THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. —— : — — - wer mmm E— — SE Ee { LOCAL AND PERSONAL FEBRUARY COURT. MEDICAL MISSIONARY TO AFRICA SENIOR CLASS PLAY. | & balancing pole 40 feet iong aleriis of WADY KINAS the naturas Hata —- SPEAKS AT CENTRE HALL - | weleghine 4 oun ds ndustry of southern France (Continued from first page.) | Hh 9a pounds ’ : + \ " ’ The senior clas of the Contre Halll Several times thereafter he re wa id kg “suffer, ag have other In- Mrs. Frank 1 Urenry went to Wil ye ' i | negated the nie rforr Fire nee fron iependent on the naturai prod famsport on Monday e list of traverse jurors was called ' y : ; Hr : a kate IH ' y > i beenteer noted, on Monday morn- jm thunea Africa A Regiment of Two.’ irange h | dling a row ach and on anotl AL IR a « tion whether the Mrs. William 8S. Brook n a very. vis 1 the pub chools of Centre ’ dag. erY OF ae oy y A nanufacty ! é8 ran he and HNmith, medical High school will present thelr Ie road to hie naturai ones. olicit or Sir Robert's Destination i and | Address Jodon Sale Totals £10,004, TURMAL WEAK FLAT Foot ar Window No Barrier Troubles |" ri ner | | ucts voir rob you of healthand strength t burn and swell and feel le | wavy as lead—they soon cripple g . ppl MARRIAGE LICENSES. one and make Life a burden PINCHOT'S PLACE IS 1X “THISNTL] PATCH.” SAYS HUMPHRE)Y ! I oh 4 * + tor Tired, Achino Eee Caustle Reply to Farmer Govern rs | : . , Ach ng Feet / : Charges In Util Finanee Probe | are k S$ - Shows Bad Peeling. NIEMAN’S Department Store Perfume by the Ton MILLHEIM Sunday paper states that Grasse, of Frunee, is the chief Friend Husband A vain | fume manufacture snd | hres / A ! nearly 24 tons of orange blos- | viagara Long Magnet 1 } tons of roses, 150 ! for the Foolhardy hol Sita anc 40 tons of Jasmine if Blond e but | are bandied i ne ipany each sea- that the area £ fos the per MIKE} aores J / CHEVROLET 4 iullty of Manslanghter, Discharged Wednesday CONTINUOUSLY from 2 THE RICHELIEU THEATRE Children, 10«/] BELLEFONTE'S LARGEST AND | WEEK-END PROGRAM OF MOST BEAUTIFU] THEATRES i PHOTOPLAYS A1 Fenrir | “THE STATE” FODAY (WEDNESDAY) _ THEATRE, BELLEFONTE st | ’ “GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES" PARAMOUNT 1 BELLEFONTE'S GREATEST Rp NG By db ever placed on an automobile with { ' «} b Ss son Ps nc 5c; Children, oe. . a TODAY (WEDNESDAY) Bod ! Fisl / SATUR.| WM. FOX PRESEN ) y cr * THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND Ix fi Mania X (This Week) “WHAT PRICE GLORY"— he . ¥ With VICTOR MceLEA EDMUNI : . . | The great Super Special Production LOWE. DOLORER DEL NT The COACH Wherever automobiles are Body bv Fisher. Long, low and “CONEY ISLAND" — driven, the emblem “Body racy... finished in genuine &. Lhe ape follwing min Also Selected Short Subjects, THURSDAY and FRIDAY (ThisWeek) $ Hy Fish” hs Feeogtvized asa Duco. ..and with its body etzgar. Kirk-} 10 and 25¢ “SMILE, BROTHER, SMILE"— mar of quality. Every- built of selected hardwood ae With Dorothy Macafil and Jack Mul where, it identifies automo- and steel —it offers all those | At the New “RITZ” wll Sry a The Touring '495 biles thatare distinguished for qualities of beauty, comfort SATURDAY (This Week) The : style, beauty, and comfort. and safety that are character “DAREDEVIL'S REWARD"— Coupe + + 595 The sensational success of the 15ti¢ of cars costing hundreds Flot in. | n Tus THURSDAY AND FRIDAY . ¢ re [horse and the dog) is id “ k > GE A s . - . tats [“CYCLONE OF THE RANGE Hore 1t ia~the: fnawer. to one Drag Cabriolet it brings all these exclusivead- the Bigger and Better Chev- ha The Imperial 215 vantages of Fisher styling and rolet. Note the advanced en- Landau . . . . . » . » . . - ; | “THE SIX JOLLY JESTERS? Ublie Tost. 8 craftsmanship within the gineering in every unit. Go for . 'eility True : | (In Person.) Amerlea’s Classlost (Chassis Onis) 495 reach of everybody, a drive and learn the [ Saxophmone Review, lately feat ured Light Delivery $3» ” rani mmin § anine “1 ’ with Irving Berlin’s Music Box Review. (Chassis Onis) 375 everywhere! full meaning of Chev. Positivel the sates! single act ove i a Lo . . " roiet performance. ely d we greats ingle act ever . A pri nis Consider. for instance : presented in Bellefonte, . ’ Learn liketensofthou- 4+ FIND. Jal MFORS he and She. Cheek Chevrolet the Chevrolet Coach Fon, sands of others have, AT THE RITZ. TOO : : AT THE RI HM - , Delivered Prices ~=which carries the ’ thathereisthe world’s 25 8, “MEET E AT THE STATE" : ‘ on Admission 10 and 3b cent rx 11 TATE They inclode the lows lowest price ever ’ most luxurious low. oot handling ard firanc. TRIRAroMs = ualemnemn . a Rr " ing charges available. placed on a car with priced automobile! ete, all reap a profit at your expens F NAc TUE IIH me i n and ratne. When you « biiy a chi . starting and growing ’ mage ove x MACHINE SHOP Fos a a formul that has bes Fie LO . ! ; « of # ind found true a mixtu that be “ \ J - y - a en » You on .a one-pioii WHERE 18 DONE ON SHORT i : DECKER ( HEVROI E ) : right and sold to You on a one NOTICE ey A “+ Y +L J elietonte basis and that profit equal only to a reasonable sorage charge, (hen you ACETYLENE WELDING are getting “omething that will develop ye rere (§ WOOD WORK, WAGON WORK Vb \(E=— HOMAN MOTOR CO. Centre Hall to maturity. The Kerlin Poultry Farm fp + offers you just that kind of Chick Starter and Developer. Fifteen per W. A. HENNEY The “Reporter” Is GIVING this Safe cent. protein. only 6 per cent, fibre. ty Razor Outfit With a NEW Sub : L. PA. It's a Butter Mk Mash and costs you CENTRE HAL : scription to The Centre Reporter. only $2.95 per 100 pounds, It is foolish Bell Phone 1312 ai Do your friends a favor by telling Q U A L | I Y A T L O WwW C O S. | ? ron t outdoors to pay more, adv PHIL DISA TR I them shout it.