode . hosiery, hs ang various color chart such sued by nssociation value to and the continued dealer Rorke wants a are to Sleeves Go to Extremes to Prove They Are Smart Sleeves sometimes go to extremes to prove their smartness. There are many interesting phases of new sleeves and diverse ways in which fullness is handied. Coat sleeves, wide at the elbow, taper toward the wrist. This of beige kasha has bands of tucked self mate- rial, Jenny nses a full sieeve on a black satin afternoon coat that is very modern in feeling, Furdrimmed enffe such as tiers of ghort-haired furs and the bracelet cuff of fluffy fur are very much in vogue, Dress sleeves are not forgotten in the movement toward greater elab- oration. On sheer chiffon and lace afternoon frocks, sleeves, tight fitted to just above the elbow, Join a leng full ruffle or flounce sometimes coir enlar and often gathered. The fiat puffed sleeve between elbow and wrist, left open with a tight cuff, is at its best on a street dress of heavy crepe, A LITTLE AMBIGUOUS this ad whether to use mused the know “1 don’t | or not” testimonial “What's manded tl} “Well, writes : &pots using have quirer. Tools for Garden floity—Do you : t a rake, a think you hoe and a garde: gardening? Toity—Why? what Hoity—One jar of par wickage of ondon | orreen green, carton “His vo Mastery of Language “His parents think he has a literary career before jal prob “Not yet, crossword Star, Wonderful System How, in the name Every Time GET DOWN TO GET UP Clerk—1 want to get up in business very much, Jors-—Then you'll have to get down to business better than you do. sir. Satisfied Cowboy—What made the horse kick yon? Tenderfoot—1 may be green, but I'm not fool enough to go back and ask him. Boston Post Love With a Wallop Mother-—Why, Bobby, I'm ashamed of you--to be fighting with your little cousin. I thought you loved Stephen 3obby--Why, of course, 1 love Him, ‘canse he's my cousin, but I don't like him one bit.—Boston Transcript. Botanical Pest “We have ampelopsis veilchi creep “That's the worst part of those old Suspicions “When you went to the lawyer 1 recommended did you tell him that I sent you?” “Yos" “What did he say?™ “Ile wanted payment In advance™ Just a Monologue “When you have an argument at your house, does your wile tale part “Na, she takes all of findsr Magazive. it."Path-