1—Fokker's largest plane, Hamid, Arab prince of Bahrein, bulit for western nk where holy war against THE CENTRE 00) ed at sat express of Los Angeles, —Shiek iritish is threatened. 83—Dome of alr the NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS Chicago Disgraced by War of Politicians and Crim- inal Gangs. By EDWARD WwW. PICKARD ARFARE between factions In Chicago has such a stage of virulence that the en- tire nation is pot only int but amazed and shocked. Leaders of both sides, most of them aemination in the mares, profess sonal waprightness, truth is that all of them use of the lowest criminal in the great city. It is a war of gangs and whatever didates, there is pothing to choose be tween the two crews of that ure en Last week a series of bomb outrages was climaxed by the bombing of the ator Charles S. Deneen, leader of faction opposing the Small-Thompson Crowe crowd, and of Judge Swanson, running against Crowe for the state's attorneyship nomination. Each fac tion blamed the other for this afTair, and the authorities up to the time of writing have failed to find the perpe tratory despite offers of reward to taling $65,000 and complete Immunity. Unprejudiced observers are convinced that the struggle between rival gangs of “alky®™ dealers and bootleggers is closely connected with the ceuflict as well as being responsible for the numerous murders and bomb ings; and the gaml gaged in organized deeply interested Republican reached erested lofty motives x 1 the evident are making elements may be sald of the can vicious thugs 1p oyed, long homes of Sen the political nd others en ENATOR Frank death in his home Ohio, the convention campaign kad been against Hoover tion and Lowden had state. The demise of Willis to leave town, Delaware, changed lican pre Carrying on ¢ for the Ohio strong deleza the seemed not entered commerce pointed candi the secretary of snopposed there, wns out that 34 of the 51 Willis dates had named Lowden as second choice, and others had Curtis or Watson second place In their preference. Ohio members of congress said it to drop the name of Willis from the primary ballot. but it their given would be impossible It is assumed that Governor Dona- hey of Ohio, a Democrat, will appoint a member of his party to fill out the unexpired term of Willis, and the pre diction is made that he will select Atlee Pomerene. Lowden ‘was indorsed by the Mis souri state convention, and was as- sured of 21 of Minnesota's 27 votes: while Hoover was pledged the sup port of the Maine delegation. Wat. son's fight on Hoover In Indiana was becoming wely lively, the senator es pecially attacking the secretary's attl- tude on international issues. It had been believed Hoover would be unop posed in New Jersey, but Lowden hus now entered the primaries in that state. Hoover's board of strategy has estimated that the secretary lacks only 60 votes to Insure his nomination, and if that is true it is apparent that Mel. lon, controlling the Pennsylvania dele gation, controls the situation. On the Democratic side the Califor. nia primaries attract attention, for the fight there Is three-gided, Smith, Walsh and Reed all being contenders. It had been hoped there would. be a clean-cut contest between Smith and Walsh io South Dakata, but the state Democratic leaders, for local reasons, have prevented this. Dry Democrats of the South assert that the only southern delegations that Smith can get In southern states are those of Ar kansas and Louisiana. In Arizona the state central committee appointed twelve delegates, aninstructed, but It wus sald they were favorable to the Smith candidacy. — ITHOUT a dissenting vote the senate passed the revised Jones bill authorizing the expenditure of $325. 000,000 for flood control on the lower Mississippt river. The measure does not entirely meet the views of President Coolldge. While it declares for the retention of the principle of local contribution for flood works, it expressly relieves local interests of further contributions toward this par ticular project. Neither is there any mention of an commission to study the financial condition of the people along the lower Mississippi, as recommended by the President. Ip all other respects Mr. Coolidge likes it better than the Reed plan approved by the house committee. - The Jones bill, as passed by the senate, recoguizes the principle of lo cal contributions but asserts thut the previous expenditure of $200. 000,000 by local interests in the Mis sissippl valley represents a full com pliunce with this instead of commission, it pro be in imme sent Missis the di and engi economic as sound, principle, creating a Ww shall if the pre commission under the secretary of war supervision of the vides » work river rection of the chief of ination feature the that mmended to neers. This represents a conti of present policies and is a ch has wn insisted upon by [t also provide ian, as Presi be ! basis of the reco Coolidge control for a . ehgineering differ. Jadwin plan and ver commission plan congress by lent shall flood scheme. Provigion Is made board to reconct! between the ri ences the Mississippi It is expected that the construction of the flood will re. quire a period of eight or ten years and that the appropriation the first vear will be from $30.000000 to £40 O00) (00) . erst dea control works for NOTHER bi yeanlimously | by the £ measure was passed house—the appropriation carrying The “total of 348.000 (MX) for continuing [isk ton naval £3650 O00) O00 bill in provided tion of eight two gsubm construe and ines SA5TH000 is cruisers floot ation work and ition work on two battleships, and an additional 831.315.0000 goes for naval aviation, When the modern marine corps appropria attempt of maintain When this Abernethy the sending Nicaragua to tions came up the Democrats ed to ascertain the marines in Coit Nicaragua. failed lepresentative (Dem, N. C.). of American marines to oversee elections. criticized | Y A vote of 15 to 6, the house com mittee on agriculture approved a revised MeNary-Haugen bill The Ketcham pian was rejected by 8. The measure is similar to the re vised plan offered by Senator Me Nary, chairman on agriculture, and reported favorably by that committee It provides for marketing agreements with co-operatives for the handling of surplus crops and the payment of losses by means of an equalization fee assessed upon the entire produoe. tion only when price stabilization 1s not obtained through the use of gov ernment loans. Like the McNary bill the house measure also eliminates re strictions apon the appointment of members of the proposed farm board and otherwise seeks to meet objec tions raised when President Coolidge vetoed the McNary-Haugen plan in the last congress. farm reifef export debenture a vote of 13 to APTAIN KOEHIL, Baron von Huenefeld and Arthur Spindler, German aviators, secretly left Berlin on a projected flight across the North Atlantic, and made the first stage of the journey, to Baldonnel alrdrome pear Dublin, in safety, There, at this writing, they still are awaiting favor able weather for the transoceanie part of the flight. They are using the single-motored Junkers plane Bremen in which Captain Koehl attempted a similar flight last year. The aviators asserted their plans were sclentifical ly formed and that if they encoun tered cold winds and rain they would head direct for New York to avoid danger of ice formatioft on the wings. Colonel Lindbergh, after his weel in Washington giving rides to sena. tors, representatives, diplomats and other personages, announced that he wns ready to withdraw from public life for the time being, and soon af ter quietly departed for Lexington, Ky.. In hig famous plane. From there he went on westward, his destination being presumably San Diego. In Washington there were reports that he wus considering making a round the-warld trip under the anspices of the State department, In San Diego ft new plane 18 being built for Lind. bergh, similar to the Spirit of St Louis but larger and more completely equipped. BECAUSE Albert B. Fall is too li to travel to Washington, Atlee Pomerene, representing the ment, went to Fall's bome In El Paso, Texans, to take his testimony in the Teapot Dome conspiracy case. Regu- lar court procedare was followed, de- fense attorneys questioning Fall Pomerene conducting the amination. The former secretary of the interior still that the Teapot Dome leases for the best Interests of the ment and that the with Sinclair and was third in Three Riv Henry ness in contended were govern bond was perfectly executed In’ { the Fall a8 a aire company, wi the Standard believed Rocke! to Bav ’ N EW oil regulations lssued by the + Mexican fi governmen appear to have seltied the rsy between that ment and the United States. and Ambassador Morrow is be- ill In ban The regula. xicos deter controve rovern ing lit rith great sk stiations we of Me the rights held prior mn of confirmatory aling tion mination recognize by forei to the adoption gners In properties s Constitute HE NRY FORD 1s to be sur before the senate interstate com. gnt- to expiain how perce committee, which Is investi t ing the coal ation, be can pay iabor in his mines in West Virginia and Kentucky pnion Neither' the miners nor the operators are eager to have Ford explain for he Is against the union and he puts the other operators to shame, WaReS Or more, his system, fllinois mine operators hold further wage pariers with the union until the latter agrees to arbi trate for a wage scale less than that provided for in the agreement, the mines In the state would down. Strip-mine operators of Indiana district signed a with the tinue operations ville wage scale the until March 31, ECRETARY OF LABOR \J reported to the senate that number of persons in the country ac 1920 1926. Among the things that brought about this slump In employ- ment he listed the floods in the Ais. sissippl valley and New England, the Florida tornado and the long-contin- ned disturbance in the bituminous coal fields, The report precipitated a lively debate in the senate, the Dem. ocrats questioning its sccuracy and asserting the number of unemployed wis nearer four or five millions. ARSHAL PILSUDSK], dictator of Poland, found himself up against a bunch of hard-bolled Com- munists when the new parliament opened, and the disturbances were such that the police were called in and the sitting was soon suspended. sition succeeded in el date for speaker, Dashinski, by a vote of 208 to 140 for Pilsudski's candi date, Bartells, —— OPE PIUS made a speech strong. ly criticizing the Fascist training of youth and rebuking the Catholle Centralists. In reply Premier Musso. linl's council of ministers announced that a decree law soon will be passed prohibiting the Catholic organization of boys enlled “Catholle Scouts.” The decree will make the Ballilla. which Is n Fascist children's organization, the only one permitted In Italy. This means the Italian government will take full charge of the training of the nation's youth, tasie at the price. Where It Is Yor know ft Magical Power Failed | Wizard in Emergency How Mothers, Do This— rub Mus. ts. No When the children cough bh, terole on their {hiro a and che § telling how soon the symptoms may de- velop into croup, or worse. And then's when you're glad you have a jar of Musterole at hand to give prompt relief. As first aid, Mu msterole is excellent. Keep a jar ready for nstan It is the remedy for adul lieves sore throat, bronchi 5, stiff neck, asth : he: he, oon n, pleunisy, rheu- matism, lumba 0, pain 3 and aches back or joints, sprains, sore msc] le: hilblains, rm feet and colds of the chest (it may prevent pneumonia) To Mothers: Musterole is also made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask for Children's Musterole, Jars & Tubes Non-polsonous, VWon't epet or stain, gh The Beeon every pack. age is your guarantee, Send for free insect booklet, If dealer can- not pupply—write McCormick & Co. BEBEES r 1 > Lo EGET INSECT POWDER or LIQ 9 Why keep on being “sick”? Why drag along in misery Don’t SE qb MEDg, re bi Known as HAAR LEM OIL the Nation About yemerai ar accept no substitute, In the me on Your Kidneys— ACT! An Ideal Toilet Powder It is pure, smooth and fragrant and contains antiseptic properties fragrance and ne when relief is yours for the asking? Take the world- Talk years—all druggists in 3 sizes. Look for the name on Cuticura Tolcum Is . which help to allay excessive per- = Cuticara Shaving Stick 28. $15,000 50%, WINNERS cod every Thu annour ¥ Kind to enter Lhese contesln JUEler OF wre Ne eth An peicn » Dye Conpanation Dept. W, - Y. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM go Actes Color and a # Beauty to Gr ay and Faded Haid —_ §1.08 st Drags a. . w Le, aXe . POTATO $2; A beauty 1 BtOEs MPROYVED PORTO RIC > Ga HAVE YOU WRITING ABILITY? partie. wi FRECKLES, SPOTS, TAN BLEMISHES RE- » vod 1 ne 1re v % n. ne Sanger, PULCHER Texas. £. N DRin, IN ARIZONA 160 OR s10 AURES Uh FOU They A re Marvelous Homestead Entries cond are good, i] rroductive, mate, good town, pcho , roads took farming. po and io River Boulder Canyon ! chance for a good to you is very ec $1 for land views, fon BW You mRy tomestead Arizona lo. FIYE an NDRED VER CENT PROEIT " and help you build a businds of FoR own Hox 2582. Los Angeles Calif. KINDS, $1.10: mized 20, $1. Roatioke Dumhiia DAHILIAS, 15 Gladiolus, mixed 8, 31.28 Gardent, R-5, Roanoke, Va FRUIT TREES and ornaments is, planters, transportation paid and 86 tisfac- tion guaranteed Our prices will Interest you and stock will please you On writing for freé catalog. give names of five friends and recive $1 credit esupo TUS NU REERY C0, Dept. N, Waynesboro. a Sirect to oLD POSTAGE STAMPS WANTED ON EN- velopes used before 1530. Highest prices paid. Frank H Jones, Lake Pleasant, Mann. AMATEY RS—GO_ NTO VAUDEVILLE oR be the lifa of your party in your home town Professional comedy sketches special iy written $1 each. 1 or I persons Roars of langhter, O'CONNELL, 1% Morton Awe, Dumont, N. J. CAMERA GIVEN FREE TO BOYS OR girls whe will assist me. easily earned: se Cg £ PP. BARKEDALR, $818 Ch: ian 8s, hlladeiphia, Pa. —— MINK BOOK x ON St GomssrUL Write if nt N. A gohannen, Mink Ranches, Port Washington, W Money, Success, | Power and Friends Are Yours Alfred Harvey Parkes, lawyer and lecturer, bas written a nbw work, “Wisdom of the Agen” him shows you how to met what you want. A proctioal, Inepirationnl work of startling tru It reveals you to yourself and unlocks the hidden secrets of your mind. Price #1. PARKES LRUBLICATIONS 20% Market » Newark, N New Jersey. " Lon Angeion. Modern equipment. Gross business §168.000 & Includes 1 acre lawmd. Must sell for siadiee: Many other businesses for sale, Free list on request. Gerard Nemingion and Sales Bperiniiste, § fo, Dearbora st, Chicago, 710 Subway Terminal Bidg.. Lon Angeles. Do —— W. N. uv, BALTIMORE, NO, wun