THURSDAY APRIL 12, 1928. THE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY, Fe En my CNTRE HALL, PENNA, EEE— —— BMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors, a W, SMITH..... sense senses Editor , FLooal Editor and SOW. E BAILEY... ines Manager P——— Buttered at the Fost OMice in Centre Hal 8 sesond class mall matter. TERMS. The terms of subseription to $he Reporter are $1.60 a year, 'in advance. ADVERTISING RATES. —Legal notices, #weaty cents per line for shree insertions, Sad ten cents per line for each additional mwertion. Boecal notices accompanying display ad powtisements, five cents per line for each Impertion; otherwise, eight cemts per line; Sinimum charge, twenty-five cents Soins —— enn. Sunday Church Services FPENNS VALLEY LU THERAN CHARGE (Rev. 5. ¥. Greenhoe, Pastor) Centre Hall, 10:30 A. M. Georges Valley, 2:30 P. M. (Communion and reception of members.) Farmers Mills, 7:30 P. M. TRINITY REFORMED (Bev. Deolas RR. Keener, Pastor) LOentre Hall 1:30—Sunday School. 3:30—Church Services. Tusseyville— #:30—Sunday School. W:80 Holy Communion, EVANGELICAL (Rev. W. E, Smith, Pastor.) Locust Grove—10:30 A. M. Bethesda—2:30 P. M. Spring Mills—7:30 P. M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Rev, OC. E. Hazen, Fastor) Centre Hall—S. 8, at 10:30: publi worship at 9:30. Dr. M. BE. Swartz will ocupy the pulpit Sprucetown—8. S. at worship and sermon A0: 45. Spring Mills—8. 8 at worship at 7:30 by the Quarteriy Conference at Sprucetown Saturday afternoon at 3 Adth, — POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. pastor, o'clock, April sd For National Delegates to Democratic Convention. I hereby announce my candidacy for delegate to the Democratic National Convention from the Twenty thud Congressional District, subject to the #0 be held on April 24th, 1928. AERR, Clearfield, Penna. For Representative in General Assembly We are authorized to announce the Bame of ANDREW CURTIN THOMP- SON, of Philipsburg, for Representa- &ive In the General Assembly, subject £0 the rules governing the Democratic Primaries, For Representative in General Assembly We are authorized to announce the ame of WILLIAM R. HAM, of Boals DEATHS * * . ® * - - GLENN —~Willlam Glenn, a well known resident of Lemont, died Wed nesday morning of last week of heart trouble. following a two weeks’ iliness, aged 69 years, Mr, Glenn as born on the Branch and was a son of James and Susanna Glenn. He was a graduate of Penn State and a farmer practically all his life. He is survived by his wife noe Miss Annde Willams, to whom he W initasd in marriage in 1880. Two in, Hamil, of Pine Grove Mills, Margaret Shirk, at home, as one sister, Mrs Elizabeth Altoona, also urvive Fu il services were held on Saturday morning at the home interment nt Branch cemeter: GOWLAND.~—M Gowland widow the late Fi k wowland, of a stroke months's Her n Haven, HEVERLY Mr in Bellefonte, wed almost nent was r n Monday survives the ——————————— Hospital Notes, Rosetta Lingle, wife of Henry £ Qn 4 a} wes Hines is n tend taken to a candidate for the ral Assembly, | Repubiican primary, Tuesday April 24th, 1025 LUCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. M apent acobs Mast the Mr opera M the E Mrs OQ. Alex Wenon The on M for sci 20 to maining A. » gured in Some woes sale of trips by Marcel cated in from nea he recent Bot certain vy : his permanent homes for a few months h will Mve there, 4. C. Brooks fd son. Stanley Brooks, | and Richard Brooks i Tuesday. drove to Clearfield to visit 2. John Royer, of Pleasant Gap patient in the hos pital there Mrs, Boye vho is a ter of th Brox Brothers Was ated on a moval of James dealer and ing which piiced new the | onstrate Mrs who has ¢ pital patient g Ks, proving and ! time is able out of bed for short periods, but not yet strong enough to walk, Her Bttle daughte % also nicely. A short time after confinement, Mis. Brooks contmucted typhoid fever which accounts Tor her long stay in the hos pital. With little to do except to thorough: W enjoy the day, B. D, irisbin. on Thursday of last week, celebrated the eighty sixth anniversary of his Birth, He is among the oldest male citizens dn this community and well preserved . 4 0 i doing ———— LOCAL AND PERSONAL ombersh is other was she oxTHw Misa F openasd on Wednesday after the vacation H. H. Decker tenant former's farm ng east of Old ite along the Nu highway, will each plant (fifteen ores to potatoes this spring Both gentle men have had considerable previous experience in potato growing ind in most instances with success, Mr, Col ver will depend on commercial goods AR + fertilizer. while Mr. Decker will gae both manure and commercial fetil izors, ps ——— a —— eny manu teed nav straw eph. Ay Leading Soll Improving Crop. cot olaver stands out in front of ill the soll improvement crop Coun ty Agent R. OC. Blaney Hs improving the soil this legume _has wained an unequaled position. When sown early in the spring and allowed to grow without outting until killed by the frost. ft will contain 75 to 120 pounds of nitrogen in the roots alone per acre, n One of the peculiarities of this crop, which makes it different from others, js that during the latter part of the first season top growth will cease but the plant will continue making food show into your home. ae force OA iG) improvements All closed built of quality purchase, CHEVROLET. 7 models, $3495 to $715. Bigger and better than ever before. 4.wheel brakes. Longer wheel ba Still more power ful engine. Luxurious Fisher Bodies. Shock absorber springs. New hood. New Duco colors. New instrument panel and other improvements. ALSO truck chassis: L4-ton, $395. 1.-ton, $4905. PONTIAC. 8 models, $745 to $875. The lowest-priced quality "six." Improved from rachator to taillight. For example: 4.wheel brakes, new GMR cylinder head. increased power, locking device, more luxurious Fisher Bodies. Finmshed in Duco in new colors. OLDSMOBILE. 7 models, $925t0 $1085. Eotirely redesigned by General Motors, the new Oldsmobile has sarned the title of "The Fime Car at Low Cost.” Longer, roomier, more powerful-—and the last word in styling. Fisher Bodies, 4-wheel brakes. OAKLAND. 9 models, $1045 t0 $1375. The All-American Six. Advance i engineering n constru n. Longer, lower and more beautiful. Bodies by Fisher. Every con- vemience. 4. wheel brakes. New Duco colors Harmonic balancer, and prec BUICK. 16 models, $1195 to $1995, The largest value in Buick's famous history. Beautiful low bodies by Fisher. Getaway like an arrow from a bow. Vibrationless be- yond belief. Famous 6.cylinder "Valve-in- head” engine. Sealed in chassis. LASALLE. 16 models, $2350 to $2975. This beautiful car was designed as com- panion car to Cadillac. Has V-type 90 de- gree 8-cylinder engine which has made Cadillac the standard fine car of the world. Built in Cadillac factory. Continental in appearance, (All prices F. O. B. at the factories) CADILLAC, 26 models, $3295 to $5500. "What," General Motors asked last year, “can possibly be done to unprove Cadillac?™ The result is embodied in the new models now on display, representing the high-water mark of Cadillac’s long history. Sumptuous bodies by Fisher and Fleetwood. 500 color combinations to choose from. FRIGIDAIRE—~The Electric Refrigerator. General Motors has applied the processes which have made the automobile available to every family, to the production of electric refrigerators. Frigidaire is the refrigerator made by General Motors and it is now the world’s largest selling product in its field, DELCO-LIGHT Electric Plants. Provide the conveniences and labor-saving devices of the city for the farm. Electric light and power plants, water pumps, ete. Used in more than a quarter-million homes. CLIP THIS COUPON Please semd, without any obligation to me, your illustrated information about the particalar General Motors product or products | have checked at the right —together with your booklet “Principles & Policies.” CHEVROLET [] OAKLAND [J cabniac [] PONTIAC OJ suck 0 wmucwamre [J OLDSMOBILE [] LASALLE 0 oewcoucur in EVERY reupest, a Sontinuss fo ul which as stored in the roots as Festive mos uly drive Boa, > w the ol owing A N hearty meals a day and sleeps well at matostal oil of this use of roserve night, He is a veteran of the Civil material. the second year of growth ‘War with large and varied experi: o .. oolles little except an increase hee. in organic matter, Name... Address