THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1828, THE CENTRPFP REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. a————— ——— — HE ————————————————— A BR e———————— REBERSBURG, The two sons of lay Weber, from P bli Sal R 3 t i BURBPAT OFF ANIMAL INDUSTRY Nittany Valley, spent the week-end u IC e egis er | — OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDI- with relatives, sii . : seat - i «aT ‘ormit Mever arove up dale notice under this head M Carrie . w bus 1 and K Hl $ .- wl “ Free of charge when bills are printed at fromm Williamsport to spend Sunday § nis office, To all others the charge is at the home of their father. Henry A, HH GENERAL QUARANTINE ON CATTLE TURES OF HARRIS TOWNSHIP FOR I TO HOLDERS OF It has been determined by the Penn THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 5, 1021. gsvivania Department of A iiimre that FR pL Tots 0 PSE ve so mon somes | | THIRD LIBERTY LOAN BONDS 1 wihle character exists " nl Helen Mover was home from Belle Township of HARRIS ounty of | Amt of tons sata a5 a 44 5 fonte for the weel WEDNESDAY JANUARY 718, TI Piel Penn van. ; : mt silected in ful Ot Thi Fou ; from ilHamsport, MV , mile west of Spring is Acts of Ju : 1913 who have bed singing nightly in thelby 1. V. Miller ’" . $4 the Feb {2 Diana Evangelical nu for the past wees, !lus 3 horse a OWS, sifer: |i re i 34 hk ved Meyer —— ¥ THIRD LIBERTY LOAN BONDS CAN NOW BE EXCHANGED FOR UNITED STATES 8% PER CT. TREASURY NOTES. have been draw HL Re crowds ments, ets i FRIDAY, MARCH 2 FRSREIT TOPIERED JOR] JOR JOE DEO JE JR BR LD HT Pm ma Stover and LL. Sinburg, were po srandfather yn Sunday y miles yorth Wi st Sry LB i. {it § i 18 He . 0 ¥ dai wife drove Hi ty a Bellef town the court Lotth i ured \re it th 1 y r Pittsbur h. a a th } of 1 ; WEDNESDAY MARCHE Targer a visi , & “ her within i + 1997 4 : K oh 1 3 3 ) 1 ¥ at mile east of State road over Nittany | felas wWitl he guaran ed area i ij i iryn origng ho is Mpiovex as . . x nl 2 ‘ait . f t ’ . St r Coll wi own Wednesday | Mt» G L. and 8. BS Horner will sell} ter th sarantined ro to rR Sta 8 oles 18 n town Vex € 1) farm stock and mplements; clean-up ah a i Ih! ; al . 5 ELECTRIC LIGHT ACCOUNTS 0 wy gc Sait 3 JAR .1sale~~1. M. Smith, auct. try nd during t} ten-d anil. dle On ew LUD 3 Reformed church, is visiting in Rock THURSDAY, MARCH 8, at 1:00 P. wood, the home of his children M., at Spring Mill by R. H. Shook, Exec, of J. Shook Farm stoak, im: o'clock, on the Horner homestead, #5 11 24 sv————— oe — on SPRING MILLS Mrs. Jessie Gentzel heart tro Mrs. Ged and neuralgia - Miss Mabel Allison is visiting Pacific Coast Last Friday was half-holiday for tiv WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th, at 12 schools as the teachers attended 1} o'clock sharp, North-east Tus-|: institute at Miltheim. gevville. © he Swartz farm. D. C.| Mrs, Sarah Guise Is king he: b inger sell Hve ind. hn home for the winter with he: ter Mrs. H. F. Rossman Quite a number of townsp Pp t- | tended the picture, “The Harvester.” at | HUNDREDS NOW MAKING MONEY|, Bolletqnt rate renjoved ihe pica QUICKLY IN A" PLEASANT Eg 2 Bltrposts diider separy Arantine rap Mrs, Andrew Shook will dispose of her EASY WAY. are castrated within ten (10) days after] ~~ POOR TAY CCOS stock, farm also, in 1. : B nities ab ispse has ‘hose 1 Ama * plements isehold goods; farm con taining 62 acres; clean-up sale THURSDAY, MARCH 16th, at 10 A on the J. C. Goodhart farm; *» h Centre Hili: Farm stock ements, E. M. Smith, auct wker & Goodhart. } THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA. 8 PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME AND BAVINGS DEPOSITS { aa Ls i i a LL iB A a a ta] 3 spring. house erywhere. oLher calle to BO day petest - . RR > terfering vith i “eT cupation iy DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BOALSBURG ITEMS, Ge : : . * 63. JORDAM roducts inclu sehold needs al tary of ‘rT £4 Pe Mrs. Elmer Houtz. of Bellefonte, .i i i Agricultur spending some tin with her mother, Mrs. E heth Browh. The Women's Bible class of the Re formed Church enjoved a day's quiit- fing at the home of Mrs, Jacob Mey er last Thursday. overed dish din ner was a ing feature of the day's program Mr. and Mr Harold Coxey and : January © ~ children and Charles Faxon, of Altoo- e mia. Sp iante with the provisions of their charter, the Beventy-first Anuual mt. due at face 192 : aK TI Statement of the smpany 16 i . na, were visitors in town on Sunday alates 1 t . rig Jalatiee oe at od AR . . — . Mrs. L. E. Kidder, of State College, Cash pren gd Bd gly - $§ 7468 ACCOUNT OF OVERSEERS OF HAR- ms a caller r Friday Sarsovtd mas rece ved a1 the ¥yes BoB 10 RIS TOWNSHIP, was cafler in town on PEAY, lorrowed money revs S000 00 $1042 7 F. E. Widand, Tress. Foor Funds W illard ockey and daughter. Ger ; RECRIPTS FOR 1977 nldine, of Petersburg, were week-end i from former ne 00 visitors at the Wm. Rockey home . Ba lwellir BOM se sass nnessnsid TO mt. received from Ge . - ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mowery, of 3% W Hens . » house ! : Neyer, 2 . 1 34 - - - % Our nn unkie, pot Hotse an Elmira, N. Y., spant some time at the » Ao ag sini Me gad FTN Total Receipts avis : * Wilbur BR, Dunkle, barn and Blass Wm. Mever home. James W, Peters, cow and heifer is 3 EXPENDITURES POR 1827 Miss Grace Mcintyre, of New York,}] €. A. Yearick barn and sheds ............ | Amt paid for maintenance of . Actives op . a . W. H. Kessinger, Imp., hay and graip.. 10 ’ Franklin Flory $ 108 23 ==B tt t t Is y isiting hes Srandpary nts, Mr. and Harvey Brothers, damage to bakery. . Eee ; Baan Hooter F187 00 e er rac on 1 ns David Bohn. ” . % ' Sis, % Crotzer, damage to house 4 Jobn WFiory ... MT RS ov ragner, CC. M. Corl, Mr. an smal ig c* cory - Francis Segner . 14% 43 WwW Mrs. George Mothersbaugh, Mr. and Directory : Par, ‘ev Crassus nse buns i John Fry and Franklin a% oa Lon ger ear Mrs. Touthar Dale, and Miss Cathryn Postage > cas wins al A an coils. commission , el bol Dale attended the funeral of Mrs Printing and sationery A £0 at’ Collector's coi . RD The sharp-edged. diamond-shaped blocks of the famous Good- Margaret Keller, at Pleasant Gap, on TooutARy 8 saary sees Naren of ni 5 Wieland 2 90 year All-Weather Tread are placed In a semi-flat design. These av after orl ' ‘a [ 3 © “pV ow : . ps Monday afternoon. Adjusting and expenses casas ine WH 00 blocks grip the road and retain thelr psefulness longer than any The account of the death of Mis. | Sundry expenses ...... KT 90 Total Expenditures 8 0TT 0% Katharina (Woods) Goheen is given J stare pad saense . 310 50 Balance in hands of treas Dec 5°27 $228 3 tread heretofore offered. hare : : DOTTOWSd money paid . . 2150 0 x elsewhere in this issue. €ash Balance : gakenesssy $5. $10042 ACCOUNT OF sSUPRRVISORS Long, slow, even tread wear Is assured. “Cupping” and un- S————————— RECAPITULATION , M, Heosterman, Treas. Road Funds even wear, so common to many Balloon Tires, are practically Burns Prove Fatal to Snyder County Due tor borrowed TOTICY . .. .couvsnesssses S000 00 MEIPTE FOR 1009 eliminated. § y anding premisimns Amt r former Ltroas 2 33 v Woman. Gash jo treatury ud ii ER $530 19 mt " Hus ated x ts . L We have your size—with a Goodyear Tube to match. . Hi 0 rm reninpar wT tara § TT writer and pie i . Aa i + fron Test ry opt ' . x Mrs. William Breninger. aged fifty} Total cash premiums past year 1 71 8 and 1927 418 2 GOODYEAR SERVICE ALWAYS, fhree years, f Middleburg, R. D. 3, Preminm notes taken past year > t rom State Highway t i filed Saturday night at the Mary M Prafuium notes in force today.. : m roms Geo, B. Meyer nsarance taken past year ........ ad 12 5 3 ¢ front miscellaneous Packer hospital. in Sunbury, as there | Risks in force today ; IONS . hte , anit of burns he r rived Thursday At an election held o ny the followi ore » as directors for "otal R ota hs 30 R S H GAN’S GARAGE ig the was trapped along the ens ear: (George ftchell J. ) Yap Sranaart Johi Po Boi : 24 43 44 A pight her husband and f = oe ne E M. H : James EE Harton: K ¥ a J. 8 reaver. C. J varick, ' BIPENDITURES FOR ow - . a two-door sedan. as a lantern ignited Huey, F. BE Wieland and Frank M. Fisher paid arth road : a 4 Phone 56 CENTRE HALL gasoline fumes. when the tank under FRANE SM FISHER, Sec'y GBORGE MITCHELL. Amt paid for State Ald roads = : the driver's seat was being filled : PERG The others who were seriously burn ed were her husband, William Bren- — fnger, sixty-one: Grover Dorman, thir- | H i ON 1Y { AR OF ty-five, their son-in-law, Mrs. Dorman and Sara Dorman, aged #ix. The child p o— rv Amt. paid Sup i 30 : is hi owes her life to her father who pulled i ) IN N D | N i pay En RTE en 47 221 ’ her from the blazing car when she 3 SS apie : Fe - - O t C stas too frightened to move. The quin- Total Expenditures . 2408 M1 tat plunged. through the door and dash No matter how much money or how little you are ed frantically in all directions. each a lanning to invest in a motor car—SEE THE NEW Balance in hands Treas. Dee human torch. /ICTORY SIX FIRST! I Trqas Dee 8 ; | . an on . : ACOOUNT OF HH, M. HOSTERMAN, oO est P Ce Nowhere in the world—at ANY price—is there a TREASURER OF LIGHT FUND W I 1 FARM CALEXDAR car like it. Greater expenditure will not duplicate RECEIPTS FOR 1927 : : - al eo from former treas § 108 S09 it. It introduces more features that are new and RAN on Te ex ¢ ¥imely Beminders from The Penusyl- different and better than any other motor car in Moyer, TAX .....oocoieers 352 02 vania State College. Total Receipts . $ MAM GROW A TON LI ER—F 1 histo : EXPENDITURES FOR 1027 sROW A TON TTER-—February A y = or : - a d . : Amt. paid for bulbs, etc ..$ y oF fs the opening date for ton litter en The Victory body and chassis, for example, are a pL 2a saver comm = 19 roliments. Better sign up with Coun- single integral unit. Body sills are eliminated. The Pail Boalsburg Electric Co. 207 2) ase reas comm oo A ty. Agent and then when the litters wide, deep Victory chassis frame, flush with the Total Bxpenditures .. $ 28 37 are farrowsd they can be nominated ‘ vv, .s wily a fe 92t Ton Litter Ciub. Penne body lines, eliminates the customary overhang of a on Tease? fumiie Dee. i 8 loo REDUCED 00 ' . a : 3s in reas’ hands Dec, 5.72 WO wide body on a narrow frame—lowers the over-all Re In : 927 We, the undersigned auditors, have ex- Indust ANNUAL STATEMENT elf THE FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CENTRE sylvania was first in 927 among all . States with 126 ton groups. Help height and the all-important center of gravity. amined the above accounts and certify to kewp the Keystone State first in 1828, ‘ . . s the correctness of the same. SEE STATE FARM PRODUCTS— Major body parts are reduced te 8—a triumph in S EB SHARBK. P% sure to attend the State Farm Pro simplification! 175 pounds of superfluous weight B. P. LONBERGER, ducts Show at Harrisburg this week are cast off! Auditors . ey hE oil Te : ook at These New Low Prices on the produce can be grown in this State. Double steel walls (battleship construction) are ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICR. POULTRY RECORDS VALUABLE introduced, for the first time, in closed car desiga— In the Estate of EMMA McCOOY, late —-A system of poultry records that another safety factor of the first order! of Centre Hall Borough, deceased ' / wives the life history of the individ Letters of administration on above estate 4 : NX ; val concrened, its ancestors and their The car's power, pick-up, absence of sidesway at having been duly granted the undersign: 4 life history te brothers and sisters hich ” di dibl h ver h . Mo igh speed, and 1ncCredi e smoothness oO roug ed, all perssns knowing themselves In : & , on > istory of oir lives, | f n r A Ey ry a roads astound evetyone who takes the wheel! debted to the estate are requested to make Again Improvea RY Again Improved from Pr wat n s will tell the ry : : immediate payment, and those having I I as Ne ie pi Dungy li And the Victory lines are superb! Low, smart and claims against the same to present thems ork. individual—with appointments and color effects duly suthoeticated for settlement. breeding work i tha vie in smartness with the cosdliest or wmmoiouew. aan. | Sedan, $570 -- Roadster, of Centre FOR SALE Property known as the — Herlacher property. in Centre Hall EXROUTOR'S NOTIOR. Co h $495 C 085 For particulars consult Oyras Brun. S In the Estate of REBECCA RICH ac 3 -— oupe, gart, or write to Mrs. Geo, M. all, > “ov Hall borough, 928 Miff¥n Street, Huntingdon, Pa. o2 ARD, le of Centre Ha aun (f. O. b. Flint, Mich.) I . RR 4 DOOR SEDAN. PF. O.B. DETROIT Leiters testamentary eon above eatate SOS ZA UT. S———————— having ban duly granted the wndersign: 107-in. Wheelbase--longest wheelbase for money. ed, all persons knowing themselves In. debted to the estate are requested to make MACHINE SHOP immediate payment, and those having 4-wheel Brakes. ’ jal inst th t mt then y sas WHERE 18 DOXE ON'SHORT Hosterman’s Garage Eh a Th Other Superior Qualities. Let us demonstrate. CENTRE HALL, PENNA. CYRUS BRUNGART, Executor, ACETYLENE WELDING 08 Centre Hall, Pa. eI \ ICTORY SIX | “Asy.svam || FETTEROLF'S GARAGE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Ww. A. HENN EY LINDEN HALL, PA. Ral Phone CENTRE HALL CENTRE HALL, PA, DODGE BROTHERS, INC. Legal business promptly attended to. aR Bell Phone 1313 12¢¢ THE SENIOR SIX AND AMERICA'S FASTEST FOUR ALSO ON DISPLAY tates, Special attention glven to settling es ’ " TUNE IN FOR DODGE BROTHERS PROGRAM EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT, sto Toads. Mortgages and Wills written ARTEL JR . : . J a $130 (Eastern Standard Time)-=Nationnl Broadoasting Company Red Network, with care.